
*You MUST See THIS Upgrade!!!*


Jan 26, 2003
You must see this upgrade!!! If you think the upgrade of your diamond made a lifestyle change, compare it to the one this upgrade made!


Diamonds Are A Girl's Best Friend
Awwwww! Too cute!!! <3
That is cute! But he is only 13 weeks?! He is going to be huge!
redwood66|1401026097|3679680 said:
That is cute! But he is only 13 weeks?! He is going to be huge!

Yes. He's a Newfoundland. Mine is on the small side for a male and he weighs 147 pounds! ;))

oh sooooo cute! What a gorgeous puppy!! and boy - he's gonna be BIG!!!
How adorable he is!! Pretty soon he'll need a kiddy pool for a water bowl.
The folks that own him need a pool!!! That is the funniest thing! Do all newfoundlands do that, or does he just have a particular affinity for sitting in water?
luv2sparkle|1401037673|3679734 said:
The folks that own him need a pool!!! That is the funniest thing! Do all newfoundlands do that, or does he just have a particular affinity for sitting in water?

You are really on target, luv2sparkle. I mean you hit the nail squarely on the head!!! It is a completely Newfie thing! I don't know if you noticed, but the puppy, while sitting in the water, attempted to get hid head down to drink at the same time but was thwarted by the fact that his body was taking up his entire water dish. No room to get his head into the dish to get a drink, too!

The original video of the puppy (sitting in his smaller water dish) was actually taken when he was younger and labelled, "Dethan demonstrates his Newfie credentials"...

Newfs are the ultimate water dogs. I have some stories to tell about my dog, Griffin. One I have told here before (the one about the banging sounds). I don't think I ever discussed his ride home from from the breeder, however, which was hilarious.

Griffin's ride home from his breeder was from the very tip of Cape Cod, Massachusetts to Greenwich, Connecticut. He was not a tiny puppy like the one in the video; he was already 16 months old. He had always lived in the breeder's kennel, however, and didn't know about riding in cars; wasn't housebroken; couldn't climb stairs; etc.

We had a nice big dish of water for him in back of my Jeep, where he rode. He did drink out of the dish, but also lay in it and, yes, ultimately sat in it. It was a funny ride home. Then when he came into the house he proceeded to show us that he was really a water dog. He gravitated to all sources of water: toilets, faucets on sinks; his water bowl. If there was water, Griffin was there, too.

I told the story about Griffin and the toilets in one thread, but I don't recall which one. At any rate, I thought Griffin was drinking out of the toilets so I told everyone to keep the lids down. I continued to see water on the floor in front of the toilet. (Since he couldn't climb stairs, it was only the downstairs toilet.) I also heard a banging; it sounded like a toilet lid banging shut.

Everyone kept telling me he had put the lid down on the toilet. The banging and water on the floor continued.

One day I looked into the bathroom and caught Griffin with his head in the toilet. He was standing there holding up the seat and the lid and drinking from the toilet with all of this resting on his huge neck! Well...mystery solved. The big guy had just gone in, lifted the whole apparatus, drunk his fill, then let it all crash down. I heard a big bang and water went everywhere. So we had to start closing bathroom doors to keep Griff out because, thank goodness. he wasn't one of those dogs who had figured out how to turn doorknobs and open doors!!! ;))

Awwww, very cute!

It reminds me of my dog that loves to dunk himself in puddles. When the weather is hot, I would fill a big shallow planter with water for him in the garden, so that he could cool down after being out and about.

DK :))
That is a funny story Deb! What a crack up! I think you need to post some more photos of Griffin!
His next upgrade is going to be huge!!!! Maybe a big metal tub.....
Dogs. Gotta love'em.

What he needs is a kiddie pool.
Awww, too cute!!! Thanks Deb, feeling kinda "blah" and this made me smile!
So cute!
I went to Toys R Us yesterday and bought Griffin two of the $11.00 and change plastic kiddie pools. (I have to put one inside another for him.) My Jeep is being fixed, so I could only fit the smaller size into my father's Honda Civic.

When he came back from his walk, he saw he had a pool again. (I mean for the first time this season; we do this each year!) It was quite warm, in the 80's, so he stepped right into the pool and started to drink. He is just so adorable. A huge dog standing in the pool drinking!!!
