
You know you have a colored stone buying addiction when. . .

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Sep 20, 2008
You take more pictures of your gems than your children.
(I'm bad).
When you run to the computer first thing to see pictures of everyone's pretties.
When look look at Gene's blog five hundred times a day.
When you're looking at all the LOGR listings imagining which one would look best with each of your stones.
When you have empty LOGR settings that you bought because you thought you could find a stone!!

Anyone else game on pointing out another reason?
Guilty as charged
- especially flying to the Mac to check out the acquisitions - ohhh, the eye candy!
You buy a soft bristle electric toothbrush just for your gemstone rings

When you request the first of the month off just because Barry will be posting his new stones....
This is fun!
I have the following symptoms, in addition to what you have listed:

- When you set PriceScope as your home page;
- When you have all cutter sites on top of your bookmark list;
- When you use a spreadsheet to track your gem inventory;
- When you assign setting priority on the spreadsheet;
- When you keep admiring the ring(s) you are wearing when driving;
Date: 3/13/2009 11:48:56 PM
Author: yingh
This is fun!
I have the following symptoms, in addition to what you have listed:

- When you set PriceScope as your home page;
- When you have all cutter sites on top of your bookmark list;
- When you use a spreadsheet to track your gem inventory;
- When you assign setting priority on the spreadsheet;
- When you keep admiring the ring(s) you are wearing when driving;

OMG!! You too???

I''ll add another one

When you see a color and you automatically think of a gemstone that matches it!! LOL!!
Date: 3/13/2009 11:48:56 PM
Author: yingh
This is fun!
I have the following symptoms, in addition to what you have listed:

- When you set PriceScope as your home page;
- When you have all cutter sites on top of your bookmark list;
- When you use a spreadsheet to track your gem inventory;
- When you assign setting priority on the spreadsheet;
- When you keep admiring the ring(s) you are wearing when driving;
Not just driving, but at meetings, exercising, pretending to listen to your signficant other and the kids, shopping, etc. . .
When the highlight of your day is when the mail is delivered. Now that''s sad!
Here is some more:

- Your enthusiasm for photography was all originated from gem pictures;
- You know precisely all lighting conditions around your house and where is the best location to view each stone;
- You clean your jewelery pieces at least once a week;
Date: 3/13/2009 11:54:49 PM
Author: tourmaline_lover
When the highlight of your day is when the mail is delivered. Now that''s sad!
Oh that''s bad..

When you''re not home for to sign for the package, but you have the cell phone number of your mailman and he tells you which road he''s at...
When the only unit of measurment you know is the mm.

When you know the names of the guys who cut your stones, and refer to them fondly by first name (Dan, gene, Barry, Richard...)

When you describe colors to your friends as apessarite orange.

When you get annoyed with your computer being slow, so you browse pricescope on your phone...
Date: 3/13/2009 11:59:04 PM
Author: yingh
Here is some more:

- Your enthusiasm for photography was all originated from gem pictures;
- You know precisely all lighting conditions around your house and where is the best location to view each stone;
- You clean your jewelery pieces at least once a week;
I clean my favorites each time I wear them, it''s pretty sad.
When you go to the mall and the first place you go is the jewelry counter so you can scoff at the ugly mall rings while comparing them to your superior cut and unique gems!

It''s actually fun walking into Jared''s and having the sales people try to guess what the stone is. They''re like "huh? what''s that?"
Date: 3/14/2009 12:02:03 AM
Author: mochi

Date: 3/13/2009 11:54:49 PM
Author: tourmaline_lover
When the highlight of your day is when the mail is delivered. Now that''s sad!
Oh that''s bad..

When you''re not home for to sign for the package, but you have the cell phone number of your mailman and he tells you which road he''s at...
Your poor mailman!!
OMG to all of the above lol!!! When the sun hits the ring just right, and you catch the reflection in the window, and almost smash the car in front of you lol! When the doorbell rings at 9:30 AM, it MUST be Fed EX!!!! When you have spent more in the last year on gemstones that 99.9% of the United States has put in to their retirement funds lol! OY!
Date: 3/14/2009 12:08:48 AM
Author: shaunrice
OMG to all of the above lol!!! When the sun hits the ring just right, and you catch the reflection in the window, and almost smash the car in front of you lol! When the doorbell rings at 9:30 AM, it MUST be Fed EX!!!! When you have spent more in the last year on gemstones that 99.9% of the United States has put in to their retirement funds lol! OY!

Date: 3/14/2009 12:02:40 AM
Author: MakingTheGrade
When the only unit of measurment you know is the mm.

When you know the names of the guys who cut your stones, and refer to them fondly by first name (Dan, gene, Barry, Richard...)

When you describe colors to your friends as apessarite orange.

When you get annoyed with your computer being slow, so you browse pricescope on your phone...

lol seriously. And I''m super good friends with the woman working the mail room/valet - she''s the one I count to sign my packages for me

I''ll add one: When every time you see your friends, the first thing they say is, "oh is that new?" (and it is!)
LOL - I have a similar story. I walked into the jewelry shop on my last cruise ship and just browsed. The guy behind the counter asked if I was wearing an amethyst ring. No, I told him that was an ALEXANDRITE! He exclaimed and insisted of having other sales associates to come over to check it out. He showed off the color change to them as if it was his ring and said it was the largest alexandrite he''d ever seen in person. I stood there, a little embarrassed but at the same time, filled with proud!

