
Wink headed to Portugal


Dec 7, 2003
Wink, I’m so sorry to hear that your wife passed away. I‘m glad that you are comforted by 50 years of memories.

Enjoy your trip! I’m looking forward to the pictures.


Apr 17, 2002
Oh Wink, what a hard, hard job you've had. Taking care of someone with that painful diagnosis--it's heartbreaking and takes over your whole life. I hope now your memories of Resa in the fullness of her youth and abilities can begin to bring her back to you. And I hope that you find freshness, freedom, and joy in your current adventure. You deserve all of it. And don't forget to try pastel de nata pastries--mmm!


May 24, 2021
Oh Wink, what a hard, hard job you've had. Taking care of someone with that painful diagnosis--it's heartbreaking and takes over your whole life. I hope now your memories of Resa in the fullness of her youth and abilities can begin to bring her back to you. And I hope that you find freshness, freedom, and joy in your current adventure. You deserve all of it. And don't forget to try pastel de nata pastries--mmm!

Thank you, @glitterata, I always remember you were one of the first to welcome me here. In all of the years since, you have always been thoughtful and kind.

Your message above continues the tradition. I am finding freshness, freedom, and joy in my current life. This trip is full of it as well. My hostess and her boyfriend make me feel like family. And like family, they are leaving this afternoon to visit her parents and leaving me in charge of the entire condominium until Monday evening. I expected this trip to be exciting, and it is living up to all of my expectations even though I’ve only been here about 26 hours. Thank you for your kind words.


Apr 5, 2009
I’m so sorry to hear about the loss of your beautiful wife, Wink. I know how much you cherished each other. Traveling is a wonderful way to honor her memory.

My husband and I were in Lisbon in early 2020, right before the world shut down. We loved the city. Some sights we enjoyed (which may make for some great photo opps):

The National Tile Museum
The Oceanarium
Taking a ferry to Almada to enjoy the view of Lisbon

Enjoy the sun, the food, the culture, and the Port!


Nov 26, 2013
Wink - so sorry to hear about Resa. Such a dreadful disease. Enjoy Portugal.

Best - Cindy

Daisys and Diamonds

Apr 30, 2019
have a wonderful time Wink
may you feel Resa's spirit with you in joy


Feb 23, 2013
I am so sorry to hear of Resa's passing, @Wink, and I am certain your wonderful memories will help ease your heart. My condolences to you, your daughter, and family.

I have very fond memories of when I travelled through Boise on the (long) way home, and stopped for a visit with you and Resa. I picked up a beautiful ring you had made for me. To my surprise, Resa and you had prepared a delicious meal, and were wonderful hosts for a traveler that you didn't know but for the internet. Two very kind and gracious Souls, sharing a meal, and providing me with sight-seeing points as I drove to northern Idaho before heading east.

May your trip be a loving tribute to your dreams of traveling there with Resa.


Apr 17, 2006
So sorry for your loss. Hope you thoroughly enjoy your trip. Take care.


May 24, 2021
I am so sorry to hear of Resa's passing, @Wink, and I am certain your wonderful memories will help ease your heart. My condolences to you, your daughter, and family.

I have very fond memories of when I travelled through Boise on the (long) way home, and stopped for a visit with you and Resa. I picked up a beautiful ring you had made for me. To my surprise, Resa and you had prepared a delicious meal, and were wonderful hosts for a traveler that you didn't know but for the internet. Two very kind and gracious Souls, sharing a meal, and providing me with sight-seeing points as I drove to northern Idaho before heading east.

May your trip be a loving tribute to your dreams of traveling there with Resa.

Another wonderful memory. Resa and I spoke often about having clients come to dinner whenever they were in Boise, it was always a highlight for us. I am so glad that you wrote to remind me of the wonderful evening we had with you.

One of the really, really fun things about working on the Internet, is you make friends all over the world and while only rarely do you get to see them, it is so often fabulous when that rare opportunity arises.

