
Wierdest or Worst Job Interview Experiences??

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May 25, 2006
hello all : )

I just got back from a job interview that actually went swimmingly well... but that''s besides the point! What I was curious about was people''s BAD experiences in a job interview -- wierd, uncomfortable, embarassing, etc... I just wonder because I had some absolutely TERRIBLE ones recently (not due to unpreparedness I believe) but simply to bizarre circumstances etc...

-I get into a minor (VERY minor) fender bender in the parking garage before one interview... get in on time, and who do you think I am being interviewed by? Yes, the idiot who hit me... THAT was akward

-I am asked where I went to school, I answer, and the interviewer goes into a long rant about how her son didn''t get in there recently... and then I hear a VERY long argument as to why the school sucks (why is she taking it out on me???)

-I am asked if I''d like coffee - I accept to be polite even though I don''t like coffee - and in the process, the interviewer spills the entire cup of scalding hot coffee in my lap. Sadly, I couldn''t control my mouth in an instant like that and a certain bad word came out... Even though he brushed it off, I was embarassed the rest of the time with a huge stain on my skirt, slightly burnt legs and embarassment from a certain bad word...

So tell me YOUR horror stories... or just interesting ones... I want to make sure it''s not just ME out there looking like an idiot!

Aussiegirl : p

ETA: I''m a moron and didn''t put this in Diamond Hangout... Can someone help me move it?? Thanks : )


Dec 29, 2004
LOL, yours are pretty good.

I''ve been pretty lucky. The only really off interview I had was one where the interviewer broke every rule in the book. There was an american (white) guy and taiwanese guys in the room (the company is taiwanese). All went well, but then the white guy had to leave. The taiwanese guy proceeded to ask me if I was chinese (I have a chinese sounding last name, but I am korean), then the next question asked me if I was single or married.

I almost didn''t take the job when they offered it. Turns out, he was totally ignorant of American hiring laws...not an excuse, but I gave him the benefit of the doubt. Turns out it was a great company to work long as you knew how to play by a few Taiwanese rules!

I really hate it when you interview with companies that want to hire you (because of industry reputation) and make you go through the entire process...only to admit they can''t afford you, but would I be interested in a pay cut?!

And although not an interview experience, the worst boss I had was when I worked The GAP years ago. Everything that you saw in those SNL skits are true. She sat there and told me all about her boyfriend''s ex girlfiend, and how she said "dahhhhhhling" in that fake English accent of hers. Then proceeded to show me how this woman would grab people''s faces and speak to them. So I just sat there kind of helplessly (since I was new) while my boss grabbed my face and squished my cheeks together so they were bunched up tight against my nose. I could barely breathe...


Dec 28, 2005

Hey Aussiegrile.......How about one from the otherside of the table. You don't know this about me, but I've worked for the last 15 years for one of the nationals largest technical staffing firms. While I'm a senior manager today, I started as a technical recruiter and have interviewed thousands of candidates.

One in particular stands out from several years ago (and I think you'll note why this was rather funny).

I went to the lobby to greet the applicant. She was dressed in a business suit that seemed to overemphasize her physique, but I shook her hand none-the-less and invited her into my office. Once seated, and the necessary greetings and politeness were out of the way, we got into the actual technical interview. While I was introducing her to the benefits of employment with our company, she turned to the side, put her leg over the top of the chair and took her glasses off. Odd, I thought. Why would a candidate become so casual in an interview. Then, she commented that the room was warm she thought and asked if it would be OK is she unbuttoned her top button of her blouse. Odd, I thought...........but I said OK. The interview ended quite abruptly after a second and then a third button was coming undone at which point I stood up, exclaimed this was most inappropriate behavior and showed her the door.

As an interviewer, I've had professional people walk in my office:

Chewing Gum
Asking when their first pay date would be as their first question
Dressing suggestively
Smelling really really really as though they had not showered in weeks
Wearing walkman headsets (the days before Ipods)
Asking if they could smoke because they were nervous
Smelling like a distillery
Telling me they hear voices and that qualified them for special disability consideration
Offering to do special favors for me if I got them the job
Offering to have other people do special favors for me if I got them the job

Well, you get the idea. Being an interviewer is also full of surprises. Sounds like your interviews have certainly been interesting. The coffee incident? Oh my.........


