
Who has Visited Signed Pieces/Facets in NY?

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Aug 8, 2007
Hey everyone -- I am still gathering my thoughts about what kind of setting I''d like for my 10th anniversary upgrade stone -- but am finding myself to be frustratingly fickle! One minute I want one thing, the next minute I''m pining over something else. I can''t commit. I''m afraid to commit. I feel like one of those men who is afraid to commit to marriage because he fears that as soon as he does, something "better" might come along. I''m afraid a "better" setting will walk into my life about 5 minutes after my diamond is set in whatever setting I commit to. Silly me...

Anyway, I am curious as to whether many of you have actually been to the Signed Pieces/Facets store in NYC? My hubby and I are planning a possible anniversary getaway weekend to the Big Apple (we''re in Virginia) in November to see a play or two, have a nice dinner or two and possibly tackle the diamond district - just long enough to visit Signed Pieces/Facets.

Have any of you been there and what did you find? Do they have a lot of their sample bands/settings in various stone weights,etc there for you to see and touch and try on? I wouldn''t want to make the trip there only to find they had very little to show me. I would just love to try on a bunch of their different carat weight bands, etc and see the quality in person. I have called them and Isaac was very nice and informative and has priced some options for me, but the more I think about it the more I think I''d love to see it all in person.

As for the rest of the diamond district, is it an exhausting experience? I''ve read some stories about the high-pressure sales tactics , etc, in many of the shops, but since I have my center stone already, would shopping for just a setting be nightmarish there? Are there many shops there that sell settings/bands and not just loose stones? Do any of you know of any good shops in the diamond district that we shouldn''t miss if we make a visit there?

Thanks in advance for any tips or experiences you can share with me about Facets and/or the NYC diamond district shops...


Nov 18, 2004
I went to SP a couple of years ago when they had a booth in the diamond district. Now you have to go to their offices, not sure how it''s set up now. Best to call ahead to make an appointment and make sure all the settings are there before you go. Also visit Mark Turnowski, he''s in the DD as well. You have to make an appointment to see him as well.
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