
Which would you choose?

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Dec 30, 2008
hi everyone, just like to see which diamond would you choose...
And here are the contenders...

Diamond 1)

Diamond 2)

I was told that Diaomnd 1 would give me better fire ans scin compared to Diamond 2 because of higher Star Ratio/Deviation:55% and Depth Gridle Facet:78% compared to Diamond 2''s Star Ratio/Deviation:50% and Depth Gridle Facet:75%

Is that true? And would I be able to tell the difference with my eyes?

Also, is it true that a faceted gridle in diamond 2 be a better choice for gridles?

Appreciate your contributions
I am partial to Infinity cut as I also bought from them. But comparing the 2, if BN''s fluor is not giving it a hazy/oily look, looks very tempting from the price.
Date: 2/20/2009 3:16:16 AM

I was told that Diaomnd 1 would give me better fire ans scin compared to Diamond 2 because of higher Star Ratio/Deviation:55% and Depth Gridle Facet:78% compared to Diamond 2's Star Ratio/Deviation:50% and Depth Gridle Facet:75%
huh? who said that non-sense? Is that a direct quote?

In diamond 1 you have a precision cut and very well documented high performance diamond and with diamond 2 you have a poorly documented diamond in relation to cut quality that may be a high performance diamond but there is no documentation to prove it.
Date: 2/20/2009 4:18:04 AM
Author: strmrdr

Date: 2/20/2009 3:16:16 AM

I was told that Diaomnd 1 would give me better fire ans scin compared to Diamond 2 because of higher Star Ratio/Deviation:55% and Depth Gridle Facet:78% compared to Diamond 2''s Star Ratio/Deviation:50% and Depth Gridle Facet:75%
huh? who said that non-sense? Is that a direct quote?

In diamond 1 you have a precision cut and very well documented high performance diamond and with diamond 2 you have a poorly documented diamond in relation to cut quality that may be a high performance diamond but there is no documentation to prove it.
To be fair, the person gave...

Diamond 1

Star Ratio/Deviation:55% Good chance of excellent hotspot and scintDepth Gridle Facet:78% Good chance of excellent hotspot and scint

Diamond 2

Star Ratio/Deviation:50 % Good chance of an average hotspot and scintDepth Gridle Facet:75% Good chance of an average hotspot and scint

Personal Comment: Internal Graining as often called twinning lines, wisps and knot lines. Personal i would avoid..However its just personal...

... among other things such as what the HCA is and other comments about the ASET and IS pictures.
He is a very helpful educated consumer in where I come from and many seek his advice from the local forum before buying diamonds.

But I do not have any idea how he comes up with whether the hotspot and scin is excellent or otherwise, so that I cannot comment.

But it kind of got me worried if diamond 2 is in fact inferior to diamond 1 in terms of hotspot and scin, which is why I raised this issue here.

The SA from Bluenile told me these:

style="WIDTH: 99%; HEIGHT: 65px">The diamond does emit a strong blue fluorescence and it is not milky or oily in natural light.
I have not seen this diamond personally, but I have been in contact with my jeweler who has taken the diamond out of the
vault to check on visual specifications.
The internal grading is not visible to the unaided eye and it does not affect the clarity.
And this other interesting comments:

style="WIDTH: 99%; HEIGHT: 65px">I''m sorry to say that we are not able to provide IdealScope, GemEx, or photos for our diamonds. This is primarily because
the majority of the vault locations that we store our diamonds at do not have these machines on site, but also because
we do not believe that the majority of our customers would be able to properly interpret these kinds of reports. A cut
appraisal machine is only as good as its calibration, and unless these machines are meticulously calibrated, they will not
produce accurate results. Even when perfectly calibrated, the same diamond run through the same machine three times
will produce three different results. (This is an experiment I would recommend trying if you ever happen to be at a jewelry
store with one of these machines.)

Another reason we stay away from these kinds of reports is that the new AGS and GIA reports have largely superseded the
need for additional cut grade assessment. The GIA and AGS are the undisputed leaders and gold standard for diamond
grading in America, and their new cut grade assessments are the result of many years of research. Other assessments are
neither as widely recognized nor as highly valued as GIA reports, so we have decided that the price increases that would
result from providing these reports would not be acceptable to the majority of our customers.

Is it true that the machines give different results?
Is it also true that Bluenile is generally cheaper because it does not provide those other images?
Load of crap. BN do not have any other vault locations other than where they hold their signature ideals. This is just a cover story for the fact that they are drop shippers and have access to large number of virtual diamonds, which are own by various jewelers that may not have ASET/IS etc... ASET is not a machine, it is just a scope, that tells you how much your SA from BN really knows about what he is talking.

BN is generally cheaper because they are drop shippers, do not provide images and do not have upgrade, buy back policies as others vendors that are slightly more expensive.
Date: 2/20/2009 4:53:14 AM
Author: vf0valkyrie
To be fair, the person gave...

Diamond 1

Star Ratio/Deviation:55% Good chance of excellent hotspot and scintDepth Gridle Facet:78% Good chance of excellent hotspot and scint

Diamond 2

Star Ratio/Deviation:50 % Good chance of an average hotspot and scintDepth Gridle Facet:75% Good chance of an average hotspot and scint

Whew so I don't have to give a vendor 50 lashes with a wet noodle.
That is not true.
stars: 50-55 no real difference in most combinations.
The 75% is rounded it could be 77.49 which is no real difference from 78 or it could be 72.5 which would be a downgrade and not likely.
Date: 2/20/2009 4:18:04 AM
Author: strmrdr

Date: 2/20/2009 3:16:16 AM

I was told that Diaomnd 1 would give me better fire ans scin compared to Diamond 2 because of higher Star Ratio/Deviation:55% and Depth Gridle Facet:78% compared to Diamond 2''s Star Ratio/Deviation:50% and Depth Gridle Facet:75%
huh? who said that non-sense? Is that a direct quote?

