
why do AGS-cert''d diamonds cost more?

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Nov 18, 2002
...or is that just what the salesperson was trying to trick us iwth? she kept reminding me (the anal-retentive one of the pair) that it's AGS 000, so "it'll cost a little more" guys' (and gals, of course!) opinion, why?

Three simple words,


Basically, AGS000 has those words on its certificate,
and as a result the consumer will be asked to pay a premium...

Does the diamond have any additional info like,
brilliant-scopes, mega-scopes result, animates or
HCA analysis?

If not, perhaps you should inquire further about the diamond choice your about to make.

Enibas, diamonds with AGS0 grading report are cost more on the market indeed.

Does the diamond have any additional info like,
brilliant-scopes, mega-scopes result, animates or
HCA analysis? If not, perhaps you should inquire further about the diamond choice your about to make.

what are you talking about?! i'm getting nervous! :confused: should they be running these things for me for free?! ugh!! unmounted or mounted? crap -- i think it's mounted already but we/he hasn't picked it up yet. i ran it thorugh HCA yesterday (despite my internal dilemma!!) and it was what...please tell me the good and the bad...:knockout:
what are you talking about?! i'm getting nervous! :confused: should they be running these things for me for free?! ugh!! unmounted or mounted? crap -- i think it's mounted already but we/he hasn't picked it up yet. i ran it thorugh HCA yesterday (despite my internal dilemma!!) and it was what...please tell me the good and the bad...:knockout:

Enibas, some vendors are using additional tools to demonstrate/promote superiority of their diamonds which is probably fine as long as it is not used to scare consumers like it happened with you here. :(sad

If you could post here the numbers (including table size and crown and pavilion angles) for your diamond from AGS report and the price (very important! :))), we’ll probably be able to give you some advise.

ok -- sheesh, do i even have it with me...let's see...i have here in chicken scratch (not from certificate): crown 35.3 (angle? percent? dunno!) pavillion 40.7 (angle? percent? dunno! should have taken better notes!!) table 55 and depth 60.9 H VS1 .80...can you show me those fun little color graphs and such while you break the potentially BAD news to me?! my heart is *racing* right now!! this is horrible. :blackeye:

and now...for the final stab in the proverbial heart: we ended up paying around $3400 (the final price paid had the setting price fudged in there somehow)...what do you think?...hit me...i'm ready...
Enibas, proportions look good and the price is inline with similar AGS0 diamonds listed in the internet.

The only thing you might want to do is to show the diamond to independent appraiser.
just "good"?! all that research and reading and comparing and it's just "good"? that sucks. my bf will be so disappointed.

thanks for your help, everyone:blackeye:
What about buying a GIA cert'd diamond that are represented as AGS 000 equivalent diamonds? Should the GIA priced diamonds be equivalent to AGS 000 though they don't have an AGS cert'd?
Relax Enibas. It sounds like an awesome stone at a good price. Following is a DiamondCalc computer simulated IdealScope image which should give you an idea of the neighborhood that your diamond falls into in looks and performance.

The facet arrangement and symmetry of the image may vary from your actual diamond, as well as the light performance. The computer simulation is reproduced best when the actual diamond is being viewed and the image "tweaked" to the appearance of the diamond. However, this "blind" reproduction should be fairly close on the major points.

The program lists the light return specs as:

Light Return (mono)...: 0.98 Very Good
Light Return (stereo).: 0.98 Very Good
(Non) Leakage (mono)..: 0.94 Very Good to Good
(Non) Leakage (stereo): 0.92 Very Good to Good
Contast...............: 0.98 Very Good
(Non) FishEye Effect..: 1.00 Very Good

Should be a beauty. Have it confirmed by an independent appraiser and you can't lose.

Rich, GG
Sarasota Gemological Laboratory

is this an engagement present?! :appl:

i'm so excited!!! see, i swear: it's GORGEOUS in person. i totally fell in love with it when i saw it...but i was just getting so nervous cuz i knew the real numbers and i wanted/want the numbers to be "right" -- and to me, they are!! thank you so much! :cheeky:
Diamonds with an AGS report really don't have to cost extra. Most diamonds you find graded AGS 0 are ones that deserve to bring a decent price. Those that combine AGS 0 with ideal grades for polish and symmetry are almost all very nicely cut and in demand. Demand does have a market effect.

Not all AGS 0 or AGS 000 diamonds are created equal. There are many far better than some that we'd consider as being a bit overly deep (total depth % somewhat too great).

That's been confirmed by the Ideal-Scope and the HCA and probably would show on the Brilliancescope, too. Those would not be as well rated by my AGA Cut Class sytem, either.

Every current system for cut grading diamonds has some inherent weakness that has been brought to light in these forums. That does not mean there is no value to these systems, but that people are working to improve and refine them. That's how this sort of knowledge evolves.
On 12/30/2002 8:00:42 PM

i'm so excited!!! see, i swear: it's GORGEOUS in person. i totally fell in love with it when i saw it...but i was just getting so nervous cuz i knew the real numbers and i wanted/want the numbers to be "right" -- and to me, they are!! thank you so much! :cheeky:

Your eyes have spoken - you love it - price seems in line. ..enjoy it! If you have any doubts, send it to an independent appraiser.

Best wishes to you!
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