
Which color is better for Mahenge spinel?


Jun 27, 2012
Is hot pink more expensive or Reddish pink more expensive??
The reddish pink spinels I have met cost more, but isn't hot pink spinel rarer? :confused:
I know purplish red or orangish red are less ideal.
oops... less than ideal
I don't know how this page is coming across on your monitor, but its an excerpt from a spinel book written by a spinel dealer. The stones are the very prized pinkish reds.

ETA: I accidentally posted this in the other mahenge thread floating around here, but I meant it for your thread. :-)
Hi TL So pinkish red to crimson is the best color for Mahenge?
the redder the better?

What about the pink fluorescent? That's a good sign but it does add the pinkish tone to the stone
If a Mahenge spinel is an ideal red... it looks more or less close to a Burma spinel and that's less beauty to me :errrr:
OTL|1341527821|3229162 said:
Hi TL So pinkish red to crimson is the best color for Mahenge?
the redder the better?

What about the pink fluorescent? That's a good sign but it does add the pinkish tone to the stone
If a Mahenge spinel is an ideal red... it looks more or less close to a Burma spinel and that's less beauty to me :errrr:

I wouldn't use the word crimson as I like to talk in terms of real color names, like red, orange, yellow, green, blue. . . because names like crimson can be very subjective.

I think a good mahenge should, at the very least, have strong fluorescence, and not require a giant UV light to eek out any drop of fluor. One need only go into the sun to see the fluor, and if they don't, then it really isn't ideal IMHO. Also, I like some pinks and orangy pinks, but if they show more brown (less saturation), then that is not ideal.

If your red or pink spinel could easily be mistaken for a rhodolite or pyrope garnet, then that is not ideal either. Nothing wrong with rhodolites or pyropes, as some can be very pretty, but they do not fluoresce and do not have the coveted neon color that fine red spinels should have.

Now, this is all just my opinion. Others may have their "ideal" mahenge or red/pink spinel qualities, which differ from mine. :-)
I understand group 3 is not ideal color for Mahenge

But group 1(pink) and group 2(red), which is more expensive theoratically?

Above all, which single one is your fav?

OTL|1341531091|3229193 said:
I understand group 3 is not ideal color for Mahenge

But group 1(pink) and group 2(red), which is more expensive theoratically?

Above all, which single one is your fav?

OTL, I'm very curious about the source of this photo.
If I am not mistaken (and correct me if I am wrong) but pink to reddish pink is common for Mahenges under 2 carat, and those over 2 carat exhibit more red. So I think size plays in to the most coveted color of Mahenge spinels.

Kenny- I recognize some of the stones on the picture collage from different vendors. I think the OP put the collection of pics together.
LisaRN|1341534965|3229228 said:
If I am not mistaken (and correct me if I am wrong) but pink to reddish pink is common for Mahenges under 2 carat, and those over 2 carat exhibit more red. So I think size plays in to the most coveted color of Mahenge spinels.

Well, you can find some pinkish reds under two carats, but they're not very common. You are correct that under two carats, they exhibit far more pink. There's absolutely nothing wrong with a hot pink spinel, I'll take one any day of the week, any week of the year!! :naughty: :bigsmile:
OTL|1341531091|3229193 said:
I understand group 3 is not ideal color for Mahenge

But group 1(pink) and group 2(red), which is more expensive theoratically?

Above all, which single one is your fav?

Why is group 3 the ideal color for mahenge? I personally find a few stones in that grouping less attractive than some of the stones in other groupings.
TL|1341535280|3229232 said:
OTL|1341531091|3229193 said:
I understand group 3 is not ideal color for Mahenge

But group 1(pink) and group 2(red), which is more expensive theoratically?

Above all, which single one is your fav?

Why is group 3 the ideal color for mahenge? I personally find a few stones in that grouping less attractive than some of the stones in other groupings.

TL- I think he said group 3 is not ideal color for Mahenge. But I love number 2 in that group and I think I could love number one as well. Even if it was just a crush.
LisaRN|1341540672|3229277 said:
TL|1341535280|3229232 said:
OTL|1341531091|3229193 said:
I understand group 3 is not ideal color for Mahenge

But group 1(pink) and group 2(red), which is more expensive theoratically?

Above all, which single one is your fav?

Why is group 3 the ideal color for mahenge? I personally find a few stones in that grouping less attractive than some of the stones in other groupings.

TL- I think he said group 3 is not ideal color for Mahenge. But I love number 2 in that group and I think I could love number one as well. Even if it was just a crush.