In diamond 1 you have a precision cut and very well documented high performance diamond and with diamond 2 you have a poorly documented diamond in relation to cut quality that may be a high performance diamond but there is no documentation to prove it.

Maybe this post will give you a better idea of how that person came up with such comments.
The bottom are quoted directly from him on another diamond:
HCA Score:1.3 ExLight Return (ASET/ IDEAL Scope):Excellent light return with minor ligh leakageCrown/Pavilion Angle deviation:0.19/0.47 ... A bit high on the pavilionH&A Pattern:Excellent Star Ratio/Deviation:54.31 / 2.05 Good chance of excellent hotspot and scint..Depth Gridle Facet: 78.9 Good chance of excellent hotspot and scint..Painted/Dugged/Classic gridle:Classic with minor painting around..esp 11,1/4....oclock..Fluorescence:None canoot complainInclusion:Hmmm.seem like a high VS2

Maybe this can shed some light into how he came up with those comments of his.
how does he define hotspots?

I would call the painting on the gog stone extensive not minor.
Basically what Karl is saying is that GIA report for the BN stone is a rounded number, unlike AGS or for the GOG case, GOG did their own helium scan on the dimensions of the stone. So what your SA is saying between the 2 difference is still within the round off error of the GIA report so it does not make sense how he can draw those conclusions. GOG can say that about the GIA stone because their helium scan is a very high precision instrument and will give a number to each facet allowing a judgement to be made.
Date: 2/20/2009 5:10:55 AM
Author: strmrdr
how does he define hotspots?

I would call the painting on the gog stone extensive not minor.

His definition of hotspots are Fire.

I have no idea how to tell if the painting is extensive or minor...

Date: 2/20/2009 5:11:38 AM
Author: Stone-cold11
Basically what Karl is saying is that GIA report for the BN stone is a rounded number, unlike AGS or for the GOG case, GOG did their own helium scan on the dimensions of the stone. So what your SA is saying between the 2 difference is still within the round off error of the GIA report so it does not make sense how he can draw those conclusions. GOG can say that about the GIA stone because their helium scan is a very high precision instrument and will give a number to each facet allowing a judgement to be made.

Hmm... I''ve never used a sarin machine or any other machine, other than an idealscope and aset scope...

But I was kind of surprised to read what the SA said about getting three different readings when running it three different times, for it would mean that, if what the SA said was true, readings out there would be inaccurate to say the least.

Now it sounds like that SA doesn''t really know her stuff and is just giving me the usual sales talk...
Doesn''t really inspire confidence in buying from Bluenile...
I would go with the infinity if its eyeclean.
Date: 2/20/2009 6:08:06 AM
Author: strmrdr
I would go with the infinity if its eyeclean.
Date: 2/20/2009 4:21:46 AM
Author: Lorelei

Date: 2/20/2009 4:18:04 AM
Author: strmrdr

Date: 2/20/2009 3:16:16 AM

I was told that Diaomnd 1 would give me better fire ans scin compared to Diamond 2 because of higher Star Ratio/Deviation:55% and Depth Gridle Facet:78% compared to Diamond 2's Star Ratio/Deviation:50% and Depth Gridle Facet:75%
huh? who said that non-sense? Is that a direct quote?

In diamond 1 you have a precision cut and very well documented high performance diamond and with diamond 2 you have a poorly documented diamond in relation to cut quality that may be a high performance diamond but there is no documentation to prove it.

Date: 2/20/2009 3:16:16 AM
hi everyone, just like to see which diamond would you choose...
And here are the contenders...

Diamond 1)

Diamond 2)

I was told that Diaomnd 1 would give me better fire ans scin compared to Diamond 2 because of higher Star Ratio/Deviation:55% and Depth Gridle Facet:78% compared to Diamond 2''s Star Ratio/Deviation:50% and Depth Gridle Facet:75%

Is that true? And would I be able to tell the difference with my eyes?

Also, is it true that a faceted gridle in diamond 2 be a better choice for gridles?

Appreciate your contributions
I am going to stay out of this conversation except to correct one thing. Both stones have faceted girdles.

Get the Infinity.
Infinity diamonds are proven performers. But the BN diamond has so much potential -- great angles and a great price. If the the price difference is substantial, you could always order the BN diamond and return if you''re not happy with it. They have a good 30 day ret. policy.
Like Wink I''ll refrain from giving too much info but to clarify and correct some misconceptions...

1. Faceted girdles vs bruted girdles = nil when it comes to light performance and diamond beauty. It is a non issue.

2. The expression "hot spots" is a term I have coined which specifically depicts light entering and exiting a diamond at high angles which does in fact produce more ponits of sparkle scintillation observable in spot lighting environments. It should be noted however that this phenomena can only be duly noted in diamonds 1ct and over. The phenomena occurs by lengthening the lower half facets which is most likely the reason for the commentary you received. It is even more obsevable when you lengthen the lower halves over 80%. If you view an older video we produced on the subject "The Nature of Scintillation" we''ve captured and recorded this phenomena although we plan on publishing an updated high defintion clip of the same yet a bit more exhaustive covering the effects of the lower halves. Hot spots can be seen in the blacks (amonst red/black/white) one can observe via DiamXray Reflector technology.

Hope that helps.

Kind regards,
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