
99.2% of recent US Covid deaths were unvaccinated people


May 13, 2018
Individual health conditions vary, and response to vaccines vary from individual to individual. I'm not going to judge or condemn people who don't take the vaccine as there are legitimate reasons not to do so. I just think individual responses here do not and cannot represent larger populations, and no amount of detail on individual trauma or bad experience with vaccines changes statistics that, for the majority of the population, vaccines are safer than the alternative, when it comes to COVID.

I was personally a bit hesitant when I saw some members of the medical community not take the vaccine when one was made available to them early in the year. My dad was also a victim, in the sense that he contracted polio from the polio vaccine. Personal suffering is personal suffering. Yet my dad will be the last person to tell people not to take the polio vaccine, since he is in a very small minority, and the vast majority have benefitted.

There's risks to everything in life. If you would rather deal with risks you feel like you can control, versus a risk you would have no control over (such as vaccine response), that's OK. That's understandable. I would even support you.

However, it is certainly true that the more the virus is transmitted, the more variants it develops. It is true that too many individuals not taking the vaccine leads to a more prolonged pandemic. It is true that the vast majority of recent COVID deaths in the US were unvaccinated people.

Just don't try to deny plain facts, especially not using secondhand information you cannot reproduce.


Sep 24, 2011
Because the advisory we’ve read is that the vaccine is safe for people with heart conditions?

Again, totally understand if your doctor has advised against it - every individual’s condition differs, but otherwise, it’s still the odds of dying from vaccination vs dying from covid, and the latter is the higher chance.

I would like to add that 'heart murmur' really refers to a noise (whooshing) that your heart makes. In itself that is not a diagnosis, although many people call their underlying issue that causes the noise a heart murmur.
In my case I have Mitral Valve Prolapse (but some people would call it a heart murmur) and there is no medical reason I should not get vaccinated. Here's what the American Heart Association says:

'In particular, people with cardiovascular risk factors, heart disease, and heart attack and stroke survivors should get vaccinated as soon as possible because they are at much greater risk from the virus than they are from the vaccine.”

Diamond Girl 21

Jun 26, 2017
Individual health conditions vary, and response to vaccines vary from individual to individual. I'm not going to judge or condemn people who don't take the vaccine as there are legitimate reasons not to do so. I just think individual responses here do not and cannot represent larger populations, and no amount of detail on individual trauma or bad experience with vaccines changes statistics that, for the majority of the population, vaccines are safer than the alternative, when it comes to COVID.

I was personally a bit hesitant when I saw some members of the medical community not take the vaccine when one was made available to them early in the year. My dad was also a victim, in the sense that he contracted polio from the polio vaccine. Personal suffering is personal suffering. Yet my dad will be the last person to tell people not to take the polio vaccine, since he is in a very small minority, and the vast majority have benefitted.

There's risks to everything in life. If you would rather deal with risks you feel like you can control, versus a risk you would have no control over (such as vaccine response), that's OK. That's understandable. I would even support you.

However, it is certainly true that the more the virus is transmitted, the more variants it develops. It is true that too many individuals not taking the vaccine leads to a more prolonged pandemic. It is true that the vast majority of recent COVID deaths in the US were unvaccinated people.

Just don't try to deny plain facts, especially not using secondhand information you cannot reproduce.

I agree. I hope it wasn't me you were referring to when you said "Just don't try to deny plain facts, especially not using secondhand information you cannot reproduce." What exactly are you referring to? For what it's worth, if you like, you can check out Dr. Charles Simone. He's just one of the doctors who has some concerns about side effects, etc. This is NOT to say that I believe people should not be vaccinated, but everyone needs to make an informed decision for themselves.


@Queenie60 your fear is irrational. It's an emotional response.

I also had fear (related to what will happen to my baby if I get pregnant) earlier this year about what would happen, and my fears were related specifically to adenovirus-based vaccines like J&J. But, I became reassured once I did enough research.

