
You know you are sleep deprived when...


Dec 16, 2007
I put the newborn to bed in his cot beside me and went to sleep. Woke up a few hours later and he was in bed with me sleeping right beside me!

I don't recall picking him up, I don't know if I nursed him, I have no idea what happened!!
Oh no! Did Hunter do it? Y'know, to mess with you a little bit? :cheeky: At least you got a few hours sleep, right? He's such a cute wee thing. :))

I am a little bit sleep deprived too right now (tonsillitis, so not the same league as the newborn fog, but still...). I put my hand into my briefcase to pull out my cellphone yesterday and found myself holding a can opener. Yes, my phone was in the cutlery drawer at home.
If you wake for less than 15 seconds then you won't remember it! It's one of the reasons that co-sleeping mothers can wake-up a lot at night but not realise it.
I fell asleep once nursing one twin and woke up nursing the other- sooo confusing!! And my DH was at work so I know he didn't do it!
Well since I have Twins like Tiffany!!! I get confused which one I just fed!! haha! Thank goodness I write stuff down :read: :rodent: Last night I looked at the clock at read 4 am but it really was 9pm. I freaked that I didn't feed anyone but hubby looked at me like what is wrong! haha I guess I can't read the time now! :knockout:

I recently put some tomato sauce (fridge only) in the pantry. lol :bigsmile:
DD - Ha ha! Osmosis maybe? :tongue: I guess you were on Auto-pilot during the night and didn't remember...

These sleep deprivation stories are funny!

I have one.... you know you're sleep-deprived when you wake up to the sound of your newborn crying on the floor, because you fell asleep nursing her! :o :knockout: That happened to me at 7 weeks pp. Not so funny at the time... :knockout:
Sha|1312900514|2987172 said:
I have one.... you know you're sleep-deprived when you wake up to the sound of your newborn crying on the floor, because you fell asleep nursing her! :o :knockout: That happened to me at 7 weeks pp. Not so funny at the time... :knockout:

Oh, no! Poor baby, and poor mommy! That would be a bit traumatic.

I often would wake up during the newborn phase to look at the clock, and read an entirely different time than was actually there. I was constantly thinking it was earlier in the evening than it was. Nowadays, I often have no memory of Micah waking, if he does at all. Exhaustion does funny things to you!
A few times I can't remember if I fed DD or if it was once or twice.... and I have to get out of bed, walk down the hall, up stairs, into her room, feed her, and go back down again. And I still can't always remember doing it the next day! I often fall asleep nursing her in the glider and wake up with her sleeping in my lap 2 hours later...
Okay, you know you're sleep deprived when you're driving down the road and a cop pulls you over and says to you, "you know why I've pulled you over, don't you?"

You respond, "no."

He says, "your tabs are expired."

You response, "huh, but I paid them."

He leaves to go to his cop car, comes back tells you you're right and lets you off with a warning. You go home and realize you never put your tabs on and had been driving around with expired tabs for SIX months!

(This was when I had a newborn and a toddler.)