
Would like to start TTC soon but I have questions!

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Sep 5, 2007
I''m sure there are a ton of TTC topics but I''m doing the usual posting from work thing so I have to be quick about it.

Anyways we''re leaving for our honeymoon at the end of May. I was supposed to start my birth control pill pack on Sunday but haven''t yet. We haven''t been doing anything this week so far though so nothing to worry about there. I''m debating getting back on the pill for another month or just staying off and starting to seriously chart when I''m ovulating.

I''m also 37 years old and turning 38 in June so I''m not sure how hard/easy it will be for us to get preganant.

I have a few questions about what to do here. Should we go in and get checked out now, to make sure we''re fertile so to speak? We have great health insurance right now and could probably do this. If so where do we go? Does DH goes to his regular doctor and I go to my obgyn?

Also if we start TTC this month, what if I get pregnant pre-honeymoon at end of May? Will that affect our trip or be bad health-wise? Should we wait until then to TTC?

I''m so new to all of this and DH wants two kids and I''d like to get going before 40 if possible.

Have you started pre-natals? It''s best you begin taking those so Folic Acid builds up in your system.

I would take one more packet of pills mostly because if you do get pregnant right away, if your body is really sensitive, you may end up with morning sickness almost immediatly (around by 8 weeks!). That would be a bit soon for m/s, but better safe than sorry.

Do you have any general heath concerns and/or have you had a regular physical and OBGYN visit within the last year? If all that is clear, possibly wait until after your pregnant to see a doctor. I''m not even sure if you can have your fertility checked unless you''ve been TTC for six months. Somewhere I read that, but possibly that''s not the case. If you obsess over that aspect rather than just enjoying the process (lol!), it may stress you out which can impact success.

Good luck! Oh, FWIW, it''s great to begin tracking your ovulation as soon as you''re off the pill. Once I got the hang of it, when it was "that time," I would chase DH around the house. That was the only period in our lives where he feared me and accused me of only wanting him for a baby. lol
Sorry I am not able to advise you.

But I wanted to wish you the best of must be a very exciting time.
I have been taking folic acid every day along with my usual vitamins. I generally have a good vitamin regeime but have been off of it for awhile so I got back on it again about two weeks ago.

I have one ovary but my OBGYN says that shouldn''t be a problem for having a baby. I guess my only concern is my age and how that may affect fertility. For example can my DH get checked out to see if his ''swimmers'' are good? I have friends that have been TTC for over a year and she''s been talking about getting that test done a lot. I know it''s a bit soon to assume anything''s wrong but I thought it would be nice to get a running start out of the gate so to speak.

And yes a morning sickness honeymoon would suck.
Date: 3/17/2009 5:56:07 PM
Author: Steel
Sorry I am not able to advise you.

But I wanted to wish you the best of must be a very exciting time.
It''s pretty nerve wracking right now. I want children but have mixed feelings about the process of it all!
I would definately go for a ob/gyn check up. I don''t see why your guy would need a checkup but I guess it would not hurt.

I echo about making sure you are taking at least 400mg of folic acid and as soon as you go off the pill, I would go on prenatals just to be safe. Also, if you drink alchohol, make sure once you are off birthcontrol, treat your body like you are pregnant, no alcohol, watch your medication etc. because the early days after fertilization are SO important.

Looking back, I went off the pill, waited to get one period and then we tried and got pregnant the first month.

As far as travel, where are you going? As long as the water and food are safe (may want to drink only bottled water), I see no issues. as long as you are doing the above. I flew when pregnant, no issues.

Good luck! My first baby is 12 and I still remember the excitment of finding out i was pregnat. Such an exciting thing!!

Congrats Violet!

I can’t answer any questions on BC as I don’t have experience with it but I know other ladies here do. If you can go get checked, I would. It can’t hurt to have those initial discussions with your doctor.

If you do get pregnant right away, it won’t have any affect on travel. Doctors typically don’t recommend traveling after 32 to 36 weeks, although your doctor may feel differently if they categorize you as high risk. In those first few weeks you want to be careful with your level of activity so I would take that into consideration.

I highly recommend popping in the TTC thread (it’s a sticky in this section). Those ladies are incredibly helpful (and supportive!) and can answer any questions you may have.
I was reading that you can have vitamin ''overdose'' so I think I should hit up the vitamin store and just pick up some prenatal vitamins and keep taking my usual folic acid dose. I''m taking a lot of vitamins otherwise so I am probably in the vitamin overdose category.