Oct 30, 2002
haha my funniest was when i was on my 3rd round interview with the VP of marketing (final decision interview) at a 'brand name you'd recognize' startup a few years ago so i was kind of excited about working there....she was friendly enough, but kind of bitchy as well in kind of an odd passive aggressive manner. anyway, the interview was going pretty well, but then one of the Q's she asked was 'tell me what 12% of 72 is and i want to hear you think the equation out loud'. i was like what?!?! like she wanted to hear how i figured out problems in my head...umm okay. i was pretty nervous since math is not my strongest suit (and hello this was online marketing, not like we're doing big equations in our head for online website launches!) i rambled something out about how i figured clothing discounts at the mall (HA HA) and i think i got the answer right but she didn't look impressed...i guess how i figured it out was too plebian or something. that totally weirded me out and after i left i thought do i really want to work for a gal like that? well she didn't hire me anyway but i was kinda glad. that was my oddest story...i typically have had pretty pleasant interview experiences i guess!


May 25, 2006
Your stories are making me giggle...

TG: are you in Taiwan currently?? What kind of different customs are there over there as opposed to the US??

Rod... Your 1st story had me laughing pretty hard, especially due to my rather late revelation today about you... I can imagine she certainly wasn''t going to get a job from you! I was reading your list, making sure I have not done any of them, and yes, I think I am 100% innocent of them all... And yes, the coffee incident was funny (afterwards!) though really, it made me never want to accept coffee again, especially siince I hate it.

Mara: 12% of 75? Yeah, okay, that''s a silly question... but it sounds like your mall method should have been fine... i tell you some people are crazy!

Thanks again... I was starting to wonder these past few months if I was interview-cursed... or just, well, special... not in a good way!

Aussiegirl :p


Dec 28, 2005
Date: 8/18/2006 5:37:15 PM
Author: Mara
haha my funniest was when i was on my 3rd round interview with the VP of marketing (final decision interview) at a ''brand name you''d recognize'' startup a few years ago so i was kind of excited about working there....she was friendly enough, but kind of bitchy as well in kind of an odd passive aggressive manner. anyway, the interview was going pretty well, but then one of the Q''s she asked was ''tell me what 12% of 72 is and i want to hear you think the equation out loud''. i was like what?!?! like she wanted to hear how i figured out problems in my head...umm okay. i was pretty nervous since math is not my strongest suit (and hello this was online marketing, not like we''re doing big equations in our head for online website launches!) i rambled something out about how i figured clothing discounts at the mall (HA HA) and i think i got the answer right but she didn''t look impressed...i guess how i figured it out was too plebian or something. that totally weirded me out and after i left i thought do i really want to work for a gal like that? well she didn''t hire me anyway but i was kinda glad. that was my oddest story...i typically have had pretty pleasant interview experiences i guess!
Mara.......that totally reminds me of my first real job out of college. I got my degree in music (so of course I''m in the technical staffing business.....go figure), but I had made a pretty significant investment in higher end audio equipment (stereo - lps back in those days) and my salesperson said they were looking for a salesperson, but they never hired inexperienced sales people. Still he got me an interview with the president of the company who was an old gruff guy. So the president walked in, asked me how long I had sold stereo equipment and when I said I''d never sold stereo equipment, or really sold anything, he asked why I thought he should waste his time with me. To that I quipped, because I''ll become your best salesperson. To that he pulled a pen, which was resting on his ear (this is a true storry - promise) and he handed it to me and said....."Sell me my pen." I basically froze for a moment and started thinking, what should I do? So the first thing that stumbled out of my mouth was......"Sir, I understand you are looking for a pen today. What would you like a pen to do for you??" To that, he jumped up, excitedly and exclaimed........"In all my years, no one has ever gotten it right.......YOU''RE HIRED!" So, I accepted the job and became his number one salesperson!!

