
Winter Storm Jonas

That bus wreck looks scary!

I'm in the mountains of West Virginia. It snowed 23 inches yesterday & overnight and it is still snowing today. I live up a hill on a hill, which means we won't see a snow plow until Monday at the earliest. We're stuck! Luckily we have a whole home generator and plenty of food and water. We plan to hang tight for a few days!

My driveway this morning:

That bus wreck does look scary.
Our house is snowed in! Sorry it's sideways. But the cars are gone!
Snow past my knees (18 inches) - I fell when going sledding and couldn't get up because it was too deep. It was sort of funny. :bigsmile:

Eyeyiyi , stay safe people!!!

Elliot86|1453529362|3980116 said:
Andelain|1453528755|3980113 said:
Elliot86|1453518663|3980042 said:
I'm at the heart of it (my house was in the background on the news today) :lol:

I should have been watching, in case Oreo was in the window... :love:

Roe cat! She is absolutely loving the fireplace in all this snow.

Someone here had a similar opinion of the weather.....

Update: according to ABC news
This is NYC's 3rd largest snowstorm in history...


This weekend's massive winter storm is now the third largest in New York City's history, and the snow is still falling. Central Park's weather station recorded 25.1 inches of snow so far for this storm. The record for the top slot is 26.9 inches of snow. "This is a storm of a lifetime," said Meteorologist Jeff Smith.
This weekend's massive winter storm is now the third largest in New York City's history, and the snow is still falling. Central Park's weather station recorded 25.1 inches of snow so far for this storm. The record for the top slot is 26.9 inches of snow. "This is a storm of a lifetime," said Meteorologist Jeff Smith.

Thank you mary poppins for your good thoughts for the feral kitties. I don't know what's going on at the beach but I know it's worse than here and I just hope they can survive this and that spring weather comes for all of us very soon.
I hope your shoveling went/is going well and that you are staying safe.

Deb, what an awful accident. I hope no one was seriously injured.

MissGotRocks, I am with you completely. Tired of winter and not really a fan of it anymore. Not like when we were young and snow was so exciting.

Sharing a video my dh took around 4PM today.
**edited by moderator, please do not risk personal safety, our policies are in place to try and make sure no one is ever targeted for their gems. Thank you**
Here's the view from my balcony this afternoon.

Great vid, Missy, thank you :appl:
my view this morning.

i have stayed inside all day binge watching Mozart in the Jungle.
other than the view, I have yet to notice there was a storm

Cool photo Vapid. Love it. A gritty NY pic. :sun:
Love Mozart in the Jungle. Glad you are enjoying the blizzard from inside.

Thanks Kristie.

OK here are a few pics from this morning. The beach backyard window snow is melting so the security pic of the backyard is blurry through the melting snow but here's the best I can do for now.

A pic from front of beach house. That's a bit clearer.januaryblizzardatshore.jpg

And next up photos from our Brooklyn home. Pretty sunrise this morning.sunriseafterblizzard2016.jpg





Sorry for the barrage of pics but I hope you enjoy! My kitties are going nuts with the falling chunks of snow as the sun hits it and it melts and falls. LOL I should get a video of that haha. Speaking of videos I am going to try including a pretty snow video later from the sunrise this morning. He's taking it with his iPhone and he is a novice videographer to be sure. :bigsmile:

OK adding video now. Please excuse my dh's thumb. 8)
**edited by moderator, no videos per our policies and for everyone's safety**
Missy, thank you for posting all the pictures & video, very nice of you & Greg! :appl: :appl: Your snow fall there looks like a good one, & even here in MI, all it takes is 8" or more & we have a snow day.

The snow fall with this storm is really amazing, NYC with 26'8"!! We've had some hum-dingers, no doubt, but I can't recall 26 inches in one snow single storm event. (I've only been here in MI for 23 years.)

At least it happened over the weekend, & perhaps everyone can get dug out in time for the week ahead. I read flooding was occurring on the shore, & was hoping you had escaped it, it looks like you guys did! :wavey:
I just went back & read over the comments I'd missed on page one, & some of those pictures are horrifying, especially that bus accident, oh my word. & that flooding, even worse--pure destruction.

MGR, I know how you feel, I too hate winter & snow. Its always nice to go outside & walk around the block or something right after the snow fall, it changes the environment in so many ways, it is truly beautiful.

