
“Wear it, don’t warehouse it!” Should I sell everything I don’t wear??


Jun 15, 2015
This is what I’m wondering. But also it’s a pandemic so I don’t go anywhere, my kids are little so I don’t like to wear fragile stuff, and I’m on the younger side of things in a very humble town so I don’t want to stand out wearing crazy bling... but my future could have me in different circles.

What do you think? Do you keep bling you never wear? How much? And why I’ve why not?


Jul 9, 2020
This is what I’m wondering. But also it’s a pandemic so I don’t go anywhere, my kids are little so I don’t like to wear fragile stuff, and I’m on the younger side of things in a very humble town so I don’t want to stand out wearing crazy bling... but my future could have me in different circles.

What do you think? Do you keep bling you never wear? How much? And why I’ve why not?

My advice is two fold:
1. This is the way things are for now. You may find yourself in a very different situation in only a few years, and you may regret rushing into selling your jewellery.

2. Other people's opinions are none of your business! Wear the jewelry you want to, let people talk, the only reason they do is because their own lives are so dreadfully dull!


Aug 23, 2020
I wouldn’t rush to sell anything! COVID has changed things but this phase of limited social engagement/events won’t last forever, and the tiny kiddo phase will be over before you know it (sadly, they are so sweet when they are small!!!)

I understand the feeling, though, and have just tried to cut down on buying anything new. I miss going to concerts, the ballet, out with friends- I pretty much work (healthcare so not wearing much, if any, jewelry) and hang out around the house with my family in workout clothes! I’ve been getting dressed up on my days off just to feel like myself.


Sep 20, 2009
I have a bit I don't wear right now. I have a yellow diamond pear bezel pendant I do not tend to wear, a stash of pearls. The pearls don't play nice with my t-shirt and sweats COVID attire. But all of this will change, and I will enjoy them again.

The little children grow up and at different life stages you may kick yourself for giving up your collection.. Do you love what you have? Could you easily replace it in the future? Things to think about. Being young in a humble town might have you leave the big guns at home for a bit. Life changes so much - I don't think every five year mark looked like the five years before it. As a young woman, you will have so many new places to go.

Daisys and Diamonds

Apr 30, 2019
Yes i do 'get' wear it, don't warehouse it, Calla Gold says it all the time
But as she does, its about making things useable, not necessarily selling stuff off

Time stands still for no one
Who we are today is not the same person we were a year ago and nor will we be the same person a year from now
We change, our likes and dislikes change, fashion changes as does our attitude to 'being fashionable'

Once you sell something its gone for ever

Eventually we will all have nice places to go again and wear our bling, these are not nornal times we are all living in

I also think thought should be given to one's children and what they might like in years to come, so if i had an inherited piece i didn't like id be reluctant to get rid of it
But i would (gently) adapt an inherited piece to make it more wearable
I have my great grandmother's wedding ring
Im pretty sure neither my grandma or mum wore it
I certainly would not have worn if
I had not had saphires added in gypsy ring style and now i wear it often

In saying all this i did sell some ugly stuff for scrap recently
Old stuff, ugly stuff, broken chains, single earings, baby jewlery no one would want, bad buys and projects I'll never get to
It paid last quarter's property tax
i felt good for getting rid of it
now i only (well mostly) have stuff i really love and no odd little dumb projects in the wings that would have been more money after bad


Oct 23, 2011
Fortunately jewelry doesn’t take up too much space. Handbags. Clothing. Furniture. All become clutter. Jewelry—not so much. I only liquidate mine when I upgrade—meaning I found a similar piece of better quality then I part with those pieces. But I fancy myself a collector and I’m ok not wearing everything all the time. And since I started this collection, I have accumulated some irreplaceable pieces and sold the rest. Part of the challenge for me is finding deals so there’s that.


Jan 22, 2014
It’s always difficult for me to rehome my jewellery, I have an attachment to my pretties. The plan is always “when I get this new one I’ll sell the other one”. More often than not I don’t get around to listing anything. I’ve got a heap of rings I’ll never wear again because they are now too small for my meaty fingers AND I have also bought something else that I now wear but.......
I even “promised” DH that when I bought Almond Blossom Opal ring I’d sell other huge opal ring - this ring is now too small to wear - but.......
Most of my pieces are special or unusual or unique - that’s why I bought it so its not easy to part with them. I mean, it’s not as if I need the money for something else so why not keep them.
my advice, unless you need the money or have no connection to the piece or have “upgraded” don’t sell it unless you’re sure.
many is the person who regrets....


