
Whiteflash-fluorescence situation

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Mar 4, 2003

Well, I finally got a stone from Whiteflash.

It''s a .68 G SI1 H&A (ACA) and had great
proportions, read well on the HCA (1.3 or so.)

They were courteous, professional, fast.
It arrived this morning and I was excited to
open it.

When I brought it in to be evaluated,
I noticed the cert said "neglibile fluorescence" even though it was advertised as no fluorescence.

It was put in the machine they use to test this,
with some test stones showing various hues of
blue (light, medium, darker) and it read as
medium (not navy, but definitely not faint blue.)

As you may know, this is not a desirable quality, as it can cause a stone to look muted
and milky.

We compared it to a .59 D SI1 (non H&A) and
I looked at it at various lights, outdoor shade and direct sunlight.

The comparison stone clearly outperformed the ACA visually with regard to the flashes of fire- they were stronger and more frequent- like little lasers shooting out.

The stone I had bought flashed less often and with less intensity and looked more muted and somewhat milky.

I have e-mailed Whiteflash about this, letting them know why I''m sending their merchandise
back and requested them to cover my shipping/
insuring because of their unintentionally incorrect listing of the fluorescence as "no."

I''m sure they will do this as they are a very
reputable company, and I''m only communicating this to you fellow consumers
to share my experience and as a reminder to
keep your eyes open and have any stone you
get checked out.

I''d be curious to see if anyone has any feedback on this- I''m sure it''s a pretty rare
StoneSeeker, if you're unhappy with the diamond you definitely should return it.

Did you check the stone with independent appraiser (who doesn’t sell to the public) or in a jewelry store?

Negligible Fluorescence is a new term AGS is using instead of former Inert and Faint terms. I don’t know who evaluated your stone and how accurate their machine was comparing to AGS Lab, but even medium fluorescence shouldn’t make the stone look milky.

Moreover, in your case some fluorescence would be even beneficial because it will make I-color diamond look whiter. Even strong blue fluorescence often has no effect on the transparency of the diamonds.

GIA published a research “A Contribution to Understanding the Effect of blue Fluorescence on the Appearance of Diamonds” (Gems & Gemology, winter 1997).

In the preface, President of the GIA wrote:
“The study challenges the perception held by many in the trade that UV fluorescence generally has a negative effect on the overall appearance of a diamond. In fact, the results support the age-old belief that strong or even very strong blue fluorescence can improve appearance rather than detract from it, especially in diamonds with faint yellow body color”.
From the article summary:
For the average observer, meant to represent the jewelry buying public, no systematic effects of fluorescence were detected. Even experienced observers did not consistently agree on the effect of fluorescence from one stone to the next. ... Most observers saw no relationship between fluorescence and transparency.
I'm just curious who told you "... this is not a desirable quality, as it can cause a stone to look muted and milky"?

It also would be interesting to know the proportions of another stone you viewed (.59 D SI1) and how it was held. Did you compare them set or unset?

It is difficult to imagine that ideally cut and symmetrical stone doesn't look good.

Try to clean it with Windex or alcohol.
AGA has switched to "Negligible" as of several weeks ago on all reports. There is a tiny bit of UV reaction in many diamonds and it is just wrong to say none when there is any at all. The value of a diamond is unaffected by "negligible"... Don't get worried or upset. I feel this new word is far more accurate than saying "none" when there obviously was some in many stones...

How the GIA arrived at using "none" for so many years fully aware that it was an innaccurate definiton of the word is a long story that has been reported on a great deal in the past year. I think this correction is a good one.
Why do you think fluorescence is a bad thing at that level???
"As you may know, this is not a desirable quality, as it can cause a stone to look muted
and milky."

Did you look at the stone ? Im sure it did not look muted or milky (sometimes the jeweler if it is not his stone will run his finger over the top to put a layer of grease on the diamnd).

At that level (to be milky or muted) it would be a strong fluorescence or an overblue which are rare. I have never seen whiteflash send out garbage. The problem is not the diamond.

If you would like to educate yourself I have a great link for you to learn about Fluorescence .

I hope you take all of this a learning experance and not a lecture
Sorry more second thoughts. Do you think a jeweler that you didnt buy the diamond from is going to make you feel like you got a deal ? They will just magnify the problem.

Hope we are helping
Thanks for the input everyone.

Leonid- I believe the GOG site was where I first read about fluorescence.

The ACA stone is a G color, and actually I was
shown where I got it tested that with a more colored stone (I/J) fluorescence can actually help make it look whiter.