We are headed to Paris and Greece for our honeymoon.

One thing of note is my medications. I do take some depression meds and my doctor has said he wants me to get off all meds before I start TTC. I''m scared to do it though because I have no idea what my moods will be like during. I had one previous doctor that said it was okay to take a low dose of the meds I am on but I think it''s probably best to get off altogether.
I just wanted to chime in and offer my support too. I am 38 in May and we are about to have my husbands vasectomy reversed. We lost a child a few years back and I thought I wouldn''t want any more children so he had the operation.

I am also nervous about my fertility although I did have some hormone tests done a few months ago and all my levels are within the normal ranges.
Congrats Violet!!!

Definitely pop into the TTC thread- at the top of the page- when you get a moment. The ladies there will have tons of advice and information on this stuff. It's such a wonderful support thread, and the ladies there are funny and warm.

My unprofessional opinion is that if you really want to start TTC relatively soon, I wouldn't start another pack of pills. Some women it takes quite a few cycles before they "regulate" again. Not everyone- my cycles were regular immediately, but there is that chance. Also, though there are quite a few preggos around here that got pregnant on their first go-round, it's pretty unlikely statistically. If you knew your exact ovulation date and managed to do the deed on that date, it's still only like a 20% chance of getting preggo.

That being said, I would probably try to avoid until the honeymoon just to be on the safe side, depending on where you are going. Most morning sickness (if you get it) kicks in around 6 weeks.

Why not avoid and then go for it on the honeymoon??
Then when you get back, you can start charting and jumping in. No reason not to get a pre-conception appointment and there is a test for the swimmers- don't know what it is, but the girls on the TTC thread will no.

Also, I am 34, will be 35 when I deliver and I didn't have any problems getting preggo.

Good luck!!!!!

ETA: Ok, just saw your post regarding the meds. That changes my answer- I would definitely take the next pack and schedule a doctor's appointment and get their advice first. I am sure it's not a big deal, but better to be safe! And how fun, Paris and Greece are two of my most favorite places in the world! I would wait till after to get preggo- think of all of the cheese and wine you'd have to give up!
Date: 3/17/2009 6:16:24 PM
Author: Maisie
I just wanted to chime in and offer my support too. I am 38 in May and we are about to have my husbands vasectomy reversed. We lost a child a few years back and I thought I wouldn't want any more children so he had the operation.

I am also nervous about my fertility although I did have some hormone tests done a few months ago and all my levels are within the normal ranges.

Did you do this in anticipation of TTC or just to do it? Who did the tests for you? Your obgyn?

I'm sorry to hear that you lost a child.
Date: 3/17/2009 6:17:08 PM
Author: ChinaCat
Congrats Violet!!!

Definitely pop into the TTC thread- at the top of the page- when you get a moment. The ladies there will have tons of advice and information on this stuff. It''s such a wonderful support thread, and the ladies there are funny and warm.

My unprofessional opinion is that if you really want to start TTC relatively soon, I wouldn''t start another pack of pills. Some women it takes quite a few cycles before they ''regulate'' again. Not everyone- my cycles were regular immediately, but there is that chance. Also, though there are quite a few preggos around here that got pregnant on their first go-round, it''s pretty unlikely statistically. If you knew your exact ovulation date and managed to do the deed on that date, it''s still only like a 20% chance of getting preggo.

That being said, I would probably try to avoid until the honeymoon just to be on the safe side, depending on where you are going. Most morning sickness (if you get it) kicks in around 6 weeks.

Why not avoid and then go for it on the honeymoon??
Then when you get back, you can start charting and jumping in. No reason not to get a pre-conception appointment and there is a test for the swimmers- don''t know what it is, but the girls on the TTC thread will no.

Also, I am 34, will be 35 when I deliver and I didn''t have any problems getting preggo.

Good luck!!!!!

Thanks! Okay I''ll hit up the TTC thread soon then! I will make an appt with my obgyn to start. I would like to just stay off the pill at this point though and maybe use condoms or what have you until the honeymoon.
Date: 3/17/2009 6:17:26 PM
Author: violet02

Date: 3/17/2009 6:16:24 PM
Author: Maisie
I just wanted to chime in and offer my support too. I am 38 in May and we are about to have my husbands vasectomy reversed. We lost a child a few years back and I thought I wouldn''t want any more children so he had the operation.

