
Why are we doing this?


Apr 22, 2017
This is a great topic! This is a long gem history! I have loved gems since first consciousness. I was literally digging for crystals by age 3 in the backyard with a spoon after my dad told me that diamonds and gems are in the ground. Both of my grandmothers loved jewelry, and one became a jeweler. However, neither parent had any understanding of my lust for gems and jewels. I had a diamond ring written on every Christmas wish list in childhood. I rarely got any jewelry. When I was 10, I used to play with my mothers pearls, longing for them. I could stare at them for hours just dreaming!

At 13, my mother agreed to buy me a sapphire ring because my best friend had received an aqua ring from her parents. I swayed her by telling her that everyone had one at school. At 18, I got a strand of akoyas which I treasured. I was thoroughly unspoiled, and loved these items with my whole soul.

In adulthood, I have spent long hours getting to know the best stores in each city I visited, and dedicated endless time to thoughts of design, gems, the feeling and the looks. I befriended jewelry designers. Later, my husband knew that jewelry was a must in my language of love, and he's been generous to me. I deeply enjoy every piece I have. People say that things are just things, but I don't feel that way about jewelry. To me, they give daily joy, are infused with life energy, and remind me of that slice of life from which they came. They are healing in a way that's much deeper than simple 'retail therapy.'

I don't like getting too many things at once because it feels wrong. My appreciation is not full then. I also don't like buying many loose stones. If I have a stone, I feel a deep obligation to have the gems set and feel anxious if they sit around. ( thankfully I've undertaken most setting projects recently and only have a few unset stones left. I'm relieved!)

I'm most thrilled by jewelry which shows a fluid marriage between design, metal skill craftsmanship and the gems. If it's just about a perfect gem, but the setting is uninteresting, id want to find a different setting. It's the intersection of nature and human expression. Also rarity s an interesting question as how one qualifies rare is quite subjective. I had an expensive ring made for a jade beach pebble. On the market, the stone might have sold for 50, but to me it IS priceless because of the experience around it.

Re collecting: I've got more things than I wear, but I've been good about wearing what I can. Ive also given away things that are too young for me now. I've slowed down a lot. I often wonder if I became wealthier, would I upgrade to a bigger ruby or sapphire? I think the answer is no because I'm deeply bonded with those pieces. I'd definitely get things to complete my sets. I am grateful that I can still be ecstatic about a simple strand of gem beads, and that collecting hasn't ruined my imagination about what's beautiful. That said, I seriously doubt that this passion will ever die! I always find that there are new ways of looking at stones and new interests which capture me.
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Oct 4, 2016
Interesting story Bluegemz! Funny you mentioned beads. I started with bead bracelets on my teens....garnets, quartzes, peridots....I collected them in 5mm round ones. I still wear a bead bracelet until now. Lol.


Apr 22, 2017
Interesting story Bluegemz! Funny you mentioned beads. I started with bead bracelets on my teens....garnets, quartzes, peridots....I collected them in 5mm round ones. I still wear a bead bracelet until now. Lol.
That's fabulous Seaglow! I'm still in love with gem beads! I recently found an old, broken double strand of spinel beads from my antique jewelry dealer, and immediately bought them, and went home and spent hours restringing them lol! Sigh...


Nov 14, 2015
Does anyone else go through a "meh" stage? I'm in 1 right now... It might last an hour or 2 or sometimes the better part of a whole day where I just look at my (steadily expanding) collection of jewellery and just feel "meh".

It's not that I don't love my jewellery because I do; and not that I don't love my loose stones because I do but... I don't quite know.... maybe it's the feeling of glimpsing upon a world knowing you can never be properly part of it. I mean, gems and jewellery: obviously we all have the stuff that is within our means... but my eyes have seen the possibilities :love: and now maybe my heart wants those out of reach possibilities....

It's a bit difficult to play this game of acquiring gemstones and treasures and not let your head fly off into the sky and into a world of royalty and fancy ballroom dances and etc. But that isnt my life so...

I guess I'm saying sometimes I forget to feel grateful for what I already have instead of having an undying thirst for more and bigger and better and sometimes I wonder what am i doing with actual gemstones???

I can't be alone in this...?

So here I am almost 5 years later, and I came across this thread again! I loved reading it the second time around, all these years later so before anything else, huge thank you to everyone that shared their thoughts.

I’m pleased to say the feeling of ‘meh’ went away! As you all said it would. I think what helped was in these years I expanded my jewellery collection to the point where I have enough variety to keep it feeling fresh.

I also spent time developing other areas of interest in life, have progressed at work etc so now my gemstones / jewellery journey doesn’t feel so obsessive or single minded.

As with all things in life, a little self growth with the passage of passing time.. settled feelings as it always does :)

So happy to be reading PS again!


Jun 27, 2019
I'm definitely a wearer vs collector! Also, I love the journey to find the perfect gemstone & setting (for me ofc!) almost as much as I love completing the process, which is why I tend to take a veeeery long time to search and then set my pieces. I also have a one-track mind, which is why I don't really have the bandwidth for multiple projects/stones at once-- once I have a vision in mind, I get tunnel vision and feel compelled to complete it once my gut feeling goes "YES" to a setting design/gemstone. In many ways, I approach jewelry/gemstone the same as art-- I always start with a compulsion & vision and then go from there.


Dec 7, 2012
I've definitely slowed down but still check out Loupetroop, Preloved, and eBay occasionally just to see if anything catches my eye. I have several amethysts that need to be set.
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