Either way, I am not trying to say that the stone
I received is not a fine stone, simply that that
aspect of it was different than represented and
that I noticed it visually in comparison, both
set and unset.

However, I am not saying that the stone I got
was a bad stone, it looked very nice.

After reading everything about how amazing the
light will be coming out of an H&A I had
high expectations.

When I first opened it and looked at it (before having it checked) I noticed the great symmetry,
but didn't see a lot of fire. It didn't look milky
by itself- just didn't seem to send off big sparks- and this was in my car in the sunlight.

When I had it checked and learned of the
discrepancy and viewed it COMPARED with
another stone- and in the fluor. tester- that's
when I saw this much more clearly.

This was my experience, and I'm simply
sharing it for others' info, with no intention
to say anything negative about any product.

Thanks also for the info. about the recent
testing labeling changes re: negligible and
for the other input.

StoneSeeker-Hi. Great example of letting your eyes be the final judge. There are many examples of well cut stones which share very similiar proportions which exhibit different light return results both being the intensity of White Light & Colored light. Minor variations in the way a stone is cut can greatly effect it's performance. All in all keep searching you'll find that stone that calls to you.....

-Josh RIoux
Sitka, Alaska
Any more prospects??????

Hello StoneSeeker;

I hesitate to jump in here since this is our product but I will answer two questions.

First Fluorescence:
Negligible or even Medium blue fluorescence is not something to worry about in a diamond. The only time you need to worry about the florescence is when it is yellow fluorescence or when it is very strong blue fluorescence or "overblue". Both of these are very rare and some members of the diamond trade have used it as a scare tactic to kill the competitions diamond sale and puff up their on "non-fluorescent" diamond. GIA did a study on this subject in 1997 and found no effect on higher color diamonds, of which G is one, and somestimes an improvement on lower colored diamonds. If any of you would like to read the article it is in Gems and Gemology - Winter 1997.
We need to put to rest the bull that is spread around about this subject. All it does is confuse the consumer.

Sunlight and diamonds:
Direct sunlight is not a great place to look at ANY diamond. Put it in the shade just out of the sunlight and everything changes. A trick in jewelry stores to kill anothers diamond is to say it looks nice BUT it has fluorescence and that makes it milky...can you see it??? In the mean time the salesperson has put his thumb print on your diamond and cleaned his. This dulls out the diamond somewhat with the thumb print.

If I were you and there was an independent gemologist appraiser in your area that did not sell diamonds, I would take it there for a second opinion. If not you can certainly return it. But I would think twice about buying a diamond from the person you were dealing with there.
StoneSeeker, I appreciate you sharing your honest opinion and experience with everybody.

Why I decided it was I-color when you posted G?
Probably it was too early!

Best way to compare ideal to less perfect cut diamonds is deem (candle) light.

Less perfect cut stones might look good unset especially if there is enough light coming from pavilion because of light leakage. But when set they die.

That's why I asked about proportions and viewing conditions of another stone.

You might want to clean both diamonds and put them between your fingers for comparison like on this picture.

SS--regardless of the fluor, as I wrote in my email to you...if you aren't happy, you aren't happy, and you should return the stone. Go with what your heart says. Paper is paper..eyes are what you will be looking at the stone with for the rest of your life.

I had also mentioned that slight/negligible, even medium fluor would not affect the stone, and only in rare 'strong' cases does it affect the stone in a negative, easily visible way. But in the end if you did not open the box and go 'wow' then maybe that is not the stone for you!
If the jewelry store stone feels right, maybe it is.

As Leo suggested, get the info on the jewelry store stone and post for us. People will be able to tell you if the #'s look correct, but also as I mentioned via email as well, your eyes are the best judge. Would suggest to do this also as people will be able to note if the stone will lose the fire and brilliance when set as Leo mentioned. Stones look different set via unset. Keep us posted.

DimonBob--can you elaborate on the not viewing the stone in direct sunlight? I would have thought that the direct sun would have the best impact on the stone for light return? My stone in direct sunlight looks almost blue, a little interesting!

Also just on a general note, I was very interested to read about SS's dissatisfaction with the appearance of the ACA stone, quite surprising!! I had always thought from reading people's posts, testimonials and seeing the closeup shots that these things were literally *the bomb* but ?? It is always personal opinion I suppose.
On 3/15/2003 8:17:47 AM Iceman wrote:

"As you may know, this is not a desirable quality, as it can cause a stone to look muted
and milky."

