
Would you vote to legalize pot today?

Would you vote to legalize pot today?

  • Yes, for both medical and recreational use.

    Votes: 42 56.8%
  • Yes, but only for medical use.

    Votes: 13 17.6%
  • No.

    Votes: 18 24.3%
  • Other, please explain.

    Votes: 1 1.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Mar 5, 2013
Yes. Absolutely. And I would have a long time ago, too, so my support is nothing new :)

Dancing Fire

Apr 3, 2004
I would vote YES, b/c it would eliminate a lot of crimes involving marijuana.


May 11, 2009
Definitely. I am not someone who stands to benefit from decriminalisation personally, but I just don't think it's a big deal. I think there is a lot of empirical evidence that supports various properties of marijuana being very good for the treatment of some cancers, not just as an appetite stimulator or pain reliever. There is also a lot of empirical evidence of how atrocious alcohol abuse is for the body, mind, and society around the abuser, yet it remains the legal party drug of choice (not holier than thou here: I am a social drinker as well). I just feel as if weed has been stigmatised into something it is not.

Legalisation, taxation, and regulation would benefit society massively.


Apr 26, 2007
I'd vote to legalize it simply because it's obvious it's a ubiquitous drug in our society, so we might as well regulate it and make sure it's not being cut with anything *really* dangerous. But I think the stuff is poison - I had friends in high school who went from being bright to being incapable of finishing a sentence - a simple sentence! about which floor they lived on! AS WE WERE GETTING INTO THEIR ELEVATOR! - after a few months of smoking up regularly. In retrospect, actually, I suppose there's a pretty good chance they were just stoned All The Time ... which, I hope, as it means there's a chance they might have bounced back! But even the occasional long-term smokers I've known have seemed a little ... off, somehow.

I know even our strictly regulated drugs can be abused: see, oxycodone and such. Heck, see all my allergy meds containing pseudoephedrine which have been pulled from the shelves for fear they might make meth out of them. Not to mention nail polish remover, for which they tried to card me the other day ....

So overall, I think my position is to legalize it medically and disapprove of it socially. I know alcohol is worse in lots of ways (i.e., angry drunks vs. hungry stoners), but just consider me functionally Swedish on this front. As my husband puts it, you can drink heavily every night of the week that ends in a "Y," but one joint is like an engraved invitation to hold an intervention: despite that, social regulation seems to keep things in check there (that, and a zero tolerance policy for drunk drivers). If we could adopt something like that here, for booze and pot alike, I think I'd be happier than I am today, with lax DUI policies and public funding going to prosecute people who aren't a threat to anything but the local White Castle ....


Dec 12, 2008
I think we will at some point look deep enough to find the good in every drug. Heroin is probably really good for...psoriasis or something...maybe shingles, dysentery or piles. I think we should just allow people to do what they want when they want and fund everything possible for treatment or rehab or anything they need, with our tax dollars. We should set up homes for those that have messed up their brains/bodies so much from drugs that they can't function normally anymore, and we should also do that w/our tax dollars. We should not tell anyone no, b/c someone somewhere at some point in time is going to be fussy. We don't like people to be fussy. Everyone needs an escape from their mundane humdrum lives. Nobody should ever learn to move on, move forward, deal with it, accept things, try to change things, take responsibility.


Apr 26, 2007
Heheheheheh - good post, and point taken, but since criminalizing it doesn't slow it down, *does* tax our legal system, and *does* prevent its occasional useful applications as a palliative ... what's the alternative? I feel like sometimes we just need to acknowledge the tide. Like torrenting - most people don't want to outright steal, so go Amazon for presenting a match program. Doesn't quite apply to pot, but making it a medical necessity vs. a cool illicit thing might help to kill the cool aspect some .....


Dec 12, 2008
That's the thing tho, criminalizing things doesn't slow them down, so we should logically allow everything for everyone. There's plenty of places you can walk in and say you have migraines and you walk out w/a legal prescription. People will always take, no matter what. That's how they are, that's how we've made ourselves. Gimme an inch and I'll take a mile. Give me a free can of pop and I'll raise holy bananas till I can get a free Twix too. The moral code has gone up in smoke, as it were, many many moons ago.