Thank you for your kind and loving words and for reminding me of the enjoyable evening we had.


May 24, 2021
I went downtown last evening, the jewelers were all closed. I did get some fun pictures to share though.

Beware the vicious Portuguese wild cat


Inside was a sign saying, “No sushi, no life.”


I took this photo then Sat on the bus stop bench behind me. I was so not paying attention. I had moved a foot to the left and completely missed the bench. Several people rushed to my aid as I got back to my feet, including a policeman. (Did I mention how friendly the Portuguese are?)

I tried to be embarrassed, but just ended up laughing with them about what an old geezer I am.

Darn the image is too big. Sigh. I will have to fix that later.


May 24, 2021
Sigh. Right now I wish I carried a purse. My hostess and her boyfriend went to southern Portugal to visit her parents and will be returning about midnight.

Last night when I returned to the condo, I discovered my keys have taken flight from my pocket where they were ensconced. One of her neighbors arrived home a few minutes after I discovered the loss. She helped me to find a hotel and I called an Uber.

This morning, with my phone down to a twenty percent charge, I walked to a store and got a charging cord for less than ten dollars. I am already up to fifty seven percent charge. By the time I am required to check out, I should have a full charge.

I took a picture of some fun things yesterday. These are dried leaves, plated in 20 kt gold



Sep 26, 2011
Hi @Wink. As I read through this thread, I am getting tears in my eyes--tears of sadness and joy. The sadness comes from having worked with people living with dementia and their care partners and seeing the tremendous commitment and love, as well as energy and emotional toll it takes. I am sorry for the loss of your wife, and at the same time I am so happy that you are enjoying and sharing this wonderful travel experience with all of us. This is what life is all about, isn't it? It is such a privilege and I look forward to all of your posts. Thank you.


May 24, 2021
Thank you @springerspaniel. I just got out of the shower, dried off and combed my hair with my fingers. Now my face is all wet again.

In my former Marine opinion, there is little which looks worse than a day old grizzled beard of more salt than pepper. I am now the poster boy for that horrid look. Still, I am finding the Portuguese to be incredibly friendly and kind.

The desk person gave me a discount I did not ask for. I had told her my sad experience with my keys with a laugh when she was checking me in. She asked me if I was Brazilian because of my accent and shared a laugh with me when I explained I had lived in Brasil from 1969-1972. The coffee shop down the street did not open until eight, but the head honcho invited me in nearly ten minutes early when he saw me sitting outside.

The kindness of the people here greatly reminds me of my time in Brasil.


Jun 27, 2014
Thank you @springerspaniel. I just got out of the shower, dried off and combed my hair with my fingers. Now my face is all wet again.

In my former Marine opinion, there is little which looks worse than a day old grizzled beard of more salt than pepper. I am now the poster boy for that horrid look. Still, I am finding the Portuguese to be incredibly friendly and kind.

The desk person gave me a discount I did not ask for. I had told her my sad experience with my keys with a laugh when she was checking me in. She asked me if I was Brazilian because of my accent and shared a laugh with me when I explained I had lived in Brasil from 1969-1972. The coffee shop down the street did not open until eight, but the head honcho invited me in nearly ten minutes early when he saw me sitting outside.

The kindness of the people here greatly reminds me of my time in Brasil.

Yes, well, you just have to rebrand to 'distinguished' for the nonce. Now, this is beginning to sound like an adventure. In italics. I love the kindness of these people and the pictures so far, don't hurt either. It's a new day! What's doin'?


May 24, 2021
I have just checked out. I am going to take my rebranded self for a nice long walk around the city.

I have only twelve hours to go until I can return to my home away from home.

Interesting view from the window. Note the laundry drying on one of the back porches.



Sep 10, 2003


Oct 23, 2011
I lost my glasses in their carrying case. And I carry a purse. Crap happens, lol.
Looking forward to more sights!


