
Who waits for their special occasions?



It's a Big Birthday for me in June next year (let's call it 40th, for argument's sake :eek-2:)

I recently put my name down for an unfathomably hard-to-get mechanical watch at an authorized dealer (no prizes for guessing the brand :roll:) and was told a 12-18 month wait. Fine. Crossed my fingers it would turn up in time for the big day and forgot about it.

Today I got a call telling me they have one, in the right size, in my most desired colour, and it's mine if I want it. I DO want it!! I also get to avoid potential price increases and the uncertainty of whether or not it will happen.

But then I have to decide whether to be disciplined and keep it for the big day, or start wearing it sooner (most likely on my 39th birthday, a much more manageable month away) while still considering it a 40th birthday present.

DH suggested the latter. It is tempting. I will be able to enjoy it for an extra whole year of my life. Life is uncertain, nothing is guaranteed in the future.

But... will I regret it? Do I need to just break out some self-control and lock it up in the bank for 14 months, enjoy the anticipation, and have the joy and lasting memory of opening my 40th birthday gift on my 40th birthday?

I know there's no real right or wrong, but I'd love to hear experiences of others and whether you are happy / regret your choices.
Apr 22, 2020
Personally, and I think my advice may vary from others on this forum, I would save it for the occasion for which it was meant.

Tying a piece of jewelry to a cherished occasion makes it all the more special, imo. You’ll have the anticipation and excitement of an entire year buoying you until you open it on your happy day, and I think the wait makes it even sweeter. I would also refrain from visiting it too often - as much as your willpower allows! Allow yourself to forget small details about it and you’ll be even more mesmerised when you see it again!

This is something I do practice in my own life, by the way, and it’s something I learned from my mom. For example, she purchased/put together my wedding jewelry when I was very young, and once it was put together, she put it away in a box and no one, including me, has worn it, even as an adult. Considering I’m fresh off of ending a serious relationship, it seems likely that jewelry won’t see the light of day until some 25/30-odd years since it was acquired. But I know it’ll be even more special for me when I finally do get to wear it, with the anticipation that has built up over the years.

And perhaps you would argue that that case is different, it’s something I didn’t really have say over and that isn’t really “mine” as yet, it belongs to my mom for now. But I’ll point out that she also bought a gorgeous pair of earrings as a present to her on my wedding day. This was over six years ago. And she will wait patiently until I get married (or turn 35 I suppose, at which point she’ll give up hope on me) to wear them, because she wants the first time she puts them on to be my wedding.


Jun 7, 2014
@MillieLou, This is just my opinion. I have never regretted wearing a piece of jewelry sooner and my husband has never regretted giving me a piece of jewelry to wear sooner than the special day. Your life can completely change in a moment without warning. Be happy, wear the jewelry.

Ally T

Oct 24, 2012
I think you should wear it immediately. You are right, life is short & can be uncertain. So get that beauty on your wrist & post lots of pictures!

It will always be your 40th gift & you will always think if it as such. But getting a whole extra year to wear your dream piece? Yes please, missus!


Feb 2, 2015
Tomorrow is promised to no one.

Leap at the chance to wear it! Then the night before your 40th, clean it carefully and put it back in its box, and wrap it beautifully. Place it on your breakfast tray (I always assume everyone has breakfast in bed on their birthday) and unwrap it while enjoying coffee, croissants, strawberries with cream, and fresh rosebuds on your tray.

You'll be parted from it for a night only, and will not have wasted a moment without it! Enjoy!


Apr 5, 2012
It's a Big Birthday for me in June next year (let's call it 40th, for argument's sake :eek-2:)

I recently put my name down for an unfathomably hard-to-get mechanical watch at an authorized dealer (no prizes for guessing the brand :roll:) and was told a 12-18 month wait. Fine. Crossed my fingers it would turn up in time for the big day and forgot about it.

Today I got a call telling me they have one, in the right size, in my most desired colour, and it's mine if I want it. I DO want it!! I also get to avoid potential price increases and the uncertainty of whether or not it will happen.

But then I have to decide whether to be disciplined and keep it for the big day, or start wearing it sooner (most likely on my 39th birthday, a much more manageable month away) while still considering it a 40th birthday present.

DH suggested the latter. It is tempting. I will be able to enjoy it for an extra whole year of my life. Life is uncertain, nothing is guaranteed in the future.

But... will I regret it? Do I need to just break out some self-control and lock it up in the bank for 14 months, enjoy the anticipation, and have the joy and lasting memory of opening my 40th birthday gift on my 40th birthday?

I know there's no real right or wrong, but I'd love to hear experiences of others and whether you are happy / regret your choices.

I had this exact same dilemma about the exact same brand of watch in my perfect specifications a couple of years ago. Except that it was for a special anniversary rather than a birtrhday. In actual fact it was 18 months before the special anniversary. :D And we chose a different brand of watch for my hubby that he really wanted which arrived a few months after mine.

And similar to what many others have said on this thread, we decided that we would wear them once they came into our possession rather than waiting. It is so true that life is short and we never know what's around the corner. And when investing in something high value and difficult to source, you might as well get maximum cost per wear from the item by wearing it as soon as possible! :D

I can honestly say that neither of us regretted not waiting until the big anniversary. The watches both hold massive sentimental value and we both associate them with the celebration of a long and happy marriage.

So you can probably guess what my view on your dilemma would be! =)2


Aug 27, 2011
Get it now while it’s available! My birthday is next week, but I’ve had my pressie from DH for 2 months. I also bought VCA earrings in March (birthday gift to self) because I knew they were scarce and a pair popped up on the website.


Apr 30, 2005
There are no special occasions in my life.
Every day is equally special.
All days are equally "meaningful".

I don't celebrate any holidays including birthdays, anniversaries, VD day, that December money-grab circus, etc.
I see "occasions" as a commercial scam to suck more money out of you.
There's no gift wrapping in our house.

Happily my husband is exactly the same.
Since we are the only two people on the planet who do this, we are thrilled that we somehow found each other. :dance:

When I want something I can afford, I just buy it.
No biggie, no fuss, no hoopla, and no excuse needed.

I accept that people vary so I'm not preaching that you should be like me, just saying how I am.
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Nov 21, 2013
I am in the minority here, but I personally like to save things for the occasion they are meant for--it feels more meaningful to me, and I enjoy the excitement leading into it. I haven't ever had to contemplate such a long wait, though! If you're torn on what to do, would something in between work? Like not wearing it out of the house until your 40th, but being able to enjoy it at home?


Jul 7, 2013
Each to their own, however, if I plan for a special piece of jewellery to be made to mark a significant event like my birthdays ending with a "0", I would start wearing it right away if it arrives before the big day as I did not see the point in waiting.

DK :))


Jun 6, 2021
I made a couple of significant purchases sometime around a milestone birthday many years ago.

I don’t remember the dates they were purchased, but I do remember they were purchased for that milestone birthday.

Around 10 years later I made another significant purchase for my next milestone birthday. I don’t remember the date of that purchase either.

I wore them from the day I received them.

When I look at them (or someone asks) I think/say, that was for my 50th birthday….that was for my 60th birthday.

Enjoy it now. The purchase date will fade, your 40th birthday won’t. Wrap it up again for your 40th and you can relive the experience.

I now buy what I want, when I want. No one is guaranteed a tomorrow…..and I may not make it to my next milestone! :mrgreen2:

Kim N

Oct 6, 2005
Agree with everything AllAboardTheBlingTrain wrote, though this seems to be the minority. Twice I have purchased jewelry for a significant milestone before the date. The first time, I waited two years but visited it about twice a month. The second time, I waited 6 months and chose not to visit it at all. I don't regret waiting. The pieces felt all the more special for it.

