
Whiteflash ACA vs Crafted by Infinity


Apr 18, 2011
Has anyone seen a Whiteflash ACA diamond next to a Crafted by Infinity diamond? Whiteflash has a diamond that is one clarity grade lower than I want to go, but otherwise, exactly what I'm looking for. On the other hand, I think I'd really like an Infinity diamond because they care about nothing except cut. All else equal, I'd go for the Infinity diamond, but will the price difference make a noticeable difference compared to a Whiteflash ACA? What are the differences? (I've read that infinity can cut much closer to the "no-go zone" where you get the greatest contrast, without going too far)

I look forward to any thoughts! I've certainly learned tons reading PriceScope over the past few weeks!



Dec 16, 2007
I am sure the cutters of the two brands will be able to disagree with me fully on this ;)) ... but both are highly reputable brands cut with precision and I suspect, to most consumers, they would look the same held side by side other than the normal slight nuances that differentiate any two diamonds.

I would buy either brand with total confidence.


Jul 21, 2004
Yes, I have, but more importantly, you can probably arrange to do it too. Arrange to have both stones shipped to you or to your chosen appraiser and you can compare them side by side. You'll have to eat the shipping on the one you opt against but it's usually not all that big an expense in the grand budget of this and if it's an important issue to you it doesn't even add much time.


Apr 18, 2011
denverappraiser|1304012132|2907138 said:
Yes, I have, but more importantly, you can probably arrange to do it too. Arrange to have both stones shipped to you or to your chosen appraiser and you can compare them side by side. You'll have to eat the shipping on the one you opt against but it's usually not all that big an expense in the grand budget of this and if it's an important issue to you it doesn't even add much time.

Do you remember any specifics on the visual differences between them? I'm unable to have both shipped to me.


Jan 11, 2006
Well, as a consumer who has not had the privilege of seeing both, I will say that after over 5 years on this forum, I have never seen the idea expressed that Infinity would somehow be better than ACA's. I consider the H&A stones of WF, Infinity, Brian Gavin, and Good Old Gold to be of highest and equal cut quality. The top of the top as far as diamond cut goes. Those are the ones I search when I am searching for stones for myself and my family. I buy from the ones that have what I want at the time because their supplies vary a lot. But I do not think you should be misled to think that ACA's would be inferior to Infinity. I wouldn't have ACA's if I didn't think they were equal to the best available! And if two of them had stones with the same specs, then I'd have to go with the lower price.

I can't imagine that Neil is going to express a preference on here, but I also cannot imagine at this level of cut quality that anyone could differentiate the two visually.


Jul 21, 2004
I definitely wouldn't state a preference even if I had one. I also won't generalize about a whole line of stones. I evauate each stone I see on it's own merits (or demerits) and shut up about the rest. I can tell you that both fo these are excellent companies and, if you choose to evauate the stones or have someone else to do it for you, you will have no trouble with the one you don't buy and you'll be even more tickled with the one that you do for having gone through the process.


Apr 5, 2009
I agree with the others that several brands, not just Infinity, offer top-of-the-line cutting, if that's what you are looking for.

But I am an Infinity customer, not only because of their excellent cut quality (which I can get from a number of vendors here) but because of the fact that they operate their own cutting house (factory) and therefore have greater control over their production. Other vendors contract with cutting houses to have stones "cut to their specifications." I value the fact that Paul and Lieve themselves plan the cutting of each individual stone in their line. It's an artisan approach to diamond cutting and I appreciate that.

And although I agree with DenverAppraiser's comment that you need to evaluate each diamond on its own merits to determine whether or not it is beautiful to your eyes, I must disagree a little bit about his comments about generalizing about an entire line of stones.

I have seen a "group" of Infinity diamonds, in all sizes and colors, at an Infinity event held at the showroom of a Chicago vendor who carries the line, and what you will notice about a "group" of Infinity diamonds is how consistent in appearance they are from one stone to another. I've also owned four Infinity diamonds, of varying colors and clarity grades, and in real life -- out of the showroom -- they also have a consistent look to them. I can only explain the look as a very crisp and distinct on-off pattern of sparkle and fire.