I am also nervous about my fertility although I did have some hormone tests done a few months ago and all my levels are within the normal ranges.

Did you do this in anticipation of TTC or just to do it? Who did the tests for you? Your obgyn?

I''m sorry to hear that you lost a child.
Thank you

I am a carrier of something called Fragile X Syndrome. One of the risks for female carriers is premature ovarian failure. I was tested because my sister has already gone into early menopause.

Its a simple blood test and it was done at my doctors. I am in the UK so we do things a bit differently here. I would ask if its something you can have done. It put my mind at rest. Obviously its no guarantee that I will get pregant but its nice to know that everything is working from my end!

Our struggle will be waiting to see if the reversal procedure works on my husband.
Date: 3/17/2009 6:20:34 PM
Author: Maisie
Date: 3/17/2009 6:17:26 PM

Author: violet02

Date: 3/17/2009 6:16:24 PM

Author: Maisie

I just wanted to chime in and offer my support too. I am 38 in May and we are about to have my husbands vasectomy reversed. We lost a child a few years back and I thought I wouldn''t want any more children so he had the operation.

I am also nervous about my fertility although I did have some hormone tests done a few months ago and all my levels are within the normal ranges.

Did you do this in anticipation of TTC or just to do it? Who did the tests for you? Your obgyn?

I''m sorry to hear that you lost a child.

Thank you

I am a carrier of something called Fragile X Syndrome. One of the risks for female carriers is premature ovarian failure. I was tested because my sister has already gone into early menopause.

Its a simple blood test and it was done at my doctors. I am in the UK so we do things a bit differently here. I would ask if its something you can have done. It put my mind at rest. Obviously its no guarantee that I will get pregant but its nice to know that everything is working from my end!

Our struggle will be waiting to see if the reversal procedure works on my husband.

Good luck with the reversal, I hope it goes well for you both!

I just made an appointment with my OBGYN for my annual pap, I also asked for blood work etc. I will ask about all of the tests I can get to make sure my body is in good shape for this.
Congratulations on your soon-to-be honeymoon!!

Man, this is a hard decision. Some people get pregnant right off the bat, others take time. We certainly didn''t think it''d take the amount of time it has. If you want to try to just "go with it" and be care-free, I''d suggest that to begin with, simply because it''s so incredibly easy to get caught up in TTC where it can (at times) seem like it''s over-taking your life.

I would suggest stopping the pill and using other means of birth control until you do start TTC, since it''s *great* to chart and know what''s going on. Had I not been charting, I wouldn''t have been able to pinpoint anything out of the ordinary with my cycle. Plus, Ob/gyns appreciate having that information available to them when you do go in for a visit.

If your insurance is good, as you say, I would also suggest doing the visit to get a baseline as far as your hormones and all that. It''s good to know where you stand. Of course, if you want to go care-free for a while first, that''s awesome, too. (If you''re not one to stress out over much of anything, then I''d do the blood work now.) As for your husband, a general dr. may be able to make a referral for a sperm analysis, but my ob/gyn said he can do it, if need be. We''re trying some other things first, since Paul is "sensitive" to that testing. Boys!

Anyway, the most knowledge you can go into any appt. with, the better!! I would totally, totally, totally suggest stopping the pill, since it can take several months for some women to regulate themselves off it, especially if you''ve been on it for an extended amount of time (years and years).

Also, start on a prenatal ASAP. There are lots of studies that show being on prenatals prior to pregnancy increase the chances of your baby *not* developing birth defects, particularly in the first stages of development. Spine development being a biggie!

Good luck to you!!

(I don''t know what you''re doing for your honeymoon, but I know air travel is fine up to the final months of pregnancy and cruises are fine up to 24 weeks.)
Thank you.. and good luck to you! I would agree with staying off the pill now. Let your body get back to normal and start to chart your temperature so you can see when you ovulate. You will be in a better position to start trying when you know how your body is working!
Hey Violet,

I''m 28 and went off the pill in August and conceived at the end of January. I think with one ovary and being in your late 30s, the chances that you would conceive the first month or two are slim. The chances are only 20% each cycle for a couple actively trying to conceive with no fertility issues.