Since you already have gotten COVID, then I believe that you getting the vaccine would be only incrementally beneficial to you, instead of critically beneficial, as for someone who never got the disease. And given the stronger side effects, for people who already have antibodies for COVID, it just so happens that for you, the incremental benefit is not worth taking it.

However, you'd be doing a great disservice to those who haven't gotten the disease, if you're trying to persuade on the basis of fear or misinformation. That is called fear mongering, and I saw this happen in politics, where people believe in outright lies passed onto them by media, and other loved ones who unwittingly believe in these lies.

The thing is, things like fear and belief, which are strong emotional responses, make people shut down the conversation because it makes people less open-minded. I really wish you and Dancing Fire and Musia would stop encouraging your mutual fears. As I've mentioned before, there's a fine line between having a healthy dose of skepticism about your government, and then there's paranoia.

Gee. Glad you understand my feelings and fears better than I. And to clarify, I don’t preach fear to others who are on the fence about getting the “vaccine”. I respect everyone’s decision. I simply find it to be quite harsh for people to have such extreme judgments towards others who don’t wish to take the jab. And read Kenny’s original post. His accusations are harsh and uncalled for. Again, the PS know it all’s are here to lash out at all of us with different opinions. And to pick apart my comments for the purpose of bashing my character. A bit like the CCP and the soviets. This is all I have to say. Not paranoid at all just have strong beliefs, I think I’m allowed an opinion for now at least. I’m bowing out as I do not wish to continue entertaining those of you who know it all and damned a difference of opinion

Diamond Girl 21

Jun 26, 2017
Gee. Glad you understand my feelings and fears better than I. And to clarify, I don’t preach fear to others who are on the fence about getting the “vaccine”. I respect everyone’s decision. I simply find it to be quite harsh for people to have such extreme judgments towards others who don’t wish to take the jab. And read Kenny’s original post. His accusations are harsh and uncalled for. Again, the PS know it all’s are here to lash out at all of us with different opinions. And to pick apart my comments for the purpose of bashing my character. A bit like the CCP and the soviets. This is all I have to say. Not paranoid at all just have strong beliefs, I think I’m allowed an opinion for now at least. I’m bowing out as I do not wish to continue entertaining those of you who know it all and damned a difference of opinion

Sorry @Queenie60. I understand what you are going through, and wish you health and wellbeing.


Jun 23, 2005
People do have varying opinions and reasons.

I accept that but I do feel that the unvaccinated are relying on the vaccinated to help protect them. I was very happy to get the vaccine for myself and to help stop the spread. However, if there is risk to be had from the vaccine, is it fair for the majority to take the risk for the rest? This new variant really scares me both for its rapid spread and worsened symptoms. I have listened to a few people on the news that contracted COVID, became very ill and said if they had it to do again they would have certainly taken the shot and their chances. I have spoken to many people about this and honestly have known no one that was advised by their physician not to get the vaccine. Doesn’t mean it hasn’t happened - I just personally don’t know of anyone that was advised against it. This was a global pandemic and governments had to be heavily involved in making and distributing the vaccine. No one company, country or entity could have undertaken such a project alone. If the govt. included a microchip or whatever in mine as other people I know have claimed, they won’t get much out of trailing around behind my life - lol!

I will always advocate for the exchange of ideas between people. None of us can know it all and there is always something to be learned from sharing.

I wish everyone well in their decisions about the vaccine and their continued good health!

Dancing Fire

Apr 3, 2004
Had I listen to the PSers here I would had miss 1.5 yr of playing with our grandkids. I survived the HK flu in 1968 and I will survive this virus. My life will go on with or without Covid.

Diamond Girl 21

Jun 26, 2017
People do have varying opinions and reasons.

I accept that but I do feel that the unvaccinated are relying on the vaccinated to help protect them. I was very happy to get the vaccine for myself and to help stop the spread. However, if there is risk to be had from the vaccine, is it fair for the majority to take the risk for the rest? This new variant really scares me both for its rapid spread and worsened symptoms. I have listened to a few people on the news that contracted COVID, became very ill and said if they had it to do again they would have certainly taken the shot and their chances. I have spoken to many people about this and honestly have known no one that was advised by their physician not to get the vaccine. Doesn’t mean it hasn’t happened - I just personally don’t know of anyone that was advised against it. This was a global pandemic and governments had to be heavily involved in making and distributing the vaccine. No one company, country or entity could have undertaken such a project alone. If the govt. included a microchip or whatever in mine as other people I know have claimed, they won’t get much out of trailing around behind my life - lol!