Jul 7, 2004
Resa and I often talked of going to Portugal together, then after awhile to Italy, Spain and Costa Rica. Now that she has passed I am going to pursue those dreams, only for ten days at a time rather than three months. I will still spend a lot of time between trips with my grandkids, and of course with my wonderful job with Continental Diamond.

One of my intended goals in Portugal is photography, which I will share freely, and also to visit some jewelers in Lisbon and hopefully find some interesting tidbits about the jewelry world in Europe, which I will also share freely.

I leave for the airport in one hour, so I will be out of normal contact for the next 24 hours or so. I did have the fortune of many points having accumulated on my credit card, so I use some of them to by first class passage on the Boston to Lisbon leg. I have always wanted to travel in a bed, and for my last leg to Lisbon, I will.

While I am sad to hear of Resa's passing, I am thrilled for you to enjoy this trip and cannot wait to see some of the highlights after.


May 24, 2021
Well, I am home again and "recovering" from the wonderful adventures I experienced in Portugal.

I am going to share more pictures over the next few days.

Here is a beautiful flower bush in front of a small house in the neighborhood.

Portugal July 2023-30-9.jpg


May 24, 2021
And here, sorry the photo is not better, is a photo of the best shrimp curry I have ever had.

This was not some sissified curry with a mere hint of the wonderful spices that make a good curry, but a rich strong, dare I say, proud curry. There was a hint of heat and the smell carried across the table when the garçon set it on the table. I was several bites into this treasure before I remembered to take a photo...

Portugal July 2023-52-12.jpg
When I complimented the owner he beamed from ear to ear and told me that this was a great Portuguese restaurant and he loved the Indian spices for the flavors they allowed him to share with his clientele.

When I entered, the restaurant was nearly full, but three full tables exited within minutes and the tables were reset. Twenty minutes later and it was nearly full again.

Portugal July 2023-52-11.jpg


May 24, 2021
And don't forget to try pastel de nata pastries--mmm!

OMG! Yes, they are incredible. I always had at least two with my morning coffee after I had my first! one oops three. They were quite addictive, and I miss them. I tried to take photos, but most of them were after the pastel was at least half eaten.

Here is a photo where I managed to take the photo first...

Portugal July 2023 Pastel-52.jpg

And yes, this was my second double expresso and my third pastel. I had to reorder and put my phone on the table so as not to forget again...


Sep 10, 2003
And yes, this was my second double expresso and my third pastel.

TWO double expressos!? That would have made me vibrate myself into subatomic particles. Kinda like the Star Trek transporter.


May 24, 2021
TWO double expressos!? That would have made me vibrate myself into subatomic particles. Kinda like the Star Trek transporter.

Yes, but when you get to be my age, your body is all, "Aren't you going to. have some coffee soon?" I no longer feel the caffeine, but I love the taste.


Apr 29, 2019
I hope you enjoy every moment of this trip Wink!

Portugal is a wonderful place. I lived in Cascais (a small fishing village outside of Lisboa) for a time in the 90's. I fondly remember the sparkling sunlight and the many areas where the restaurants spilled out onto the streets, the smell of grilling fish and octopus filling the air. Please do try the grilled fresh sardines, they are amazing. The Portuguese are wonderful people, warm and welcoming. And you must try the local Port wine. Inexpensive and so many different kinds compared to what we import in America.

Another favorite thing: the azulejos tiles! Blue and white tiles from the 1700's. Some depicting scenes of everyday life, sailing, hunting, etc. Just gorgeous. And the Manueline architectural style with its swirling spiral columns.

Do be aware that petty theft is common, so do not leave anything in your car and keep close watch over your wallet. Other than that, enjoy, enjoy and enjoy! And eat lots of seafood!


May 24, 2021
I hope you enjoy every moment of this trip Wink!

Portugal is a wonderful place. I lived in Cascais (a small fishing village outside of Lisboa) for a time in the 90's. I fondly remember the sparkling sunlight and the many areas where the restaurants spilled out onto the streets, the smell of grilling fish and octopus filling the air. Please do try the grilled fresh sardines, they are amazing. The Portuguese are wonderful people, warm and welcoming. And you must try the local Port wine. Inexpensive and so many different kinds compared to what we import in America.