Jul 21, 2004

YOU and the other prosumers can generalize all you like. :bigsmile:

I'm in the unique position of being a professional appraiser and people hire me to grade specific stones. It would be unfair to my clients and to the various vendors if I were to make a statement like 'usually these guys are better/worse/same as these others'. Even if it's true, the issue isn't about what is usual, it's about a particular stone that's being considered. It's the same reason that you'll notice that I post here fairly often and about a variety of topics but NEVER give advice about the merits or demerits of a stone that I haven't seen or about a deal where I don't know all of the details, even these are the most common questions asked.


Apr 5, 2009
denverappraiser|1304028556|2907369 said:

YOU and the other prosumers can generalize all you like. :bigsmile:

I'm in the unique position of being a professional appraiser and people hire me to grade specific stones. It would be unfair to my clients and to the various vendors if I were to make a statement like 'usually these guys are better/worse/same as these others'. Even if it's true, the issue isn't about what is usual, it's about a particular stone that's being considered. It's the same reason that you'll notice that I post here fairly often and about a variety of topics but NEVER give advice about the merits or demerits of a stone that I haven't seen or about a deal where I don't know all of the details, even these are the most common questions asked.

You're right, Neil -- and I appreciate your objectivity on PS and didn't mean to suggest that you should generalize!


Dec 16, 2007
I was hoping you would chime in Lula because I recalled you had some interesting comments about the Infinity brand and its cutting practices.

Have you compared to an ACA? Just curious. I have owned four ACAs, two BGD signature stones, and one non-branded "ideal" diamond, and all are lovely but I cannot say that there is a distinct look to a brand. When talking about such high quality cuts, I find slight nuances in cut/proportions and the effect of diamond carat in particular really affect the look of a particular stone, nore than the brand per se. For *me* the personality of a particular stone carries more weight in determining the look of the stone when comparing diamonds of such fine quality, where inter-brand nuances become a smaller contributor to variance in appearance. But I would love to do a taste test, what fun.

Of course, if I compared my ACAs to a batch of lame looking diamonds the difference would stand out. But comparing two such high quality cuts... then I am not so sure. But it wold be fun to find out.


Apr 5, 2009
Dreamer_D|1304034501|2907459 said:
I was hoping you would chime in Lula because I recalled you had some interesting comments about the Infinity brand and its cutting practices.

Have you compared to an ACA? Just curious. I have owned four ACAs, two BGD signature stones, and one non-branded "ideal" diamond, and all are lovely but I cannot say that there is a distinct look to a brand. When talking about such high quality cuts, I find slight nuances in cut/proportions and the effect of diamond carat in particular really affect the look of a particular stone, nore than the brand per se. For *me* the personality of a particular stone carries more weight in determining the look of the stone when comparing diamonds of such fine quality, where inter-brand nuances become a smaller contributor to variance in appearance. But I would love to do a taste test, what fun.

Of course, if I compared my ACAs to a batch of lame looking diamonds the difference would stand out. But comparing two such high quality cuts... then I am not so sure. But it wold be fun to find out.

Hi, Dreamer :wavey:
Interesting discussion -- first, I do want to make clear to the OP that you absolutely cannot go wrong buying a branded stone from BGD, WF, GOG, or Infinity. These brands are recommended over and over here for a reason -- they offer consumers the best in cut quality. So my comments are not meant to disparage any of the other fine branded cuts. Second, I have seen ACA's in person, but, as I noted in another thread, the comparison to Infinity isn't a valid one, because the ACA's I've seen were the ACA melee in my scattered band :roll:

So my comments go to what I've personally observed as an owner of several Infinity diamonds, and what I have observed about their "consistency." And the part of your post I underlined goes to the heart of the issue. My hunch -- and it's just a hunch; Paul or John are certainly welcome to tell me if I'm wrong -- is that one reason Infinity diamonds have such a consistent look is because the parameters of Infinity diamonds fall into a very narrow range. For example, you don't see Infinity stones with super-long LGF's (> 80), which, I completely agree with you, affects the overall "look" of a diamond (and not in a bad way). So, if I wanted a diamond with long LGFs and more pinflash, I'd make a beeline for GOG, because I know from reading this forum that Jonathan has a preference for that "look." If I wanted a diamond with picture perfect hearts, I'd look at BGD's signature line.

So how much of a brand's unique "look" has to do with the owner's/cutter's "vision" of what a beautiful diamond should look like (e.g., specific combinations of cut parameters; preference for longer LGF's or higher crowns)? How much is due to the level of precision by which that vision is executed? I don't know, but I would guess that if the brand is truly a brand, there should be quantifiable differences -- otherwise, why buy a branded stone?

