
Who actually prefers MRB over antique cuts?


Oct 22, 2019
Why I love OECs. Those yummy facets and soft colors. Romance personified IMO.

This sums it up perfectly for me!! The chunky facets and pastels!

I am an antique cut lover. I was given my grandmother's antique cut diamond engagement ring about 25 years ago and I think that's what started it for rme!

It's interesting because I have found the opposite to be true in day to day life and even I feel on here, I feel antique cuts are in the minority.


Jun 8, 2008
This sums it up perfectly for me!! The chunky facets and pastels!

I am an antique cut lover. I was given my grandmother's antique cut diamond engagement ring about 25 years ago and I think that's what started it for rme!

It's interesting because I have found the opposite to be true in day to day life and even I feel on here, I feel antique cuts are in the minority.

Yes i agree. In general modern cuts are more popular. Plus given the fact that true antique cuts are becoming more challenging to find...


Nov 16, 2018
While my first two engagement rings were MRB, I never thought of antique cuts until these last couple of years. I now have an antique moval and I love OEC’s too. I have fallen in love with the gorgeous, mystical, romantic antique cuts as they are all different. Here are my pictures.
4823D409-E237-4E36-A5B1-F7019E1AA278.jpeg 673855CB-F6F3-4D45-B160-23C0DCDB3EAE.jpeg


Dec 8, 2019
The best pictures I’ve taken are outside in the sunlight. I just use my iPhone and it’s an old one too. I just got my setting and for some reason have not taken pictures outside with it. Here is my diamond in another setting where I really liked to way the picture turned out. I’m also adding one of my previous diamond in the dahlia setting BC I love the way it looks. The sunlight really works. FC424DE4-D4D2-45C7-935A-F5C9CD72B50B.png 24C3A9C7-6889-440F-A16E-7CAA4E07E7C7.png

Wow. Your stone is one of the prettiest I’ve seen on PS and there’s gorgeous ones on this site. Can you share all your stats? Breathtaking piece!


Jun 8, 2008
For me, the old cuts display many personalities,while RBs are consistently flashy and gorgeous. BD4D4EE6-178F-4E9E-A7FF-7018E76CC0D5.jpeg

joye.jpg joy2.jpg

I agree with this. An ideal cut MRB is going to be beautiful and flashy in a consistent way. An OEC or OMC varies much more in personality and appearance IMO.


Jun 8, 2008
I certainly like and appreciate MRB's that are well cut.

But I have learned I do prefer the chunky facets of an OEC. Even the modern vintage cuts appeal to me.

And when shopping for MRB's I tend to prefer lower LGF's as arrows are chunkier as well, and provide a little more of the performance I like in OEC's.

I also like cushions and some ovals depending on their L/W ratios. Some hearts depending on their exact shape. Princess is okay but not a fan of the sharp corners. Can't stand marquis and not much of a fan of pears either. I also enjoy step cut stone if the on/off patterning is superb; however, I've seen few of them I'd want to buy my wife so I think they are a style I admire from a distance if that makes sense.

My wife's BGD:

download (3).png

And here is an MRB that Serg has in his master set of stones, #16 IIRC, that has some of the chunkiest arrows I've seen. The videos almost look like a morphed MRB/OEC to me.


Stunning. I'd love to see that OEC/MRB in real life.


Jun 8, 2008
The best pictures I’ve taken are outside in the sunlight. I just use my iPhone and it’s an old one too. I just got my setting and for some reason have not taken pictures outside with it. Here is my diamond in another setting where I really liked to way the picture turned out. I’m also adding one of my previous diamond in the dahlia setting BC I love the way it looks. The sunlight really works. FC424DE4-D4D2-45C7-935A-F5C9CD72B50B.png 24C3A9C7-6889-440F-A16E-7CAA4E07E7C7.png

Love the Dahlia setting. So pretty!


Mar 11, 2013
@missy :wavey:!
Actually, I thought a little more about my response, while I do love MRBs the best, I love all diamonds as long as they are well cut and clear.
Since I already have my ideal MRB in terms of size and cut, if I were to purchase another solitaire I’m pretty certain it would be an OEC or a step cut since I don’t have those two cuts in a ring.

Stunning, Kayla!! Can you tell us proportions of your gorgeous MRB? Is it possible it’s got proportions that reflect vintage cuts, like lower than normal table % and smaller percentage LGFs? (Although it looks like a 57% table to me) Your MRB is marvelous! Seeing the second round of pictures now, and I have to say WOW, just WOW. Please let us know who cut it and other details!!


Jan 7, 2009
In the "general" market, modern RBC totally dominates.
We get a skewed picture looking at our group of connoisseurs here.
Most of the general market has no idea what an OMB is.....


Apr 23, 2018
I agree with this. An ideal cut MRB is going to be beautiful and flashy in a consistent way. An OEC or OMC varies much more in personality and appearance IMO.