Nov 2, 2012
If it's jewelry you aren't wearing for temporary reasons that you think may change in the future, then I'd keep it. But if you've just moved on from some of it, then I'd sell it or otherwise clear it out. I think you'll probably know the difference and you can always keep the things you aren't yet sure about.

I find it easier to keep my home clean and organized when I don't keep a bunch of stuff that I no longer use, in general. With some exceptions, my jewelry preferences change just as my clothing etc. preferences change through time and lifestyle changes.
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Feb 1, 2020
I guess I’m a collector. I hardly ever sell and if, only pieces I’ve kind of grown out of that particular style. I have quite a few things I don’t wear or wear very rarely. But I enjoy looking at them.


Jun 15, 2015
You guys have given me so much to think about. I really appreciate all the perspectives!

I think this is my plan:

Keep what I love. Whether it goes in my personal “jewellery museum”, or I wear it whenever I’m going out, or if it has personal significance - keep! But if it doesn’t scratch an itch, doesn’t make me 10/10 happy to look at it, and never ever gets worn... Out it goes!


Mar 3, 2018
I'm trying to get motivated to sell a few things that I've upgraded and my kids are not super-fond of. Have a handful of things and some were "internet-disappointing" from day 1 but not so much so that I went to the hassle of returning. Some never really grew on me.

With all the uncertainty and hand-sanitizing, it's not the best market for selling rings -- except the very high end. OTOH, scrap gold is where it's at so melt value is way up....


Jul 7, 2013
I wish I had not sold some of the pieces I sold, even though I did not wear them much.

DK :))


Jun 8, 2008
I am the wrong person to ask. I have trouble parting with things. I have sold only one piece of jewelry in my entire life and that was so I could get Bubbalah. Otherwise I would have wanted to keep that too.

What I would do if I were you before I did anything.

1. I would make a list of what I didn't wear that might be worth selling
2. I would think long and hard if I would miss any of those pieces
3. I would think long and hard about the possibility I might want to wear these pieces in the future
4. I would think long and hard if my children might appreciate those pieces at some point
5. I would think do I really need the money I would get from selling those pieces
6. What would I do with the money from selling those pieces


7. If the answer to all of the above made sense I would go ahead and list.

Jewelry should be enjoyed but it doesn't always have to be worn to be enjoyed and we go through phases of what we enjoy wearing. Keep what you love is a good plan but remember what we love might change with time. Our preferences aren't static.

While there may be many pieces you are not currently wearing might you wear them in the future? That is hard to predict I know but as an example I have so many yellow gold pieces that I stopped wearing in the 90s. That I started wearing a few years ago. I have a few expensive watches I used to wear daily. Since 2004 I haven't worn any watches. Might I start wearing them again one day? Sure. So I am holding onto my Rolex watch and my Cartier watch and a few others just in case. I don't need the money I would get from selling them (if I did I might go ahead and list) and I realize our preferences change over time. What we enjoy wearing fluctuates.

And as I wrote above we don't have to wear pieces to enjoy them. I get pleasure from my black opal ring that I rarely wear. I just love looking at it.

Of course if you sell something you regret in the future it isn't a huge big deal. We are talking about things and things are never as critical or important as relationships with people. So it's not do or die rather just making the best decision you can at the time.

Good luck.


Dec 27, 2017
I have really struggled with this. You said your kids are little but you didn’t say exactly how old.

I will share that my daughter is really surprising me as she gets older (she is almost 14). I held onto all my stuff because I have a really hard time of letting go of things. She is not particularly girly (will NOT wear a dress), but she LOVES my jewelry. And she wants to wear a lot of the things I would have let go, for pennies on the dollar. I am so happy for her to wear them. She told me the other day she also loves that there are stories with each item (even if it is just the story of who gave it to me, or when I bought it).

So food for thought. One thing you could do is to put all the things you wear into one daily wear jewelry box, and keep the others until your children start getting old enough to express interest. If they are interested, fantastic! If not, then it’s an easier call.


Apr 21, 2010
I don't have kids, so there's that.

However, my collection is just that, mine.

It is my hobby, my interest, my education, my passion.

I only want jewelry and gemstones that bring me joy whether I wear it daily or keep it in a box and look upon it as a treasure.

Once I figure out I have a piece in my collection that I could as well do without, then it is just a matter of time before I list it.

When I sell pieces from my collection, the monies go into my hobby fund.

I do not feel beholden to keep anything for the sake of my estate plan (excepting of course some family heirloom pieces which I will keep and pass down to my beneficiaries).


Jun 15, 2015
I have really struggled with this. You said your kids are little but you didn’t say exactly how old.