It's one thing to see a "group" of Infinity diamonds in a showroom and see the consistency. But it's another thing to live with a stone -- or in my case four stones -- from a particular brand and see how they react in a variety of lighting conditions. When I traded my 1 carat I I1 Infinity diamond in for my current .77 carat G VS1, I really wondered if the smaller stone would have the Infinity "look" which, to my eyes, is a very bold, "contrasty" (light-dark-light-dark) flash, reminiscent of a transitional-cut diamond -- I don't know how else to explain it. And, yes, my current smaller Infinity does have the same "look."

I also think that part of Infinity's consistency is, as I mentioned before, their ability to control production. All cutters are limited by the characteristics of the rough. Because Paul owns a cutting house, he no doubt has more options about what happens with a given piece of rough than do other vendors who rely on the output of cutting houses, even if that output is cut to their specs. I'm speculating here, but not too much, because Paul has been fairly transparent about his process. The other vendors aren't so forthcoming about where their stones "come from" and the process by which they are cut. This transparency is another reason I am a fan of the Infinity brand.


Dec 16, 2007
I am curious to hear comments on how this consistency is achieved, because with variation in rough dictating to a degree the final cut proportions (to my understanding) generally speaking, Infinifity must do things differently than other cutting houses to maintain such consistency. To get that level of consistency, would it not be neccesary to either carefully select rough that can always allow a certain proportion (seems impossible), or else often opt to cut a smaller stone from a given piece of rough than what could otherwise be achieved with different proportions... right?


Dec 16, 2007
Lula|1304043350|2907623 said:
So how much of a brand's unique "look" has to do with the owner's/cutter's "vision" of what a beautiful diamond should look like (e.g., specific combinations of cut parameters; preference for longer LGF's or higher crowns)? How much is due to the level of precision by which that vision is executed? I don't know, but I would guess that if the brand is truly a brand, there should be quantifiable differences -- otherwise, why buy a branded stone?

Well, if I am cynical (moi??) then I could say that branding is a marketing tool to sell your product and make it distinctive in the marketplace and separate from other similar products (i.e. other highly precision cut H&As, in this case), but the branding need not *actually* mean your product is especially distinct from other similar brands in some consistently observable quantifiable way (observable and quantifiable to the average consumer I mean). I like the brands we tend to recommend on PS, which have been listed here in this thread, because the vendors who offer those brands take pride in what they sell and offer exceptionally well cut diamonds. But does that mean that there is a distinct flavour to the brands that is observable and quantifiable to the consumer, other than what is marketed or described to us? I don't know. Maybe. I think the purveyors of those brands would say there is. But somehow I think that those oh-so-subtle distinctions are not *really* the reason that most people choose one brand over another (with some exceptions like yourself). Instead, marketing success of the brand and consumer loyalty to the brand, combined with the inventory available at a particular time, likely determine it.

That said, I would love to see a run down of the consistent differences between the brands in terms of the flavours of the H&A stones they offer. I could be convinced not to be a cynic ::)


Dec 28, 2010
The branding is marketing. You are going to pay that premium because that line has a guarantee of a specific visual performance. If you were to take away that guarantee, it just becomes "another diamond" that any retailer could buy.

Yes, ACAs and other branded diamonds have to be within this range, but who is to say that all diamonds cut that way from their provider end up being branded diamonds? The only person that knows is the cutter.


Apr 18, 2011
Thanks for all the discussion; it's certainly interesting. I'll still be interested to hear what subtle differences people might have noticed in a side-by-side comparison. WF has almost exactly what I want now except they're off by a clarity grade, while Infinity will soon have exactly what I want, but at a price premium over WF.

By this point, I realize that both are outstanding stones. I'm just the kind of guy who wants to split hairs and settle for nothing but the best for the one I love (even if the best is subjective.)


Apr 5, 2009
Dreamer_D|1304045520|2907670 said:
I am curious to hear comments on how this consistency is achieved, because with variation in rough dictating to a degree the final cut proportions (to my understanding) generally speaking, Infinifity must do things differently than other cutting houses to maintain such consistency. To get that level of consistency, would it not be neccesary to either carefully select rough that can always allow a certain proportion (seems impossible), or else often opt to cut a smaller stone from a given piece of rough than what could otherwise be achieved with different proportions... right?

