
Whiteflash: Full blown appraisal or just a verification?

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Jan 30, 2006
My Whiteflash ring should be in tomorrow morning. I"m leaving town tomorrow night to go home and propose. I trust Whiteflash to the fullest, but I thought just for my own good I should get it looked at by someone here in town before I leave. I have read on here before that I might not need a full-blown appraisal (i.e. Shipping it off and paying another $150). Its an AGS, and I know Whiteflash wouldn''t do anything on purpose. I asked the jeweler if they could just look at it and verify if its the diamond listed on the certificate or not. She said that they could, if someone is available do that, but unless they do a "full blown" appraisal there is no gaurantee.

Well, I''d be hesitant to leave it out of my sight. Plus I don''t know how long that takes. So, would somebody be able to put it under a loupe and determine if its the real thing? Or should I just bite the bullet and get it fully appraised? (How long do you think that would take?) Thanks for the help!


Jan 19, 2006
I actually want to know the answer to this as well. Anyone?


May 15, 2005
I''ve sat many a time in my office and done a verbal verification of a diamond, in your case it appears to be a (mounted) diamond ring. Certainly it can be guaranteed by a qualified appraiser. Things such as a laser inscribed girdle, table %, location of inclusions (plot plan), measurements, can all be verified conclusively in my opinion.
As far as getting a documented appraisal, you will need one if you are planning insurance coverage on the ring. AGS will only deal with quality. Valuation will need to be addressed, but as far as verifying if that stone matches up with the cert, you can feel secure that a qualified appraiser can execute that in a relatively short meeting. Hope this helps.

Stephen Marino
Professional Appraiser
Boston & vicinity


Sep 3, 2000
The only time you have recourse on an important purchase is when it is still fresh. Making the best diligent effort is commendable even if it is not always needed. When I bouth the four homes I have owned over the years I hired an independent appraiser each time to survey the condition of the home and the property before buying it outright. It was money well spent. I avoided some places with leaky basements, termites and other unseen problems. You don''t think the realtor was going to tell me about them, right?

Now, we all expect more of diamond sellers than salespeople who sell real estate, but they are only human and mistakes do occasionally occur. You do the best job you can, and there will be no regrets.

Knowing how Whiteflash seems to please people, makes me think they do a great job and should not make people afraid. Being cautious is up to the consumer, not the salesperson. YOU DECIDE!
Some folks want all the assurance they can get and others like a bit of minor "risk" taking.

No one offering diamonds or services here wants to creatge a fearful environment or one where they will face hharsh criticism. By doing a good job, we improve the safety of buying diamonds on a daily basis. We all have more to lose than to gain from doing a faulty job.


Nov 19, 2004
Date: 2/14/2006 2:17:38 PM
My Whiteflash ring should be in tomorrow morning. I'm leaving town tomorrow night to go home and propose. I trust Whiteflash to the fullest, but I thought just for my own good I should get it looked at by someone here in town before I leave. I have read on here before that I might not need a full-blown appraisal (i.e. Shipping it off and paying another $150). Its an AGS, and I know Whiteflash wouldn't do anything on purpose. I asked the jeweler if they could just look at it and verify if its the diamond listed on the certificate or not. She said that they could, if someone is available do that, but unless they do a 'full blown' appraisal there is no gaurantee.

Well, I'd be hesitant to leave it out of my sight. Plus I don't know how long that takes. So, would somebody be able to put it under a loupe and determine if its the real thing? Or should I just bite the bullet and get it fully appraised? (How long do you think that would take?) Thanks for the help!
wf sends a letter of verification from an independent appraiser stating that the diamond is what it is and i personally do not feel that paying yet another party to verify the independent verification is necessary.
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