I will always advocate for the exchange of ideas between people. None of us can know it all and there is always something to be learned from sharing.

I wish everyone well in their decisions about the vaccine and their continued good health!

Well, you don't know me personally, but I was advised not to take it now because of certain health issues. That being said, I literally only go out to doctors appointments, and of course practice social distancing and wear a mask. That's it....literally.

I also feel more at risk by people who have been vaccinated and think they cannot get the virus. They can get it and can spread it. I was at an appointment recently where someone was put out by the requirement to mask because he's vaccinated. That's incredibly selfish in my opinion.

Here's the deal, if and when I get vaccinated, I will still wear a mask and continue to social distance.

I care about people....vaccinated and unvaccinated alike.


May 13, 2018
I agree. I hope it wasn't me you were referring to when you said "Just don't try to deny plain facts, especially not using secondhand information you cannot reproduce." What exactly are you referring to? For what it's worth, if you like, you can check out Dr. Charles Simone. He's just one of the doctors who has some concerns about side effects, etc. This is NOT to say that I believe people should not be vaccinated, but [BOLD] everyone needs to make an informed decision for themselves.[/BOLD]
Don't worry, I wasn't referring to you, and I was thinking about people at large and not particular members. I 100% agree with the bolded section, no matter if the rational informed decision is for or against the vaccine.

Gee. Glad you understand my feelings and fears better than I. And to clarify, I don’t preach fear to others who are on the fence about getting the “vaccine”. I respect everyone’s decision. I simply find it to be quite harsh for people to have such extreme judgments towards others who don’t wish to take the jab. And read Kenny’s original post. His accusations are harsh and uncalled for. Again, the PS know it all’s are here to lash out at all of us with different opinions. And to pick apart my comments for the purpose of bashing my character. A bit like the CCP and the soviets. This is all I have to say. Not paranoid at all just have strong beliefs, I think I’m allowed an opinion for now at least. I’m bowing out as I do not wish to continue entertaining those of you who know it all and damned a difference of opinion

Queenie, I'm sorry I did not word that post with proper sensitivity. I do find Kenny's response quite immature and harsh. I was not trying to lash out, nor did I see my or other PS responses to your posts as purposefully bashing your character. We certainly do have differences of opinion, and you're more than entitled to having your own.

What I did see, and was trying to address in that post, is pointing out how it's easy to be influenced by fear rather than reason, and you'll see that immediately after saying that fear is an emotional response, my next statement was sharing that I had fear, too, which I eventually overcame.

I was actually reacting to what I saw as an inundation of responses against the vaccine that were based on emotional appeal, but personal anecdotes are not really representative of the world at large. To see past your immediate experience, you need to see data, to make an informed opinion about society and about public policy. I see repeated strong assertions of skepticism of government and big pharma as paranoia, because while your doctor has advised you against the vaccine, other private healthcare providers, not just government and big pharma, have advised others to take the vaccine. It's not only government, big pharma, and ignorant masses who are advocating for the COVID vaccines or vaccines in general.

Of course, you don't need data to make a personal health decision. But what's best for you, isn't necessarily what's best for other people.

I absolutely support your decision not to take the jab, as you say. It's not right for people to react like Kenny did with extreme judgment. Most people here (I think) are not judging your decision not to take the shot. I saw more posts wanting to clarify the facts and statistics, because that's what they (including myself) are convinced by... I didn't mean it personally. None of what I've said has anything to do with understanding your feelings or fears. Quite the opposite. Regardless of what you or anyone else feels or fears, I'm setting those aside because I'm only basing my opinion on data and what I know about medicine and biology. We can agree to disagree on how accurate or relevant or biased the data is.

