
Would love your he thinking about proposing?


Sep 21, 2011
Hello Everyone,

I've been lurking around the ladies in waiting forums for a year now. It has been so helpful reading a lot of your stories and really related to what a lot of other people are going through.

I've been with my boyfriend for a little over three years now and I've always figured it was going to take him forever to propose. I went through I phase where I was really intense about dropping hints and talking about becoming engaged and getting married, but it really bothered my boyfriend and so I just decided to stop.

This past Friday was my birthday and my boyfriend took me out to lunch. After lunch I bought a cupcake and I suggested we go to his office to share it because it was close by. When we got to his office he opened his desk drawer to take out a knife and I saw a De Beers catalog sitting the drawer. I didn't say anything to him but it totally took me by surprise. I haven't dropped hints or talked about it since March.

A day later I couldn't help it, I know his e-mail is always accessible on his ipad. So, I caved and check it and sure enough he went to a jewelry store two weeks ago. I know he didn't buy anything and the e-mail was a follow-up e-mail from the salesperson that he didn't reply back to. The salesperson was referring to me by my name and the salesperson was talking about one specific ring in my size my BF looked at that is exactly the ring style I told him I wanted.

I don't want to get myself too excited, because the De Beers store is near his work and he might have just wandered in to check rings out because he was curious.

I'm going crazy right now so any insight would be appreciated!
Thanks in advance!


Mar 18, 2007
Re: Would love your he thinking about proposin

I have two thoughts on this.

1) Yeah, it sounds like he's thinking of proposing.

2) You have just signed up for a whole lot more anxiety by snooping someplace you don't belong. If you had never seen that e-mail, you would not be working yourself up. And it's not like he left it lying around, or you accidentally saw it (like the catalog). You snuck into his private account to get this information, and now you have to sit on your hands and pretend to know nothing. But because it's something you really want, that's going to be really, really hard.


Oct 4, 2011
Re: Would love your he thinking about proposin

Well that does sound suspiciously positive....!!!

But --- the whole snooping thing --- :nono: As exciting as it is to want to know, once you have some info in your head like that, you can never erase it. That's all you'll be focusing on from here on in - and what if it doesn't pan out? then what? You can't exactly confront him "hey, I saw a brochure in your desk and I snuck into your private email and read stuff..." Yikes. Tough position to be in now.

Wait it out -that's ALL YOU CAN DO! Its kind of like snooping at your Christmas presents under the tree - its anti climactic once you know you finally got that (Barbie doll/X box/ Louis Vuitton purse/ ***insert desired gift of choice here***) and when you finally open it, you have to fake excitement! My mind is too simple to have to remember to forget things! ;))


Oct 2, 2008
Re: Would love your he thinking about proposin

I agree with the others. It definitely sounds like he's coming around and is in the beginning stages of ring shopping!

I understand how anxious you can get and how waiting is SO hard, but snooping is definitely not the answer. You could end up a) ruining the surprise, b) working yourself up to the point where you end up resenting him about it, and/or c) make him second guess himself if he knows/cares that you did snoop should he find out.

Nothing you can do to change it now, just try and keep it to yourself and try to enjoy what is likely the last few weeks/months of being a girlfriend. You should be able to find some excitement and comfort in knowing that he has started looking...leave the rest to him!

TOTALLY easier said than done, but we're here if you need to vent!


Sep 21, 2011
Re: Would love your he thinking about proposin

Thanks for all of your replies. I don't want anyone to think I feel good about snooping through his e-mail. I seriously couldn't believe that I saw the catalog and I was up until 3:00am thinking about it, so I just checked. I know a lot of women on these boards end up going through their SO things looking for the ring. I'm honestly more calm now that I checked.

I'm definitely going to let it be a surprise from now on, and I'm not planning on any more snooping. Once I had thought I saw what I saw I really just wanted that confirmation.

I'm sure I have bad karma now and he'll end up proposing a year from now because I found out!!! I seriously don't think he know's what I know and I've been very quiet about it and plan on being quiet about it from now on.


Oct 4, 2011
Re: Would love your he thinking about proposin

Sounds like the perfect plan! Just lay low. What will be, will be. And there is nothing more you can do from here on in... ARgh - the agony of waiting sucks! I hope it all plays out just as perfectly as you hope for - good luck! Stay calm :))


Sep 23, 2011
Re: Would love your he thinking about proposin

Hi Hopeful! :wavey:

Being a LIW makes you do crazy things. Like snoop. :naughty:
I just ruined my SO's proposal idea by opening up his SMS folder when he only asked me to read out 1 text! I went to the next line, and read his message, and ruined something that SO had been working on for a while ;( I feel terrible!

At least your SO doesn't know you know! You're going to have to live with that secret forever, I'm afraid. Let him plan out his thing, and keep busy so you don't snoop or blurt anything out! Come here and vent if you can't handle it ;))

mary poppins

Apr 10, 2010
Re: Would love your he thinking about proposin

Sounds promising. I your boyfriend proposes sooner than you think he will!


Oct 2, 2008
Re: Would love your he thinking about proposin

HopefulinSF|1345587828|3255032 said:
Thanks for all of your replies. I don't want anyone to think I feel good about snooping through his e-mail. I seriously couldn't believe that I saw the catalog and I was up until 3:00am thinking about it, so I just checked. I know a lot of women on these boards end up going through their SO things looking for the ring. I'm honestly more calm now that I checked.

I'm definitely going to let it be a surprise from now on, and I'm not planning on any more snooping. Once I had thought I saw what I saw I really just wanted that confirmation.

I'm sure I have bad karma now and he'll end up proposing a year from now because I found out!!! I seriously don't think he know's what I know and I've been very quiet about it and plan on being quiet about it from now on.
Aww, don't think that. Just remain calm and enjoy this time! Surprises are ruined all the time, by accident, by snooping, by all sorts of things. You can't change it now. Just go forward knowing your time as a GF is coming to an end and do your best to relax! Enjoy yourself!
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