Since you''re already late starting your pill pack, I''d just forgo it. You can use condoms or another method if you really wouldn''t want to be pregnant on your honeymoon, but this way you can start charting and get a sense of how regular your cycles will be off the pill. Then when you do start TTC, you''ll have a cycle or two under your belt for reference.

I was more ambivalent about getting pregnant the first month or two, but as the (relatively few, I know!) months passed, I began to worry that we had fertility issues. If you had told me I would be pregnant within 6 months of going off the pill I wouldn''t have worried, but I didn''t know that . . . maybe not getting pregnant after actively trying meant we couldn''t, ya know? So when I got my got my positive pregnancy test 6 months after going off the pill, I was overjoyed and relieved.
Okay so stop the pill now sounds like a good idea so I just will continue to not take it as I have been so far this month.

I''ll make sure I''m on a pre-natal vitamin regeime for sure and not taking too many!

Lastly though, I guess as soon as we start TTC I should stop taking my anti-depressants. I''m taking one that has virtually no side effects but I wonder if there''s a build up in the system or what. I can ask my doctor.
Date: 3/17/2009 6:41:11 PM
Author: phoenixgirl
Hey Violet,

I''m 28 and went off the pill in August and conceived at the end of January. I think with one ovary and being in your late 30s, the chances that you would conceive the first month or two are slim. The chances are only 20% each cycle for a couple actively trying to conceive with no fertility issues.

Since you''re already late starting your pill pack, I''d just forgo it. You can use condoms or another method if you really wouldn''t want to be pregnant on your honeymoon, but this way you can start charting and get a sense of how regular your cycles will be off the pill. Then when you do start TTC, you''ll have a cycle or two under your belt for reference.

I was more ambivalent about getting pregnant the first month or two, but as the (relatively few, I know!) months passed, I began to worry that we had fertility issues. If you had told me I would be pregnant within 6 months of going off the pill I wouldn''t have worried, but I didn''t know that . . . maybe not getting pregnant after actively trying meant we couldn''t, ya know? So when I got my got my positive pregnancy test 6 months after going off the pill, I was overjoyed and relieved.

Yes exactly why I want to go into this as prepared as possible. I have one friend at age 38 who had to do IVF to get pregnant. Another friend who never did get pregnant and then another friend who''s STILL trying in her mid-30s. So it''s a concern for sure.

I have a slightly off-topic question. My friend has had two abortions and she said before that she was very fertile, in earlier years. In her later years she was never able to get pregnant and said she felt that it was affected by this, her husband is a dr as well. I have a friend now TTC who has also had 2 abortions and it''s been over a year since she removed her IUD and they have yet to get pregnant. I was just curious if anyone had any knowledge if this is a big factor or not. I myself have never had an abortion so this isn''t a concern in my case.
Date: 3/17/2009 6:43:19 PM
Author: violet02
Okay so stop the pill now sounds like a good idea so I just will continue to not take it as I have been so far this month.

I''ll make sure I''m on a pre-natal vitamin regeime for sure and not taking too many!

Lastly though, I guess as soon as we start TTC I should stop taking my anti-depressants. I''m taking one that has virtually no side effects but I wonder if there''s a build up in the system or what. I can ask my doctor.
I am on anti depressants too. I went to see my doctor last week to find out what I should do about coming off them. He said that when my hubby has the operation and if its successful I should go back and discuss it with him again. He said in some cases women can stay on the medication. Its a case by case decision based on the pros and cons of stopping the medication and the effect it would have on me and the baby. He did mention that if I continue to take them during pregnancy the baby can go through some kind of withdrawal after I give birth. I really don''t feel ready to stop taking the meds but I am also aware that I don''t have lots of time left to conceive either. I am probably going to come off them as I don''t want anything to go wrong with the pregnancy. I am on them more for panic attacks than depression.
I am excited for you Violet02!! I had my kids at 35 and 38. Although fertility goes down statistically as you get older you still only need one egg and one sperm. I can understand you wanting to keep your meds things status quo until the honeymoon is over. But condoms will work until then and it''ll be a nice chance to clear out your body from any residual hormones. I recommend the mucus checking method, too. If you aren''t familiar with it your ob/gyn can explain. I hit it to the day 3 times! Good luck!!
Date: 3/17/2009 6:52:48 PM
Author: Maisie
Date: 3/17/2009 6:43:19 PM

Author: violet02

Okay so stop the pill now sounds like a good idea so I just will continue to not take it as I have been so far this month.

