
Your Opinions Please (pictures of diamond included)

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Jun 22, 2004
I'm looking to spend ~$6000 on an engagement ring. Figuring a 90/10 split on the stone and setting, I've been looking at stones in the $5500 range. This is my favorite, and I'm wondering what everyone else thinks.

Weight: 1.013
Color: H
Clarity: VS2
Measurments: 6.52 - 6.54 x 3.98 mm
Depth: 60.9%
Table: 55%
Crown Angle: 34.9
Pavilion Angle: 40.9
Girdle: 1.2-1.4
Culet: PT
Polish: Ideal
Symmetry: Ideal
Fluorescence: N

HCA grade:

Light Return: Excellent
Fire: Very Good
Scintillation: Very Good
Spread: Very Good
Total Visual Performance: 1.7 - Excellent

Five pictures to follow.





Looks good!!
Your gal will be very pleased with your choice!!
Gee, I don't see how you could do any better. What a beautiful selection!
I agree with aljdewey, great images..i'm sure it will look beautiful.
Very nice... Looks like images from DI. Their service is excellent.
Looks great! That IS image is really nice...good luck!
It looks nice. I don't see anything wrong with it, via my untrained eye.
looks good to go to me :}
As everyone has already's a winner.

I don't think I've seen a H&A diamond look so close to an eightstar. The lightscope picture is unbelievable. Could someone else comment on this observation? Although I've been looking at hundreds of pictures like these over the past several months, I'm kind of new to this game. No need to think any further - buy it!
Well, as if it weren't already unanimous... I think it looks great!

As for it looking like an 8*, I had the same thought. And it's not the first time with DI's stones either. I'd also love to hear other comments on that...

Wow,sure looks like a beautiful stone h vs2 an ex combo.
There must be another cutter besides 8* and ACA that are cutting cheated girdle (the good kind) now.
GOG has several on his site as do others.
hmmm... what's a "cheated girdle?"
There are several threads on it here but what it boils down to is that the index is changed slightly for the outer pavilian facets.

This can do several things some good some bad depending on how its done:

Bad: hide weight in the pavilian to make a weight marker, this will usualy kill a lot of the potentual performance of the diamond.

Good: extend light return out to the edge of the diamond as seen in the idealscope image. There is a slight decrease in contrast however so its not a free trade off.
It also tends to make the flashes of light the diamond gives off bigger but less of them.

The diamond above has the good kind.
On 6/22/2004 6:23:51 PM quaeritur wrote:

Well, as if it weren't already unanimous... I think it looks great!

As for it looking like an 8*, I had the same thought. And it's not the first time with DI's stones either. I'd also love to hear other comments on that...----------------


i think the picture has more to do with looking like an 8*. I have seen (4)8* under the firescope. their arrows look more wider and is edge to edge red they don't always get ex, ex on the polish or symmetry. on the other hand the top ideal cuts have some light leakage along the edge. it's a different beauty of it's own. all it comes down to is what you prefer. some would prefer some light leakage along the edge for more contrast.
Thanks VTigger... I have a FS image of an EightStar... I'll post it in a moment (it's too big, and I haven't installed imaging software on my new computer yet
). I did find that other thread interesting. When I was at GOG, I was able to pick out the 8*. I also thought it looked very interesting in the ISee2. It performed wonderfully in brilliance and scintillation, but this particular stone took a small hit in symmetry. I posted about it in this thread. (scroll all the way down). I'd love to know more about this. Honestly, I think EightStars are beautiful, though not necessarily more beautiful than top H&As. Maybe someday I'll have one of each?!
I have a cheated girdle diamond with plenty of contrast. Edge to edge!!

Thanks to all who replied on the eightstar remark. The "cheated girdle" info was great! I had read about this at GOG's site, but I hadn't seen the words "cheated girdle" before. Do you believe more and more super ideal diamonds will be cut like this in the future?
On 6/23/2004 8:20:34 AM I wanna rock! wrote:

Thanks to all who replied on the eightstar remark. The 'cheated girdle' info was great! I had read about this at GOG's site, but I hadn't seen the words 'cheated girdle' before. Do you believe more and more super ideal diamonds will be cut like this in the future?----------------

It is too early to tell if it is just a flash in the pan fad or if it will catch on in a big way.
My non-pro opinion is that it will stick around and they will continue to be cut both ways.
Here's the FS of the EightStar that I mentioned...

Edited to add: a couple of disclaimers - 1) I took this photo without pro equipment and 2)I think the stone is at a slight tilt...

Thats unreal!
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