It's my belief, based on what I've read on other threads and from listening to a presentation by John Pollard, that Infinity does do both of those things. I also think that's why you see such unusual color and clarity combinations in their line, compared to other brands anyway. And Paul's been cutting stones with SB and VSB fluoro for some time, before it was popular on PS anyway. His business model seems to allow him to take more risks -- whether that's out of necessity or creativity or some combination of the two, I don't know.


Apr 5, 2009
Gibson486|1304048746|2907721 said:
The branding is marketing. You are going to pay that premium because that line has a guarantee of a specific visual performance. If you were to take away that guarantee, it just becomes "another diamond" that any retailer could buy.

Yes, ACAs and other branded diamonds have to be within this range, but who is to say that all diamonds cut that way from their provider end up being branded diamonds? The only person that knows is the cutter.

Exactly my point.


Jul 9, 2009
cyberpear|1304048985|2907724 said:
Thanks for all the discussion; it's certainly interesting. I'll still be interested to hear what subtle differences people might have noticed in a side-by-side comparison. WF has almost exactly what I want now except they're off by a clarity grade, while Infinity will soon have exactly what I want, but at a price premium over WF.

By this point, I realize that both are outstanding stones. I'm just the kind of guy who wants to split hairs and settle for nothing but the best for the one I love (even if the best is subjective.)

I hear you on this last point. I'm the same way. I would love to have an ACA vs. Infinity vs. BGD vs. GOG comparison video - really just to satisfy my curiosity as to whether there are noticeable differences between the brands. Maybe one day if I have the money, I'll buy one of each :) (GOG themselves already carry different "flavors" of H&A diamonds so that already puts more in the mix to compare).

It's unfortunate though that a lot of PSers aren't in the position to see/compare stones in person though because it really has this amazing ability to simplify the decision-making (in my opinion) - just pick the one whose looks appeal to you the most. That's of course assuming the optics of the diamond are the most important to you (as opposed to other parameters - color, clarity, size, cut, ...)


Apr 5, 2009
cyberpear|1304048985|2907724 said:
Thanks for all the discussion; it's certainly interesting. I'll still be interested to hear what subtle differences people might have noticed in a side-by-side comparison. WF has almost exactly what I want now except they're off by a clarity grade, while Infinity will soon have exactly what I want, but at a price premium over WF.

By this point, I realize that both are outstanding stones. I'm just the kind of guy who wants to split hairs and settle for nothing but the best for the one I love (even if the best is subjective.)

We love discussing diamond minutiae here, cyberpear, so thanks for indulging us on your thread!

Good luck with your decision. Ultimately, you've got to decide what "the best" means to you (and it's sweet of you to say that you want nothing but the best for the one you love!), but you can post the color and clarity and carat weight information for each diamond (and price) and ask for opinions. Color and clarity preferences vary from person to person, but sometimes it's helpful to hear what other diamond lovers think about your choices.

Are you working with an online Infinity vendor (Wink or Todd, I think are the only two) or an Infinity vendor who has a retail store?

Infinity diamonds do cost a bit more than other online vendor brands, but significantly less than other retail brands, such as Hearts on Fire. I consider Infinity more of a "retail brand" than an online brand.


Apr 5, 2009
Dreamer_D|1304046572|2907689 said:
Lula|1304043350|2907623 said:
So how much of a brand's unique "look" has to do with the owner's/cutter's "vision" of what a beautiful diamond should look like (e.g., specific combinations of cut parameters; preference for longer LGF's or higher crowns)? How much is due to the level of precision by which that vision is executed? I don't know, but I would guess that if the brand is truly a brand, there should be quantifiable differences -- otherwise, why buy a branded stone?

Well, if I am cynical (moi??) then I could say that branding is a marketing tool to sell your product and make it distinctive in the marketplace and separate from other similar products (i.e. other highly precision cut H&As, in this case), but the branding need not *actually* mean your product is especially distinct from other similar brands in some consistently observable quantifiable way (observable and quantifiable to the average consumer I mean). I like the brands we tend to recommend on PS, which have been listed here in this thread, because the vendors who offer those brands take pride in what they sell and offer exceptionally well cut diamonds. But does that mean that there is a distinct flavour to the brands that is observable and quantifiable to the consumer, other than what is marketed or described to us? I don't know. Maybe. I think the purveyors of those brands would say there is. But somehow I think that those oh-so-subtle distinctions are not *really* the reason that most people choose one brand over another (with some exceptions like yourself). Instead, marketing success of the brand and consumer loyalty to the brand, combined with the inventory available at a particular time, likely determine it.

That said, I would love to see a run down of the consistent differences between the brands in terms of the flavours of the H&A stones they offer. I could be convinced not to be a cynic ::)

Cynicism is warranted when we're talking about diamond branding and marketing :bigsmile:

I'd like to see that same rundown -- I know there are several people who have purchased more than one stone from the same brand. What are you paying for when you choose to buy a branded stone? Conversely, what would cause you to "leave" a brand, i.e., lose faith in the brand? Time for a new thread, I guess.


Dec 16, 2007
cyberpear|1304048985|2907724 said:
Thanks for all the discussion; it's certainly interesting. I'll still be interested to hear what subtle differences people might have noticed in a side-by-side comparison. WF has almost exactly what I want now except they're off by a clarity grade, while Infinity will soon have exactly what I want, but at a price premium over WF.

By this point, I realize that both are outstanding stones. I'm just the kind of guy who wants to split hairs and settle for nothing but the best for the one I love (even if the best is subjective.)

You need to decide what this means *to you*, because it is a subjective decision when you get to the high level of cut you are considering.


Aug 14, 2009
One day someone with full pockets will buy a bunch of 1caraters - an Infinity, an ACA and an ES, a GOG H&A, BGD sig, HoF, JA H&A... and will post a treatise of observations, and take tons of pics and reams of video, and we'll all be that much closer to objectively informed.

Well, one can hope!

Dancing Fire

Apr 3, 2004
GOG H&A,recut by Infinity and 5 stone ACA.
BGD Sig 3 stone pendant
8*,recut Infinity and GOG H&A.


3stonependant 039.jpg



Sep 16, 2017
I hope its not bad form here to resurrect an older thread, but I am looking at these two brands and am curious if anyone could weigh in on if there is a difference between these types. When I read the CBI website, I really find myself buying into the concept. But maybe it's just their copywriters that are better. Can anyone help with this choice?


Aug 25, 2017
HI @824jagdds I posted this in another thread but hope its useful!

This is my understanding having gone through a rigorous, borderline obsessive process myself. Happy to be corrected here but from what I can tell there are two elements of Super Ideals and their vendors - I'll refer to them as 1) The Ideal percentages/angles and 2) Precision and each vendor specialises in different ways.

1) Ideal Percentages/Angles relates to the average angle of the crown and pavilion, depth, table, upper and lower girdle facets etc.
2) Precision relates to how even these are all cut as the measurements are AVERAGES. The higher the precision the more they can be described as True Hearts and Arrows - which is subjective. This is to do with how even the hearts are, gaps in between them. In order:

- Brian Gavin Diamonds & Crafted by infinity (HPD) have the strictest guides for both 1 & 2 but you do end up paying for it. I have BGD Studs. Both vendors source and cut their own diamonds from rough to finish. Both have pretty good upgrade policies but BGD is stricter... You really get what you pay for though.

- Victor Canera Ideal Hearts offers similar diamonds in terms of 1 +2 , has a smaller inventory. But strictness is not as high as BGD or CBI I'm told. I actually bought my E-Ring from him as the stone he had was the best cut, price in the clarity, color and size I needed at the time. VC also uses only one cutter. Also have a decent upgrade policy. VC also does amazing settings.

- Whiteflash A Cut Above has 1 nailed down but you can look at their diamonds - some of them are perfect and others are not. They perform very well given 1 is met and pricing & (possibly the best) upgrade policy make them attractive. They don't have in-house cutters I think but I'm less sure of this.

- James Allen True Hearts are not dissimilar to Whiteflash ACA but I would say have looser standards than WF ACA.

- Blue Nile Signature cuts might be even looser than JA True Hearts.

That's not to say that stones from BN Signature will not out perform one from BGD/CBI or from any of these vendors - this is a total generalisation - on average - what I've seen from their inventory, read here and researched.


May 26, 2015
True hearts and blue Nile signature are not precision cut, just happen to be well cut ideals.

BGD, CBI, WF, VC all precision cut.

My own personal observations is that they are all very well precision cut but have different flavours.

CBI tend to favour a less than 34.5ish crown paired with a more often smaller table (<56)

Brian Gavin is often a higher 34.8 ish crown with a 40.8ish pavilion (higher end of ideal proportions crown and pavilion) and WF has documented ranges that encompasses a higher variety of personality.

