
zip a file on a mac?

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Tacori E-ring

Aug 15, 2005
Anyone know how to compress a folder into a zip file on a mac?
Hold down the CTRL button and click (or right click, if you have a mouse and not just a trackpad) on the folder you want to compress, then select "Create archive of ______".

That should do it!
Thanks! How much does it usually compress to?
it needs to be zipped? or can it be stuffed?
Date: 4/3/2007 6:37:19 PM
Author: Tacori E-ring
Thanks! How much does it usually compress to?
It depends entirely on the original file size and what types of files you're compressing... so I have no idea, sorry
Date: 4/3/2007 8:28:59 PM
Author: jcrow
it needs to be zipped? or can it be stuffed?

Arg...I don''t know. Compressed. I bought the Stuff-It software and could never figure it out. I called once and the company and the guy told me if there were photos it couldn''t compress them
You KNOW almost everything has photos! I usually just burn a CD but I was trying something new.
If you want to compress a whole folder of files I know of a way using the terminal. Say the thing you want is a folder called forHarry in a folder called myStuff in your Documents folder.
1)Open terminal
2)Go to the folder just above the folder you want to compress: Type ls (enter) to see where you are. You should be in your user folder (the thing that''s icon is the little house). Type cd Documents/myStuff (enter) [If you''re not sure where it is do cd Documents (enter) ls (enter) cd ''nextfolder'' (enter)... etc]
4) Then type ''tar cvfz forHarry.tar.gz forHarry/'' And poof you''re done. You''ve told it to create a zipped tar file named forHarry.tar.gz from the folder forHarry/ The slash (/) tells it that the thing is a folder and you want to zip everything inside of it. You can do the same thing for a file just don''t use the slash after the name.

Now you can just drag and drop or attach it to an email, and the person you sent it to simply double clicks and poof! the whole folder and it''s contents unfold.
ok- open the folder with the stuffit programs. and find the one called drop stuff. double click it. then grab the file - folder containing files that you want to stuff and drag them into the dropstuff window.

also, if you place the dropstuff icon on your desktop, you can drag and drop the file/folder onto the icon without opening the program and it''ll stuff and put the file on the desktop with it''s done.

zip works the same.
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