Dammit, I came in to ETA and forgot what I was going to say. I got all caught up in Willie and Uncle Si's bets.


Jul 28, 2007
I voted to legalize pot in WA and it passed here by a landslide (though marriage equality barely squeaked through, go figure, but it did pass so I'm not complaining!), so let's all watch and see what happens. I heard that pot shops may open as early as next year. It will be interesting, no doubt. If anything, I see it as resulting in huge tax revenues for our state, rather than becoming a tax burden, not to mention the money and resources saved by decriminalizing marijuana use. I know lots of people who smoke pot and manage to work and live very productive lives without burdening anyone - live and let live, I say.

Gotta run, off to get high now, since that's how we roll here in Seattle these days!



Jun 8, 2008
I vote yes for all the stated reasons in this thread. Tax revenues for the states, benefit for some diseases, take away business from those dealing in the illegal sale/business etc.
I think legalization and regulation would only be helpful with regards to marijuana.

As for causing harm to those who abuse it well, people need to take personal responsibility yanno? As you point out packrat then let's just criminalize alcohol and other harmful substances (esp when consumed in too large quantities) and then no one has to worry about personal responsibility and taking care of oneself. Everyone should use the judgment to do what is right for them and others around them. Don't drink and drive, don't smoke pot and do something that requires critical thinking etc. Be smart, be safe and just use common sense.


Jul 23, 2012
What I find silly is the fact its illegal when alcohol isn't. The margin between high and OD with alcohol is soooo small. And the margin between feeling high and ODing on pot is just about the smallest there is.

Alcohol is linked to violence. I mean, one of the reason for prohibition in the first place, if I'm not mistaken, was to cut down on domestic violence. And a marijuana high doesn't illicit the same responce.

I am not an expert but I've also heard things about the effect on the body.... alcohol being worse than were. But i'd have to do a little more :read:

I don't do it because I am terrified of doing anything illegal. I'm a goody goody. Same reason I wasn't a partier when I was young. But of it were legal I think I'd prefer it to alcohol.

Problem is regulation. How to profit off a plant so easy to grow at home? I don't know the answer, and I'd like to know how its going with Colorado. But I do think the majority of the reason its illegal isn't because its dangerous, but more political reasons.


May 23, 2010

I also don't drink more than 2 beers a month, if that.

People are stupid enough as it is, they don't need more ways to act stupid. :cry:


Apr 4, 2008
Yes, because there is a big misconception that medical marijuana gets people "high." It doesn't and isn't the same as recreational marijuana.

Medical marijuana is bred to have very low levels of THC, which is what gives people the "high." It is bred to have higher levels of CBD, which is the medicinal aspect of marijuana that helps children and adults with seizures and etc. I have a friend whose child needed this due to her seizures and am happy that she can now get it more easily esp. in a form that she can take - a toddler can't smoke medical marijuana. They need to have it in an edible form. Public perception of medical marijuana has come a long way! And this comes from someone who has never even smoked a cigarette, so I'm not one who partakes in it at all. LOL

ETA: Oops, just read the topic more carefully. Hmmm, legalizing marijuana for recreational use? I'm not for that! Maybe I'm too old school but the whole "it's a gateway drug" theme they drilled into us in high school stuck! Fuddy duddy here.


Jul 18, 2007
I guess I shouldn't be amazed at the huge YES response here. Most of the participants are younger.

But mine was the generation that moved pot into the "mainstream" from the "only the hippies do it" mentality. And then we were smart enough to move past it. Most of us. Toking is so very "That 70s Show".

There is a ton of evidence to suggest that it can lead to harder stuff, that it can be addictive, and that it can cause brain cell damage from long term use.

Don't we have enough dumb in the world, now?


Jul 23, 2012
HollyS|1378487338|3515732 said:
I guess I shouldn't be amazed at the huge YES response here. Most of the participants are younger.

But mine was the generation that moved pot into the "mainstream" from the "only the hippies do it" mentality. And then we were smart enough to move past it. Most of us. Toking is so very "That 70s Show".

There is a ton of evidence to suggest that it can lead to harder stuff, that it can be addictive, and that it can cause brain cell damage from long term use.

Don't we have enough dumb in the world, now?

