
4 prong or 6 prong for Low Colored Stone in WG


Dec 21, 2015
I just purchased a diamond with these specs:

SHAPE: Round
CUT: Excellent
POLISH: Excellent
SYMMETRY: Excellent
L/W/D (MM): 7.52*7.48*4.50

L/W RATIO: 1.01
DEPTH %: 60.10
TABLE %: 56.00
CROWN ∠: 33.00
CROWN %: 14.50
PAVILION ∠: 40.80

PAVILION %: 43.00

I am going to be putting the diamond in a white gold setting with side "i color" diamonds. I have 3 questions:

1) Because the diamond will have a faint yellow color, I remember reading somewhere that with WG or Platinum prongs, the diamond will reflect that color, in turn hindering the faint yellow color. If that theory holds true, does anyone know what type of head would work best, white gold or Platinum?

2) Would a 6 prong work better than a 4 prong? My assumption is that it would hide the side view of it a little more and make it reflect more of the white gold color.

3) The sales person told me a 6 prong head will make the diamond appear more round and bigger, is this true? If so, would that take away from the brilliance and fire of the stone?

Your stone sounds absolutely wonderful!

Im sorry i have to be the first one to reply but hopefully others will join in. When I was looking at a J colored stone I was going through the same dilemma and reading up a lot about WG vs yellow gold settings. I read the same thing you did, that white gold reflects on the diamonds making it look slightly brighter. But then, ugh, I read a few pages on the internet that said the opposite. I really don't know what to tell you. Lol

I can say I'm a huge fan of four prong. I don't necessarily like six prong. My new diamond has an 8 prong and I absolutely love it! I do feel it enhances my diamond size. A little more unique than 6 prong. Doesn't square off the diamond like a four prong.

If you do Google, I think you can see some picture that somebody drew up with a four prong versus a six prong and it does give an illusion of the stone being bigger. Some may possibly argue that it blocks more light with 6?

I guess overall I have been no help. Lol.

I'm going to have to say that I do think a six prong will enhance the diamond. But, I do feel personal preference has to come into play. I would pick a four prong over six prong any day. Some say that 4 breaks up the circular feature of the round diamond, and there is truth to that.

I wear white gold so there's no way on earth I would ever go with a yellow gold setting. However, i fully understand the questioning. Hopefully others will comment! Intetesting topic!

Shew! I think I said a bunch of nothing!
The idea is for the prongs is to be invisible, so white gold or platinum will be fine. I prefer the whole ring made in platinum. Rose gold prongs can be used to enhance the color of pink diamonds and yellow gold can be used to enhance the color of yellow diamonds. K is not yellow or pink, so your best bet is white metal prongs. White metal won't affect the color of the stone.

You mention side stones, so is this a three stone ring? If it is, three stone rings more often have 4 prongs per stone. But if it is a solitaire, then I personally prefer 6 prongs. I have had 4 prongs before and I think it is a myth that 6 prongs make the diamond look bigger. However, I like that 6 prongs protects the girdle of the diamond more than 4.

No, 6 prongs certainly does not interfere with the performance of the stone unless they are really poorly done!
Good info DS!
6 prong directly alongside a 4 prong here - one in yellow gold, one platinum.

The stone on the right is 1.54 ct, the one on the left is 1.23 ct. Might be of some help. Both perform very well.
Here is another discussion on prong numbers w a helpful pic. Same diamond in 4 prong, then 6.

**edited by moderator, no links to other blogs or forums please**

Just to toss it out is a pic&thread from PS from a discussion on 8 prong earrings. Your center is a 1.5 ct. Great size! :) I think it could handle 8 prongs. Eight prongs is a lot of metal but they would be thinner than 6 prongs, and of course much thinner than 4. Wanted to be fair and mention 8 :). My new setting has 8. I think it makes it look larger? IDK.


Maybe more thinner prongs in WG/plat would blend better w your center bc thinner? Not sure. Just thinking out loud.

One more additional comment. My new ring is platinum which is my first time ever owning platinum anything. When I hold my ring up to my white gold settings there definitely is a difference in the color of. WG has a slight (slight) "golden" vs white platinum. When I was creating the setting and discussing using platinum, the vendor said "H" is ok w/ platinum. Anything lower he would suggest white gold. Wondering if white gold would be a better choice for you than platinum given this comment (?). If you desire a YG ring, I do believe most of the time they make the heads in WG or plat on YG rings. Not 100% sure on that but I do believe there is truth. Maybe WG is also stronger than yellow which could be another reason besides reflection.

Pic is interesting below if nothing else.

cinnamonstick|1451482258|3968376 said:
Just to toss it out is a pic&thread from PS from a discussion on 8 prong earrings. Your center is a 1.5 ct. Great size! :) I think it could handle 8 prongs. Eight prongs is a lot of metal but they would be thinner than 6 prongs, and of course much thinner than 4. Wanted to be fair and mention 8 :). My new setting has 8. I think it makes it look larger? IDK.


Just for full disclosure, the stone in the 8 prong is .42, and in the 4 prong is .34. But I do prefer 6 and 8 prong for several reason alredy mentioned above. One of which is that I'd have lost my Eightstar if not for 6 prongs.

Just my two cents, but I always recommend going with a 6-prong vs 4 for a round over a carat. The 6-prong offers more protection against loss than a 4, plus I personally like the way a 6-prong echoes the shape of the stone. Light enters the stone from the table, so that shouldn't be an issue. My ring is a platinum 6-prong, with a 1.27ct K color.

Thank you for pointing out the sizes of the diamonds on the two earrings. That's an important fact that I overlooked!!! Looking now, I can clearly see one diamond is larger than the other from the get go! :) Important
cinnamonstick|1451488620|3968403 said:
Thank you for pointing out the sizes of the diamonds on the two earrings. That's an important fact that I overlooked!!! Looking now, I can clearly see one diamond is larger than the other from the get go! :) Important

You're welcome. I no longer have the 4 prong earrings at all, I had larger stones put in the mount and gave them to a friend.