Thanks Lisa,
My monitor font is too small (can't read :ugeek: )
There are different ideals for Mahenge versus Burmese spinels. For Burmese, people usually prefer a red with no modifier, or a red with a very slight blue undertone. Ones with a orange modifier are called "flame" spinels by some people. Pink (of any kind) is not considered top color for a Burmese spinel. A brown modifier decreases value, and basically makes the color look less vivid (for any warm colored stone.)

Both Mahenge and Burmese spinels should fluoresce red.

You should buy what you like best. The more you see in person, the better idea you'll get of what you like.

I photoshopped them together

Stones are from different vendors
pregcurious|1341547997|3229325 said:

I have seen this one

Of the four spinels, I like 2nd from the pictures
It's a red with pink fluorescent
But that last one which the OP bought is really beautiful IRL too. It has a different color tone but still looks really nice

So I'm Just wondering if stones like group2 worth more than groupe1?
TL|1341535190|3229231 said:
LisaRN|1341534965|3229228 said:
If I am not mistaken (and correct me if I am wrong) but pink to reddish pink is common for Mahenges under 2 carat, and those over 2 carat exhibit more red. So I think size plays in to the most coveted color of Mahenge spinels.

Well, you can find some pinkish reds under two carats, but they're not very common. You are correct that under two carats, they exhibit far more pink. There's absolutely nothing wrong with a hot pink spinel, I'll take one any day of the week, any week of the year!! :naughty: :bigsmile:

What about a red under 2 carat spinel? Should be more expensive than hot pink under 2 carat?
OTL|1341550175|3229339 said:
TL|1341535190|3229231 said:
LisaRN|1341534965|3229228 said:
If I am not mistaken (and correct me if I am wrong) but pink to reddish pink is common for Mahenges under 2 carat, and those over 2 carat exhibit more red. So I think size plays in to the most coveted color of Mahenge spinels.

Well, you can find some pinkish reds under two carats, but they're not very common. You are correct that under two carats, they exhibit far more pink. There's absolutely nothing wrong with a hot pink spinel, I'll take one any day of the week, any week of the year!! :naughty: :bigsmile:

What about a red under 2 carat spinel? Should be more expensive than hot pink under 2 carat?

From what I've seen, I would say yes.
OTL|1341549874|3229337 said:
pregcurious|1341547997|3229325 said:

I have seen this one

Of the four spinels, I like 2nd from the pictures
It's a red with pink fluorescent
But that last one which the OP bought is really beautiful IRL too. It has a different color tone but still looks really nice

So I'm Just wondering if stones like group2 worth more than groupe1?

Just curious, what do you mean a "red with pink fluorescent?"
TL|1341551853|3229345 said:
OTL|1341549874|3229337 said:
pregcurious|1341547997|3229325 said:

I have seen this one

Of the four spinels, I like 2nd from the pictures
It's a red with pink fluorescent
But that last one which the OP bought is really beautiful IRL too. It has a different color tone but still looks really nice

So I'm Just wondering if stones like group2 worth more than groupe1?

Just curious, what do you mean a "red with pink fluorescent?"


See my attchment here
I'm not sure if I get the idea correctly though....

OTL|1341587560|3229462 said:
TL|1341551853|3229345 said:
OTL|1341549874|3229337 said:
pregcurious|1341547997|3229325 said:

I have seen this one

Of the four spinels, I like 2nd from the pictures
It's a red with pink fluorescent
But that last one which the OP bought is really beautiful IRL too. It has a different color tone but still looks really nice

So I'm Just wondering if stones like group2 worth more than groupe1?

Just curious, what do you mean a "red with pink fluorescent?"


See my attchment here
I'm not sure if I get the idea correctly though....

That's not fluorescence, that's just the color coming through under some parts of the stone that show less extinction. Fluorescence is the color that a stone exhibits when exposed to Ultraviolet light. Typically, a nice red or pink spinel will have an extra punch of color in sunlight because of strong fluorescence. Fine rubies also have similar characteristics in sunlight.

Here is pink spinel under UV light (top photo) showing the fluorescence and regular light (no fluroescence). This stone belongs to LD.


I don't know enough about this stone to give any knowlege, but asthetically-speaking, the one I like most is the second stone from the left in the middle row, the trillion. To my eyes, its the best color.