Have a nice weekend all........


Mar 28, 2004
I''ve been on a lot of interviews since I started my legal career, but most of them were pretty forgettable. It''s been my experience that lawyers make lousy interviewers because either a) they''re too busy to really prepare, or b) they approach an interview like it''s a cross-examination. a) is generally worse because it means we''re just wasting each other''s time.

One really sticks out in my mind, though, and to understand it, you have to understand the way most hiring from law school operates. Typically, the big firms recruit students to work the summer between their second and third year of law school, and make offers at the end of the summer to the students they want to hire when they graduate. So most of the top-end hiring really goes on the fall of your second year instead of when you''re close to graduating.

Well, me, I didn''t get the job I wanted my second year, so I went interviewing again the fall of my third year. Not a lot of people get big firm jobs their third year, but it does happen. I didn''t get a lot of interest until one day I get a call from one of the big firms I was really interested in, saying they had picked my resume out of the slush pile where you drop you it when you don''t get an on-campus slot, and they were very impressed and could I possibly come in to meet their rep over lunch tomorrow?

So, all excited about this, I show up the next day and the woman initially goes on about how great it was that I was on the editorial board of the law review "already" and so on. We talk about me for a few minutes, during which I''m really thinking this is it--I''ve got a real shot with them.

Then she says, "Let me tell you about our summer associate program..." I instantly realize that a) she thinks I''m a second-year student, and b) this interview is about to go into the toilet.

So I say, "I''m sorry, do you realize I''m a third year?" She stops, gives a little intake of breath, and says, "Oh. No. Well, we don''t have any openings for third year students."

Of course, I didn''t get the job. Ugh.


Dec 29, 2004
Date: 8/18/2006 5:44:08 PM
Author: aussiegirl23

TG: are you in Taiwan currently?? What kind of different customs are there over there as opposed to the US??
Nope Aussiegirl, I am here in the good ole U.S. The Taiwanese company I worked for had an office here. That''s why his questions were such a faux-pas....I think they can ask questions like that over there. Even in Europe, I have heard that personal questions are more acceptable, although maybe our PS European contingent can verify that...


Mar 20, 2006
My personal most horrifying job-interview moment:

I was fairly happy working as an academic advisor for a university, but about 6 months into the job, I was recruited for a counseling position at a small private school. I was interested, so went through several rounds of interviews during lunches and days-off, and everything went great... I explained quite clearly that I was happy in my current position and not actively searching for other jobs, so preferred them NOT to contact my current boss unless I was offered the position and could then talk to him about it myself. Gave them no contact info for him, and they were perfectly understanding.

Well about a week later, my boss appeared in the doorway of my office one afternoon saying "I have a call on hold right now from So-and-so Academy, asking for a reference for you? Something about a counseling position you inteviewed for?"

Um, yeah. Just about the worst-case scenario ever. I was so angry with the academy for making the error, that I immediately told them I was no longer interested in the position. Fortunately my boss was okay with the fact that they had recruited me, not vice-versa... and all was well. BUT DEAR GOD... that was one of those moments where I truly wished for a giant bolt of lightning to strike me down right there at my desk.


May 5, 2005
well, I interviewed at a social service agency working with the mentally retarted. With my degree in psychology I thought it would be a good first step. At the second interview there was a circle of probably 15 people, all with a copy of my resume, all staring at me, waiting to be asked if they had any questions for me. Talk about being in the spotlight. I can handle one or two people but this was ridiculous. Plus I was pretty annoyed that they all had my resume in their hand. I dont'' know why, it just really bothered me. I gave it to my initall interviewer but I didn''t want it passed around to all the employees!! I did get the job but ended up quitting. It was much more stressful than I could have imagined. The interview should have been a tip off but I am pretty clueless sometimes.


Jan 2, 2006
in 1986 i interviewed for a lab tech position in a lab on richmond road in houston by greenway plaza.

i interviewed with some man, was offered the position, and told to report monday. i reported monday and no one knew who I was or what i was there for. i went home very confused.

crazy. never did materialize.