It seems to me that if you take all these comments as a personal attack, then that is way too much to bear.

Nonetheless, it's difficult sometimes to read others' tone online, and I'm truly, truly sorry if what I said has hurt you.
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Jun 23, 2005
Well, you don't know me personally, but I was advised not to take it now because of certain health issues. That being said, I literally only go out to doctors appointments, and of course practice social distancing and wear a mask. That's it....literally.

I also feel more at risk by people who have been vaccinated and think they cannot get the virus. They can get it and can spread it. I was at an appointment recently where someone was put out by the requirement to mask because he's vaccinated. That's incredibly selfish in my opinion.

Here's the deal, if and when I get vaccinated, I will still wear a mask and continue to social distance.

I care about people....vaccinated and unvaccinated alike.

I understand your point. Being out and about now I see almost no one wearing masks. No way to know who is or is not vaccinated. I do think there is a certain danger in this as we start to mingle again. However, I do not want to have to wear a mask forever - hence part of the reason for vaccination. In my state in the last few weeks, the only people to contract COVID were those that were not vaccinated. That helps to prove to me that the vaccine works a great majority of the time. For me there is always truth in numbers. I just didn’t want to live my life the way I had been for the last year or so.
I am sorry that your physician advised you against the vaccine. That really is a quandary and I certainly wish you well. Masking is really a must for you and I still carry mine with me. If a business asks me to wear one, I will surely comply. Likewise if I were to find myself in a large crowd, I might still feel safer with a mask. It is hard to remember all of those folks on ventilators in the early days of the pandemic and the families that just had to wait from afar. I am so grateful that my family didn’t experience that first hand but it did make me eager for the possibility of a vaccine. You do what you can to mitigate the risks and the rest will just be the rest. It is hard to unlearn the fear of our experience with COVID. Like anything else, I guess with time you develop more confidence. I surely hope so because it was not a good way to live.
I wish you all the best and hope you stay safe and well!!


Jun 23, 2005
Had I listen to the PSers here I would had miss 1.5 yr of playing with our grandkids. I survived the HK flu in 1968 and I will survive this virus. My life will go on with or without Covid.

DF that was 53 years ago! We were just kids back then. I doubt my body would handle a serious illness now the way it did back then.

At any rate, I wish you and your family all the best as we hopefully move further away from this pandemic. We all have freedom of choice and we just hope that we make the best choices for ourselves.


Jul 31, 2014
Honestly, this thread (like many political threads or threads about similar topics) isnt going to change anyone's mind. If anyone continues to refuse the vaccine (note I said refuse, not people who arent able to get it) despite all of the actual peer reviewed science, and yet continues to believe random fear mongering, then a thread online isnt going to change their mind. Anecdotal evidence isnt science, and it never will be, but obviously there are folks who refuse to acknowledge that.


Sep 13, 2019
Because the advisory we’ve read is that the vaccine is safe for people with heart conditions?

Again, totally understand if your doctor has advised against it - every individual’s condition differs, but otherwise, it’s still the odds of dying from vaccination vs dying from covid, and the latter is the higher chance.

Being immunocompromised alone doesn’t mean that vaccines still aren’t a safer option. It depends on what your individual practitioners say. I wouldn’t however give in to fear over medical advice.

I know two people with stage 4 lung cancer, one who died recently (from cancer, not COVID-19), who were vaccinated as the risk of the virus was much higher. Especially as they were shuttling in and out of hospitals, it made sense. They were obviously watched closely.

@Elizabeth35 your comments are interesting regarding heart murmurs too.

My father has congestive heart failure, liver failure, and it was still recommended that he take both rounds of Pfizer as the virus itself would surely do more damage and possibly kill him.

He lives in a staunchly conservative state. It’s hard to parse out whether people are fearful, versus what medical practitioners are actually recommending. Of course it is very scary when you are already unhealthy to expose yourself to more risk, however it’s a balancing act.

