
Worst Insult --- Best Compliment

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sevens one

Apr 14, 2004
What were they?
Hi, Sevens! Are you referring to jewelry or just worst insult/best compliment about anything?
You know... it''s all about the eyes.... for me. The words can lie, but the (in)sincerity always shows....
Date: 2/22/2007 3:31:24 PM
Author: Madam Bijoux
Hi, Sevens! Are you referring to jewelry or just worst insult/best compliment about anything?

Worst insult....6th grade. A mean girl said to me "If you lost weight your boobs wouldn''t be so big." Gave me a complex that I''m still suffering from.

Compliment?? must think...
Worst insult: A guy in HS said my boobs were saggy. I was mortified.

Best Compliment(s): My mom recently told me I am the person she admires most in her life because I accomplish whatever it is I set my mind to and because i have grown up to be a thoughtful, insightful adult.

Oh, and anything my DH says to me, he just makes my heart go pitter patter. This morning, just out of the shower and looking like a wreck I walked past him and he said "you are so beautiful, you have the most amazing eyes" and I just melted. But my favorite is when he says I''m smart, because he is truly the most brilliant person I''ve ever met (he has the IQ of a genius), so coming from him it''s a huge compliment.
Hmm, one of the nicest "compliments" was when a boyfriend wrote a short story about me for a class. That was so cool, seeing myself through his eyes

Insult ... hmmm. Gosh, I guess I should feel lucky that none pop into my head right away, huh?!

Oh and of course the BIGGEST compliment was seeing how happy my hubby was to marry me on our wedding day
Of course there are little niceties now and then, which are lovely and make me happy, but for me, it's not the words, it's the actions.
Okay, these are not the most earth shaking, but they were the first that came to mind.

Worst insult: really a backhanded compliment. One of my SILs said to me everyone thinks I''m a flake but I actually make sense a lot of the time. I''m not sure who "everyone" is, but I remember thinking WTH did she mean by that.

Best compliment: my 5 year old''s PreK teacher told me that the girls in his class said I was sooooo pretty and I always wear beautiful earrings. It made my day.
haha i can't remember any really that would qualify as WORST or BEST necessarily.

the most recent compliment i do remember...this wkd i was walking out of a dressing room at macy's and one of the shop gals who was talking to her coworker stopped short and exclaimed 'you are so cute!' and i was looking around like 'what?' and then i saw her and she repeated 'your face and your look is just really cute!'...and i was like 'aww thanks'. TOTALLY random...i mean honestly i looked like nothing special that day. of course inside i was glowing but it was really random.
Worst insult? When I dated this guy and slept with him soon (according to her, tmi, I know, but it wasn''t THAT soon, I swear!!
) she called me a "glorified whore" who wasn''t even smart enough to get paid.
Of course, my response was calling her a judgmental, jealous prude who- due to lack of interest- would be a virgin to her last day.
And then told her to get off her high horse, her morals only exist if you had a choice in the matter. We''re obviously not friends anymore.

Best compliment?

Other than anything FI says, my dad once told me that he''s proud that no matter what kind of marriage raised me, I''ve still managed to be a kind, smart, beautiful woman who has found herself a wonderful man to marry.
Best compliment: Fi told me one of the reasons he loved me was because I was an independent, strong, and intelligent woman who has an opinion! I was so happy to hear he loved a spicy non-traditional woman!!

On a side note...when I was trying on wedding dresses a little girl at the wedding shop said, "oooh, you''re pretty, I want to look like that when I grow up." I blushed, she was so adorable. Words from children get me very emotional. They are so candid and open.

Worst Insult: During my undergrad work, I took an honors analytical chemistry course. I received a poor grade on the first exam and the professor said, "You may not be intellectually qualified for this course." That hurt pretty bad. He was a tough and grouchy professor and the class had a 50% drop out rate. I proved him wrong and ended up getting a B+ in the course. It really did a wammy on my self-esteem though. It''s amazing how much a comment like that can affect how you feel about yourself.

Also, in highschool my junior year boyfriend dumped me in the middle of the school parking lot in front of his friends...stupid high school stuff, but it was tramatizing at the time. Years later he apologized to me at a party, which was so nice of him. He definitely redeemed himself.
The first two that came to mind.

First one is also an insult/back handed compliment. I was at a wedding reception when I was about 15. Two guys I had gone to gradeschool with were there, I hadn''t seen them since 6th grade. The first one to come up to me was my first boyfriend (in 6th grade), we''re talking, and his friend, the other classmate came up. Ex says, hey Niki, you remember Ellen don''t you? He looked at me and said, You''ve got to be kidding, she was ugly.
Guess I''d bloomed.

The compliment came from a gal I worked with at one time in an office with 8 other women. They invited me to a Halloween party, after I had quit. She said, you know, after a girl leaves, we all talk about her, but nobody did that with you.

I thought that was really sweet.
Maybe not WORST insult, but it bothered me: This pretty much socially inept girl said to me "You know, if I didn''t know you had an advanced degree, I''d think you''re stupid."
I was thinking to myself "at least people LIKE me" but I didnt. That''d be unneccessary.

Best Compliment: Recently I was talking about something (I don''t remember what it was, def not fishing for a compliment, though) and a guy we were out with said to me, in front of FI, "you''re freaking gorgeous. I don''t know why you don''t know that." It made me feel a bit awkward too though b/c he was kind of intense about it. I''m def not but it was nice that he thinks so haha.

My FI pays me lots of compliments, but it''s nice to have someone, with absolutely nothing to gain, who just out of the blue says something nice to you.
Worst insult would have to be when I was in the 9th grade (many years ago) and shopping for a prom dress. I''ve always looked younger than my age (still do), but I was 15 years old and bought the dress from a bridal shop in town. Of course the dress needed to be altered, so while I''m standing there in the salon wearing my "too big" prom dress, the seamstress just kept going on and on about how there was "no way you are old enough to go to a prom. My 10 year old daughter has friends who look older than you do."

Best compliment (well, I don''t know if it is the BEST compliment, but it certainly was the cutest) - I was about 20 years old, performing in a Children''s Theatre production of the musical "Mr. Scrooge". There were a ton of children in this production and a few of the little girls would follow me around during rehearsals. During our first dress rehearsal with full makeup and dress, I was in my dressing room finishing up to get ready to go on stage. As I was looking at myself in the mirror, one of the little girls asked, "Do you go to college?", to which I replied that I do. She then asked me what I major in. At that time, I was undeclared and told her that I didn''t yet have a major. I then asked her what she thought I should choose as a major. She replied, "Modeling." Little kids are too cute.

Great thread!

The worst: while in grade school the relentless flat chested jokes are up there; oh maybe it was when Diane S, in grade six, called me "the flatsie doll".

The best: I dunno; maybe it was when this one patients family all grabbed my hand one evening shift when I came into the room to look after the sick husband (I was bedside nursing then) and exclaimed "Oh, THANK GOD you are here".....

Worst insult....Hmmmm, that''s a good one. I''m not sure, but, I''m sure it came from my MIL!

Best compliment.....Anything relating to my super adoreable very well mannered children...hehe not to brag. Ill mannered children really get on my nerves so it has been my life''s work to be sure they can behave in ANY and ALL circumstances. I never wanted to have kids that I couldn''t stand to be around and other people couldn''t stand it either. DH''s cousin has 4 children who are absolute animals - they''re loud, they scream constantly, they eat off of other people''s plates and on it goes. When they are around it is completely unpleasant for everyone. I did not want that and I love it when people notice that my kids are pretty darn good.

Another best compliment....I''ve had a good guy friend for almost 20 years and interestingly he gave me a very nice compliment once. I was going to have dinner at a restaurant with a group of friends and walked in with him. He said that he loves entering rooms with me because the room stops and stares because I''m so beautiful.....awwwwwwwwww, melt my heart...I don''t think it''s true, but, he''s a total sweetie anyway. Too bad he''s gay...Oh yeah, and I''m married.
YOU HAVE SUCH A PRETTY FACE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(inw, You need to drop a few") LOL..)
I''m not sure if it was an insult or a compliment, but someone said I would never stab someone in the back - I''d stab them in the front.

I really don''t remember any real insults.

As for something nice that took me off-guard was when I went to Europe I kept people updated on my adventures. Apparently these stories were forwarded and passed around to people in my industry. At a trade event, a guy came up to me and said "Hi, you don''t know me, but I have been dying to meet you - you''re amazing!" I felt for a second how a new celebrity might was weird but nice. I was only supposed to be in Europe for 2 months, but decided on a last minute whim to stay for another 2 months. One lady who was getting my updates announced it to her office and she later told me her entire office erupted in applause. I guess people wanted me to stay out of the country!
Okay I remember the best compliment... when I was 15? 16? I was at a theatre with my FATHER... okay I was at the castro watching some rambo trillogy with my DAD who is a total hippie and this was mid-80's when being a hippie was sooooo wrong relative to my preppie self LOL Anyway I was mortified being there with him... but these three guys came in - all older high school boys and they sat 2 rows ahead of us and one of them scoped out the theatre and it was just like in the movies... the guy on the end hit the guy in the middle and pointed at me, the guy in the middle turns and then hits the guy on the other end and points at me (I'm blushing by now) and then the guy on the end looks at me and eyes bug out and he says, "woah, that girl is FINE!" and boy it went straight to my head LOL That was the first and only time I was ever "fine" but if anyone remembers 1985/1986 california that was THE compliment to get LOL

ETA: I'm going to call this the worst COMPLIMENT because I really don't think she meant it as an insult... but if you read on you'll see what a totally HORRIBLE thing to say it was LOL I'd lost a bunch of weight and this "friend" said to me - in front of a group - "Wow sara you look really great! You've even lost one of your chins!" ::cough:: ugh.....
Worst: A few years after I graduated from high school, I heard from a younger friend that one of my former teachers had referred to me in a class as "that bright girl with a chip on her shoulder". That bugged me to no end... it wasn't a chip, it was the fact that this particular teacher taught English (my fav subject) and was forever interpreting things wrong... poetry, novels, whatever... so I constantly felt the need to correct her. Apparently that wasn't received well...

Best: In college I took a very intensive psychology seminar with 15 other students... we all became very close by the end of the semester and as a closing activity, we received a questionnaire to fill out with each others' names, asking things like "Most likely to have something kind to say about everyone" and "Least likely to leave home without their planner"... that sort of thing. Then we went around and shared answers. For the question "Most likely to be voted the leader in the event of a catastrophe (ie., plane crash)", 12 out of the 15 people had put my name. Something about that just struck me..... probably because I was more accustomed to compliments about my writing skills or babysitting ability, but not leadership.
It was both surprising and meaningful.

And of course lots of lovely things from my family and friends and fiance.
Worst Insult: I went to an advanced private high school. I have a degree in interior design, I love english, history, art, art history, working with my hands and developing creative things. My school focused on Math (I hate), Science (I hate) and languages, especially Latin and French. I took 6 years of Latin. Are you getting a clear picture of the scholastic hell? I never found a niche in my school and was thus a very average student. In 9th grade I had to complete a biology research paper. I chose to do the paper on a rare blood disease my mom has. I did tons of research and already knew alot about the disease based on the fact that my mom has it.
Once the paper had been submitted, my english teacherr (who was only grading for grammatical issues) called me up in front of the whole class and accused me of plagerising the paper because there was no way I could have written the paper on my own and been that knowledgeable on the subject of the disease and told me she was appalled and disgusted to have received it. I was crushed and to this day go above and beyond to show things as fact. She made me feel stupid and inedequate and I lived with that stigma until college, where I finally got to study something I loved. I made deans list repeatedly and was awarded several times for my work in the interior design program. Bu-dum- ching! Hurray for me! I showed her!

Best Compliment: Anything my husband says. He is my biggest fan and makes me feel confident, capable, talented, beautiful, smart, funny and perfect. I love him!
jorman, that teachers remark was really a backhanded compliment.
Moremoremore, I can totally relate to your insult.

Here''s mine:
Let me preface this by saying I''m a big girl....I like to think big-boned but there''s meat on there, too!

One summer day, my bf and I were sitting on the front porch with his Granny, who was 94 years old, and Granny asked him if he thought he would eventually marry me. He told her yes, one day he thought he would. Granny said good, because she really liked me. Then she said, "That Dianne, she has such a pretty face"....then there was a pause..."now if we could just do something with the rest of her".