I hope everyone has power & is warm & safe!
Great pictures and video Missy.
MissGotRocks, sorry to hear you are feeling cooped up in the house. I can definitely understand how one can get cabin fever during big and long snowfalls.

AGBF, wow, I hope the person who had to go the hospital wasn't' seriously injured and was able to go home soon after the accident. Luckily it looks like no other vehicles were involved.

Deegee, what a cute dog. Sounds like you are well prepared to hunker down for a while given the circumstances of your location.

Littlegnome, looks like you got a big snow dump. Were you able to get out of your house? A friend whose doors open out was stuck inside because she couldn't open her doors - the snow was too high. Her neighbor had to come dig her out.

Chrono, I hope you had fun sledding. I used to enjoy that as a kid. We don't have any good hills for sledding where I live now.

Adelain, cute picture of your kitty. My cat keeps begging to go out. She likes to romp around when there is a little bit of snow but this is too much for her. Each time we have let her out this weekend, she quickly wants to go back inside. Then she begs to go out again. Such a kook.

VapidLapid, your picture looks like the perfect day to binge watch Mozart in the Jungle! I hope you are doing well.

Missy, great pictures and video. NYC always does a good job of cleaning up quickly. I loved living there and lived near where you are if that's the GAP subway entrance. When will you be able to get to the shore to check out your house? From the pictures, it looks like it fared better than Sandy. I hope the kitties greet you when you get there.

Shoveling went well. We don't really have much to do because the service through our HOA does the porches and the shared driveway and walkways. The snow was really light and fluffy so it was easy to sweep off the porch. I like to make sure the porch in good condition because we often get deliveries a few times a week and I want to make the delivery guy's job a little easier and less hazardous. I shoveled part of the deck to prevent structural damage.

I have an awesome pair of Santana Canada boots that I hardly get to use since moving to a milder climate, but this weekend has been a great opportunity to use them. Restless after shoveling, I decided to go for a walk to check out the neighborhood and see if the nearby grocery store was open. To get to the store, I had to go over a big snow pile created by a snow plow. Thinking it would be firmly packed, I started to climb the pile but quickly sank in because the snow was so soft. Had quit a time pulling myself out of the pile. My feet stayed warm and dry, though. Much to my surprise, the store remained open. A woman was leaving with a sled full of groceries.

The snow finally stopped around 11:00 last night. We had some melting from the sun, but not much. It will take at least two days for the area to be fully up and running again. Our public transportation will be running on a reduced schedule and reduced stops tomorrow and the airports won't be functioning until Tuesday. Kids will probably get at least one more snow day, maybe two.

Stay safe, Y'all!
Oreo lasted 46 seconds outside.


Arghh... no bueno... :angryfire: :nono: ;(
Father of family friend passed away today, suddenly. They were having Sunday dinner with the wife's family, when the husband got a call that his father had passed away today. What they believe happened was a massive heart attack brought on by shoveling. They are waiting for the medical examiner's results. Only 62 years old :nono: :nono: :nono:
Elliot86|1453680445|3980867 said:
Oreo lasted 46 seconds outside.

Mine didn't last that long, even on my balcony! :lol: :lol: :lol:

**no personal videos per our policy**
PintoBean|1453689955|3980973 said:
Arghh... no bueno... :angryfire: :nono: ;(
Father of family friend passed away today, suddenly. They were having Sunday dinner with the wife's family, when the husband got a call that his father had passed away today. What they believe happened was a massive heart attack brought on by shoveling. They are waiting for the medical examiner's results. Only 62 years old :nono: :nono: :nono:

Oh, no! :(
Andelain|1453699250|3981018 said:
PintoBean|1453689955|3980973 said:
Arghh... no bueno... :angryfire: :nono: ;(
Father of family friend passed away today, suddenly. They were having Sunday dinner with the wife's family, when the husband got a call that his father had passed away today. What they believe happened was a massive heart attack brought on by shoveling. They are waiting for the medical examiner's results. Only 62 years old :nono: :nono: :nono:

Oh, no! :(

Oh I am so sorry. Shoveling snow can be dangerous. What a tragedy. :cry:
Andelain|1453698879|3981015 said:
Elliot86|1453680445|3980867 said:
Oreo lasted 46 seconds outside.