Author: tourmaline_lover
Date: 3/13/2009 11:59:04 PM

When you go to the mall and the first place you go is the jewelry counter so you can scoff at the ugly mall rings while comparing them to your superior cut and unique gems!

It''s actually fun walking into Jared''s and having the sales people try to guess what the stone is. They''re like ''huh? what''s that?''
When you lay your rings, stones or whatever out and can just stare at the colors for hours.
When a significant threat from your SO is "cutting off the jewelies".
When you sit and stare at your rings during a test.
When you not only refer to gemstone cutters by their name, but when your SO does to.

FI: "What are you doing?"
Me: "Writing an email."
FI: "Oh, cool. Who to?"
Me: "Barry."
FI: "Poor Barry. Does this mean you're going to be checking the mail in a few days?"
Is it bad (and indicative of an addiction) when I''ve taken to hiding my new sparkly purchases from BF when I get them, because it''s just really getting excessive??
I take them out a few weeks later when I get them set and go, "oh but you''ve seen these before - I got them months ago!"
And usually we all seem so normal - who would say...

Hope none of the new members reads this thread, cause they''ll get the heck out of here and never come back. If we''d have a shrink here, we''d all be locked up in a heartbeat

And what about Youtube - how could you people forget about that? Symptom is described as follows: an individual looks daily at videos of gemstones posted on Youtube, to compare their optical properties and how they combine with various colors of precious metals and/or other gemstones.
Date: 3/14/2009 4:41:52 AM
Author: ma re
Hope none of the new members reads this thread, cause they''ll get the heck out of here and never come back. If we''d have a shrink here, we''d all be locked up in a heartbeat
<----Psych major
<----Medical student (and former psych major)

You know you have an addiction when see the "rainbow" box of colored pencils and laugh at the paltry 7 colors (we all know you need at least 20 colors for a rainbow).
When you''ve made a trip to a different city JUST to check out the sparklies, and spend an hour the night before to pick an outfit to match.
When you do more window shopping on ebay than see actual windows.
When you don''t have a to-do list, but do have a to-buy list of gems.
When your husband/fiance doesn''t buy you jewelry for your anniversary, he just gives you a budget and watches that happy look come across your face as you realize you get to work on a new "project".
When you watch various award ceremonies (oscar''s, golden globes, emmy''s...) just to see the jewellery. Pathetic.
When you buy your clothes to match your jewelry and even worse when buying said clothes husband is the first one to point out "this will go so well with .........".
When you rather look at Gene''s blog than watch "Desperate Housewives" or "American Idol" or the news.

When you find all kinds of irrational excuses not to buy a gem because that''s you''re only form of self control. When I mean irrational excuses, the true excuse should be because you can''t afford it. However, in your head you tell yourself, "oh it''s probably darker in person" or "I rather have a round," "it probably looks brown in daylight." Then someone else buys it and posts lots of pictures proving your irrational excuses false. Ha!!

When you look daily on PS for Mochi and Yingh''s postings (I love you guys and your pictures).

When you forget that there are other forums in PS other than "colored stones."
Date: 3/14/2009 2:57:01 AM
Author: Brown.Eyed.Girl
Is it bad (and indicative of an addiction) when I''ve taken to hiding my new sparkly purchases from BF when I get them, because it''s just really getting excessive??
I take them out a few weeks later when I get them set and go, ''oh but you''ve seen these before - I got them months ago!''
Oh I do the same thing to my husband. I''m lucky that he really never notices my jewelry (he could care less about gems), but if he does, I tell him, "oh I bought that 15 years ago, it''s been sitting in a box all this time." I''m so bad.
Date: 3/14/2009 5:22:04 AM
Author: FrekeChild
Date: 3/14/2009 4:41:52 AM
<----Psych major
Ahh but you''re one of us!

I''m guilty of many of the same things listed here, but I gotta say I''m QUITE impressed with others. For example, Mochi, how did you manage to get your mailman''s cell phone number???

I was once on my way back from getting lunch at work and took this rare opportunity to admire my new stacking rings. Colors just look amazing outside which unfortunately I don''t get to experience a lot you know? Well I literally walked INTO my friend because I was staring at my rings while walking and had to mumble some lame excuse about having a lot on my mind, stress at work, etc etc

What I was most impressed about though happened a few days ago. I was on my iPhone and my DH asked what I was doing. I said "Just looking at gems" and he responded "Oh, was there another gem drop?" This from a guy who has NO interest in such things!
When hubby says, "You are looking at that website again? No more buying, okay?"
Date: 3/14/2009 11:06:05 AM
Author: tourmaline_lover
Date: 3/14/2009 2:57:01 AM

Author: Brown.Eyed.Girl

Is it bad (and indicative of an addiction) when I''ve taken to hiding my new sparkly purchases from BF when I get them, because it''s just really getting excessive??
I take them out a few weeks later when I get them set and go, ''oh but you''ve seen these before - I got them months ago!''

Oh I do the same thing to my husband. I''m lucky that he really never notices my jewelry (he could care less about gems), but if he does, I tell him, ''oh I bought that 15 years ago, it''s been sitting in a box all this time.'' I''m so bad.

I''m hoping BF will get desensitized to gems soon so he won''t notice when I have a new one. My collection has grown since PS, and PS happened after I met BF, so he notices when I get a new pretty! Darn observant boys. They''re not supposed to notice

Oh and my valet/woman downstairs who accepts packages...she thinks I get so many jewelry packages because I have a side business designing jewelry. AND she wants to see my stuff!
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