None of these are rules and just observations I've made.


Feb 29, 2012
HI @824jagdds I posted this in another thread but hope its useful!

This is my understanding having gone through a rigorous, borderline obsessive process myself. Happy to be corrected here but from what I can tell there are two elements of Super Ideals and their vendors - I'll refer to them as 1) The Ideal percentages/angles and 2) Precision and each vendor specialises in different ways.

1) Ideal Percentages/Angles relates to the average angle of the crown and pavilion, depth, table, upper and lower girdle facets etc.
2) Precision relates to how even these are all cut as the measurements are AVERAGES. The higher the precision the more they can be described as True Hearts and Arrows - which is subjective. This is to do with how even the hearts are, gaps in between them. In order:

- Brian Gavin Diamonds & Crafted by infinity (HPD) have the strictest guides for both 1 & 2 but you do end up paying for it. I have BGD Studs. Both vendors source and cut their own diamonds from rough to finish. Both have pretty good upgrade policies but BGD is stricter... You really get what you pay for though.

- Victor Canera Ideal Hearts offers similar diamonds in terms of 1 +2 , has a smaller inventory. But strictness is not as high as BGD or CBI I'm told. I actually bought my E-Ring from him as the stone he had was the best cut, price in the clarity, color and size I needed at the time. VC also uses only one cutter. Also have a decent upgrade policy. VC also does amazing settings.

- Whiteflash A Cut Above has 1 nailed down but you can look at their diamonds - some of them are perfect and others are not. They perform very well given 1 is met and pricing & (possibly the best) upgrade policy make them attractive. They don't have in-house cutters I think but I'm less sure of this.

- James Allen True Hearts are not dissimilar to Whiteflash ACA but I would say have looser standards than WF ACA.

- Blue Nile Signature cuts might be even looser than JA True Hearts.

That's not to say that stones from BN Signature will not out perform one from BGD/CBI or from any of these vendors - this is a total generalisation - on average - what I've seen from their inventory, read here and researched.

HPD upgrade policy cannot be beat. You just trade in for higher cost... you can also trade in one diamond for two, etc.


Aug 25, 2017
HPD upgrade policy cannot be beat. You just trade in for higher cost... you can also trade in one diamond for two, etc.

Yes this is true. BUT their stones can be more costly which essentially pays for this option. Also HPD doesn't have v clear photos and videos which does make it more tricky to buy from my experience. I would LOVE to own a CBI stone but have found it v tricky from the UK. Having seen them in real life - I have to say they are just as remarkable as the BGD and VC stones I own.


Feb 29, 2012
Yes this is true. BUT their stones can be more costly which essentially pays for this option. Also HPD doesn't have v clear photos and videos which does make it more tricky to buy from my experience. I would LOVE to own a CBI stone but have found it v tricky from the UK. Having seen them in real life - I have to say they are just as remarkable as the BGD and VC stones I own.

They will make a video if you ask for one! Also, I tend to buy In the VS range when I buy online, so I can be "mind clean", but since HPD vets all of their diamonds personally, all diamonds they sell are eye clean with transparent inclusions. To me, this makes it so easy. I just bought an si2 since I am confident it is still a great diamond. The reduction on price for the clarity grade allowed me to go higher in size and color.

I will have it on Tuesday-- so will keep you posted. =)


Jul 12, 2004
Yes this is true. BUT their stones can be more costly which essentially pays for this option. Also HPD doesn't have v clear photos and videos which does make it more tricky to buy from my experience. I would LOVE to own a CBI stone but have found it v tricky from the UK. Having seen them in real life - I have to say they are just as remarkable as the BGD and VC stones I own.

I am sorry, but did I miss something here?

For my new 2.79 F-VS1 CBI , I just posted the following in my thread and they look pretty clear to me.
Video of my diamond
Video of my diamond live under the ASET scope
10x Image
Arrows Image
ASET Image
Hearts Image
Idealscope Image
Photo of diamond face up
Photo of diamond pavilon up
Glamour Photo of diamond

This was enough documentation for me to buy this gorgeous diamond sight unseen, although both Wink and John offered to ship it to my home for my viewing, or view it locally at a store in San Francisco.

I believe OoohShiny lives in the UK and is a CBI owner, perhaps he can weigh in here.
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