
would a jeff white sapphire and avg go well together?


Sep 22, 2009
I'm a long term lurker and love this site. For an engagement ring, I was thinking of a three stone 'trellis' style ring by mark morrell. I've always wanted a warm-coloured (L or M) august vintage cushion diamond but my boyfriend really wants to have a sapphire as the stone so I was thinking of combining them into a three stone ring. For the sapphire I was interested to see if Jeff White could recut one. For the setting, a three stone setting by mark morrell (picture attached).
These are my questions: 1) do you think the warm broad flashes of an avc will look good with a sapphire (which will probably have smaller flashes and since its blue, be of a more 'cool' colour)? 2) do you think the three cushion shapes will look good together?
Thanks so much for any ideas.

Personally, I really like the contrast of blue sapphires with white diamonds - I'd be a little worried about the blue of the sapphire, the warmth of the diamond you are talking about and the white of the metal it's in....
Thanks violet3 for your reply. My alternative could be to just get a round sapphire and heart and arrow side diamonds, but I really really wanted the avc. Does anyone know of any pictures of cushion sapphires that are together with cushion cut diamonds?
I think blue and yellow go nicely together and think that lower colored AVCs with a blue sapphire would be lovely!
(so I'm guessing its a personal preference)

Maybe you should buy the sapphire you like then send it to GOG and let them take some pictures of the stones
togehter. Then you can decide if you want to go with lower colored AVCs or whiter stones.
Personally I think your engagement ring should be what you want!!! If your bf wants to get a sapphire tell him you can have RHR with a sapphire. Don't settle.
Thanks everyone for your reply.
Dreamer_D: those pictures are great, I find pictures of three stone cushion rings really lacking (I did find a couple on pricescope but only with diamonds)
Sarahbear: although my first choice would be the avc solitaire, the sapphire three stone ring is such a close runner-up I really don't mind, maybe I can get a avc solitaire as a rhr later! Although just time wise, I'm know the three stone ring is going to take much longer to organize

I suppose to be on the safe side I could get avc's of a higher colour grade. I guess I just felt it was a shame not to also get the cost savings of the warmer colours since I also like them.
tyty333: It is a good idea to visit GOG. I am going to new york in a month. I am sure I won't have the sapphire by then but I could bring another sapphire just to compare it with the cooler/warmer colours.
Actually I did find this picture of moremoremore's three stone cushion which I found helpful.


I have an L coloured AVC and find that they go extremely well with red spinels (with a touch of orange) because of the warmth.
I think the AV and sapphire combo would be gorgeous BUT I would stick to J or higher color. If you are going to GOG, maybe see if they have any settings with sapphires so you can compare...

I love the ring by DBL!
I may be rather anal, but I would be worried about the facet patterns. Since all stones would be lovely precision cut cushions, I think the different facet pattern between Jeff's cushions and the AVCs might niggle at my mind.
Lady Disdain: I was worried too about the facet patterns being different.
I did notice that the old mine cut diamond on the diamondsbylauren ring (the above link) was a L, and I think it looks good with the sapphires. So actually I am getting less worried about the colour of the diamonds. However, I am getting more worried about not liking the cushion shape in a three stone ring. It doesn't seem to have the same "fluidity" (is that a word?) that the first picture I posted of Mark Morrell's ring has (with the rounds). I know this is being really picky, but too spend lots of money for something and then being kinda irritated when you look at it would be frustrating. I could play it safe and get all rounds, but then I wouldn't get to have a avg (I could save it for another ring down the road I guess). If I got all rounds, should I get heart and arrow diamonds for the sides, or goodoldgold's old european cut diamonds? (but then the facet patterns would be different)
Sorry I keep saying avg when I mean avc!!!
Another PS-er was recently considering an AVC/JW sapphire three-stone ring as well. There are a couple of photoshopped images that might be somewhat helpful:


My brain is tired and mushy, so please forgive if you mentioned already seeing this thread and I overloooked it! :)) I can't wait to see what you decide to do! :love:

Could you go with an round OEC or AVR?
THANK YOU kathleenmv! I didn't see that thread (which I find hard to believe because I've been searching through pricescope endlessly, but I guess pricescope if so big). That thread was really helpful and the pictures of your three stone avc are gorgeous! I was leaning towards a round three stone (with the sides being either hearts and arrows or august vintage european, thanks pregcurious), but now I'm leaning back towards the cushion three stone with the pictures of your ring. Also, the link to the video of someone else's three stone avc was helpful too-
Arjuna's sapphire is so perfect, I hope to get one like that. Her original setting is so pretty though, I think she should keep it the same!
Diamond27, I'm so glad that thread was helpful! :wavey: The options you're considering sound absolutely gorgeous, so I don't think you can go wrong! :)) And I looooooooooove AJ's JW sapphire, too. What a beauty!

Looking forward to seeing how your ring journey progresses. :))

I just wanted to chime in here because I wanted to mention I've spoken to Jonathan and asked him what his thoughts would be on trying out the AVC and the AVR cut on sapphire rough. I realized this would take a special client and said that I find many PSers willing to pay the extra premium on the precision cut sapphires coming out recently and thought that the August Vintage line would make some amazing sapphires and some beautiful vintage inspired rings (not to mention Kate Middleton bringing back colored stones and the rise in diamond prices is probably going to bring a big trend in colored stone rings I imagine). He was willing to talk about it, but I was just throwing out ideas; I'm not considering getting one any time soon. ;(

However since you are considering August vintage side stones I think you may want to shoot Jonathan an email and see what you can do about sourcing some rough and maybe doing a project with him. I know he is the only vendor who works directly with Mark Morrell as well so I think the whole process would be an amazing thing to do with GoodOldGold and I know Jonathan loves doing stuff like this :naughty:

Also if you haven't seen missdebbys new 3 stone RHR of AVR here is a look at it just to give you an idea of the one project he just did for her :love:

What ever route you choose to go it's going to be a beautiful ring! :love: :love:
Thanks vintagelover229, I never would have thought of getting a 'august vintage' cut sapphire. I'm going to think about that. I am going down to new york in sept, so I want to visit goodoldgold. The august vintage european stone ring is beautiful.