
Would you re-print your invite if....

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Jan 21, 2008
You ladies are wise and give honest opinions and I cherish all your suggestions.

I''m debating myself at the moment in time concern and budget-wise and both FI and I are tiring of the re-doing things... Would you re-print your invite if the name of the church is missing a word in a foreign language (non-English)? Does it matter to you as a guest if you see there''s a missing word on the church name? If you coming from the same church, would you feel offended that the couple missed one word of the church name?

Thank you ladies.

I think it depends. If the couple listed the informal nickname of the church instead or something like that, it wouldn''t bother me. If the word was so important as it would create confusion as to what church it was...then yes I would reprint or at least include a correction card in the invite.
What word is the church missing? Is it something that can be ignored?

Example: St. Rita''s Catholic Church is missing "Catholic" or soemthing. I dont'' think it''s a big deal.
Good morning neatfreak, thanks for your opinion... so yes..

and Hi Liang chi...I believe the missing word will only be noticed if the guest truly goes to the website of the church and comparing my invitation to the monitor, and read it a several times, then maybe the person would realize the missing word. It was a title description of the name of a person. e.g. Dr./ Ms./ Jr./ St./ Mr./ etc. in a non-English language...
SBK - That does not sound like a situation that warrants a reprint, IMO.
I really dont think it matters. but i guess i would have to see the full name and see whats missing.
Fi and I''s budget is really tight, our invites just came in. I dont think we would send the invites back if the church part was missing a word.
But wait, who''s fault is it? did YOU forget the word was you sent in the proof OR did they make the mistake, ?
maybe you can get it fixed for free. ?
Thanks mscushion,iloveprincesscuts, the mistake was on our side, We didn't know the name description of the person existing on the foreign language part until last night....
Ok, so the church is named "Saint Cecilia Xavier Sasparilla of the Woods Church" and the invite reads "Saint Cecilia Sasparilla Church" ??

In that case, no re-print necessary. I grew up in a parish where the formal name is very long, but we generally accepted that any combination was fine (usually depending on if the publication could print it all on one line). It''s not a biggie at all.

Last spring, DH and I received an invite to "Our Lord and Shepherd Church" but Shepherd was misspelled as "Shephard" - in that case, I would have re-printed, but even then, I think DH and I were probably among the very few who even noticed that.
Thanks Elmorton for putting up the sample..."Saint Cecilia Xavier Sasparilla of the Woods Church" becomes "Cecilia Xavier Sasparilla of the Woods Church"

Would the church be offended by this...?
Well...clergy can be kinda picky people, so I can''t speak for that!! But no, I really don''t think it''s a huge mistake and it certainly doesn''t warrant a re-print. If I were a guest and also a congregant, I may notice, but I don''t think I''d be anywhere close to offended. I think a non-member of the church will definitely not notice one way or the other.
Elmorton Thanks for the thoughtful opinion! really appreciate it.

We end up re-printing them cause my mom called me oversea saying... she''ll cover that up so I don''t have to keep thinking of that... oh my I almost cried.

Thanks ladies for all the input!
I don''t think it''s a huge deal either.
I don''t think it''s a big deal unless the guests can''t find directions. If it makes you feel better, my friend misspelled her OWN NAME on the invitation! She just shrugged her shoulders and laughed about it.
Date: 3/28/2009 1:53:08 AM
Author: choro72
I don''t think it''s a big deal unless the guests can''t find directions. If it makes you feel better, my friend misspelled her OWN NAME on the invitation! She just shrugged her shoulders and laughed about it.

THAT. is. HILARIOUS. Koffee, glad to hear everything worked itself out for you!
Was the mistake your fault? If you told them correctly, I would try to get them to pay for the reprint.
Yes yes, katamari, it was my careless the print shop is willing to pay 25% of the re-print cost for us. originally it cost 126CAD for 140 set, and now because we are only making one extra foreign language plate so we can still use the English plate so that save us 63CAD, so we are now paying 50CAD extra for the re-print. not really a lot at the end.
Date: 3/28/2009 11:12:39 PM
Author: StarbuttsKoffee
Yes yes, katamari, it was my careless the print shop is willing to pay 25% of the re-print cost for us. originally it cost 126CAD for 140 set, and now because we are only making one extra foreign language plate so we can still use the English plate so that save us 63CAD, so we are now paying 50CAD extra for the re-print. not really a lot at the end.

Bummer. It would have been nice to be able to hold them accountable. but, it is good that the correction doesn''t take too tough of a toll on your pocketbook.
as long as I could find the church - it would not bother me as a guest.
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