My SIL's e-ring is an OEC, around 2 carats. It's high color (F+) and clarity (VS) as best I recall. Most importantly, that sucker is a freakin' fireball!!!

They live in a different state, so we don't get to see them often, but I love our visits. You see, both SIL and BIL are deaf and when the wife and I get to visit with them, the primary communication is sign language. At about 100mph nonetheless. Tough for a guy that is still learning...but no fears I have gotten most the bad words figured out, lol.

My point being....

OEC fireball + 100mph sign language + restaurant lighting = sledge's eyeballs working overtime

My wife tells me not to stare all the time, but I can't help it. Last time we visited, SIL slipped off her ring and let me examine close up. She knows I love it, lol.

My wife's BGD MRB is no slouch, but that damn OEC speaks to me differently. Sadly, my wife doesn't share my love for them, and actually prefers MRB's. ;(

Stunning. I'd love to see that OEC/MRB in real life.

You and me both. If I'm ever in Russia again I'm looking up Serge so I can see that baby.

Did you see the video I posted of it? :love:


Jun 8, 2008
My SIL's e-ring is an OEC, around 2 carats. It's high color (F+) and clarity (VS) as best I recall. Most importantly, that sucker is a freakin' fireball!!!

They live in a different state, so we don't get to see them often, but I love our visits. You see, both SIL and BIL are deaf and when the wife and I get to visit with them, the primary communication is sign language. At about 100mph nonetheless. Tough for a guy that is still learning...but no fears I have gotten most the bad words figured out, lol.

My point being....

OEC fireball + 100mph sign language + restaurant lighting = sledge's eyeballs working overtime

My wife tells me not to stare all the time, but I can't help it. Last time we visited, SIL slipped off her ring and let me examine close up. She knows I love it, lol.

My wife's BGD MRB is no slouch, but that damn OEC speaks to me differently. Sadly, my wife doesn't share my love for them, and actually prefers MRB's. ;(

You and me both. If I'm ever in Russia again I'm looking up Serge so I can see that baby.

Did you see the video I posted of it? :love:

I'm on my phone so will watch it when I am on my laptop. Cannot wait. I hear you re OEC vs MRBs and I agree. For some of us there is just something special about the OEC.


Aug 4, 2008
I love em all but intellectually, I find the mrb kinda boring.
Hand me a super-ideal MRB and I will admire it and like it very much and hand it back.
Hand me even a badly cut step-cut and I would want to run away spend a month playing with it and figuring everything out about it in every lighting condition I can find and in every tool, then get a helium scan and model it in the virtual to study it even further and model a more well cut version locked in the stone.


Apr 30, 2005
Like Kenny, I love all my rounds, but my “new old-cut” is my go to every time.
Kenny, why do you think you go for your O. As opposed to Rs?

The square, stop-sign shape of the asschers really appeals to me.
Who knows?
Maybe sub consciously I associate round and curves with femininity and a woman's body, but square shape with the relatively boxy shape of a man's.
Just a wild guess, but gender-related associations are an ambiguous and messy topic.

Around a decade ago I bought a 2+ ct asscher based on the cut quality recommendations of experts here and loved wearing it for many years.
But then Karl K designed the Octavia, an asscher with light performance rivaling the best rounds.
I was smitten, and still am.

So, while I can't say or sure why I prefer the asscher shape, my Octavia is my BFF because of the shape AND the light performance of an ideal cut round.
Perhaps because the O has a very high crown and tiny table I get to enjoy more light show further off-axis.
IOW I don't have to look straight down at the Octavia to get tons of fireworks.
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Apr 21, 2009
While lots of our members come to this community for choosing MRB, still many times read our PSers praising antique cuts, expressing they will pick an antique cut over MRB in any day. Are there any of us the opposite or with MRB as their favourite?

I love and have both mrb and old cuts. Lately I’ve been wearing more of my octavia ring which I paired with peruzzis which is old cuts. Somewhere in the near future, I’ll be looking to pair my 3 ct omc with mrbs sides from cbi. How delicious they will look.


Apr 21, 2009
Yes, good thread topic @Double E .

I think this thread needs photos...don't y'all agree?

Here's my contribution. Need some modern cuts though and soon since @Double E is interested in MRBs. Let's not disappoint.

Why I love OECs. Those yummy facets and soft colors. Romance personified IMO.

@Jimmianne @Matthews1127 @kayla17 @kenny please share your yummy diamonds.
Extra points for MRBs.

@missy your oec is why I’m now looking at oec more closely than before.


Aug 21, 2018
@sledge I think this means that YOU need an OEC to wear!

@kenny I'm going to buy that reasoning as to why I love the boxy shapes! They are just so YUMMY!

