
Which Sapphire Ring Would You Choose?

Mae auditore

May 26, 2022
Dear Ladies and Gentlemen of the Forum,

I am new to colored gemstones or diamonds as Jewelry. I collect different type of gems for their energy, but just rough, untreated, small pieces of gems and tumble stones.

A month ago my boyfriend suddenly told me, the Diamond Ring Family Heirloom he thought he would get from his mom for his wife is not available because his mother has one request before handing it down to him...and that is to meet the lady in person.

Our relationship is...unusual. I am Indonesian, born in the capital city of Jakarta (please excuse my not perfect English). He is an American guy from New Jersey. We are of the same age. We met through 'The Houseplant Hobbyist' group in Facebook because of our love for plants.

Due to Covid, i was unable to travel to the US. But he can travel to Jakarta to see me. He has made it here couple of times over these two years period.
But oh what was i on about, this is a gemstone forum. The stress must have got to me.

Long story short, because the initial Diamond ring is now unavailable, we now must find an engagement ring in less than a month. My boyfriend is now here in Jakarta with me. He is going to ask my dad for my hand tomorrow.

I know, i know, you are probably thinking, "Why he needs your dad's permission when you're both 40++ years old?!"

It's just for cultural formality, really. My dad is very modern for an Indonesian. Whom i marry is really up to me. But just out of respect, as a man the bf needs to "ask" my dad and the bf also needs to present me with a ring to confirm the proposal. He can't just tell my father, "I am going to marry ur daughter~ i swear to God! But uh...the ring is still with my mom back in the states so...yeaaa.... Can we get engaged WITHOUT a ring, Sir? I'll take ur daughter back home to see ma and then we'll see."

Anyways i also don't want to get engaged with any man without a ring. No no no, Get me a ring otherwise no thank you. Safe trip home, i love you too.

So anyways (excuse my stress blabs.) I am now in this exciting dilemma of finding an engagement ring i haven't a clue about Jewelry in less than a month. Which got me here in this forum, with an abundance of hope someone will share with me their expertise.

I have tried my best, in such limited time, to research about Sapphires, Ruby and Diamonds on Google and Youtube. And also with the help of members in this forum, i'm now equipped with some information about jewelry, especially Sapphire Rings.

Why Sapphires, you may ask. I choose Sapphires because i love the color Blue. I also like the energy Sapphires give me. It's cooling like endless fresh spring water and sweet. Although of course not all Sapphires is created the same nor have the same energy.

I'm also open to the idea of Ruby because that's my birthstone. Although honestly i don't believe in birthstones...that specific stones should only be worn by specific people born on specific months.

I'm still far away from being able to tell which Sapphire Ring is better than the others. Also from these several days going around Jewelry stores in Jakarta, i found out that some stores can be outright shameless trying to sell me and my bf fake synthetic glass made in China/ Hong Kong yet asking for the price of real Sapphires/ Diamonds/ White gold.

They probably think since my bf is a foreigner and we communicate in English then i must be a foreigner too, and it would be hard for us to return to the store and make a complaint for the fakes, because then we would need to fly in and prove that at the time we bought it, it wasn't a fake. It's gross and upsetting.

[A warning to anyone who wants to buy Jewelry in Jakarta: some stores even at expensive malls will tell you that the "Natural Sapphires" comes from Hong Kong/ China, and has no certificate AT ALL but a store certificate. I'm quite sure there isn't any Sapphire mines in China. The ring is also very light like a toy, yet they smile and tell you it's real Sapphires with real Diamonds and real gold. So shameless trying to sell it for $1500 when the real value of that fake ring is probably just $15.]

These below are 4 Sapphire Diamond rings with similar model, price (around $3400), cut, GIA certificate, 18k White Gold, Diamonds are F VVS1 and 2 combined (carats unknown), that i found from two respectable stores. The stores are local brands (Frank&Co and Mondial) but these two chains are the best i can find in town. There are of course smaller stores/ non chain that sells real Sapphires Diamond Ring with cheaper price but they are unable to provide me with a GIA certificate, only certification from a local Indonesian lab called GRI, or even "Store certificate".

