
2.43 OEC on hold - need your opinions please


Dec 14, 2009
I have a 2.43 OEC on hold at an antique store. Wasn't really looking, but they pulled this out of the safe and it is making me think hard.

8.51 x 5.45 (sorry, no angles or other measurements)
L, VS1 (if I purchase I will have a GG confirm)

It is a little warmer than I typically like, but I can be happy with it and I like the facet pattern. It is $10.5K and I didn't think I'd be able to get a 2ct I liked for that low of a price. A couple of years back I explored getting a 2ct plus and everything was $15 - 21K so I stopped looking as I didn't want to spend that much.

I welcome your opinions.

All pics taken with iphone.

Youtube video -




It looks like it has potential but it's hard to say because you don't have a clear direct shot of the table. Can you go back and take any pics not at an angle?
I can't comment on this specific stone (because I'm a trade member) but I can tell you the things I watch out for when screening stones to buy for my own inventory. Watch for darkness under the table, or facets that stay dark all the time. The facets under the table should each light up on and off as the stone is in motion. They should grab colors from their surroundings (if possible, check it out outside under a leafy tree to see how it grabs color). Look for brightness all the way to the edge/girdle of the stone, and a pleasing facet pattern. Facet style and level of symmetry are personal preferences, but in general the pattern should be pleasing to your eye. When viewing body color, watch for brown or grey undertones/hue, as this can impact price negatively. There is nothing wrong with a faint brown hued stone, for example, many people love them, but they should be priced lower than a stone with more of a sunny or ivory body tone. Is the diamond certed? If not, definitely make the sale subject to a GIA or AGS report, or an independent appraisal, as even one color grade difference can impact price by a LOT. Good luck, and welcome to the old cut club!
Do you know what you like in an OEC? Some have flowery facet patterns and others do not. This looks to me like the latter category. If you go on a site like Love Affair Diamonds, Jewels by Grace or Old World Diamonds you can look at examples of lots of OECs to get a feel for the type of facet pattern you like.
Erica - your explanation is very helpful. Even though I am not the OP, I appreciate the info. Thanks.
I bought the stone and have a 2 day return window. I will take it to the GG tomorrow. I like the facet pattern. It seems very sparkly to me. I like the color in most lighting, but in some lighting is is more yellow than I usually prefer. I also like the size. Is $10.5K a fair price for this stone? Thanks!

liaerfbv - I tried to take better pics below. Still taken with iphone. Sorry for the finger print smudges on the stone but I don't have a holder or tweezers.

ericad - Thank you very much for your input. It is really helpful.

Veltiesmom - I think you are right, this one isn't a flower pattern.




A couple more pics.


Very pretty. I don't necessarily think it's "yellow" just "warm".
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