Nov 19, 2004
Date: 8/18/2006 5:17:43 PM
Author: Rod

I went to the lobby to greet the applicant. She was dressed in a business suit that seemed to overemphasize her physique, but I shook her hand none-the-less and invited her into my office. Once seated, and the necessary greetings and politeness were out of the way, we got into the actual technical interview. While I was introducing her to the benefits of employment with our company, she turned to the side, put her leg over the top of the chair and took her glasses off. Odd, I thought. Why would a candidate become so casual in an interview. Then, she commented that the room was warm she thought and asked if it would be OK is she unbuttoned her top button of her blouse. Odd, I thought...........but I said OK. The interview ended quite abruptly after a second and then a third button was coming undone at which point I stood up, exclaimed this was most inappropriate behavior and showed her the door.

ohmygosh! this really happens!?

Date: 8/18/2006 5:17:43 PM
Author: Rod

As an interviewer, I''ve had professional people walk in my office:

Chewing Gum
Asking when their first pay date would be as their first question
Dressing suggestively
Smelling really really really as though they had not showered in weeks
Wearing walkman headsets (the days before Ipods)
Asking if they could smoke because they were nervous
Smelling like a distillery
Telling me they hear voices and that qualified them for special disability consideration
Offering to do special favors for me if I got them the job
Offering to have other people do special favors for me if I got them the job

so sad...most of these are not surprising.


Nov 19, 2004
Date: 8/18/2006 5:37:15 PM
Author: Mara
haha my funniest was when i was on my 3rd round interview with the VP of marketing (final decision interview) at a ''brand name you''d recognize'' startup a few years ago so i was kind of excited about working there....she was friendly enough, but kind of bitchy as well in kind of an odd passive aggressive manner. anyway, the interview was going pretty well, but then one of the Q''s she asked was ''tell me what 12% of 72 is and i want to hear you think the equation out loud''. i was like what?!?! like she wanted to hear how i figured out problems in my head...umm okay. i was pretty nervous since math is not my strongest suit (and hello this was online marketing, not like we''re doing big equations in our head for online website launches!) i rambled something out about how i figured clothing discounts at the mall (HA HA) and i think i got the answer right but she didn''t look impressed...i guess how i figured it out was too plebian or something. that totally weirded me out and after i left i thought do i really want to work for a gal like that? well she didn''t hire me anyway but i was kinda glad. that was my oddest story...i typically have had pretty pleasant interview experiences i guess! panic button totally went off when i saw her question but i quickly realized i would have easily figured it out using my ''discount'' math.

then i saw you did the same.

hehehe. how could she not be impressed?


Nov 1, 2003
12% of 75
10% == 7.5 and 1% == .75 so 7.5 + .75 + .75 == 7.5 + 1.5 == 9 == 12% of 75

that one is easy to do in ones head,,,,,

My worst one was.....

Computer support Job .. second interview with the guy who would be my boss....
Its going good and he mentions a computer programing problem he has been working on for weeks,,,,
I gave him the answer off the top of my head...
He looks impressed and turns around and tries it and it works....
Im thinking kewl I got the job...
He says thanks and I say........without thinking ......
no problem any idiot could get that one in 5 seconds flat.....

That was pretty much the end right there.....


Oct 30, 2002
i calculated it right, but she just plain looked unimpressed with how i did it. i did 10% (as in 10% off those jeans!!) and then 1%+1% to get to the right answer but who knows what she thought i would come out with? or maybe she wanted me to say 'i refuse to answer'. maybe she was looking for someone to stand up to her. hahah maybe i will use that one next time.


Aug 8, 2005
Awww Aussie!

I''m giggling. I had an interview for a permanent job where there was no talk of the job, or my background... the guy just kept asking me rndom questions about random things that had nothing to do with anything just to see my reaction. Do you think baby monkeys are cute (I kid you not). I didn''t really want the job (too far from my house and low pay), didn''t like the man, and was getting irritated after an hour of this (with no end in site) so I just told the guy I wasn''t there for a psych evaluation and left. Just walked out.