In your personal opinion, which ring would you choose and why? I have uploaded videos on Youtube for more detailed viewing, but i admit i didn't video some of them right.

Before i want to thank you very much for your time, opinion and expertise. Your comment will really help me decide which engagement ring i want to get.

My main concern is getting a Sapphire Ring that's worth the value, and that i don't get scammed. I like all these four rings and very soon i have to decide which one. Please help me, thank you.



Ring 1 has very nice color like members of this nice forum mentioned to me in another thread and has a big window.

Internal notes also stated that the Sapphire has "fingerprint" inclusions and cracks.



Ring 2 doesn't seem to have any windows in the Sapphire. But unlike the other models where there is a gap between the ring and the center piece, it is closed, making the ring looks smaller. The cut is also wider than the others.



Ring 3 has a deeper color but vivid, smaller carat, very little inclusions. When i put this one side by side with Ring 4 i can see the stone seems more alive while Ring 4 is more muted. It also has windows when tilted.



Ring 4 has a very nice energy, like fresh water, sweet and strong. But visually it may not be the best. It has less inclusions than Ring 1. But muted compared to Ring 4.

Out of all these Rings, Ring 1, 3 and 4 comes from the same company Frank&Co, has similar model with a gap between the diamonds surrounding it and the center piece, making the ring look bigger.

Ring 2 comes from Mondial and doesn't have a gap, with wider cut than the others and almost no visible windows.

I am aware in the end it really is up to me which ring i want, but i really would appreciate your expertise in the matter as to why you would choose a particular ring from these 4s. Your opinion matters. I haven't got clue about which Sapphires is of good quality, or which of these are better than the others.

Again, thank you for your time helping and educating me.

Best Regards,

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I am sticking to my original choice of ring 2 (which was ring 3 in your other thread)! More importantly, I wanted to say congratulations on your engagement!! I love the story about how you met your BF and the cultural differences surrounding matrimony. Being an American myself (also from the northeast), it really made me smile. Best of luck to you both!!
Let me start with a disclaimer. As it’s often said, colour is king. And colour is also subjective. We may talk about trade ideal, quality and so on, but what matters the most is for you to love the colour. Whichever ring you choose, it must speak to you. You have to feel pure happiness and joy just looking at it. That’s how you’ll know it’s the right one for you. All our opinions don’t really matter when you decide what you love the most.

With that said, and even though all of them are beautiful, when comparing them I’d say ring 1 takes last place followed by ring 3 in third. To me they seem a tad bit less saturated and vivid in colour.

My tie is between 2 and 4. 4 appears to have a bit of silk, so it’s less sparkly. The colour is more velvety. I like that. 2 is very close to the ring I have on my hand right now and I adore it. Both have gorgeous colour.

I think it will be useful for you to know that blue sapphires and especially darker blue ones are very spoiled and picky when it comes to light. They look different depending on how much and what kind of light there is. They’ll usually look their absolute best under white office lights and on an afternoon with the sun lower in the sky. Once you’re in a darker room lit by an older light bulb that has this warmer more orange-ish light, they can darken, black out and lose a lot of their pretty colour.

Since you’re able to see all these rings in person, before making your final decision ask if you can view them in different light - during the day in the sun, in a room with incandescent light and so on. Just to see how they look in these different light scenarios.
Firstly, congrats on your engagement.
My favourite is no 2, then no 1.
I wouldn’t buy the rings with an “air gap”. I think the style looks like the sapphire was too small for the setting but they put it in anyway.
My advice would be to buy the one that ”speaks” to you. It’s your ring so our opinions are just that, opinions.
Ring 2 right away was my thought and after looking at all the videos again, Ring 2 remains my top choice. The sapphire has a lovely shape, looks well cut and the saturation is gorgeous. The rest of the ring looks well made too. Another bonus is that should you move to the USA (where the light is not so bright as Indonesia), the sapphire will still pop brightly and will not appear too dark.