Did you look at the stone ? Im sure it did not look muted or milky (sometimes the jeweler if it is not his stone will run his finger over the top to put a layer of grease on the diamnd).

At that level (to be milky or muted) it would be a strong fluorescence or an overblue which are rare. I have never seen whiteflash send out garbage. The problem is not the diamond.

If you would like to educate yourself I have a great link for you to learn about Fluorescence .

I hope you take all of this a learning experance and not a lecture



You wrote "I have never seen whiteflash send out garbage."
I have two simple questions for you. First, what is your business relationship with whiteflash, and second, how many of the diamonds that whiteflash has sent out have you actually seen?
The only thing we would like to add to this thread is that we have NOT been impressed with ANY of the colorimeters that we've tested, they seem to be easily fooled into reading fluorescence into a diamond with the addition of a single well placed fingerprint
and thus we rely on our eyes to measure fluorescence under the controlled light of a GIA Diamond Light with a Lexan filter as per the recommendation of Marty Haske of Adamas Gemological Laboratories in Brookline, MA. who has developed what seems to be the only really accurate color grading machine, but we're just not ready to drop $25+K on something we can do thus far with our eyes
but it is our understanding that the AGSL had Marty install one of his machines early last year as a back-up to their standard grading procedures... If you're not happy with the stone StoneSeeker, you're not happy with the stone, that's the bottom line, but we wanted to add our two cents on "the machine" that part of your decision is being based upon for the other people who are reading this thread.
Hi JetCaptain,

The Iceman has no relationship with whiteflash. He is a competitor. I have never met him or any of the other competitors here but I have talked with him and a few others on the phone. The few of us that have been around for a while know that we share a passion for very fine cut diamonds. We also know that none of us deal in "garbage". We stay in business because we have some of the best cut diamonds on the market, bar none, and we all have to be honest because the whole world is watching us.
Thank you all.
If you don't like the stone return it to Whiteflash for a refund, they have a very good return policy. Maybe it's just a dud stone.

But if I were in this situation I would only trust a truly independent appraisal. I would never ever take my diamond to be appraised by someone who also sells diamonds. A jewelry store would never be my source of an appraisal. They have a vested interest that calls into question their objectivity. I would only use a truly independent appraiser who does not sell diamonds, someone who makes their living from appraisals and whose reputation and livlihood rests on accurate,honest appraisals. Jewelry stores may offer appraisal services, but they are really making their money from selling their own goods, big conflict of interest.

Imagine taking your Mercedes to be "appraised" by an appraiser working at the BMW dealership. Would you get an accurate appraisal of your perfectly nice Mercedes, or will they pull all kinds of sales tricks and try and sell you a Beemer?
"The Reason" for independent appraisals... Many years ago we provided an insurance replacement for a woman in Sacramento who was insured by State Farm Insurance, the diamond she lost had originally been sold by one of the "high and mighty" long time established local retailers... According to her original sales receipt, the diamond had been a one carat, G, SI-1 as determined by the in-house gemologist employed by the store... The woman was a "real piece of work" and State Farm wanted to make sure that she wasn't going to be in any way disatisfied with the replacement diamond so we replaced with a GIA Graded, VS-2 clarity, F color diamond that weighed a few points more than her original stone... As you might imagine, the replacement met our normal selection criteria... It was a zero ideal cut, it had GIA Excellent polish and symmetry... It was without a doubt, significantly nicer than what the woman had to begin with... At the request of State Farm, the diamond was sold without the GIA diamond grading report, just the description of what it was... The woman took it to the store who sold her the original diamond to have it appraised and as you might imagine, the gemologist saw red... She burned the stone down to an I-1 clarity, M color diamond and went on and on about how the woman had been ripped off... If only they could have provided the replacement diamond, her interests would have been better served, etc... So the woman calls State Farm and reads them the riot act, they in turn asked her to meet them at our office where she was presented with the diamond grading report from the GIA Gem Trade Laboratory... Still not convinced, she was urged to take the diamond to an independent appraiser of her choice at the expense of State Farm Insurance... After meeting with two appraisers, she reached the conclusion that she was being "stroked" by the in-store gemologist... Buy a brand new Ford truck and drive it on to the Chevy lot across the street for an appraisal and you just might not get an honest evaluation of the product...

