
2 diamonds: Is there a difference besides size?


Aug 25, 2011
Hey all,

First time buyer here. I've been quite torn the last week or so looking at two diamonds from BGD. I am looking for something 0.5-0.65ct, G or H, eye-clean (probably SI1). I have been looking at these two (I was told both are eye-clean):



Both are AGS0, Signature stones, H, SI1 (clean), and have an HCA <2 (ex-ex-ex-vg).

I am by no means an expert when dealing with IS and ASET images and as such I don't know how significant some things are. The 0.628ct hearts image looks darker to me. Is this cause for concern or simply because of the way the picture was taken? The hearts look much lighter/cleaner to me on the smaller stone. However, the smaller stone's IS seems to have more light leakage, but are they really that different? From the little I know both IS images seems to be great - I am just wondering if there is any difference at all, significant or not, or are these two stones basically the same just different sizes?

I am torn between the sizes. The 0.544ct is 0.523x0.526 and the 0.628ct is 0.551x0.556. Is it worth an extra ~$450 to get the slightly larger stone or will the difference barely be noticable? For reference, I'd love to set the diamond in the Classic Truth setting from BGD: and her ring size is 6.0.

So basically my question is two-fold:
(1) What differences are there in terms of performance between the two or is the only difference weight/size
(2) Do those prices seem reasonable? How much of a visual upgrade in size is the larger rock? Significant upgrade or really hard to tell? Is that worth the extra $$$?

Thanks so much! Even if you don't have a real reason for picking one over the other, which would you pick? I'm truly at a loss on how to decide between these two and would really appreciate any advice or feedback from everyone: the great experts of PS as well as new buyers like me! I'm sure she'll love either one, but I still have to pick one haha. Help?

Cheers :)


Apr 4, 2010
I don't see any leakage in either IS. I would ask BGD if both are eye-clean to your standards and which one they would recommend. But I would probably go with the larger one if it is in budget!


Aug 25, 2011
slg47|1314379139|3000405 said:
I don't see any leakage in either IS. I would ask BGD if both are eye-clean to your standards and which one they would recommend. But I would probably go with the larger one if it is in budget!

I guess I see more white in the smaller stone, but that isn't leakage...? Is the darkness in the 0.628ct hearts image of no concern? Any idea what causes this?



Aug 14, 2009
Would request a hearts pic retake of the 0.63, ISs look fine to me as well.

Ditto slg - determine what your specifications for 'eyeclean' are - clean from 6" faceup? from 12"? from the sides? - and have them vet the stones to your requirements.


Aug 16, 2011
slg47|1314379139|3000405 said:
I don't see any leakage in either IS. I would ask BGD if both are eye-clean to your standards and which one they would recommend. But I would probably go with the larger one if it is in budget!


I will also add that if you want to get an idea if the size difference is meaningful. I would do the following (it's what I have been doing):

Convert the dimensions of each diamond into inches
Use PowerPoint or another program and create circles representing each diamond.
Print at 100%, cut them out, and put them next to each other. Then look at them separately. Then mix them up and see if you can distinguish the two.

It's helped me make a decision. Also, because of cut, some stones will have a larger length of width than others of the same carat size. That is, there is less weightin the girdle or below. If the overall cut is good, HCA is good, etc., I tend to pick the diamond with less than 61% depth or close to 60%.

Of the two, the more expensive stone is like that. When I use a diamond search engine, and enter in diamonds between 0.62 and 0.63, I see that most that come up have dimensions in the 5.45 range. You are at 5.51 and 5.56. Such a small difference, I know. But, if you go with the larger stone, you'll be satisfied that it has more face-up size than others of the same carat weight.

I think the exercises above is useful since you're going with solitaire and not a halo or another setting with smaller diamonds to enhance the size of the center stone.

Also, I am making the assumption that both stones are equal in all other regards. Eye clean, brilliance, fire, scintillation, etc.

Is the extra money worth it? That's a great question. I can't say I know. Whichever one helps you sleep at night! Good luck!
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