I''ll make sure I''m on a pre-natal vitamin regeime for sure and not taking too many!

Lastly though, I guess as soon as we start TTC I should stop taking my anti-depressants. I''m taking one that has virtually no side effects but I wonder if there''s a build up in the system or what. I can ask my doctor.

I am on anti depressants too. I went to see my doctor last week to find out what I should do about coming off them. He said that when my hubby has the operation and if its successful I should go back and discuss it with him again. He said in some cases women can stay on the medication. Its a case by case decision based on the pros and cons of stopping the medication and the effect it would have on me and the baby. He did mention that if I continue to take them during pregnancy the baby can go through some kind of withdrawal after I give birth. I really don''t feel ready to stop taking the meds but I am also aware that I don''t have lots of time left to conceive either. I am probably going to come off them as I don''t want anything to go wrong with the pregnancy. I am on them more for panic attacks than depression.

I''ve been on meds for years and it''s generally for depression. I have anxiety sometimes though and have an ''as needed'' medication I take for that. So I can probably drop that one altogether. My previous doctor said the same thing about potentially staying on the meds, but I have a lot of concerns about exposing a baby to meds while pregnant so I''m sure I''ll be stopping them. I really worry about the effects though. I know that it can be very tough.
Date: 3/17/2009 7:05:17 PM
Author: swingirl
I am excited for you Violet02!! I had my kids at 35 and 38. Although fertility goes down statistically as you get older you still only need one egg and one sperm. I can understand you wanting to keep your meds things status quo until the honeymoon is over. But condoms will work until then and it''ll be a nice chance to clear out your body from any residual hormones. I recommend the mucus checking method, too. If you aren''t familiar with it your ob/gyn can explain. I hit it to the day 3 times! Good luck!!

I remember talk about this with you last time we had a GTG! I''m happy to hear you had both your kids at around my age. It''s very encouraging. I''m definitely going to clean out the ole system beforehand. I just have to make sure about when I should stop taking the other meds. Pre-TTC or as i''m TTC. I have a book on fertility which outlines the muscus and temperature checking methods. Checking my temperature seems to be a challenge since my schedule is so irregular but mucus may be better for me?
Hi Violet - Just wanted to chime in in the medication thing...I''m 15 and 1/2 weeks pregnant right now.

I have had issues with anxiety for a good part of my adult life. I was on a relatively low dose of celexa for the past 4 years. I went off of them while DH and I were TTC and stayed off until about a week ago. My anxiety got increasingly worse and worse...

I spoke with several OBs, a fetal medicine specialist and my general practitioner - and everyone told with no DOUBT that I should go back on the meds, again at a low dose. Being super anxious and/or depressed is not good for the baby or YOU! I know that the SSRI''s have a really good safety profile in pregnancy, although withdrawal can be an issue. My OB is going to have me taper down to 1/2 my dose at 4 weeks before my due date. And I''m going to be taking 20 mgs of the celexa, max, so there isn''t much to taper down from. My docs are COMPLETELY comfortable with it. And don''t get me wrong, it wasn''t an easy decision, but just wanted to put my two cents out there.

I have another good friend who has had major depression issues and had to be on a relatively high dose of prozac for her ENTIRE pregnancy and her son is absolutely perfect.
Date: 3/17/2009 7:10:23 PM
Author: littlelysser
Hi Violet - Just wanted to chime in in the medication thing...I''m 15 and 1/2 weeks pregnant right now.

I have had issues with anxiety for a good part of my adult life. I was on a relatively low dose of celexa for the past 4 years. I went off of them while DH and I were TTC and stayed off until about a week ago. My anxiety got increasingly worse and worse...

I spoke with several OBs, a fetal medicine specialist and my general practitioner - and everyone told with no DOUBT that I should go back on the meds, again at a low dose. Being super anxious and/or depressed is not good for the baby or YOU! I know that the SSRI''s have a really good safety profile in pregnancy, although withdrawal can be an issue. My OB is going to have me taper down to 1/2 my dose at 4 weeks before my due date. And I''m going to be taking 20 mgs of the celexa, max, so there isn''t much to taper down from. My docs are COMPLETELY comfortable with it. And don''t get me wrong, it wasn''t an easy decision, but just wanted to put my two cents out there.