For the experts, is the stone I picked among the better ones in that group or not? It seems the least pink...
Mahenge spinels, for me, are very difficult to evaluate in two dimensional flat photos, and you also cannot evaluate loss of saturation in various lighting either, which is a big issue for me with these stones. Since these photos come from different vendors, you have to account for the difference in photographic techniques and lighting as well, so that adds another layer of difficulty in evaluating them.
Christa22, based on only color alone, I agree with you that the 2nd trillion from the left has "top" color. However, as TL said, it's too difficult to judge by the 2D photos posted. It's best to see as many stones as possible in person before purchasing. I would also want to know the quality of the cut, clarity, and of course size of the stone. I find trillions difficult to set, but that's just me. I have seen a very beautiful trillion ring here, but I can't remember whose it was.

Thanks, TL, for posting that picture. That is the fluorescence I referred to. You can call it red, pink...but either way it makes stones very attractive in daylight.
OTL|1341550175|3229339 said:
What about a red under 2 carat spinel? Should be more expensive than hot pink under 2 carat?

If all else is equal, the red spinel will cost more than the hot pink spinel.

And let's not forget that some spinels shift into a more orangish or brownish colour under fluorescent lighting, and some shift a lot less. To base it on a single picture isn't 100% accurate.
As others have posted, there isn't a "better" color between the pinks and the reds for a Mahenge spinel as far as I'm concerned, it is all a matter of taste, but there is a difference in price as Chrono (and others) have posted.

I have three Mahenge spinels, all purchased from the same vendor within a few months of each other, so I think I can say that I have a reasonable idea of price comparisons and all things being equal (size, cut and clarity) the red mahenges are more money than the pinks or the pinky reds.

All three of my stones have strong fluorescence under a weak (read: cheap) UV light and glow like crazy out in the sun. I posted a photo of two of them in this thread under a UV light. [URL=''][/URL]

I also have two Burma spinels, one is apricot and one is red with orange flashes (flame) and they have fluorescence, but it is weak, nothing like the mahenges. The Burma spinels are very pretty, but they don't have that almost neon glow that the Mahenges have, so to me, they are a very different looking stone. The flame spinel is on the top in the finger shot in my thread.

When I was deciding between my two "pinkish" spinels, I asked Jaimeen to expain the difference in color to me and this is what he said.

"Color: The pear is a pure hot pink color where as the oval is about 60% pink, 35% red and 5% orange."
"Saturation: The color on both stones is equally saturated. The oval might have a deeper color by maybe 5% if at all."
"Clarity: The oval is completely clean where as the pear has slight inclusions"
"Cutting: The cutting on the pear is decent, the cutting on the oval is exceptional"

The pear is 4.42ct, so I can forgive it, it's flaws :bigsmile:

This is a lousy photo I took of the pear, but it shows the color pretty well. It has a bit of a dark shadow from my black camera. And here is another picture of the oval in it's setting.


colorluvr|1341598998|3229619 said:
All three of my stones have strong fluorescence under a weak (read: cheap) UV light and glow like crazy out in the sun. I posted a photo of two of them in this thread under a UV light. [URL=''][/URL]

"Color: The pear is a pure hot pink color where as the oval is about 60% pink, 35% red and 5% orange."
"Saturation: The color on both stones is equally saturated. The oval might have a deeper color by maybe 5% if at all."
"Clarity: The oval is completely clean where as the pear has slight inclusions"
"Cutting: The cutting on the pear is decent, the cutting on the oval is exceptional"

Lovely spinels..I like the oval better
How do you take a UV picture of the stones?
[quote="TL|1341588125|3229469]That's not fluorescence, that's just the color coming through under some parts of the stone that show less extinction. Fluorescence is the color that a stone exhibits when exposed to Ultraviolet light. Typically, a nice red or pink spinel will have an extra punch of color in sunlight because of strong fluorescence. Fine rubies also have similar characteristics in sunlight.

Here is pink spinel under UV light (top photo) showing the fluorescence and regular light (no fluroescence). This stone belongs to LD.

Thank you

The pink color leaking from the stone does looks close to the pink color under UV light :wink2: Haha
Chrono|1341597567|3229590 said:
OTL|1341550175|3229339 said:
What about a red under 2 carat spinel? Should be more expensive than hot pink under 2 carat?

If all else is equal, the red spinel will cost more than the hot pink spinel.

And let's not forget that some spinels shift into a more orangish or brownish colour under fluorescent lighting, and some shift a lot less. To base it on a single picture isn't 100% accurate.

I should bear that in mind....
OTL said:
Lovely spinels..I like the oval better
How do you take a UV picture of the stones?

I have an interior bathroom that has no windows, so I just take my cheapy UV light into the dark bathroom and shine it on my rings and take a photo with my camera on macro. I do pretty good with UV photos because it doesn't matter if they are a bit fuzzy. :errrr: