
Worried about online dealers


Nov 3, 2015
Ive posted about this before, but I hear stories from the brick and mortar stores all the time, "dont trust online dealers" But I want a stone from High Performance Diamonds. Ive had a nightmare with the box stores here, and its pushing me to pour my money into the online dealers. The Diamond Company (a big box jewel store) completely screwed me. Theyre liars and change dates over and over about when the diamond will arrive.
Please, can I trust the online dealers?
chill1986|1450233483|3962086 said:
... can I trust the online dealers?

Just as with brick and mortar dealers, some yes some no.

I've bought from and strongly recommend Whiteflash, Liebish, and Good Old Gold.
I think if you do a search here for High Performance Diamonds you will find tons of complimentary reviews.
You should have no qualms about purchasing your stone from High Performance Diamonds. I don't know who or where The Diamond Company is, but I'm sure you'll have lots more fun dealing with Wink ;))
High Performance Diamonds is very reputable and trust-worthy. I have purchased from them and their Crafted by Infinity stones are spectacular. Wink Jones, the owner, is a super guy to work with and posts on PS occasionally. They have been around for quite a while. You should have no worries dealing with them.
I wish I could afford a CBI from High Performance...

I've bought from BG, WF and BlueNile. all fine. No one switching out diamonds on me. ;)
I've never bought from HPD, but after reading this forum for 10 years I'd buy from them in a heartbeat.
chill1986|1450233483|3962086 said:
Ive posted about this before, but I hear stories from the brick and mortar stores all the time, "dont trust online dealers" But I want a stone from High Performance Diamonds. Ive had a nightmare with the box stores here, and its pushing me to pour my money into the online dealers. The Diamond Company (a big box jewel store) completely screwed me. Theyre liars and change dates over and over about when the diamond will arrive.
Please, can I trust the online dealers?

Full disclosure - I'm an online dealer so I may be a bit biased. :)
This is not a beat-up on brick & mortar shops (many of my dear friends own B&M jewellery shops), and I recognise that online is not a preferred option for everyone - this is simply my interpretation of why some B&M operations may be saying things like save the abuse for another thread :lol:
I spent years at the wholesale level of the industry (B2B - not the B2C that call themselves 'wholesalers'...don't get me started :wall: ...) before going to online retail. And I can tell you with some amount of experience that there are a number of reasons why some (not all) B&M shops are trying to discredit the online operations:
- In the past there were some dodgy online guys...just like there have been some dodgy B&M...however, that shouldn't reflect everyone - and besides that, nowadays, if an online business (within any industry) does the dirty on a customer, word spreads a heck of a lot quicker online that it ever could at the street level...and with more consumer penetration and brand damage! We all read online reviews before making an online often do you get a chance to speak to B&M customers? (other than on PS :) ) --- in fact PS is a great example of how a brand can have great / poor online reviews.
- Online retail has waaayyy fewer overheads - therefore we can be very price competitive.
- While I show both my own stock, and some select suppliers stock on my site, a B&M shop has to commit to a certain level of diamond/jewellery stock in their showroom. Trends /prices / demands change, and unfortunately they are often left with dead stock - whereas online we are able to respond a lot quicker to changes in the market.
- Customers can spend weeks/months online researching / searching online for exactly what they want before committing.
- Online selection - not limited to what is in the cabinet - instant global access
- No sales people trying to move stock that they've had sitting there forever, and which may not be in the best interest of the customer
- All the reputable online retailers have solid payment / shipping / return that can no longer be picked on.
Contrary to some B&M operations (and some online operators), it's not an 'us or them' scenario - I can't even count the number of times I've referred to a B&M because the customer had certain requirements more suited to that business structure...and in reciprocation, I've had many referrals from B&M shops sending customers my way.
Ultimately there are good and bad examples of online and offline businesses - but at the end of the day, do your due diligence on whoever you decide to deal with...only you can decide what you're most comfortable with.
Hope this helps
I would trust Wink to watch my kids while I went on vacation. Forget diamonds. I've worked with him three times. And I am already plotting working with him again.

Seriously Wink is such an amazing ETHICAL vendor who bends over backwards to make sure that his customer's are happy that you will be thrilled.

And that's just Wink. Then there is the crew at Infinity. I've personally met 6 of them by now. It's a labor of love with all of them and there is such pride in a job well done.

There really isn't a better vendor combo out there. Yes, there are vendors that are as good, but better? No. :wavey:
Wink and High Performance Diamonds is 110% trustworthy. I have known Wink since 2004 when he delivered my first diamond tennis bracelet. This was followed by him having Richard Homer recut my sapphire.

Last year, I contacted Wink for a fancy intense yellow diamond bracelet and pendant. These diamonds were sourced by Paul Slegers of Crafted by Infinity diamonds.

Finally, Wink and Paul delivered a Cut To Order 2.21 F-SI1 Crafted By Infinity Diamond last December but not before I had conference calls with them and John Pollard to discuss its specifications. This diamond continues to surprise everyday with its exceptional performance.

Wink also has a See It to Believe It program described on the HPD website.

I have personally met Wink, Paul, and John. They are all good people.
I would trust Wink and would love the opportunity to work with him one day. He always seems to be a class act based on what I've seen here on PS. :clap: Let us know what you decide. Good luck! :wavey:
I have not purchase a CBI diamond but have worked with Wink over many years and trust him wholeheartedly. Patient, honest and not pushy at all.
Being in the trade and at one time a partner in a charity program with Wink, I cant say much about Wink per the rules.
But I will say call and talk to him and you will soon see why he is held in such high regard.

I'm also in the UK and have purchased exceptional diamonds from BGD and WF. I've also seen stones from CBI and they are also superb. Nothing in them for me; so do your homework, check the performance and also the prices. You can purchase safely on-line and, depending who you choose, save money too.
Gypsy|1450245901|3962164 said:
I would trust Wink to watch my kids while I went on vacation. Forget diamonds. I've worked with him three times. And I am already plotting working with him again.

Seriously Wink is such an amazing ETHICAL vendor who bends over backwards to make sure that his customer's are happy that you will be thrilled.

And that's just Wink. Then there is the crew at Infinity. I've personally met 6 of them by now. It's a labor of love with all of them and there is such pride in a job well done.

There really isn't a better vendor combo out there. Yes, there are vendors that are as good, but better? No. :wavey:
Couldn't have said it much better.
Can't go wrong with Wink. He deals in beautiful stones :!: ... :love:
I don't think you can go wrong working with High Performance Diamonds and Wink. CBI diamonds are gorgeous.