I have another good friend who has had major depression issues and had to be on a relatively high dose of prozac for her ENTIRE pregnancy and her son is absolutely perfect.
I''m really glad you posted Littlelysser. I am on Celexa too but we call it Citalopram here. My friend who is a nurse had mentioned cutting down the dose near the end of the pregnancy.

I am worried that my panic attacks will come back if I stop taking it. I was at the point where I couldn''t leave the house becasue I was so bad. I''m also on 20mg so its a reasonably low dose to start with.
No problem Maisie!

I''m not going to lie - I''m not thrilled to be back on the medication, but the last 14 weeks were pretty difficult. I had problems eating, sleeping and I was constantly anxious. I tried talk therapy, meditation, exercise...just about everything I could to try to get it under control...but I finally realized I just couldn''t really do it myself. And like I said, I struggled with my decision...but I finally realized I needed to trust the MANY docs I spoke with about it. And I have to tell you, I feel like a new person. Or rather, like my old self. Slowly but surely.

And like I said, the SSRIs have a really good safety profile...and the withdrawal thing really shouldn''t be an issue, considering how low your dose is. I know in the US the average theraputic dose starts at like 40 mgs. So we are already at the dosage that most women would taper down to before birth. My OB even suggested breastfeeding on it.
Date: 3/17/2009 7:29:49 PM
Author: littlelysser
No problem Maisie!

I''m not going to lie - I''m not thrilled to be back on the medication, but the last 14 weeks were pretty difficult. I had problems eating, sleeping and I was constantly anxious. I tried talk therapy, meditation, exercise...just about everything I could to try to get it under control...but I finally realized I just couldn''t really do it myself. And like I said, I struggled with my decision...but I finally realized I needed to trust the MANY docs I spoke with about it. And I have to tell you, I feel like a new person. Or rather, like my old self. Slowly but surely.

And like I said, the SSRIs have a really good safety profile...and the withdrawal thing really shouldn''t be an issue, considering how low your dose is. I know in the US the average theraputic dose starts at like 40 mgs. So we are already at the dosage that most women would taper down to before birth. My OB even suggested breastfeeding on it.
I used to be terrified of anti depressants. I used to think they would make me all weird and I would get addicted to them. I had to get to a really low point before I would even consider taking them. It was the best thing I have ever done for myself. I was suffering for years before I went on them and I really don''t ever want to stop taking them! Its like I am a completely different person and my family are thrilled.

My anxiety issues are connected to me being a Fragile X Syndrome carrier so I may have to stay on the medication for a long time. I''m glad to know that its not going to stand in the way of me having another baby. There are already enough things in our way without anything adding to them!
Wow great posts! Thanks for the info littlelysser.

I take a medication called Lamictal. It's traditionally used for people that are bi-polar but my last dr. prescribed it for depression and it's been great. I was on Zoloft before and I didn't like the affect it had on me, ie, no highs or lows. I am prone to being anxious a lot and am prone to mood swings or was before I started taking meds about 10 years ago.

I'm going to ask my OBGYN about it. My current psychiatrist is the one prescribing them to me but I'm not that fond of him. He didn't even know why I was on such a high dose of Lamictal when I first started seeing him. He said it was probably making my birth control not effective. My OBGYN said that it was the reverse. The birth control was making it hard for the lamictal so I had to be on a higher dose.

Oh, I just realized. I should probably lower my dose of lamictal now that I'm going to stop taking birth control. My OBGYN appt is April 8th.

ETA: I meant to add that my first doctor said there were some studies that showed some very rare instances of clef pallete in pregannt lamictal users but he felt at a low dose it would be fine, even through breastfeeding. My current dr. is telling me the hormones from being pregnant can often make up for not having the meds. I really have a hard time believing that one.
Violet FWIW many people find that pregnancy hormones render antidepressants/anti anxiety meds unnecessary too. I have GAD and went off my meds when I found out I was pregnant. I was worried that my anxiety would be bad, but aside from the usual pre-12 weeks and pregnancy anxiety, I actually felt great! My babies are 3 months old now and I just went back on a med.

So ultimately do what is right for you, but just know that if you want to try going med free many women have the same reaction as I did as well. And you can always go back on them.
So pregnancy can mean happy hormones for some women? I would prefer that to medication!!
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