Another favorite thing: the azulejos tiles! Blue and white tiles from the 1700's. Some depicting scenes of everyday life, sailing, hunting, etc. Just gorgeous. And the Manueline architectural style with its swirling spiral columns.

Do be aware that petty theft is common, so do not leave anything in your car and keep close watch over your wallet. Other than that, enjoy, enjoy and enjoy! And eat lots of seafood!

Thank you my friend. I had an incredible time in Lisboa and wish I had made time to go to more day trips. I loved my trip to Sintra. I will dedicate my photos today to my time in Sintra.

As told to us by our tour guide. The king was impatient, way back when, I forget which king and which century, I think it was in the 1500's. He decided that it was too long a ride to go hunting in Sintra which required three and a half to four hours by horse or buggy, and then to return in a day or two. He decided to move the palace to Sintra, so he could hunt as often as he wanted. The castle was added to over the next two or three hundred years and exhibits thee distinct styles of architecture. The picture thought I had taken of the castle did not turn out well, sigh...

However, since the king was there, wealthy people came to Sintra and built great wonderful houses in hopes of getting an invitation from the king to come to one of his social events. To be invited was to go, and to prove yourself interesting enough to be invited back was the goal.

Here is a view from the palace steps that is amazing to me.


At the top of the hill is the remains of a Moorish castle. (no the photo is not canted, the streets really do run up and down the hills.)

My Favorite part of the day was when we went to the garden. A very rich man had been the inheritor of his parents fortunes made in the gem market in Brasil. He bought this Gothic style home sometime in the late 1800s and hired and fired a whole bunch of gardeners until finding one with an over the top vision that met his demands.

One of the things I loved about this garden is the descending well with nine levels Until the owner's death in 1918, it was the place where all freemasons in Portugal were initiated, (Again, according to our tour guide.)

The nine levels represented the nine months of pregnancy and at the bottom the tunnel leaving the well was a representation of the woman's uterus and the new initiates then walked through a waterfall to get out representing the amniotic fluid the baby was raised in. Apparently, it was symbolic of the fact that the last time we are pure was just after birth. This was a symbolic cleansing of the new initiates to the world of Freemasonry.

I told the tour guide I was a Freemason. He immediately asked me how we did it. I told him I could not talk about it, only that it was not at all like the ceremony in Portugal. He teased wth me for the balance of our tour at the garden that I could explain it all to the other members of the tour, but I wouldn't share...



May 24, 2021
And this last picture of Sintra is one of my favorites.


Our tour guide asked who knew what piriquita meant. I was comfortable knowing that it meant Parakeet, but I let others guess since I supposedly speak Portuguese. He next asked, why in the 1500s a woman would be allowed to own a business?

I had no clue, and neither did anyone else. The woman who owned this business was nick named the little parakeet as she was small in stature but extremely active. She was the kings baker, but was really only needed a few days a month for what ever social event was happening at the palace. She approached the king and he gave his blessing to her. She could own her own business, pretty much unheard of back then, and whenever he needed her she would close and move back into the castle for however long she was needed to prepare for his function.

I loved the story, I was less enchanted with the favorite pastry they make, way too much sugar for me, and I am a sugarholic...


May 24, 2021
This will be my last offering in this thread. I had to struggle with the translation of the inscription at the bottom of the statue. I even talked with one of my photographer friends in Lisboa about it. The statue is one of Portugal's most famous writers Eça de Queiroz. (Born in 1845, died in 1900.)

The literal translation is: "Over the strong nudity of truth, the diaphanous cloak of fantasy." We feel the intended meaning in English is:,"Over the bold naked truth, the translucent Fantasy Cloak."

Eca de Queiroz-52.jpg

My time in Portugal was a well needed break, and I am glad to be back in Idaho preparing for our new website to finally be open in the near future.
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