I will share that my daughter is really surprising me as she gets older (she is almost 14). I held onto all my stuff because I have a really hard time of letting go of things. She is not particularly girly (will NOT wear a dress), but she LOVES my jewelry. And she wants to wear a lot of the things I would have let go, for pennies on the dollar. I am so happy for her to wear them. She told me the other day she also loves that there are stories with each item (even if it is just the story of who gave it to me, or when I bought it).

So food for thought. One thing you could do is to put all the things you wear into one daily wear jewelry box, and keep the others until your children start getting old enough to express interest. If they are interested, fantastic! If not, then it’s an easier call.

My girl is 3. She does like playing with my jewellery haha but who knows what the next ten years will bring! Maybe I will save it for her... I will save one or two things maybe. Lately I’ve been feeling so horribly practical and I think my daughter would rather have money than bling! We shall see!

Hehe maybe she can have both...


Jun 15, 2015
I wish I had not sold some of the pieces I sold, even though I did not wear them much.

DK :))

Would you mind sharing the details on one piece you’re missing and why you regret selling?


Jun 15, 2015
I'm trying to get motivated to sell a few things that I've upgraded and my kids are not super-fond of. Have a handful of things and some were "internet-disappointing" from day 1 but not so much so that I went to the hassle of returning. Some never really grew on me.

With all the uncertainty and hand-sanitizing, it's not the best market for selling rings -- except the very high end. OTOH, scrap gold is where it's at so melt value is way up....

Love that phrase “internet-disappointing”! I know the feeling all too well...


Jun 15, 2015
My advice is two fold:
1. This is the way things are for now. You may find yourself in a very different situation in only a few years, and you may regret rushing into selling your jewellery.

2. Other people's opinions are none of your business! Wear the jewelry you want to, let people talk, the only reason they do is because their own lives are so dreadfully dull!

True! Times will change but will *I* change? It’s shocking to me how much pleasure I get out of my costume jewellery.

Haha as for people... sometimes I like to ask the peanut gallery what they think! It challenges my own thoughts and opens my mind to new perspectives, which I enjoy.


Jun 15, 2015
I have a bit I don't wear right now. I have a yellow diamond pear bezel pendant I do not tend to wear, a stash of pearls. The pearls don't play nice with my t-shirt and sweats COVID attire. But all of this will change, and I will enjoy them again.

The little children grow up and at different life stages you may kick yourself for giving up your collection.. Do you love what you have? Could you easily replace it in the future? Things to think about. Being young in a humble town might have you leave the big guns at home for a bit. Life changes so much - I don't think every five year mark looked like the five years before it. As a young woman, you will have so many new places to go.

Maybe the trick is that I don’t sell anything irreplaceable. If I have to buy it again one day, fine.


Jun 15, 2015
When I've collected "too much" OR have found something I love MORE than something I already have, I sell. BUT I also generally "buy smart" and "sell smart" and avoid "losing" much when I sell.

I’m really into minimalism and jewellery used to be my one exception. I think that’s changing now. I love the words @mrs-b shared with me, about how curating a collection is more about what you let go of than what you keep.


Jun 15, 2015
Yes i do 'get' wear it, don't warehouse it, Calla Gold says it all the time
But as she does, its about making things useable, not necessarily selling stuff off

Time stands still for no one
Who we are today is not the same person we were a year ago and nor will we be the same person a year from now
We change, our likes and dislikes change, fashion changes as does our attitude to 'being fashionable'

Once you sell something its gone for ever

Eventually we will all have nice places to go again and wear our bling, these are not nornal times we are all living in

I also think thought should be given to one's children and what they might like in years to come, so if i had an inherited piece i didn't like id be reluctant to get rid of it
But i would (gently) adapt an inherited piece to make it more wearable
I have my great grandmother's wedding ring
Im pretty sure neither my grandma or mum wore it
I certainly would not have worn if
I had not had saphires added in gypsy ring style and now i wear it often

In saying all this i did sell some ugly stuff for scrap recently
Old stuff, ugly stuff, broken chains, single earings, baby jewlery no one would want, bad buys and projects I'll never get to
It paid last quarter's property tax
i felt good for getting rid of it
now i only (well mostly) have stuff i really love and no odd little dumb projects in the wings that would have been more money after bad

I am trying to avoid the good money after bad scenario! Historically I have not been so good at that.

And I do love the idea of my future heirs finding and enjoying a little treasure trove of my pretty sparkles!