Now the fun part... We weren't satisfied with the custom coke bottle glasses that we made in the shop and sent to the in-store gemologist with an application for a refresher course offered by the GIA

Oh no, we had to drive the point home... You see, this store has more than one location in Sacramento and we thought we'd have a little fun spread out between the two of them... So we called up one of our clients who had purchased her wedding ring from the location across town and ask a favor of her... Would she mind if we cleaned up her ring so that it looked brand new and paid for her to have an appraisal on it written by the in-store gemologist at the downtown location? Not at all she said after we explained the concept to her... So off she went to her appraisal appointment... She started talking about everything the ring was supposed to be and how much money she had saved by buying it at the San Francisco Gift Center (a teeny, tiny white lie) and that was all it took to send the gemologist into orbit... She totally thrashed that ring on paper and told the client all about how she had been ripped off... Then came an interesting turn of events that we hadn't quite counted on, our client marched into the store across town, threw the appraisal issued by the downtown store's in-town gemologist in the face of the owner and insisted a refund
wa-ha-ha talk about a BACKFIRE!!! The store owner was backpeddling something fierce, as was the in-store gemologist who found herself in the position of trying to maintain her position and defend her job... Oh my, it seems that the gemologist learned that sometimes you get burned when you're trying to burn somebody else's sale

The diamond sold by WhiteFlash may or may not exhibit fluorescence... We don't know because we haven't seen it... All we're saying is that if people expect an impartial evaluation on the diamond they buy, they shouldn't take it to a jewelry store gemologist because that person is employed by the store to help the store sell diamonds... Historically speaking, they will do everything in their power to shake your confidence and convince you to return the item for a refund in hopes of selling you one of their stones... The simplest tactic is to smudge the surface of the diamond with a fingerprint or wipe it with an oil laden selvyt cloth to dampen the visual performance of the stone... If you want an honest evaluation of the diamond you buy, take it to an independent gemologist who does not sell jewelry and does not work for a jewelry store... If the gemologist even suggests that they can help you find a better stone or that they "know somebody" it is a pretty good indicator that they have lost their objectivity...

No doubt that WhiteFlash will stand behind their product, they are an excellent competitor and are known within the industry for producing a beautiful stone... People should be aware that the "negligable" fluorescence grade issued by the AGSL does allow for a certain degree of fluorescence because all diamonds usually exhibit a little, thus you'll have to rely on the integrity of the seller to explain the degree of fluorescence beyond the report if it is a concern to you... We can tell you however, that a little fluorescence in a diamond isn't going to hurt anything or have a negative impact on the stone, it is merely an identifying characteristic.
On 3/15/2003 8
0:10 PM dimonbob wrote:

Hi JetCaptain,

The Iceman has no relationship with whiteflash. He is a competitor. I have never met him or any of the other competitors here but I have talked with him and a few others on the phone. The few of us that have been around for a while know that we share a passion for very fine cut diamonds. We also know that none of us deal in "garbage". We stay in business because we have some of the best cut diamonds on the market, bar none, and we all have to be honest because the whole world is watching us.
Thank you all.


Iceman never saw the diamond that whiteflash sold to me. If he would have seen it, he probably would have been just as embarrassed to have his wife wear it as I would have been. That's why you got it back. As far as I am concerned, your "passion for very fine cut diamonds" is nothing more than sales hype, both here and on your web site.
HI jetcaptain,
I am a little confused. Did you buy the diamond or did Stoneseeker buy it?
I thought the original post was started by Stoneseeker and he was the one who returned a diamond to Whiteflash.
But in your post, you state that you returned the diamond to Whiteflash.

"Iceman never saw the diamond that whiteflash sold to me. If he would have seen it, he probably would have been just as embarrassed to have his wife wear it as I would have been. That's why you got it back. As far as I am concerned, your "passion for very fine cut diamonds" is nothing more than sales hype, both here and on your web site."

Or did both of you purchase diamonds from Whiteflash and return them at the same time?
Is that why you are so angry?
If you are not happy with the diamond, just return it. That's it!
I also purchased a diamond from Whiteflash and the one I received was beautiful. Unfortunately, I was not happy with the setting I chose, so last week I sent it back. I am not angry about it, or with them, I am just glad that I picked a company that has a good return policy so I am not stuck with such an expensive purchase.
Don't be so upset, lighten up.

Actually Pricescope is made up of experts (professional) and consumers. Most of the consumers are like me...people who came here and did so much research on stones that they now know more than the average consumer. So we stick around to help out. There are vendors who post and frequent the forums as well, but the idea is not to peddle their wares, but instead give informational and educational value add information to the consumer looking for assistance.