To me, regaining control with LESS risk is more reassuring than the unknowns. I was prepared for my fathers doctors to tell him not get vaccinated and would’ve deferred to them 100%. But boy, I was relieved when it happened, even though he was moderately sick after. Better than getting a surprise phone call that he had died…I was terrified for him!
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Don't worry, I wasn't referring to you, and I was thinking about people at large and not particular members. I 100% agree with the bolded section, no matter if the rational informed decision is for or against the vaccine.

Queenie, I'm sorry I did not word that post with proper sensitivity. I do find Kenny's response quite immature and harsh. I was not trying to lash out, nor did I see my or other PS responses to your posts as purposefully bashing your character. We certainly do have differences of opinion, and you're more than entitled to having your own.

What I did see, and was trying to address in that post, is pointing out how it's easy to be influenced by fear rather than reason, and you'll see that immediately after saying that fear is an emotional response, my next statement was sharing that I had fear, too, which I eventually overcame.

I was actually reacting to what I saw as an inundation of responses against the vaccine that were based on emotional appeal, but personal anecdotes are not really representative of the world at large. To see past your immediate experience, you need to see data, to make an informed opinion about society and about public policy. I see repeated strong assertions of skepticism of government and big pharma as paranoia, because while your doctor has advised you against the vaccine, other private healthcare providers, not just government and big pharma, have advised others to take the vaccine. It's not only government, big pharma, and ignorant masses who are advocating for the COVID vaccines or vaccines in general.

Of course, you don't need data to make a personal health decision. But what's best for you, isn't necessarily what's best for other people.

I absolutely support your decision not to take the jab, as you say. It's not right for people to react like Kenny did with extreme judgment. Most people here (I think) are not judging your decision not to take the shot. I saw more posts wanting to clarify the facts and statistics, because that's what they (including myself) are convinced by... I didn't mean it personally. None of what I've said has anything to do with understanding your feelings or fears. Quite the opposite. Regardless of what you or anyone else feels or fears, I'm setting those aside because I'm only basing my opinion on data and what I know about medicine and biology. We can agree to disagree on how accurate or relevant or biased the data is.

It seems to me that if you take all these comments as a personal attack, then that is way too much to bear.

Nonetheless, it's difficult sometimes to read others' tone online, and I'm truly, truly sorry if what I said has hurt you.

Thank you


Jan 27, 2008
It's behind a paywall but new article from New York Times that talks about why the delta variant is so much more infectious and how well natural immunity and vaccines hold up. Sounds like the assessment is that one vaccine dose or a prior infection doesn’t do much to prevent infection from this variant but two doses still work well.



Mar 22, 2017
I understand your point. Being out and about now I see almost no one wearing masks. No way to know who is or is not vaccinated. I do think there is a certain danger in this as we start to mingle again. However, I do not want to have to wear a mask forever - hence part of the reason for vaccination. In my state in the last few weeks, the only people to contract COVID were those that were not vaccinated. That helps to prove to me that the vaccine works a great majority of the time. For me there is always truth in numbers. I just didn’t want to live my life the way I had been for the last year or so.
I am sorry that your physician advised you against the vaccine. That really is a quandary and I certainly wish you well. Masking is really a must for you and I still carry mine with me. If a business asks me to wear one, I will surely comply. Likewise if I were to find myself in a large crowd, I might still feel safer with a mask. It is hard to remember all of those folks on ventilators in the early days of the pandemic and the families that just had to wait from afar. I am so grateful that my family didn’t experience that first hand but it did make me eager for the possibility of a vaccine. You do what you can to mitigate the risks and the rest will just be the rest. It is hard to unlearn the fear of our experience with COVID. Like anything else, I guess with time you develop more confidence. I surely hope so because it was not a good way to live.
I wish you all the best and hope you stay safe and well!!

I totally get where you're coming from on wanting to be rid of the masks, but I would strongly suggest you consider continuing to routinely wear them indoors and in crowds outdoors - unless of course you're with a small group that you know for sure are vaccinated as well. Studies are indicating that, due to the greatly increased transmissibility as well as increased severity of the Delta variant, vaccinated people are getting it and passing it to others much more readily than prior strains, even if they are still fairly decently protected themselves against hospitalization and death. The vaccines are definitely less effective against it, and if you should pass it on to even a fully-vaccinated person who is elderly or immune-compromised, it could kill them.