Aug 8, 2005
Date: 8/19/2006 1:55:41 AM
Author: strmrdr
12% of 75
10% == 7.5 and 1% == .75 so 7.5 + .75 + .75 == 7.5 + 1.5 == 9 == 12% of 75

that one is easy to do in ones head,,,,,

My worst one was.....

Computer support Job .. second interview with the guy who would be my boss....
Its going good and he mentions a computer programing problem he has been working on for weeks,,,,
I gave him the answer off the top of my head...
He looks impressed and turns around and tries it and it works....
Im thinking kewl I got the job...
He says thanks and I say........without thinking ......
no problem any idiot could get that one in 5 seconds flat.....

That was pretty much the end right there.....

That''s funny!


Jun 24, 2005
This isn''t an interview experience that I had, but I think it''s a pretty funny story:

My company was recently trying to hire someone in our legal department whose main responsibilities would be looking for counterfeit merchandise on e-bay & other places on the internet. The HR rep. was having a tough time picking some candidates for first round interviews, when finally she thought she had someone good. She passes the candidate along to the managers & calls the next day to see how the interview went. The conversation went as follows:

HR Manager: So how was the candidate, do you think she had strong skills?
Legal Manager: She was pretty good - I would have seriously considered her, but I just could not stop staring at her counterfeit handbag! (and to make it worse - the counterfeit bag was one of our competitors!)

Obviously, this person did not get the job


Jul 22, 2002
These stories are a riot. WAY back when, I was the assistant personell director (shows my age - now I''d be assis. HR director). I interviewed someone and asked why do you want to come work here. As a matter of fact, the person responded "Well I wanted to work at xyz but they aren''t hiring.".
I wonder if this is more prevalent in lower paying jobs.


Nov 18, 2004
Date: 8/19/2006 9:40:19 AM
Author: *~*Danielle*~*
This isn''t an interview experience that I had, but I think it''s a pretty funny story:

My company was recently trying to hire someone in our legal department whose main responsibilities would be looking for counterfeit merchandise on e-bay & other places on the internet. The HR rep. was having a tough time picking some candidates for first round interviews, when finally she thought she had someone good. She passes the candidate along to the managers & calls the next day to see how the interview went. The conversation went as follows:

HR Manager: So how was the candidate, do you think she had strong skills?
Legal Manager: She was pretty good - I would have seriously considered her, but I just could not stop staring at her counterfeit handbag! (and to make it worse - the counterfeit bag was one of our competitors!)

Obviously, this person did not get the job
I love this, what a riot!!!


Feb 25, 2005
Date: 8/19/2006 1:55:41 AM
Author: strmrdr
12% of 75

10% == 7.5 and 1% == .75 so 7.5 + .75 + .75 == 7.5 + 1.5 == 9 == 12% of 75

that one is easy to do in ones head,,,,,

My worst one was.....

Computer support Job .. second interview with the guy who would be my boss....

Its going good and he mentions a computer programing problem he has been working on for weeks,,,,

I gave him the answer off the top of my head...

He looks impressed and turns around and tries it and it works....

Im thinking kewl I got the job...

He says thanks and I say........without thinking ......

no problem any idiot could get that one in 5 seconds flat.....

That was pretty much the end right there.....

ROFLMAO!!! Storm... you are a trip...!!!!!!!!


Mar 26, 2006
My weirdest experience was interviewing to be the assistant to the lead portfolio manger at a (now defunct, but then major) investment company.

At the onset of the interview he asked me if I wanted water or coffee so I agreed to water. He looked like I had morally affronted him. He went over to the credenza where the drinks and cups were, picked up a cup, blew in it to clear out the dust (
), poured some water in it and handed it to me. "NO ONE EVER wants a beverage," he said.

Then he proceeded to ask me all these (I thought--and still think 10 years later) random questions. The end was when he asked what I was most afraid of. Now, keep in mind NONE of these questions had been career related to this point so I gave him my most honest answer: SHARKS. I am TERRIFIED of sharks. (Really, I am.)