I can't speak for JC, but I don't think he's a vendor, his posts have always been helpful in the past to consumers.

JC--I don't recall reading about a negative experience with WF, care to expound? Or you can PM me!
Aha, so the plot thickens! So we ask ourselves is this a genuine consumer or a competing diamond dealer trying to throw a little mud on a rival? Any sneaky so and so can say they bought xyz's stone and it looks like cr*p, they can even in fact buy one and return it to bolster their claim since there is a good reurn policy at most online vendors.I'm going to take a good look at all stoneseeker and jetcaptain previous posts and see how credible they appear. I must say I am very suspicious now, this smells whiffy.
This thread has taken a somewhat unfortunate turn.

Here is a fact for digestion. StoneSeeker emailed me on Friday afternoon telling me of his experience with this stone--a stone I had helped him choose along with other posters. In NO WAY was he degrading WhiteFlash or their merchandise, he was just saying he wasn't happy with the stone--for multiple reasons. He wanted to know what I thought on returning the stone (policy and shipping wise), and also asked if he should post on the forum or not, BECAUSE he didn't want to besmirch WhiteFlash's name as they had given him excellent service. Sorry for posting your private thoughts SS, but I wanted to nip this confusion in the bud before 'speculation' got out of hand.

As far as I can tell, he is definitely a consumer and maybe I am to blame for this thread, because I told him that as long as he posted with his story and was fair to WF, it would not be a big deal to let the forum know about his experience. This forum is here partly to help consumers make decisions on stones AND vendors. We hear great great things about WF all the time, in fact I really like their stuff, their site, and Leslie and Denise are always super nice. But I have never purchased from them. I have no hands-on experience. SS was fair to them in saying that everything was great, everything EXCEPT the big part...the stone. He is not stomping on their reputation...he just didn't like the stone! Beauty is in the eye of the beholder...

I can't speak for JC either, but it seems as though he has had a very bad experience with WF. It happens! It does not mean he is a rival vendor besmirching their stones. His posts in the past have always been helpful to consumers, and this is the first time I've seen him say a negative thing about WF (that I can recall anyway). Now I'm really curious to hear more.

I may be completely wrong, but I don't think so otherwise I wouldn't post as I don't like to get involved in negative forum drama!

I also hate to point this out, and I'm very sorry Charlie if I am wrong, but you are the one with 1 post to your name coming around and stirring the pot. So who may be the rival vendor taking advantage of a nasty turn on a legitimate thread?
Thank you Mara. Wow- I totally did not mean
for my posting to create this kind of effect.

I don't know who Jetcaptain or all these people
are, but as Mara explained, I did hesitate to
post my experience for this exact reason:

Whiteflash has given me great service so far,
I do intend to return their stone, I really appreciate everyone's input and the importance
of using an independent appraiser on whatever
stone I actually do end up using.

The people where I got the stone checked and
compared did wipe the stones and explained
to me the importance of doing so and how
detrimental fingerprints are to a diamond's look.

Hope this helps clear things up a bit. Lets
not continue with back and forth downgrading.

I am not in any way trying to say anything
negative, and would also apprecite it if people
didn't assume that whoever examined these
stones intentionally tried to trick me, although
I understand these concerns.

In the end, when I make my final purchase and
present the ring to my sweetheart, I want to look back on the time invested researching the
info on this forum fondly
And everyone really
has been helpful- so thank you again- and
lets keep the peace...
I am just starting out and want to make an educated decision. Don't want to stir up trouble. I will just continue my search and hopefully make the right choice. This forum has been a tremendous help.

On 3/16/2003 8:27:46 PM Charlie wrote:

Jet Captain,

I am curious. Are you a real consumer??? I have read some of your previous postings and you seem to have made some questionable statements. Have you worked with diamonds before? I thought I read you were a pilot. Is that true or are you on someone else's payroll? I thought this forum was for diamond education from real professionals.




I am only on one payroll, and that is the payroll of American Airlines. And yes, I am an airline captain, which I think qualifies me as a "real professional." Although customers trust jewelers with their money, they trust me with their lives. Proving to you that I am a pilot would be easy, and I will do that if that's what you want. But how am I supposed to convince you or anyone else that I have absolutely no affiliation with anyone in the diamond industry, even though it's true? I don't know how to do that--you'll just have to take my word for it, I guess.

