When considering what type of wedding band you would like on the engagement ring, keep in mind what type of wedding ring you will want. Some wedding bands will not sit flush beside some types of engagement ring. In that case you may decide to have a fitted wedding ring that wraps around the engagement ring. If so then be sure to talk to some ladies who wear these fitted rings – some love them and some are driven crazy by the the fact they often do not always sit together
Half round bands are generally more comfortable and look classy. Flat bands are sometimes used because they suit a particular style, but the sharp corners may be rounded off a little for comfort. Another popular treatment for a band is a ‘comfort fit’ – the band is slightly half rounded on the inside, this is a must for mens’ wedding rings and wider bands in general.
Band width is a personal thing and depends on hand size, skin color and personal style. Generally white designs are finer than yellow gold rings.
You will also need a finger size for your engagement ring, if you are ordering it over the Internet:
- Visit a jeweler with your partner and ask to have the finger size measured.
- If the ring is a surprise, “borrow” a ring that you know fits well and take it to a jeweler to be measured. You will probably be able to find a ring that fits on her right hand, and if she is right handed then the left hand (that’s where the engagement ring is worn guys) is generally Ѕ a size smaller.
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