What's different between those thing in weed and in alcohol?

And I also believe the idea that this is agateway drug is specifically because its illegal. Your doing illegal things and getting drugs from a shady character who also has other stuff, so its not a far leap to get something else. But if its sold like alcohol and above the board, that takes that away.


Feb 27, 2010
Yes though I don't smoke pot, drink or take drugs.


Mar 13, 2004
I just think there will be more stinky people walking around. I can't stand the smell.


Feb 27, 2010
lol. It smells better than cigarettes. Pot doesn't agree with me. I used it quite a lot in my young '70's daze. It made me lazy and 'stupid.' They don't call it 'dope' for nothing!


Mar 5, 2013
It really is absurd that alcohol (and cigarettes!) are legal but marijuana isn't. We absolutely know that drinking too much alcohol WILL kill a person (and I don't mean the way cigarettes will, over time - alcohol will do it in mere hours). However, I've never read of anyone smoking so much pot that they fell over and died. As someone else said, alcohol is linked to violence; pot hasn't been to my knowledge. Marijuana is not a physically addicting drug and it truly is helpful for medical purposes. You could literally smoke (a lot!) of pot every day for a year and quit and feel fine the next day. I don't think you could say that about alcohol.

I just don't feel that marijuana is the "gateway" drug that people are so afraid of. How is alcohol any different? Kids that are experimenting are going to do do, whether it's legal or not. Underage kids drinking alcohol aren't "legally" doing so.

I'm 33 yrs old, I went to college, I've experimented. I grew up in an area famous for its marijuana usage. I've known quite a few people who would be considered successful by any measure who are semi-regular to very regular users (and I'm not referring to myself, lol). It does not interfere negatively with any aspect of their lives. It's just like almost anything else in the world - don't abuse it and you'll be fine. (that said, I don't think using hard drugs such as heroin or crack is EVER a good idea).

Alcohol is legal to make and you do see people occasionally take the time to make it (home kits, etc), but it is cheap and easily available. People can grow their own food but most people just go to the store and buy it. I would imagine that making marijuana legal and regulating it would mean that people would enjoy obtaining it in such an easy manner, and would be happy to pay someone else to do the "work". Especially if potheads are as lazy as everyone thing they are, lol!

Both of them make you stupid; one is clearly more dangerous than the other; so why is the more dangerous one legal?

I honestly feel that it's less harmful than alcohol, IS going to be used (I truly had no idea when I was younger just how prevalent smoking marijuana is in today's world; I was raised in a fairly strict religious household growing up, and I was shocked when I realized just how many "normal", "productive", and successful people partake of it. Of course, they don't usually shout about it from the rooftops bc it is illegal, and they don't want to be stereotyped as "stupid potheads". Which is why I think it's taking so long for it to be legalized. I do believe that we will see it happen within the next 10-15 yrs.

Just my humble opinion, take it or leave it :)


Mar 5, 2013
Sorry for my many typos/grammatical errors - writing from my iPhone, and that post took forever!! No time to edit now...


Mar 3, 2013
I loathe pot. I don't really have an opinion one way or another in terms of the legal aspect.

Tacori E-ring

Aug 15, 2005
As a drug and alcohol counselor I vote no. Someone asked the difference between alcohol and THC. There are many differences but the main for me is the half life of alcohol is 30 mins. Half life of THC is 72 hrs b/c it is stored in fat and are brains are fatty. Personally I would not want my child's teacher, bus driver, surgeon having a joint and then attempting to preform their jobs to the best of their abilities. Even days later. A person can test positive 30 days after use. It lowers white blood cells (which adds to the controversy of med. MJ). Studies show it can cause amotivational syndrome. It is VERY dangerous for people with mental illness or vulnerabilities to mental illness. All mind altering substances hijack the brain. I work in an inpatient mental health unit and have personally seen psychosis brought on by THC. MJ today is much more potent than MJ in the 70s. I don't believe it is the most dangerous drug, but I do believe it is dangerous. Unfortunately I think it will become legal. States are making so much money on taxing head shops.

Here is a good article for those who want to learn more about how THC affects the brain.


