Hi There,
I am very new to this and don't even know if I am in the right section!
I am trying to buy a 1 carat cusion cut diamond with an approx ratio of 1.15. I was looking at diamond 1 (1.05 carats, VS1, colour F, polish excellent, no florecence, thin to slightly thick girdle, table 55%, depth 64.6%) and was ready to buy but I am a little concerned about the clouds in the report. There are just a couple of clouds sitting in the middle but this is pretty much the only inclusions.
Blue Nile suggested a slightly cheaper diamond as an option (1.01 carats, VS2, colour E, polsih excellent, strong blue florecence, slightly thick to very thick girdle, table 60%, depth 67.9%) but it has a high flourencence...? And a few more inclusions than diamond 1(a small cyrstal and needle).
I'm not fussed with paying the extra for diamond 1 but the cloud is worrying me. If diamond 2 is just as good, I would prefer to save the $1,500 but in the end happy to pay if it is a better diamond.
Any help would be greatly appreciated! I tried to post the reports but couldn't work out how to.
I am very new to this and don't even know if I am in the right section!
I am trying to buy a 1 carat cusion cut diamond with an approx ratio of 1.15. I was looking at diamond 1 (1.05 carats, VS1, colour F, polish excellent, no florecence, thin to slightly thick girdle, table 55%, depth 64.6%) and was ready to buy but I am a little concerned about the clouds in the report. There are just a couple of clouds sitting in the middle but this is pretty much the only inclusions.
Blue Nile suggested a slightly cheaper diamond as an option (1.01 carats, VS2, colour E, polsih excellent, strong blue florecence, slightly thick to very thick girdle, table 60%, depth 67.9%) but it has a high flourencence...? And a few more inclusions than diamond 1(a small cyrstal and needle).
I'm not fussed with paying the extra for diamond 1 but the cloud is worrying me. If diamond 2 is just as good, I would prefer to save the $1,500 but in the end happy to pay if it is a better diamond.
Any help would be greatly appreciated! I tried to post the reports but couldn't work out how to.