I love all shapes, but am drawn to step-cuts/non MRB, and less precise older cuts that show character for my hand. I am however looking for an MRB for a pendant for myself- I want the most bling there! I maybe like different cuts for different purposes?


Dec 8, 2019
Yes, good thread topic @Double E .

I think this thread needs photos...don't y'all agree?

Here's my contribution. Need some modern cuts though and soon since @Double E is interested in MRBs. Let's not disappoint.

Why I love OECs. Those yummy facets and soft colors. Romance personified IMO.

@Jimmianne @Matthews1127 @kayla17 @kenny please share your yummy diamonds.
Extra points for MRBs.

I keep coming in here to admire this gorgeous stone!


Apr 29, 2019
Fun fact: LGF's of MSS16 = 61.97! Makes 75's look like twigs, lol.

Video of MSS16 (lower left)....compliments of @Serg

DiboxJD movies

Upper Left - MSS13 Ca 34, Pa 41, Tb 57,
Lower Left - MSS16 Ca 37.5, Pa 40.6, Tb 57,
Upper Right - MSS17 Ca 39, Pa 40, Tb 61,
Lower Right - MSS18 Ca 37.5, Pa 40.4, Tb 57

More images and specs on MSS16:

Hi Sledge. Can you explain something to me? I'm learning about diamond numbers and ratios (they are like Greek to me and I'm bad at learning new languages LOL) I am attracted to the contrasty patterns shown in the diamond on the top right side in your video. Why? What is going on in it (in terms of the numbers/ratios) that attracts me? Help me understand what I'm seeing please.

(I hope this isn't a terribly dumb question. I have never claimed to be a diamond expert!)

Thanks in advance!


Jan 11, 2006
Fun fact: LGF's of MSS16 = 61.97! Makes 75's look like twigs, lol.

Video of MSS16 (lower left)....compliments of @Serg

DiboxJD movies

Upper Left - MSS13 Ca 34, Pa 41, Tb 57,
Lower Left - MSS16 Ca 37.5, Pa 40.6, Tb 57,
Upper Right - MSS17 Ca 39, Pa 40, Tb 61,
Lower Right - MSS18 Ca 37.5, Pa 40.4, Tb 57

More images and specs on MSS16:

Whoa, that lower left is absolutely fantastic!!! :kiss2:


Jan 11, 2006
Okay, I have Whiteflash ACA studs, a newly cut AVR/OEC (cut by Yoram), and a true antique asscher (and a couple of others). I love them all. The factor they have in common is that they are all very well cut. I don't care if a stone was cut yesterday or 100 years ago....there have been cutters all along with the skill to cut a gorgeous diamond. I don't do wonky, because there are certainly excellent cut antique diamonds, and many PSers have them.

It's been interesting being here over the last 14 years. When I first came, the superideals dominated in popularity. Antique diamonds came along and caught on with many people. We saw superideal cuts getting sold. Then came Jonathan with his antique style August Vintage cushions (AVCs) and AVR/OECs. I think the antique styles are still popular here, but we've been seeing a few people go back to superideal cuts recently. I know of no one in my local circle that has an antique diamond e-ring.

I love the balls of "white flashes" on my ears, and have chosen to keep ACAs for my studs because no one can get up close to see the facet patterns anyway, and all I want them to see is edge to edge sparkle and brightness. If I had enough money to keep adding extra e-rings, I'd happily have a 2.5 ct G VS1 Whiteflash ACA!

My AVR (August Vintage OEC) has a beautiful facet pattern (my avatar picture), and that stone was long awaited and one of the few AVRs that Yoram cut. He said they took a lot of time with it, and I think it shows. (Yes, they are hand cut just like those 100 years ago. They just have other technology that helps them plan how to cut it so that it has nice light return.) I am also happy to have one of Jonathan's relatively few AVRs over 2 cts., and I think he was so great to try to create newly cut OECs (and AVCs..I have a small one) for those of us who also appreciate great light return!

I also have a 2.73 ct antique asscher, and it has a beautiful cut. I adore step cuts and especially antique ones.

So I guess I am a neutral party in the thread as I appreciate all really well cut diamonds regardless of age! The ones I have are my favorite shapes, but if I could add three more e-rings (which would be totally crazy), I'd add the ACA, a large emerald cut (3+ cts), and a large AVC (3+ cts). The reality is, I wear the AVR 99% of the time and rarely wear my other diamond rings! It's a good thing I have daughters and granddaughters!!!
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Dec 22, 2019
I had no idea I liked old cuts until I came here to find out more about hearts and arrows diamonds for my anniversary band. Now that I have that, which does brilliantly sparkle, I’m looking to add some pieces with old cuts because I LOVE their broader flashes of light and fire. I think I prefer old cuts at this point so I think I will be starting a little collection soon.....this place IS dangerous!