May 23, 2010
Tacori E-ring|1378498668|3515845 said:
As a drug and alcohol counselor I vote no. Someone asked the difference between alcohol and THC. There are many differences but the main for me is the half life of alcohol is 30 mins. Half life of THC is 72 hrs b/c it is stored in fat and are brains are fatty. Personally I would not want my child's teacher, bus driver, surgeon having a joint and then attempting to preform their jobs to the best of their abilities. Even days later. A person can test positive 30 days after use. It lowers white blood cells (which adds to the controversy of med. MJ). Studies show it can cause amotivational syndrome. It is VERY dangerous for people with mental illness or vulnerabilities to mental illness. All mind altering substances hijack the brain. I work in an inpatient mental health unit and have personally seen psychosis brought on by THC. MJ today is much more potent than MJ in the 70s. I don't believe it is the most dangerous drug, but I do believe it is dangerous. Unfortunately I think it will become legal. States are making so much money on taxing head shops.

Here is a good article for those who want to learn more about how THC affects the brain.

Wow, that is good info, Tacori! Thank you!


Jan 30, 2008
Put me in the loathe it/gateway drug/associate-it-with-junkies camp. Maybe incorrect, but early conditioning dies hard. I was a kid during the fullest flowering of the drug culture and thus grew up with drugs-bad drilled into my head, plus I lived with a 2-pack-a-day chainsmoker. NOTHING that had to be smoked was going in this body. E.V.E.R. I think smoking anything is just about as nasty as it gets. (And yes, I know there are other ways, but my motivation for ingesting mind-altering anything has always been insanely low.)

I am also amazed that so many people are so nonchalant about the states "voting" to nullify federal law. I would not be so thrilled by that, since the same mindset is eroding reproductive freedoms at a clip at the state levels. Enjoy that pot, because you're going to be knocked up with no recourse too.

That said, I think it should be legalized for personal and medical use, if for no other reason than we simply can't afford to incarcerate so many for it. It's too costly. But I don't and won't like it.

Tacori E-ring

Aug 15, 2005
No problem ilander. I don't know a lot of things but I do know about drugs.

I should have explained a half life means half the time it takes for the drug to get out of your system. So in theory if you drink one drink (12 oz beer, 1.5 oz liquor, 4.5 oz wine) it will no longer affect you after an hour. Gender, weight, stomach contents all change so that is just a rough guideline. Drugs that like water (e.g. cocaine) have a shorter half life. Drugs that like fat take longer. Nothing stays in your system longer than THC.


Mar 8, 2010
Tacori E-ring|1378498668|3515845 said:
As a drug and alcohol counselor I vote no. Someone asked the difference between alcohol and THC. There are many differences but the main for me is the half life of alcohol is 30 mins. Half life of THC is 72 hrs b/c it is stored in fat and are brains are fatty. Personally I would not want my child's teacher, bus driver, surgeon having a joint and then attempting to preform their jobs to the best of their abilities. Even days later. A person can test positive 30 days after use. It lowers white blood cells (which adds to the controversy of med. MJ). Studies show it can cause amotivational syndrome. It is VERY dangerous for people with mental illness or vulnerabilities to mental illness. All mind altering substances hijack the brain. I work in an inpatient mental health unit and have personally seen psychosis brought on by THC. MJ today is much more potent than MJ in the 70s. I don't believe it is the most dangerous drug, but I do believe it is dangerous. Unfortunately I think it will become legal. States are making so much money on taxing head shops.

Here is a good article for those who want to learn more about how THC affects the brain.

:appl: :appl: :appl: Yay, another social worker!! I work at an outpatient drug and alcohol tx agency. :wavey:


Mar 5, 2013
ksinger|1378500039|3515865 said:
Put me in the loathe it/gateway drug/associate-it-with-junkies camp. Maybe incorrect, but early conditioning dies hard. I was a kid during the fullest flowering of the drug culture and thus grew up with drugs-bad drilled into my head, plus I lived with a 2-pack-a-day chainsmoker. NOTHING that had to be smoked was going in this body. E.V.E.R. I think smoking anything is just about as nasty as it gets. (And yes, I know there are other ways, but my motivation for ingesting mind-altering anything has always been insanely low.)

