
1.0-1.25ct Princess Solasfera vs. ACA


Oct 3, 2013
After going through a ton of threads here and elsewhere on princess cut stones, it looks like my budget will allow for a 1.0, possibily up to a 1.25ct (if business continues as normal) Solasfera or ACA. I understand that it's kind of an apples & oranges thing, but ultimately I can purchase only one stone.

I did read through this thread: [URL=''][/URL] However, the original poster is looking for a round at approximately 0.66ct, so I'm not sure the following quote applies to a princess cut that's a bit bigger:

"The solasfera will have more, faster, smaller twinkles of bright white light, the ACA will have comparatively fewer, slower, bolder flashes. Facets are already small (and thus predisposed to twinkly white light return) simply because of the stone size you are considering, I'd want as few facets that are as large as possible to provide some balance, but you might prefer to see lots of white twinkle and would love something like the Solasfera in this size."

In theory, I'd lean toward the Solasfera's "twinkles" to the ACA's "bolder flashes", and because from what I understand, the Solasfera stones have smaller tables, which might make the stone less flat compared to the round stones. (Is that correct?) However, the above quote makes me concerned about getting one and I'm not sure whether the stones I'm looking at would also run into the issue cited above because it has smaller facets.

Any guidance on this issue would be greatly appreciated!




Jul 17, 2008
I don't think you can wrong either way so great dilemma to have!


Feb 14, 2005
I would go search on GOG's YouTube site and see videos with a Solasfera and a "regular" princess (there are a lot of them). Princesses have small facets to begin with, so I'm not sure the round comparison is fair. The Solasfera's may have more fire simply because the table is smaller.

eta: Here's one


Oct 3, 2013
I've been watching a ton of the GOG videos actually, which is why I'm leaning toward a Solasfera. I noticed they don't have AGS, so I guess that I'd have to trust the Solasfera process for a good cut vs. a certification?

I've been looking at the ACAs from WF over the past few days too, but, based on the ASET images, it seems the Solasferas have them beat hands down for light return. GOG's videos certainly make that point over and over again, but I realize that there is bound some bias since they seem to be the exclusive Solasfera dealer.

I guess this followup post is to ask whether I'm just buying into the marketing. The pricing seems comparable.


Feb 14, 2005
GLRob|1381064856|3533041 said:
I noticed they don't have AGS, so I guess that I'd have to trust the Solasfera process for a good cut vs. a certification?

I guess this followup post is to ask whether I'm just buying into the marketing. The pricing seems comparable.

They obviously send them to GIA for a reason - and GIA is a very highly respected lab, so there is nothing wrong with that. I don't know why they don't submit to AGS - might be a good question for Jon.

No I don't necessarily think you are buying into the marketing - if you like the look of them more than a traditional princess then you aren't being "suckered in".


Jan 21, 2014
Did you ever make a final decision as to which diamond you went with? If so, do you have details?

I'm in the same position as you.

GLRob|1381064856|3533041 said:
I've been watching a ton of the GOG videos actually, which is why I'm leaning toward a Solasfera. I noticed they don't have AGS, so I guess that I'd have to trust the Solasfera process for a good cut vs. a certification?

I've been looking at the ACAs from WF over the past few days too, but, based on the ASET images, it seems the Solasferas have them beat hands down for light return. GOG's videos certainly make that point over and over again, but I realize that there is bound some bias since they seem to be the exclusive Solasfera dealer.

I guess this followup post is to ask whether I'm just buying into the marketing. The pricing seems comparable.


Oct 3, 2013
I ended up going with the ACA. Price was one factor: at the time, I was able to get an eye-clean 1.50 or 1.59 for the same price as a Solasfera 1.25. Honestly though, the main factor was that I decided I wanted a more traditionally-looking stone. I had looked at some custom-cut princess stones with extra facets at a Helzberg locally and thought that something just didn't look right about them. I'm an young attorney in southern Virginia, which is a pretty conservative place, and I didn't want my colleagues/colleagues' wives thinking I purchased something because it was trendy, particularly when I was already buying a princess.

It really just came down to what was the safer choice. I never saw the Solasferas in person and I want to be clear that I'm not giving them a negative review. I just believe that an ACA would be more classic/conservative, assuming one could tell the difference. In any case, I'm very pleased with the purchase. She absolutely loved it it and all our friends say it's beautiful. Whiteflash was wonderful to deal with as well. (I also had great experiences working with JA and GOG before I made my purchase at WF though, so again, no negative reviews from me for those vendors.)

Here are the pics from Whiteflash if you're curious:

If you want to look up the more techical details, the stone is AGS # 104066837026, 1.59ct

Best of luck for your purchase!





Jan 21, 2014
Thank you for posting the information! I really appreciate it.

Great looking diamond and ring!!

GLRob|1390946276|3602879 said:
I ended up going with the ACA. Price was one factor: at the time, I was able to get an eye-clean 1.50 or 1.59 for the same price as a Solasfera 1.25. Honestly though, the main factor was that I decided I wanted a more traditionally-looking stone. I had looked at some custom-cut princess stones with extra facets at a Helzberg locally and thought that something just didn't look right about them. I'm an young attorney in southern Virginia, which is a pretty conservative place, and I didn't want my colleagues/colleagues' wives thinking I purchased something because it was trendy, particularly when I was already buying a princess.

It really just came down to what was the safer choice. I never saw the Solasferas in person and I want to be clear that I'm not giving them a negative review. I just believe that an ACA would be more classic/conservative, assuming one could tell the difference. In any case, I'm very pleased with the purchase. She absolutely loved it it and all our friends say it's beautiful. Whiteflash was wonderful to deal with as well. (I also had great experiences working with JA and GOG before I made my purchase at WF though, so again, no negative reviews from me for those vendors.)

Here are the pics from Whiteflash if you're curious:

If you want to look up the more techical details, the stone is AGS # 104066837026, 1.59ct

Best of luck for your purchase!


Jul 17, 2008
Gorgeous ring, I'm sure she is thrilled!
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