Oct 11, 2011
Fun fact: LGF's of MSS16 = 61.97! Makes 75's look like twigs, lol.

Video of MSS16 (lower left)....compliments of @Serg

DiboxJD movies

Upper Left - MSS13 Ca 34, Pa 41, Tb 57,
Lower Left - MSS16 Ca 37.5, Pa 40.6, Tb 57,
Upper Right - MSS17 Ca 39, Pa 40, Tb 61,
Lower Right - MSS18 Ca 37.5, Pa 40.4, Tb 57

More images and specs on MSS16:

umm, how do I find a chonky MRB like that? I like that one. I can't find any websites that let me search by LGF.

I always thought I didn't like diamonds, with the possible exception of emeralds and asschers. Then I joined PS and found out about old cuts. It turns out I just like chunky facets rather than splintery facets when it comes to diamonds. I do also appreciate the bucket-of-crushed-ice look of radiants, though I'd probably only want a fancy color diamond in that style. I had gone my whole life thinking I didn't like diamonds when it was all just a big misunderstanding, lol. Colored stones are still my first love but now that most of my colored stone wishlist gems are checked off, I'm venturing into diamonds a little.

With that said, I have MRBs as accents stones and would def get them for a tennis bracelet or riviera necklace. I just don't find one big MRB a compelling main draw.


Jul 7, 2013
There must be a large number of peeps who like MRBs out there for an industry to dedicate so much efforts and resource in creating the best cuts.

I like MRBs, just not in rings as I prefer EC in rings.

My mum's G/H VS near 1.9ct MRB is not a H&A and may not be up to PS standard, however it is a nice stone and big, and I shall re-purpose it in a open bangle.

Here are pics of the MRB next to my 1.19ct E VS1 EC (my 40th present to myself, reset 10 years later in its forever home) in its current temporary setting. She bought it over 40 years ago (I was with her when she bought it), had it set in a different setting that was never worn, then reset in this setting, again never worn. Hopefully I shall reset it later in the year into a bangle.



Inspiration pic of the bangle, it belongs to a PSer whose name I had forgotten, sorry!


Here is a dreadful pic of the ring my mum bought for me at the same time as hers, now sold, as I was not in love with it. I have kept the earrings that were bought at the same time and wear them often with earring jackets nowadays. The colour of the near 1ct MRB was not very good, J or even lower, and it was sold to her as a colourless stone!


The earrings are nicer, G/H in colour.


DK :))


Aug 5, 2018
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Jun 25, 2019
I'm really new to diamond appreciation. My e-ring from 20 years ago is an MRB (just .3ct) because well, my husband nor I were really aware of other shapes. I used to say that I would never want a huge diamond, as MRBs (then and still now to me) just started looking too technical if that makes sense. There is something very 'real' and natural to me about older cuts so if I had the glorious choice of a 2ct MRB or 2ct OMC/OEC, I would take the latter. Not that I would say no to a huge MRB if it fell onto my lap. Under 1ct, I would definitely not say no to an ACA. Hoping to get my first this year :D


Jun 8, 2008
I keep coming in here to admire this gorgeous stone!

Thank you so much @diamondsR4eVR ! It was a journey of many years and I searched high and low but finally found my dream OEC. And much thanks to PSers (@LLJsmom @PintoBean and a few others and you know who you are) for helping me along the way!

@missy your oec is why I’m now looking at oec more closely than before.

@joelly I hope you find your dream OEC and to that end if there is anything I can do please do not hesitate to ask me. Bubbalah brings me so much joy every time I look at her and wear her and I would love you to experience that same feeling with your dream stone.


Jun 8, 2008
Fun fact: LGF's of MSS16 = 61.97! Makes 75's look like twigs, lol.

Video of MSS16 (lower left)....compliments of @Serg

DiboxJD movies

Upper Left - MSS13 Ca 34, Pa 41, Tb 57,
Lower Left - MSS16 Ca 37.5, Pa 40.6, Tb 57,
Upper Right - MSS17 Ca 39, Pa 40, Tb 61,
Lower Right - MSS18 Ca 37.5, Pa 40.4, Tb 57

More images and specs on MSS16:

LOVE the video, thank you for sharing @sledge!

My wife tells me not to stare all the time, but I can't help it. Last time we visited, SIL slipped off her ring and let me examine close up. She knows I love it, lol.

My wife's BGD MRB is no slouch, but that damn OEC speaks to me differently. Sadly, my wife doesn't share my love for them, and actually prefers MRB's. ;(

I agree with the poster who said you need an OEC of your own! :love:


Oct 11, 2011
BN, they appear at greater depth 65% - ish, spread is discounted, I feel.

Yeah I've found some with LGFs at 60-70% on BN but they are all so deep they are black holes.


Aug 5, 2018
@distracts I have cherry-picked that one, for sure.
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