Ring 1 - window too large and distracting.
Ring 3 - too dark. May black out when not under strong lights.
Ring 4 - lovely colour and saturation but too silky. I like some velvety silkiness but this one trades off too much silkness for sparkle.
Beautiful choices!

As a whole ring, no. 2 is my favorite. It fits well into the setting, it’s a beautiful color and I love the proportions of the cut. An air gap usually means that the stone doesn’t fit and the stone is more vulnerable

But I also love the silkiness of no. 4 and for that reason it is my favorite stone. That is a personal preference. It’s going to be more velvety, not sparkly. I LOVE silk, so that is just me. In sunlight it will glow! But the air gap would bother me and I’d ask them to lower it into the setting further if that was even possible.

I also would highly recommend you also see them in the sun. Sapphires show their best in natural light and I think it will help you pick a favorite
I still like the same ring I chose in the last thread, number 2 in this thread. I think it has a more custom look because the sapphire fits the setting better. I also like the cut and color of the sapphire. I do agree with @Avondale that you should try to view the rings in different lighting. I also agree that you are the one that has to love it.
Congratulations on your upcoming engagement!

I would only consider ring 4 and ring 2. Ring 3 is heated and looks like it has a large tilt window.

I would personally prefer ring 4, since it has a dreamy silkiness that I know will look better under the sun. An intense glow, less sparkles, and more consistent color over different light sources.

Ring 2 will be better if you prefer sparkles over glow.

In a diamond halo design, I personally go for colored gem glow because the diamonds can do all the sparkling for me.
I am not particularly knowledgeable about sapphires but I have to say like ring 4 the best. The color is dreamy!

You wrote, "Ring 4 has a very nice energy, like fresh water, sweet and strong." It sounds like you favor ring 4, also.
Hi Mae,

Congratulation on your upcoming engagement!

I think you also commented on our YouTube channel and I am glad you followed our advice on getting a sapphire with a reliable 'third' party certificate like GIA.

With the number of treatments there are in sapphires - chemically-diffused, lead glass, or synthetics - we definitely advise it!

Now regarding the choices you have shown in the videos above, I would also choose ring number 4. Reminds me of 'Burmese, or Kashmir sapphire velvety silky look.

Though I personally would not purchase any ring or gemstone without taking it outside in natural sunlight. The 'spotlight' in a jewelry store's display or in a gem show display, really makes it impossible to judge color.

Also as you might notice most gem labs still lack the standards of 'color' (in terms of three-dimensional nature - hue, tone, and saturation), and the only way to trust what you getting is the correct color is 'good old sunlight.'

Best of luck with your purchase!
Dear Ladies and Gentlemen of the forum,

I finally got the ring. I choose ring 4 :kiss2:

I couldn't get it to be seen in natural sunlight because that means i have to take the ring outside of the mall. The sales lady's jaw drops when i suggested that lol.

Although the other rings especially ring 2 is pretty but ring 4 speaks to me. It gives me the strongest energy and yes i start to appreciate the velvety and the silk too :mrgreen2:

Here are the pics of the ring now at my home with different light:

I'm so in love with it i can't stop staring at it even more than i stare at my fiance :lol-2:

Anyways i am VERY HAPPY. Thank you again very much for all your help and comments!

Best Regards,

Congratulations!!!!! I'm glad you are so happy with it. I'm married now, but I remember being fascinated with my e-ring, too. Thanks also for the additional pictures. Wishing you success and happiness with your relationship and fiance.
Woohoo!! I'm just so thrilled for you both!! Beautiful ring... I hope it brings you a lifetime of happiness with your partner.
Congratulations! Really enjoyed hearing your love story as well :)
I can't believe I missed this whole thing! Quick work, and well done8)
I'm so glad this worked out and more importantly, you love it.
It's beautiful ring with the a beautiful velvety sapphire and I wish you both all the happiness.
Soooo beautiful!!! Congratulations!