"No!" he screamed. "Failure is the RIGHT answer."

That was about it for the interview. He never offered me any more water either.


Nov 1, 2003
another good one.....

Got a call from a company that's about 30 miles from my house that I never heard of about an interview...
said they had my resume... I was like ok and set up the appointment,,,,

Get there, see my resume on his desk and its an old one so im thinking maybe my college career office had sent it.
We say hello and one of my first questions was where did he get my resume from? He said he didn't know.
He then asks if I can start Monday and gets up like the interview is over.
I was just a little confused at this point so I asked what the job was?
He said fixing controller cards.
I said sounds good
so I asked how much it paid?
He said $6.50 an hour.
I busted up laughing and said are you kidding?
He said no and I said thanks but no thinks and left.

I guess he was so used to getting laughed at that he didn't even bother going
thru the motions or was thinking I wouldn't ask.


Mar 25, 2004
We were both interviewing out in Amarillo TX for similar positions. We went into the interview building with our baby, (the interviewer knew about this) and DH had the first interview. Then I went in, while he watched the baby. Well, at that point, the interviewer wanted us to drive out to the site and see the facilities.

DH whispered to me, "where are the car keys?"

I say, "you have them! I didnt drive!!"

Well, he had locked the car keys in the car. he was so nervous.

We were SO embarrassed. We had to call the cop on duty to open the door. Meanwhile the interviewer was pretty understanding, but offered to just take us in his car. However, of course, he didnt have a car seat! I refused, and DH was even more mortified.

He ended up getting the job, and they offered me a part time one. we didnt take it though. at the time, I was miffed that they offered him the full time job even though he was the one who locked the keys in the car. hmmmph!


Mar 20, 2003
Hmmm, my experience hasn''t been too bad.

The first job I got was teaching middle school English (I wanted to teach high school but didn''t know the magic word to get the HR lady to give me the time of day). In retrospect, I should have realized that the principal was trying too hard to sell me on the school and wasn''t paying any attention to whether or not I''d be a good candidate. Just having a college degree was good enough for her since their teacher retention rate was terrible. She told me all of these feel good stories about teacher camaraderie and sweet students, and barely asked me about myself. I wish I''d realized that was off, but it was only my second interview. Another clue should have been that I had to make a pro/con list to take the job. If something is right, your reaction should be, "Yes!" not "Yes or no? Eenie meenie miny moe . . ."

I never did get in good with the HR lady, so I got somebody to go over her head and agree to transfer me, but the HR lady made sure to just send me to schools that were comparable to where I was already stuck. Finally I got an interview at a very good school, and I was so nervous that I had one of those "deer in the headlights" moments where I responded to a question about how I differentiate instruction for gifted students with something like, "Um, you know, I''d give them extra work, and stuff." I didn''t get that job, but I got the next one, and this time no pro/con list was needed. The department chair described the school as "Main St., USA" in the interview, and she was absolutely right. I''m the tenth grade honors teacher, so I have all those kids with a great home life and supportive parents and who knock your socks off with their smarts, and then I have the lower classes in which the kids aren''t expected to go to college, where some of them are in foster care or have recently immigrated, etc. The experiences are so different but equally rewarding.

My sister is a minister, and she was interviewing at a church where she had already served as the children''s ministry person. This is in a very nice town and is the highest paying church in her whole denomination, so they hired some headhunters to do the interviews. My sister has since moved away and only went on the interview because the church asked her to. Their questions were things like, "Tell us about a time you took the easy way out" or "What are three negative traits others would say you have." Not a very spiritual experience!


Nov 28, 2005
Well, I have a few to share with you.