Jun 15, 2015
Fortunately jewelry doesn’t take up too much space. Handbags. Clothing. Furniture. All become clutter. Jewelry—not so much. I only liquidate mine when I upgrade—meaning I found a similar piece of better quality then I part with those pieces. But I fancy myself a collector and I’m ok not wearing everything all the time. And since I started this collection, I have accumulated some irreplaceable pieces and sold the rest. Part of the challenge for me is finding deals so there’s that.

So true about the small space that jewellery takes up!


Jun 15, 2015
It’s always difficult for me to rehome my jewellery, I have an attachment to my pretties. The plan is always “when I get this new one I’ll sell the other one”. More often than not I don’t get around to listing anything. I’ve got a heap of rings I’ll never wear again because they are now too small for my meaty fingers AND I have also bought something else that I now wear but.......
I even “promised” DH that when I bought Almond Blossom Opal ring I’d sell other huge opal ring - this ring is now too small to wear - but.......
Most of my pieces are special or unusual or unique - that’s why I bought it so its not easy to part with them. I mean, it’s not as if I need the money for something else so why not keep them.
my advice, unless you need the money or have no connection to the piece or have “upgraded” don’t sell it unless you’re sure.
many is the person who regrets....

That opal ring is museum-worthy. So glad it went to a PSer as lovely as yourself!

It’s funny, I don’t have many regrets about jewellery I’ve sold. Once they’re gone I tend to forget about them!


Jun 15, 2015
If it's jewelry you aren't wearing for temporary reasons that you think may change in the future, then I'd keep it. But if you've just moved on from some of it, then I'd sell it or otherwise clear it out. I think you'll probably know the difference and you can always keep the things you aren't yet sure about.

I find it easier to keep my home clean and organized when I don't keep a bunch of stuff that I no longer use, in general. With some exceptions, my jewelry preferences change just as my clothing etc. preferences change through time and lifestyle changes.

Sooo true about home organization. I’m trying to massively declutter so I don’t feel like I’m drowning!


Jun 15, 2015
I am the wrong person to ask. I have trouble parting with things. I have sold only one piece of jewelry in my entire life and that was so I could get Bubbalah. Otherwise I would have wanted to keep that too.

What I would do if I were you before I did anything.

1. I would make a list of what I didn't wear that might be worth selling
2. I would think long and hard if I would miss any of those pieces
3. I would think long and hard about the possibility I might want to wear these pieces in the future
4. I would think long and hard if my children might appreciate those pieces at some point
5. I would think do I really need the money I would get from selling those pieces
6. What would I do with the money from selling those pieces


7. If the answer to all of the above made sense I would go ahead and list.

Jewelry should be enjoyed but it doesn't always have to be worn to be enjoyed and we go through phases of what we enjoy wearing. Keep what you love is a good plan but remember what we love might change with time. Our preferences aren't static.

While there may be many pieces you are not currently wearing might you wear them in the future? That is hard to predict I know but as an example I have so many yellow gold pieces that I stopped wearing in the 90s. That I started wearing a few years ago. I have a few expensive watches I used to wear daily. Since 2004 I haven't worn any watches. Might I start wearing them again one day? Sure. So I am holding onto my Rolex watch and my Cartier watch and a few others just in case. I don't need the money I would get from selling them (if I did I might go ahead and list) and I realize our preferences change over time. What we enjoy wearing fluctuates.

And as I wrote above we don't have to wear pieces to enjoy them. I get pleasure from my black opal ring that I rarely wear. I just love looking at it.

Of course if you sell something you regret in the future it isn't a huge big deal. We are talking about things and things are never as critical or important as relationships with people. So it's not do or die rather just making the best decision you can at the time.

Good luck.

I completely agree. Bling problems are fine problems to have :)
If I ever regret selling something it would all be fine.

Daisys and Diamonds

Apr 30, 2019
I completely agree. Bling problems are fine problems to have :)
If I ever regret selling something it would all be fine.

I once sold a ring because Bruce Springsteen finally came to NZ
i completly paniced didn't understand about ticket drops
i never really got over selling it.
It was much better quality than what ive recently brought


Dec 29, 2017
Sooo true about home organization. I’m trying to massively declutter so I don’t feel like I’m drowning!

I'm in the declutter boat with you sister - and it does feel like drowning. It will not get easier I'm afraid - we have just been gifted with a moving truck from my father in law of things from their 3500+ square foot house he sold after my mother in law passed. He now travels in an RV. We are now at 3 storage units. :wall: Feel free to pray for me. On a lighter note, all her jewelry fit into one small box. It has been fun to look at the pieces she had and the stories behind them. So.....I would like to encourage everyone to think about your family and buy more diamonds and less furniture :lol:
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