I sense your frustration at wanting life to look different and being concerned that you'll be stuck in a mask forever - I really do get that! - but I don't think we're there yet, and I wouldn't trust businesses to do the right thing and to return to requiring masks even if the epidemiology of what's happening necessitates it - it's just become too politicized and businesses are too afraid of harassment and losing customers. I honestly think that, even if we get major surges with the Delta variant (which I think we will), there won't be any major push by the CDC, local or state governments, or businesses to require masks - it will be left up to individuals to choose to, despite what the hospitals look like. It's too politicized and too many people are "over it." Rest assured, I really don't think you'll be stuck in a mask forever! I think over time more people will get vaccinated and there will be a time when you won't need it the overwhelming majority of the time, but I don't think we're there yet, and we need to hang in there a little longer - in fact, I think the more people continue to wear masks for now, the sooner we'll all get to the point that they're not necessary.


Aug 14, 2009
I’m so sorry @MrsBlue. I don’t recall if you shared this on PS before - I apologize for missing it, if you did. I’m so very sorry for your losses, so many loved ones. I’m sending you all the healing thoughts I can.


Jan 30, 2013
I’m so sorry @MrsBlue. I don’t recall if you shared this on PS before - I apologize for missing it, if you did. I’m so very sorry for your losses, so many loved ones. I’m sending you all the healing thoughts I can.

Thank you, @yssie. Your kind words are very much appreciated.

I feel like I have a tangled mess of wires where my heart used to be. Oddly detached, tangled up, and sparking at random.

Daisys and Diamonds

Apr 30, 2019
Thanks Kenny for saving my life. I love you, without the PS liberals we all be dead by now.

Your so naughty i just love you DF:lol-2:

sorry Kenny to get off topic :wink2: but i saw this add for insurence on tv and i couldn't help but wonder if DF had inspired it


Daisys and Diamonds

Apr 30, 2019
My point is...your not as protected as you might think.

But the more people vacinated the more protected we collectively will be
i have pinched this from my other forum
This was posted by my freind in Chicago

A friend of mine who's fully vaccinated, Pfizer, caught Covid
He went to Disneyworld in Floriduh. He said everyone was maskless so he took a chance and didn't wear his, and he lost. He came home Sunday and 2 days later he had a bad cold. Went to doctor and tested positive. He says he feels better today and it's like having a horrible cold. But before he had symptoms he was at the grocery store and who knows where else. He could've caught it on the plane. Mostly likely the Delta variant because symptoms show up within a couple of days and first, sometimes only, symptoms are like having a bad cold.


May 15, 2014
I would never want someone to be vaccinated if their physician told them they should not. Nor would I try to make someone who just didn't want to be vaccinated for whatever reason (fear, political, etc) change their mind. But I would hope that those that were not vaccinated would not go out and about without masks and I know that many are. With the Delta variant, it's probably wise for everyone to continue to wear masks if they are indoors or in crowds. But I think those that are not vaccinated, for whatever reason, should perhaps be mindful of the fact that choosing not to be vaccinated may mean that they need to restrict their activities a bit more than those that are vaccinated. Once the mask mandate was lifted, I did not feel that I could rely on the honor system because I knew unvaccinated people who stopped wearing their masks when they were advised that they should, and I always wonder if the person next to me with no mask is vaccinated or not. I'm vaccinated, but continue to wear a mask if I go indoors. period. The goal should be herd immunity and I'll do whatever I can to contribute to that.
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Daisys and Diamonds

Apr 30, 2019
I have an irrational fear of needles but my sleeve is rolled up and waiting
Can not say more due to the political gag on PS but let me just say inless one lives in Auckland the vacination roll our in NZ is unacceptably slow and pathetic and is putting our health and our economy at great risk


May 15, 2014
I have an irrational fear of needles but my sleeve is rolled up and waiting
Can not say more due to the political gag on PS but let me just say inless one lives in Auckland the vacination roll our in NZ is unacceptably slow and pathetic and is putting our health and our economy at great risk

I'm really sorry to hear that. I understand why you would want those of us in countries with excess vaccines should distribute them to countries who do not have enough. I agree with you. I wonder how many vaccine doses in the U.S. are going to waste because of vaccine hesitancy. I think it's a shame.


