
A Cut Above vs SuperbCert

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Dec 19, 2001
SuperbCert seems to be somewha critical of some Hearts & Arrows manufacturers.
Is SuperbCert's criteria even more stringent than A Cut Above's criteria and how would A Cut Above diamonds in general perform on the BrillianceScope?:confused:

Superbcert may seem critical of others, but each diamond company wants to promote its own product. All hearts and arrows diamonds were developed as an attempt to imitate Eightstar diamonds so everything is relative. (Disclaimer-I am an Eightstar owner and fan).

As far as the Brilliancescope goes, it is a sales tool but has not been independently proven to be especially accurate in what it measures and has a +/- 5% accuracy disclaimer with each run from the manufacturer.

If you are interested in the A Cut Above stones, ask them your questions by going to

Look at the stones in person if you can and compare them to decide what you prefer.

Happy shopping :)) (like your name, BTW)
Lawmax, even if I'd spend whole day typing it I won't be able get even closer in the quality - you know what I mean, don't you? :appl:
LOL Leonid...I know what you mean. :)

Meanwhile, teach me how to get the links to work properly now!

Oh, why do I have such a bad haircut in that picture? ;)
Meanwhile, teach me how to get the links to work properly now!

Oh, why do I have such a bad haircut in that picture? ;)

To make links working you have to add an address in the code:

I put blank spaces into the brackets so you can see it.

When you type a new post check out "Ideal BB Code Overview" link just below the edit box.

As for picture, chose another one for your profile or email me any other you want to be associated with you.

This one was the only one with red hair :cheeky: [/u]
Thanks..I read the instructions but still managed to mess it up so I gave up.

BTW...your picture looks just like you. :cheeky:
BTW...your picture looks just like you. :cheeky:

I wish it would... :bigsmile:
I'm sorry we didn't get here faster to answer your question, but we have been swamped with the Xmas rush.

Let me try and answer your question.

Firstly, Lawmax, A CUT ABOVE diamonds were never cut to try to imitate or surpass 8*. The criteria are totally different. Unlike 8*, ACA always receive AGS000 or GIA ex ex. Whilst 8* focuses on the arrows, the cutters of ACA focus on the both the arrows and the HEART pattern, as it is the consistency of the heart pattern that drives light return. I don't believe that 8* are sold as Hearts and Arrows diamonds.

A CUT ABOVE were the first branded H & A diamonds that were sold online - they set the standards that other have tried to attain. If you would like to see some of the BScopes for ACA please contact us directly and we will be more than happy to e-mail you the results - they are astounding!

Friends, :wavey:

As a personal favor I ask you to play nice
I'm sorry if I am offending anyone with my posts. I am just trying to give a different perspective to consumers trying to learn.

Happy Holidays to all and I wish you a healthy, happy and prosperous new year. :)
On 12/23/2001 3:43:47 PM

I'm sorry we didn't get here faster to answer your question, but we have been swamped with the Xmas rush.

Let me try and answer your question.

Firstly, Lawmax, A CUT ABOVE diamonds were never cut to try to imitate or surpass 8*. The criteria are totally different. Unlike 8*, ACA always receive AGS000 or GIA ex ex. Whilst 8* focuses on the arrows, the cutters of ACA focus on the both the arrows and the HEART pattern, as it is the consistency of the heart pattern that drives light return. I don't believe that 8* are sold as Hearts and Arrows diamonds.

A CUT ABOVE were the first branded H & A diamonds that were sold online - they set the standards that other have tried to attain. If you would like to see some of the BScopes for ACA please contact us directly and we will be more than happy to e-mail you the results - they are astounding!


Hi Lesley

It is true that 8* does not consider itself to be a hearts and arrows diamond. 8* does not cut to external proportions and is not concerned with 2 dimensional cutting. 8* cuts for perfect optical symmetry with the aid of the Firescope. Although most 8*s probably are AGS 0s, that system has been shown to be less than "ideal". Now AGS will start working on the grading of cut with the help of EightStar. Since they are starting with fancy cuts, we'll all have to wait for the new grading of rounds.

EightStar also does not cut especially to achieve excellent/excellent symmetry and polish grades from GIA. You can see in the image below that the grading of meet-point faceting as is the current standard (vs. the grading of optical symmetry) can lead to a diamond receiving an excellent symmetry grade that has more light leakage than a diamond that receives a very good grade. (The white in the image is light leakage.)


I think these things are important for consumers to know, since they often pay for excellent/excellent, thinking this is always the ultimate. I've been taught also that it is near impossible for even experts to tell the difference between excellent and very good or even good polish with the naked eye. It would be a mistake for 8* to ruin perfect optical symmetry and thus light return in order to receive a somewhat meaningless "excellent" polish grade.

All that being said, I have seen A Cut Above diamonds and they are very beautiful. 8*s have a different look and are rare-the choice of diamond cut is a matter of personal preference. I think consumers should compare diamonds, especially in dim lighting and choose what works for them. :)
:love: I completed my purchase with the setting-and here is a photo I took after it was set. The experience was quite painless, except waiting for Fedex to find the package!

I would recommend to anyone that asks. My fiancee was quite pleased with the ring!


congratulation, gr8foolishness!
that's a very nice picture btw.
I'm shopping around for an e-ring now, and have been considering WF.
is that an ACA diamond?
You realize, don't you, that this thread is two and a half years old? It's unlikely that most of the original posters will ever see your question.

Please, please, PLEASE check the dates of the posts before replying. It doesn't serve anyone to be replying to a post that's ancient!
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