I am also amazed that so many people are so nonchalant about the states "voting" to nullify federal law. I would not be so thrilled by that, since the same mindset is eroding reproductive freedoms at a clip at the state levels. Enjoy that pot, because you're going to be knocked up with no recourse too.

That said, I think it should be legalized for personal and medical use, if for no other reason than we simply can't afford to incarcerate so many for it. It's too costly. But I don't and won't like it.

I'm not AT ALL thrilled about what's gone on/going on in states like Texas, North Dakota, Ohio, etc regarding women's reproductive rights. I'm one of the most rabid supporters of a woman's right to choose that you will ever find (my friends and family are probably quite sick of my preaching about it...) However, abortion is legal on a federal level, and I'm simply stating that it is my personal belief that marijuana will reach that level of legality as well. It's my opinion that marijuana use is far less of a subculture and far more "mainstream" than it's ever been. I think that 20 years ago, most people would've said gay marriage should be shunned. Look how far we've come in that regard! I personally believe that 20 yrs from now, it's quite possible that the public outlook on marijuana will be similarly changed. It appears to be trending that way from what I've seen.

Not trying to offend anyone, hope I'm not! :)


Mar 5, 2013
Tacori E-ring|1378500312|3515869 said:
No problem ilander. I don't know a lot of things but I do know about drugs.

I should have explained a half life means half the time it takes for the drug to get out of your system. So in theory if you drink one drink (12 oz beer, 1.5 oz liquor, 4.5 oz wine) it will no longer affect you after an hour. Gender, weight, stomach contents all change so that is just a rough guideline. Drugs that like water (e.g. cocaine) have a shorter half life. Drugs that like fat take longer. Nothing stays in your system longer than THC.

I do understand your perspective, Tacori. I'm familiar with the info you've posted - I'm a bit of an obsessive reader, so I tend to "investigate" anything that I find the least bit interesting. You are certainly stating facts and I respect that. My own perspective has not been formed in any professional capacity, just through my own life experiences and (admittedly thorough) reading. We just disagree on this and I'm not looking to argue anything out; I don't expect my opinion to change anyone's mind about this (or anything else, for that matter, lol).

Tacori E-ring

Aug 15, 2005
manderz|1378500755|3515876 said:
Tacori E-ring|1378498668|3515845 said:
As a drug and alcohol counselor I vote no. Someone asked the difference between alcohol and THC. There are many differences but the main for me is the half life of alcohol is 30 mins. Half life of THC is 72 hrs b/c it is stored in fat and are brains are fatty. Personally I would not want my child's teacher, bus driver, surgeon having a joint and then attempting to preform their jobs to the best of their abilities. Even days later. A person can test positive 30 days after use. It lowers white blood cells (which adds to the controversy of med. MJ). Studies show it can cause amotivational syndrome. It is VERY dangerous for people with mental illness or vulnerabilities to mental illness. All mind altering substances hijack the brain. I work in an inpatient mental health unit and have personally seen psychosis brought on by THC. MJ today is much more potent than MJ in the 70s. I don't believe it is the most dangerous drug, but I do believe it is dangerous. Unfortunately I think it will become legal. States are making so much money on taxing head shops.

Here is a good article for those who want to learn more about how THC affects the brain.

:appl: :appl: :appl: Yay, another social worker!! I work at an outpatient drug and alcohol tx agency. :wavey:

I have always done inpt. I used to work in an inpt drug/alcohol tx center. I really liked that job. It was easier than my current. Haha. Maybe one day I will venture to the world of outpt.


Feb 8, 2003
I would vote yes and I DID vote yes during the last election and it's now legal and there are places here to buy pot.

I think it's fine and considering the alternatives that people get from doctors, pot is rather harmless. My friend has MS and was told by pain management that she should take methadone! Seriously. :errrr: She obviously decided to try MMJ and it's been very beneficial to her.

They also now sell hard liquor in the grocery stores in WA and it's kind of disturbing to see people buying hard liquor at 7 am! It's not about legalities, it's about responsibility. Being legal or not, it's important that the person doesn't abuse a product or drive drunk/high. Just common sense.

I don't think all drugs should be legal, however, pot, IMO, is much less problematic than booze.

I'd be a hypocrite to be against it since I've been giving my cat catnip for years!!! :D
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