Daisys and Diamonds

Apr 30, 2019
Off on a tangent slightly but a valid point none the less
Many years ago my great Aunty Soph and Uncle Bert were due to celebrate their golden wedding anniversary
Both were great gardeners and i worked in a garden centre so come June when the roses all arrived i put aside a golden anniversary/ jubilee ? rose

Their anniversary wasn't until October

Anyway you can guess what happened
Saddly Aunty Soph passed away in her sleep and i sold the rose to someone else
Even though it might not have flowered in time for the party they wouid have got enjoyment from receiving and planting and nurturing the gift

anyway i never forget that


Thank you so much to everyone who has replied. I have read all your messages carefully and am digesting slowly. It's the middle of the night here and I can't sleep anyway :)

I have two special pieces that I got on the day of the occasion, having chosen them in advance (21st necklace, 25th watch). But, I don't know if they are special because of the day I got them or just what I associate them with.

The idea of wearing it and enjoying it, but then doing something special with it to celebrate with it on the actual day (eg wrapping up and receiving all over again) is a great idea.

@Daisys and Diamonds your story above really touched me, and also reminded me of something, maybe because of your name! I remember being about 5/6 and being outside on a sunny day at school, and our teachers made us girls daisy chains to wear. The other girls put them on straight away, but I wanted to save mine so put it in my pocket. Well, of course by home time, it had been in my pocket on a hot day for hours and was ruined :( So I never got to enjoy it. That was a lesson to me.

I guess when I turn 39 I'll be entering my 40th year of life... maybe I could do something with that? 8-)

I'm still on the fence. Maybe it will become clearer once I pick it up. Photos will definitely be posted at some point!


Apr 30, 2005
You got married and we weren't invited?
Instead of hijacking ...


Daisys and Diamonds

Apr 30, 2019
Thank you so much to everyone who has replied. I have read all your messages carefully and am digesting slowly. It's the middle of the night here and I can't sleep anyway :)

I have two special pieces that I got on the day of the occasion, having chosen them in advance (21st necklace, 25th watch). But, I don't know if they are special because of the day I got them or just what I associate them with.

The idea of wearing it and enjoying it, but then doing something special with it to celebrate with it on the actual day (eg wrapping up and receiving all over again) is a great idea.

@Daisys and Diamonds your story above really touched me, and also reminded me of something, maybe because of your name! I remember being about 5/6 and being outside on a sunny day at school, and our teachers made us girls daisy chains to wear. The other girls put them on straight away, but I wanted to save mine so put it in my pocket. Well, of course by home time, it had been in my pocket on a hot day for hours and was ruined :( So I never got to enjoy it. That was a lesson to me.

I guess when I turn 39 I'll be entering my 40th year of life... maybe I could do something with that? 8-)

I'm still on the fence. Maybe it will become clearer once I pick it up. Photos will definitely be posted at some point!

I feel so sad for wee 6 year old @MillieLou
I can see the look on your little face when you take the daisy chain out of your pocket


Sep 1, 2009
I would absolutely wear it. Life is short. Times are uncertain. All the old cliches.

I was fine one day and completely blind in one eye just three days later. Luckily, it mostly came back. Some people aren't so lucky.

My cousin was driving home from work and died in a car crash. Our neighbor growing up was murdered in her sleep. A friend lost everything in a tornado. I could go on and on this way.

So my advice would be to wear it and enjoy every moment you can. You do not want to look back and regret missing out on it!


May 1, 2009
Wear it! Enjoy the heck out of it early. Make the most of what you have. Sounds morbid but at 40 almost half our life is over - life is far too short to deprive yourself of the pleasure especially when life is so unpredictable (lessons from the pandemic).

Just rem to take lots of pics and share with us!


Jun 8, 2008
Not reading the replies yet.

I don't wait for "special occasions".

Because each day (IMO) is a special occasion.
Maybe this is a dark view but no one knows what tomorrow will bring.
Enjoy today. Live in the moment.
Do what you can to have joy in your life right now.
All we are promised is the right now.


Apr 30, 2005
Not reading the replies yet.

I don't wait for "special occasions".

Because each day (IMO) is a special occasion.
Maybe this is a dark view but no one knows what tomorrow will bring.
Enjoy today. Live in the moment.
Do what you can to have joy in your life right now.
All we are promised is the right now.


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