
Your first gray hair

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Mar 18, 2007
Okay, everybody, fess up. When did you find your first gray hair?

I found two today. I''m 22!
OH No!

This made me chuckle... I am blonde and I get all wound up when I find DARK hairs!!
Date: 2/24/2009 8:57:06 PM
Author: k9muttlover
OH No!

This made me chuckle... I am blonde and I get all wound up when I find DARK hairs!!

BF freaks out when he finds red hairs. He''s blonde, but his dad had red, curly hair and BF is terrified he''ll end up that way.

My mom started finding grey hairs in her late 20''s.
I''m almost 27, and I''ve had a few gray hairs for years now. I think there are a couple more now than there were when I was in college, but it''s no big deal to me. Actually, I really love the color of them -- they''re so sparkly! Let''s hope I still feel that way when the ratio is reversed...
I haven't found any yet (I'm 24), but my hair is on the light side and there are TONS of colors in there (seriously... my hair is un-dyed and I've found everything from black to red to bleachy blonde) so I think it would blend in...

My mom has been fully gray since about 34.
My dad is 56 and desperately wants gray hair, but has none. Go figure!
I just turned 27 and I have a bunch. BUT I''ve had them since I was 21, so I''m sure in another 10 years, I''ll be completely gray
I found one the other day (I'm 25) at the front of my head, and I meant to pluck that sucker out, but forgot about it and couldn't find it again. The FIRST one I found was probably a year or two ago.

My mom started going gray at 20, but she and I have completely different hair types.
I''m 29 and I have a bunch. But I have really dark brown hair so they are easy to see.

I know a guy who is younger than me who is mostly grey now. So I can''t complain.
Hehe I''ve had a couple here and there since I was 18 or so. I''m 23 now and I notice it only when my roots start showing - time for me to get my hair done again! (speaking of, currently there are two that I can see
I found 1 at 21 yrs; then another at 28 yrs old and now I found a couple. I wonder when I get more than a couple??
I started finding gray hair when I was about 18. The number has increased since then, I have more towards the temples than in the back of my head.
Date: 2/24/2009 9:27:44 PM
Author: purrfectpear

My mom started finding grey hairs in her late 20''s.
Lucky duck!

I think I found it in my mid twenties, but didn''t have a ton. It runs in my family that we all go gray early, but keep a full head of hair. My brother, who is 35 looks to be at least 20-25% gray already. My mom thinks I may take after my dad (whose family history is to stay dark but lose hair...great.)

It didn''t unnerve me to find gray on my head since I knew it would most likely happen given my mom''s side of the family. But OMG when I found my first gray EYEBROW hair...
18 when I got my first grey, though I've dyed my hair religiously since I was 15, so it may have arrived earlier than that and gone un-noticed. My mom was more than half grey at 28, thank god I have not gone that grey! I have a goodly number, mostly in a chunk up front, at 32 now. Enough that you notice a few threads of white easily if I don't dye my hair frequently. My dad had no grey hair the last time I saw him, which would have been um... when I was 16 I think, which means he would have been 48. My DH is very blond, so I have no clue if he has grey at 33.

Oh, and a white eyelash appeared when i was 12, which has stayed that way. It falls out, and grows back... white.
Ugh... 16! Many more now (I''ve been dying it since people felt the need to bring my attention to it: early 20s)
(thanks mom!)
Mid twenties. My dad was totally gray by 30. I have quite a bit now, but, thanks to the magic of hair color they disappear! Also, I have light hair so they''re harder to see.

I thought my hair was getting lighter and lighter. Then I figured out I was going GRAY!!! Finding your first gray can be a bit of a shake up, LOL!!
I''m 26 and I found 3 last week. I texted my mother to tell her "thanks for the genes."

Her response was "I was 20. You''ll live."
I think I found my first gray around the age of 21. I probably have about 20 grays now. I always know when a new one is imminent because the hair will grow in fire engine red first, and THEN it grows in gray. (My hair is naturally brown/black.) Oh, and the red and gray hairs stick up straight out of my head, so attractive.

When I''m more gray than not I plan on bobbing my hair to my chin and wearing dark red lipstick all the time. That''s one of my all time favorite looks.
Ooooh good question! I am 27 and haven''t found one yet! But I am always looking. The top half of my hair is highlighted really blonde so I might have some there that I can''t see.

My BFF is the same age as me and she''s had gray since High School, she''s completely gray now! (obviously dyes it though). You should see her though she has such a young face, she would look so odd if she didn''t dye her hair!

DH (same age as me also) has some sexy grays on the sides of his head. I love it! It makes him look so grown up! We started dating 10 years ago. I can''t believe this boy I used to date, is now a man!
Only 2? I have tons and not just that, they are all concentrated in one spot right at my part in the front of my face. I end up looking like Polgara!

FI (then BF) found a whole bunch in the back of my head at a baseball game when he was standing behind me, THAT was fun

I get them on the side of my head and they are wavy, coarse and stick STRAIGHT out...I just found one on the top of my head today and I need to go pluck it out...
I found my first gray hair when I was 23. I had to start professionally coloring my hair in my early 30''s. Semipermanent color that you use at home just wasn''t cutting it.
19. I have a patch up front of at least 20 of them...But luckily they kind of blend in and look like highlights since I have cooler dark blonde hair.
do gray color return to black? i swear i have less gray today then two yrs ago.
Finding my first gray hair was highly traumatic for me.

Let me preface this by saying yes I have some (not all) dye in my hair but I have enough natural hair color particluarly at the roots to know when I have a gray hair.

My hair dresser found one a year ago, we both said EEEEEK! and she slapped some dye on it and pretended it didn''t happen.

I''ve seen a couple more since then but they aren''t noticeable so i''m in denial. I''m 37.
I was in my early 30''s when I found my first greys. Now I have loads. I have my hair dyed but some of them manage to dodge the dye! I get my daughter to pluck them out for me!

My 16 year old daughter has had a couple. We wondered if it could be connected to her using straightening irons.
I didn''t find my own first gray hair. I was teaching and one of my "funny" students was inspecting my head. He said, Look!! You have a gray hair!" And plucked it from my scalp.

Gee, thanks, kid.

Then I found out that he''d done this same thing to several other teachers (which is probably why he was searching my head for grays in the first place).

Oh, and I was about 25.
I think I was 16 or 17 and it wasn''t just one......
Well, you get your hair from your, look to him when trying to chart your course!

25 almost 26...and I have no yet, thankfully. But, I color my hair every 4 weeks, so I doubt I''d even see any **if** something decided to come out and play.
I was 34 - didn''t freak me out as my sister and my mother started going grey in their 20''s so I reckoned I''d been pretty lucky.

Have a few more these days but I wouldn''t say that they are noticeable - although I do pull them out when I find them!

I''ve always thought that ''grey forelock'' is very attractive on women with dark hair...
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