As I understand it, this forum is not only about diamond education. It is also about consumers sharing their experiences, both positive and negative, so that others may benefit. I am aware that whiteflash has some satisfied customers on this forum, and I am happy for them. Their glowing testimonials are why I have not written anything about my experience with whiteflash until now, even though it happened several months ago. As a diamond broker, I realize that sometimes a diamond passes through whiteflash on its way from the supplier to the purchaser so quickly that their staff doesn't get much of a chance to really scrutinize it. And the decision whether a diamond is "good enough" to be sent on to a purchaser is certainly a judgment call, based on the multitude of factors we read about on this forum daily, including price. Although I am not a diamond expert (and have never claimed to be), I do have a graduate degree in business, so I do understand how business works. You must sell products and earn a profit to stay in business. So a certain amount of "sales talk", or "puffing", is to be expected from any salesperson. As consumers, we all understand that. So, for these reasons, I have tried to see my experience with whiteflash from their point of view as well as my own, and have kept it to myself. But to suggest that whiteflash, or any other vendor on this forum, NEVER sells a poorly-cut diamond is going too far, and does the casual visitor to the forum a disservice. It leads them to the false conclusion that ANY diamond they buy from a pricescope vendor is automatically among the best available, which isn't true. If it was true, then there would be no reason for any of us to recommend that a consumer send a diamond purchased from a pricescope vendor to get an independent evaluation. And yet, you read that recommendation in threads almost every day. So what does that mean? That means that even among the pricescope vendors, the rule is caveat emptor, or let the buyer beware. That is why my posts tend to point other consumers to the vendors that provide the most information about their diamonds. The consumer has a better idea of what they can expect when that internet diamond finally arrives, which means a better chance of being satisfied and not having the expense and hassle of returning it. If that makes my previous postings "questionable" in your mind, then we will just have to agree to disagree.

Have I answered your questions to your satisfaction?
On 3/16/2003 7:28
0 PM kayla17 wrote:

HI jetcaptain,
I am a little confused. Did you buy the diamond or did Stoneseeker buy it?
I thought the original post was started by Stoneseeker and he was the one who returned a diamond to Whiteflash.
But in your post, you state that you returned the diamond to Whiteflash.

"Iceman never saw the diamond that whiteflash sold to me. If he would have seen it, he probably would have been just as embarrassed to have his wife wear it as I would have been. That's why you got it back. As far as I am concerned, your "passion for very fine cut diamonds" is nothing more than sales hype, both here and on your web site."

Or did both of you purchase diamonds from Whiteflash and return them at the same time?
Is that why you are so angry?
If you are not happy with the diamond, just return it. That's it!
I also purchased a diamond from Whiteflash and the one I received was beautiful. Unfortunately, I was not happy with the setting I chose, so last week I sent it back. I am not angry about it, or with them, I am just glad that I picked a company that has a good return policy so I am not stuck with such an expensive purchase.
Don't be so upset, lighten up.



Stoneseeker and jetcaptain are two different people writing about two separate, unrelated transactions. I intervened on this thread because of iceman's comment that he had never seen whiteflash send out garbage. I thought that remark was curiously out of place, so I inquired about iceman's relationship to whiteflash. It seems that iceman is a competitor, so he probably hasn't seen ANYTHING whiteflash has sent out.

For what it's worth, I did return the diamond I purchased from whiteflash several months ago. I have gotten over being upset about it, although I haven't forgotten it either. I am glad the diamond you bought was beautiful, and I'm sorry that the setting didn't work out for you. And I promise that I will lighten up if you will promise to consider how you would have felt if the diamond you purchased had been horrible instead of beautiful. Deal?
Ahh...Passengers fasten your seatbelts and prepare for a smooth landing...."Juneau Radio this is Alaska Flight 67 inbound on the LDA DME runway 29 approach to the thread of compromise" Anchorage center this is Alaska 67 requesting flight level 35.0 for a smooth ride....Any Pilot reports at that altitude would be appreciated...Lol...Ha Ha you guys I'm glad to see this thread end on a good note.So many times consumers like myself see these threads get out of hand. JC, Way to be a gentlemen about the whole situation.

Sitka, Alaska
Hah hah hah... Hey Josh, is it true that every other Alaskan has a little Cessna parked in the driveway next to his 4x4?
Hmmmm...Thats'Eeerie Rich. I drive a blue dodge ram 4x4 5 speed w/ full tow package and also have a cessna 142 with tundra tires for those sunny days we have here...

I'm not sure about every other Alaskan, but I'm one of them that does..Lol...May be you should start your own psychic network...

-Josh Rioux
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