Aug 16, 2007
Just throwing this out there, DHs boss has had COVID TWICE. Once in the beginning, and once three months ago. The first time she recovered with minimal symptoms. She only knew she had it from having an antibody test and connecting the dots. The second time she was notably symptomatic (caught it from someone else in the office). For the second round she describes it as feeling like "someone is standing on her chest". She is still not back to normal, and still refuses to be vaccinated.


May 15, 2014
Just throwing this out there, DHs boss has had COVID TWICE. Once in the beginning, and once three months ago. The first time she recovered with minimal symptoms. She only knew she had it from having an antibody test and connecting the dots. The second time she was notably symptomatic (caught it from someone else in the office). For the second round she describes it as feeling like "someone is standing on her chest". She is still not back to normal, and still refuses to be vaccinated.

Does she think that the third time will "be the charm"?


Jun 7, 2014
@YadaYadaYada, I’ve read your posts for years and completely understand your reasons for not getting the vaccine. For what it’s worth if I were in your shoes I would feel as you do.

I’ve been vaccinated and will continue wearing a mask in all stores. I would do anything to help get us to herd immunity. Wearing a mask hasn’t bothered me at all and in no way would I ever feel like I’m giving up my freedoms when it comes to protecting other people from possibly losing their or a loved one’s life.


Apr 11, 2011
Sigh. I'm just done dealing with COVID form the healthcare side. I'm completely out of sympathy for those who decline vaccination (without a medical reason) and come down with it. If they know best, let them fend for themselves. Don't make me put myself, my family, and my 31 week pregnancy at risk for people who obviously don't have one unselfish bone in their body. As a family we have abided by every COVID guideline (and more - husband and I continue to mask even though we are vaccinated) . I finally felt a little freedom when husband was vaccinated and masks were still commonplace but now we are, once again, staying home because people can't be trusted.


Jun 8, 2008
But I would hope that those that were not vaccinated would not go out and about without masks and I know that many are. With the Delta variant, it's probably wise for everyone to continue to wear masks if they are indoors or in crowds. But I think those that are not vaccinated, for whatever reason, should perhaps be mindful of the fact that choosing not to be vaccinated may mean that they need to restrict their activities a bit more than those that are vaccinated

It was unfortunate IMO the mask mandate was lifted. Many people cannot be trusted and I am 100% certain there are unvaccinated people who are out and about who are not wearing masks. The level of pure selfishness is unfathomable. Again, if medically advised one shouldn't get the vaccine I support you not getting the vaccine. But my goodness, please wear a mask and limit your activities in public. It is the right thing, the decent thing, to do.

Honestly, this thread (like many political threads or threads about similar topics) isnt going to change anyone's mind. If anyone continues to refuse the vaccine (note I said refuse, not people who arent able to get it) despite all of the actual peer reviewed science, and yet continues to believe random fear mongering, then a thread online isnt going to change their mind. Anecdotal evidence isnt science, and it never will be, but obviously there are folks who refuse to acknowledge that.

Yes, I agree with you. I continue to share info and facts however just in case there are open minded people reading in silence. Not the vocal people who have their minds made up but more so for those who read along silently.

I believe, for the most part, time will prove a good teacher and more and more people will get vaccinated when they see what is happening and I am hoping hard it won't be too late. Until we reach a high percentage of people who are vaccinated we are at risk. Our loved ones are at risk and those with serious health issues are at great risk. It is for these reasons anyone who can get vaccinated does get vaccinated.

There is no conspiracy theory at play here. There is no nefarious intent. It is just good hard scientific evidence showing the vaccines are safe and our best bet for overcoming this pandemic. And there won't be an end to the pandemic until most of us are vaccinated.

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