I interviewed with ''Teach for America'' during my senior year of college. My mock teaching session went really well, and so did the group discussion part. I felt totally confident that in no time, I would be a teacher. I had even taken the time to practice my interviewing skills with the Career Center and the lady said I was one of the most polished students she''d ever seen. However, when I went in for the individual interview. My worst fears came true. I had gotten one of those persistent tickles in the back of my throat-the kind that doesn''t go away unless you drink about a gallon of water. And I didn''t think it was probably very appropriate for me to bring a water bottle with me, so I didn''t. The interviewer didn''t have any water to offer me. I had to run out of the room 3, yes 3, seperate times to get a drink of water from the water fountain in the hallway. Unbelievable. I was coughing uncontrollably and could barely talk. Needlessly to say, God had other plans for my career path.

The oddest question I''ve ever gotten was when I was interviewing to join the biz dev team of a large law firm here. I felt very confident going into this interview as well. I must say, I was looking particularly cute that day- I had made sure to get my nails done, my shoes and my purse polished, I took my jewelry in to get professionally cleaned. I was set. So, the interviewer looks like death warmed over when I get there. She was sick and looked dishelved. So there her (the HR associate I had already done a phone interview with) and an updeat director of the department. I think the interview is going really well, until the HR girl asks me about my degrees. She says, "So I see here you were a drama major and a Communications major" and I said yes, and talked a bit about the benefits of being a drama major (working with group dynamics, coming up with creative ideas, being able to critical think through ideas ...) and she cuts me off and asks, "So are you a diva?"

I was stunned. I took a second to gather my response and said, "No. Actually I spent most of my time in the department behind the scenes on the stage crews. I''m just a hard working person who loves to give the best I have."

Well, fortunately I didn''t get that job. Because I love, love, love the job I did eventually get!!


Jun 29, 2006
well I dunno how well this fits, but years ago when I was a waitress this guy came in to interview and I think he was homeless... he stunk really bad and his pants kept falling down - seriously falling down to the point of viewage - and he talked to himself quite a bit and kept batting at flies that weren''t there (though had they been, I''d not have been surprised) My mgr was very professional about the whole thing and poor guy, there''s just no way we could hire him to work around people eating...


Jan 21, 2006
This is a funny thread! I had two was when I interviewing for a low-paying clerk type job as a teenager. During the interview the manager asked if I was married! Ew! What''s even nastier was that I was 17 or so at the time.

Another experience I had wasn''t for a job, it was actually for a positive in my college dorm to be an RA. They asked me why I wanted to be an RA, and I just froze!! I couldn''t say anything. Not surpsingly, I didn''t get the position...that was probably for the best.


Sep 8, 2004
I was just 16, interviewing for my first job. I parked my car and started walking around the building to the front door when a bird pooped on my shirt sleeve. Luckily, I was interviewing at a veterinary clinic to work in their boarding kennels.


Feb 12, 2006
I know this an older thread, but i just had to respond.

I work in cancer research but have taken a bit of time off before I start school again in January. I instantly got bored and decided to go and interview for a part time typist position to keep myself sane (i''m used to 4:00 in the morning alarm clock and 18 hour days). I went to the place and I''m filling out the application. . . .

on the back it has a paragraph that reads something of this nature:

"My name is Ann Johnson. I teach 3rd grade at Roosevelt Elementary School. I teach Track C. I love to teach"
With questions such as:
What is the teachers name?
1.) Ann
2.) Ana
3.) Roosevelt

What grade does she teach?
1.) C
2.) 3rd
3.) None of the above.

It then asked me to do extremely basic math (20+40+25). The kicker is that is asked me to draw a house on the back.

I have two degrees. It was so funny. But I went with it. Drew a mansion with a lanscaped garden. haha.

During the interview the guy didn''t even ask me any questions. He just said, "It''s typing. Pretty easy. you type huh? good. start monday."
I was like, "ok." (even though i had pretty much already made up my mind that this was a BIG FAT NO NO)

So, I''m leaving and there is a dead deer head mounted on the wall above the owner''s office and a sign that says "Cross this door to be a Republican."

I have nothing wrong with Republicans but I thought (in a work environment) it was sooooooooo tacky. I do, however, have a problem with hunting. And I almost puked as I ran as fast as I could to my car.

I decided to start working out to occupy my time until school starts. Smart move. :)
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