My bf was so embarrassed but I was instantly laughing and said, "Granny, there''s a lot to do something with, isn''t there?" She really had no harmful intent...that was just Granny. It''s strange to say that I find an insult endearing but she would have been mortified if she felt she had hurt my feelings, which she didn''t....and I smile every time I remember that.

Now, when I complain about well, anything, my bf will say, "But you have such a pretty face..."
(I tell ya...give that guy some ammo and he will shoot...)
Date: 2/22/2007 7:44:18 PM
Author: dianne

Now, when I complain about well, anything, my bf will say, ''But you have such a pretty face...''
(I tell ya...give that guy some ammo and he will shoot...)
ugh, my husband too... my IQ came in in the high 130''s and EVERY time I do something stupid my husband says in this very deep "sunday sunday sunday" truck rally sort of voice - "sub-GEEEEnius!" @@
Hmmm. Two stand out ... one was being my small private High School's sole nominee for a prestigious state-sponsored summer program & being DENIED! Woof. That hurt. I felt like I let everyone down & (at the time) that if I couldn't even make ____ ... I had "no chance in the real world". Then - strangely - an ex-boyfriend said I "wasn't the mountain biking type". This was a reason to break up with me. I was INCENSED! I spent about six years trying to prove this ex wrong. Which is how I ended up hiking in Italy and doing long, grueling biking weekends in Vermont & MOVING to his fave outdoor region. HA! He was *so right*! I am NOT the "mountain biking type" but we weren't meant for each other ANYWAY. Now I never let him know I was doing all these crazy things & I wasn't doing them to "win him back" I don't know why I was so *insulted* by the truth & spent so long trying to be who I'm not but - HA! that's youth for ya! .

Silly one -- I was interviewing a "B-list" celeb & after some frisky banter & mutual laughing we were talking about some young pretty starlet and he was like I'd only be interested in her if she had a different brain & I said "whose?" and he said "Hmmm -- yours!" I know he'd have probably said the same thing to anyone he was "hitting it off with" but I was IRRATIONALLY FLATTERED nonetheless!
Worst insult: Anything that relates to my disability... Especially when people says "it''s not that bad" or "not so noticeable", it certainly doesn''t make me feel better about it. Makes me feel like an idiot. I have a hard time handling that.

Best compliment: I went to try on dresses to scratch the itch last October, and at one of the stores, the saleslady and another woman, who was there with her mother and daugther for FGs dresses, just gushed over me. Dress after dress, they would say that I''m the prettiest girl and will make the most stunning bride.

Of course, nothing can beat my FI... He recently sent me an e-mail from Edmonton, saying he was the luckiest man in the world to be marrying me. Gotta love him.
Date: 2/22/2007 8:28:35 PM
Author: anchor31
He recently sent me an e-mail from Edmonton, saying he was the luckiest man in the world to be marrying me. Gotta love him.

Whoa, I grew up in Edmonton.....sorry to hijack....

Date: 2/22/2007 8:39:52 PM
Author: canuk-gal

Date: 2/22/2007 8:28:35 PM
Author: anchor31
He recently sent me an e-mail from Edmonton, saying he was the luckiest man in the world to be marrying me. Gotta love him.

Whoa, I grew up in Edmonton.....sorry to hijack....

lol, FI has been there on a business trip for the last 2 months, he''s coming back Friday next week (we''re in Montreal).
I think this falls in the catagory of best compliment AND worst insult!!

I had a waitress job in the 70''s while I was in college. We had to wear Hot Pants!

A customer said after watching me bend across a table to reach something, "You got the biggest ass I ever seen that still looks good!!" and he was smiling ear to ear.

It makes me crack up to remember it.
After watching me scarf down 2 extra value meals from McD, my co-worker says in front of everyone, "I bet you''re gonna go to the bathroom and yak everything up, aren''t you?"

To which I replied, "Of course not, my tapeworms would be upset. Got a problem with that?"

Her: "Ugh, WHAT-ever, we all know you can''t possibly eat that much all the time and not gain weight. It''s imPOSSible."

Me: "Damn, I''m still hungry." (hahahaaa... that pissed her off. she turned and walked away.

I guess it can be a compliment and an insult, since I weigh about 107 and eat all the time, but I figure she''s just bitter since she''s always on a diet and probably starving.
I''m irritable too when I''m hungry.
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