Mine didn't last that long, even on my balcony! :lol: :lol: :lol:

**no personal videos per our policy**


Ella, I am sorry I violated policies by sharing my videos. I thought by making a separate youtube account just for PSers that did not have my full name associated with it that the youtbube videos would be OK. Plenty of PSers have shared videos over the time I have been a member here and I thought as long as it wasn't connected to your name etc it would be OK. Could you please clarify so we all know going forward if all videos are not allowed or if some are OK what makes them OK. Thanks so much and sorry for the bother.
PintoBean|1453689955|3980973 said:
Arghh... no bueno... :angryfire: :nono: ;(
Father of family friend passed away today, suddenly. They were having Sunday dinner with the wife's family, when the husband got a call that his father had passed away today. What they believe happened was a massive heart attack brought on by shoveling. They are waiting for the medical examiner's results. Only 62 years old :nono: :nono: :nono:

That is just awful! I'm so sorry.

Love the pictures and video of the kitties and snow. I "threw" mine in the 2 feet deep snow years ago when she was still alive and she wasn't happy with me for all of 2 minutes. I was forgiven when I wrapped her up in a thick fluffy towel and snuggled together by the fireplace.

I hope everyone is safe and sound.
PintoBean, so sorry to hear about your friend's father's untimely death. Shoveling snow can be hard on the body, especially the heart.
missy|1453734327|3981123 said:
Andelain|1453698879|3981015 said:
Elliot86|1453680445|3980867 said:
Oreo lasted 46 seconds outside.

Mine didn't last that long, even on my balcony! :lol: :**no personal videos per our policy** :


Ella, I am sorry I violated policies by sharing my videos. I thought by making a separate youtube account just for PSers that did not have my full name associated with it that the youtbube videos would be OK. Plenty of PSers have shared videos over the time I have been a member here and I thought as long as it wasn't connected to your name etc it would be OK. Could you please clarify so we all know going forward if all videos are not allowed or if some are OK what makes them OK. Thanks so much and sorry for the bother.

It's simple, no personal videos at this time. I unfortunately can't moderate each video and even with the one you posted, it's like opening your home to the entire internet. With all the expensive items shown here, videos can be a road map for unsavory characters. Many people claim their videos are private, but in just a few minutes it sometimes is still easy to find your personal location online.

When consumer members post videos of a stone or ring from a vendor's website, that's fine, as its on their commercial channels.
Ella|1453747620|3981259 said:
missy|1453734327|3981123 said:
Andelain|1453698879|3981015 said:
Elliot86|1453680445|3980867 said:
Oreo lasted 46 seconds outside.

Mine didn't last that long, even on my balcony! :lol: :lol: :lol:

**no personal videos per our policy


Ella, I am sorry I violated policies by sharing my videos. I thought by making a separate youtube account just for PSers that did not have my full name associated with it that the youtbube videos would be OK. Plenty of PSers have shared videos over the time I have been a member here and I thought as long as it wasn't connected to your name etc it would be OK. Could you please clarify so we all know going forward if all videos are not allowed or if some are OK what makes them OK. Thanks so much and sorry for the bother.

It's simple, no personal videos at this time. I unfortunately can't moderate each video and even with the one you posted, it's like opening your home to the entire internet. With all the expensive items shown here, videos can be a road map for unsavory characters. Many people claim their videos are private, but in just a few minutes it sometimes is still easy to find your personal location online.

When consumer members post videos of a stone or ring from a vendor's website, that's fine, as its on their commercial channels.

Thanks Ella. I appreciate the clarification and understand.
Missy, any updates on the feral kitties? :wavey:

PintoBean said:
Arghh... no bueno... :angryfire: :nono: ;(
Father of family friend passed away today, suddenly. They were having Sunday dinner with the wife's family, when the husband got a call that his father had passed away today. What they believe happened was a massive heart attack brought on by shoveling. They are waiting for the medical examiner's results. Only 62 years old :nono: :nono: :nono:

PintoBean, that's terribly sad news. I'm so sorry for the loss of your friend's father.

Elliot86 said:
Oreo lasted 46 seconds outside.

Love the Oreo pics. Thanks for sharing!
Can I get some PS dust. Roof caved in next door to my job. Everyone was evacuated and I am out of work for who knows how long. I'm feeling ridiculous stress and fear right now. Anyway... I'm shoveled out here and home and have a bottle of Madeira. :boohoo:
Dust inbound, and no it didn't come from my cat box! ;)
Andelain|1453760830|3981384 said:
Dust inbound, and no it didn't come from my cat box! ;)
