
10 years on PS

Adding on to my response:

YOU taught me all about asschers.. You helped me buy one that is PS history per setting wise, LOL...

YOU went for it to make your dream come true the Octavia. Blood, sweat and tears, but YOU did it!!

I look forward to the next 10 years..

You'll find the next IT...

Have no doubt I wont be able to afford it, thus the tears...


Can I get a discount??

Kidding!!! :cheeky:

:wavey: :appl:
Congratulations! Hope you have many more wonderful years here (and keep those Octavias coming) :appl:
Congratulations on ten great years on PS!

Without you, no one would know what an asscher cut was supposed to look like, much less an Octavia. You've brought wisdom, jokes and plenty of empathy when needed.

You've achieved so much, it's hard to know where to begin, but I'll start with the best first - wifey-to-be has become wifey forever :love: ; the dream of a sparkling asscher has been realized in the gorgeous Octavia, and the ingredients necessary to subsist extremely frugally are in the past. Who says karma isn't kind???

Raise a glass of diet Pepsi to Karl; his hard work and persistence have earned him a mighty fine lifestyle with the girl of his dreams :love:

I always love a happy ending, but wait, not so fast. There are more unique cuts up his sleeve :appl: :wavey:
Congratulations, Karl!

You taught me a lot, and I am much obliged :bigsmile:
Congratulations Karl! You are a valuable asset to the PS community.

I especially enjoy reading about your passion for our trade.

It is a truly fantastic voyage that all of us share every day through Pricescope.

Congrats Karl, you've made quite a contribution to this site in so many ways! :appl:
:appl: :appl: :appl:

Karl, I still remember when I first came upon PS - "Stormer Doctor? Is that his name?" :lol:

Congratulations on this milestone, and here's to many more years. As a diamond loving community we are forever indebted to you for the creation of the Octavia, perhaps one of the most beautiful stones I've never seen in person. :bigsmile:
Congrats, or congrates!!!! Happy 10 years; PS would not be the same without you and Wifey! :appl: cheers to many more years! I love the Octavia!!!! :love:
Yay, Karl! Thanks for the nostalgia and your ongoing contribution :appl:
Best wishes, Karl! Your knowledge and willingness to help are greatly appreciated. :wavey:
I haven't been on here for ages but had to pop in to say hi and agree that PS wouldn't be Ps without you!!
Thanks everyone!!! :appl: :appl: :appl:
It is awesome to see friends come out of hiding to say howdy!!!
You were missed!!!
Congratulations Karl! I believe I may have searched and read every post you wrote on here regarding asschers and ECs.
Such a wealth of knowledge you've brought to the forum!
Love the Octavia!
Congrats Karl! you are a wealth of information :appl: Thank you so much for your contributions on asscher cuts and everything else here! without your sound information, I probably would not have my asscher today. Here is to many more years on PS :appl:
justginger|1383722756|3551467 said:
... the Octavia, perhaps one of the most beautiful stones I've never seen in person. :bigsmile:

I'll fix that if Andrey flies us all down to Oz for the next PS GTG. :naughty: :Up_to_something: