
Where to find a good Halo Setting for a decent price?


Mar 21, 2011
I'd love to go with Leon or Steven but I just simply can't afford that kind of price.
I thought I was so sure the setting I went with is what I want... but I just can't stop thinking about a halo setting (if someone can wave their magic wand and make it stop please do =( )
I still want a good quality setting. currently the one I can find is WF's Amphora (asking for price quote if change melee to ACA melees)
Anybody else have any suggestion?
I think I may have to downgrade my diamond as well but that's also a hard process =(


Dec 16, 2007
The setting is lovely. I like all the WF and BGD settings. On the amphora, I don't think you need to upgrade the melee, the stock melee is likely good enough quality if WF is offering it.

Why would you downgrade your diamond??


Mar 21, 2011
Dreamer_D|1305750798|2925064 said:
The setting is lovely. I like all the WF and BGD settings. On the amphora, I don't think you need to upgrade the melee, the stock melee is likely good enough quality if WF is offering it.

Why would you downgrade your diamond??

I felt that I have spent alot more money that we can afford on the ring I currently have. My parents know how much we spent and think we are crazy, and we can't even tell his family how much we spend on it (I'm planning on not even wear it around them)
He is thinking about getting a house and I feel the price tag on this ring is gonna set us back for awhile.
As much as I love the diamond that I have now I guess we don't always get what we want...


Apr 4, 2010
minmin I went back to find your other thread of your original's beautiful! I wouldn't feel ashamed to wear it at all, and I don't think it's your parents business how much you should or should not spend on the ring. You and your FI can decide that based on your current finances. I would talk with your FI about how you both think the funds should be allocated ( and then decide whether or not to return and start over. You may also want to consider options...prices have increased a lot so you could end up paying the same amount for a much smaller diamond.

At some point I think all of us are like "oh wow, this little tiny sparkly thing costs the same as ___". These are not 'practical' purchases but if having a ring is important to you/your FI (it was important to me!) you should budget what you think is an appropriate amount.


Mar 21, 2011
jacksonmann|1305751996|2925082 said:
i went with WF and very pleased. but I almost went these a few of these that are priced very good:

Thanks Jacksonmann. although the price is good did anybody from the form have their ring made with them? I think right now the best price and decent quality I can find is from WF


Dec 16, 2007
slg47|1305752105|2925085 said:
minmin I went back to find your other thread of your original's beautiful! I wouldn't feel ashamed to wear it at all, and I don't think it's your parents business how much you should or should not spend on the ring. You and your FI can decide that based on your current finances. I would talk with your FI about how you both think the funds should be allocated ( and then decide whether or not to return and start over. You may also want to consider options...prices have increased a lot so you could end up paying the same amount for a much smaller diamond.

At some point I think all of us are like "oh wow, this little tiny sparkly thing costs the same as ___". These are not 'practical' purchases but if having a ring is important to you/your FI (it was important to me!) you should budget what you think is an appropriate amount.

Very well said.

And getting a smaller stone and setting it in a fancier setting will not solve the issue ;)) Others will think it is more, not less, expensive.

Start setting a precendent now for your relationship with family regarding your finances. It is none of their business. Set the boundaries now or you will regret it later.


Mar 21, 2011
slg47|1305752105|2925085 said:
minmin I went back to find your other thread of your original's beautiful! I wouldn't feel ashamed to wear it at all, and I don't think it's your parents business how much you should or should not spend on the ring. You and your FI can decide that based on your current finances. I would talk with your FI about how you both think the funds should be allocated ( and then decide whether or not to return and start over. You may also want to consider options...prices have increased a lot so you could end up paying the same amount for a much smaller diamond.

At some point I think all of us are like "oh wow, this little tiny sparkly thing costs the same as ___". These are not 'practical' purchases but if having a ring is important to you/your FI (it was important to me!) you should budget what you think is an appropriate amount.

Thanks Slg47 for your input. My FI would just say whatever I like it's fine, even if our current finance probably doesn't fit with the price on the ring. You are right about the diamond price (which is the reason I bought this diamond. I was going to go with a .76 at the time but decided why spend more in the future to upgrade when I can just buy it now and no need to think about upgrade in the future)

Currently I found a second hand .83 GIA ring. I do not like the setting but the owner wants to sell it as a whole set which means I have to switch the setting. GIA # 15379918 the owner is asking for $3000 OBO which is more than half of less what cost for my ring. I figure if I try to sell the setting and get a halo with it.. it will probably be around $5000 for the whole thing. And yes that diamond is no AGS000 which I LOVE but I'm really thinking about it =(


Mar 21, 2011
Dreamer_D|1305752907|2925103 said:
slg47|1305752105|2925085 said:
minmin I went back to find your other thread of your original's beautiful! I wouldn't feel ashamed to wear it at all, and I don't think it's your parents business how much you should or should not spend on the ring. You and your FI can decide that based on your current finances. I would talk with your FI about how you both think the funds should be allocated ( and then decide whether or not to return and start over. You may also want to consider options...prices have increased a lot so you could end up paying the same amount for a much smaller diamond.

At some point I think all of us are like "oh wow, this little tiny sparkly thing costs the same as ___". These are not 'practical' purchases but if having a ring is important to you/your FI (it was important to me!) you should budget what you think is an appropriate amount.

Very well said.

And getting a smaller stone and setting it in a fancier setting will not solve the issue ;)) Others will think it is more, not less, expensive.

Start setting a precendent now for your relationship with family regarding your finances. It is none of their business. Set the boundaries now or you will regret it later.

Well the setting will only be a few hundred more than my current one so I'm not downgrading the diamond because of the setting :cheeky:
Thank you for the input about set the boundaries with finances things with family. although I'm 29 but because the way I look and my personality, I'm still a kid in everybody's eyes....


Dec 16, 2007
Can you post the specs of the GIA stone please?


Apr 4, 2010
Dreamer_D|1305753496|2925116 said:
Can you post the specs of the GIA stone please?

Round Brilliant
Measurements: 6.03 - 6.07 x 3.74 mm
Carat Weight: 0.83 carat
Color Grade: G
Clarity Grade: VS1
Cut Grade: Excellent
Depth: 61.8%
Table: 55%
Crown Angle: 35.0°
Crown Height: 16.0%
Pavilion Angle: 40.8°
Pavilion Depth: 43.0%
Star length: 55%
Lower Half: 75%
Girdle: Thin to Medium, Faceted
Culet: None
Polish: Excellent
Symmetry: Excellent
Fluorescence: None
Clarity Characteristics:


Dec 16, 2007
The GIA stone looks great!

My point about the setting is that if you are doing this is part because of what people *say*, then I think you will still get flack with the new diamond and a halo because it will appear more expensive than what you have.

farmer gal

Mar 26, 2011
If you cannot afford the ring then I would return it. It's very easy to get swept away and want a larger diamond, but you need to get what you can afford :twirl: If you feel bad it about it now, it will only get worse with time. When you need money for something else and it is not there you may regret your purchase even more. First you need to come up with a budget that you both feel comfortable spending, then you make your ring purchase. There is nothing to be ashamed of getting a smaller ring. For the first 5 years of my marriage I wore a $350 ring from Kmart because we were young when we got married and that is what we could afford. Fast forward to now, we have built our house, we have money in our savings, we are sitting comfortable so now I was able to splurge on a better ring. Diamonds should bring you joy, but not put you in financial hardship. You can always go bigger in the future when you are more financially stable :appl:


Mar 21, 2011
Dreamer_D|1305753827|2925122 said:
The GIA stone looks great!

My point about the setting is that if you are doing this is part because of what people *say*, then I think you will still get flack with the new diamond and a halo because it will appear more expensive than what you have.

Yes but then I can tell them the price is not too bad~ :saint: plus I don't care what most people "think or say" only family members and close friends


Mar 15, 2011
Why does anyone- family included- need to know the price you paid? That's just not something I share. Most people have no idea how much a diamond costs, much less a GOOD diamond. Tell them you got it at costco for $3000 if you want and they'll leave you alone about it, kwim?

BUT if you are having second thoughts and feel like it doesn't fit in with what you and your FH can afford, then return it. The .83 in the eternity diamonds halo will be beautiful. But over your lifetime, $2000 is not a huge amount of money. But if it will keep the lights on right now, then do what you have to do.


Mar 21, 2011
farmer gal|1305754591|2925136 said:
If you cannot afford the ring then I would return it. It's very easy to get swept away and want a larger diamond, but you need to get what you can afford :twirl: If you feel bad it about it now, it will only get worse with time. When you need money for something else and it is not there you may regret your purchase even more. First you need to come up with a budget that you both feel comfortable spending, then you make your ring purchase. There is nothing to be ashamed of getting a smaller ring. For the first 5 years of my marriage I wore a $350 ring from Kmart because we were young when we got married and that is what we could afford. Fast forward to now, we have built our house, we have money in our savings, we are sitting comfortable so now I was able to splurge on a better ring. Diamonds should bring you joy, but not put you in financial hardship. You can always go bigger in the future when you are more financially stable :appl:

you are right and thank you for the post. I was so excited about the ring before but as I was wearing it for the first time, I kind got a shock and almost a mini breakdown for how much I had us spend on it. FI comfort me and told me it's fine but yes, if anything happens where we will need extra money I probably will regret for purchase it.


Mar 21, 2011
nfowife|1305755278|2925145 said:
Why does anyone- family included- need to know the price you paid? That's just not something I share. Most people have no idea how much a diamond costs, much less a GOOD diamond. Tell them you got it at costco for $3000 if you want and they'll leave you alone about it, kwim?

BUT if you are having second thoughts and feel like it doesn't fit in with what you and your FH can afford, then return it. The .83 in the eternity diamonds halo will be beautiful. But over your lifetime, $2000 is not a huge amount of money. But if it will keep the lights on right now, then do what you have to do.

Thanks nofwife, and you are right. over my lifetime $2-3000 is not a huge amount of money (I probably wasted more than that already). One thing I am not good at is to lie about things. I will hide thing and not tell but if they ask I can't really lie about it (to my family and close friends)
I'm still really try to figure out what I want to do, I guess it's just one of those thing that starts from a little seed and all of sudden grows like crazy~


Dec 16, 2007
My point is the type of family who think it is ok to critique what you spend on an e-ring will likely also critique whatever you buy, or find something else to critique. It is so inappropriate for them to offer such criticism, that I doubt anything you do will change their opinions.

That said, if you are concerned for your own reasons about the price you paid, by all means send it back. But the money you save, unless the original was put on credit and the savings will lessen debt, will likely POOF anyways. That is what I have found happens with money somehow 8)

FWIW I had the same freakouts with my last and final upgrade a year ago. Now, one year later, I feel good about it. Especially when I think about how much I saved buying when I did, compared to now.

People asking how much you spend on things is not really ok, so you don't have to lie. Tell the truth and say, "I don't think that is your business" ;))


Mar 21, 2011
Dreamer_D|1305755723|2925154 said:
My point is the type of family who think it is ok to critique what you spend on an e-ring will likely also critique whatever you buy, or find something else to critique. It is so inappropriate for them to offer such criticism, that I doubt anything you do will change their opinions.

That said, if you are concerned for your own reasons about the price you paid, by all means send it back. But the money you save, unless the original was put on credit and the savings will lessen debt, will likely POOF anyways. That is what I have found happens with money somehow 8)

FWIW I had the same freakouts with my last and final upgrade a year ago. Now, one year later, I feel good about it. Especially when I think about how much I saved buying when I did, compared to now.

People asking how much you spend on things is not really ok, so you don't have to lie. Tell the truth and say, "I don't think that is your business" ;))

Well his family are wonderful and I'm sure they wouldn't say anything to critique me. But his mother is very careful with money (even though now she is rich but she had a hard life grow up and had to raise 3 boys all on her own. wonderful woman really) so I just don't want to give her any bad impression (even though she loves me already)
We paid the ring in full, no credit card or debt.. but glad you said you had the same freakouts before (not that I'm glad you freaked out :Up_to_something: )... but yeah, I've never owned any expensive things besides my car (and I never wear any jewelery before either) so knowing such a small thing on my finger cost so much, does freak me out a bit..


Dec 16, 2007
minmin001|1305756255|2925159 said:
We paid the ring in full, no credit card or debt.. but glad you said you had the same freakouts before (not that I'm glad you freaked out :Up_to_something: )... but yeah, I've never owned any expensive things besides my car (and I never wear any jewelery before either) so knowing such a small thing on my finger cost so much, does freak me out a bit..

Well, then I say enjoy it. I also do not own expensive things, and don't spend money on myself. My diamond is my single luxury in life. I adore it and get tremendous pleasure out of it every single day, and that is worth it when I average the money out over time.

If you want to "punish" yourself a little :cheeky: , you can always put yourself on a little budget and set aside some of your spending money each month in an account to "repay" the cost of the ring. I did this and it makes me feel a little better about spending the money. I will never repay the full amount, but it feels good to sort of put a little aside ($50) each month for a sort of back up.


Mar 21, 2011
Dreamer_D|1305756691|2925163 said:
minmin001|1305756255|2925159 said:
We paid the ring in full, no credit card or debt.. but glad you said you had the same freakouts before (not that I'm glad you freaked out :Up_to_something: )... but yeah, I've never owned any expensive things besides my car (and I never wear any jewelery before either) so knowing such a small thing on my finger cost so much, does freak me out a bit..

Well, then I say enjoy it. I also do not own expensive things, and don't spend money on myself. My diamond is my single luxury in life. I adore it and get tremendous pleasure out of it every single day, and that is worth it when I average the money out over time.

If you want to "punish" yourself a little :cheeky: , you can always put yourself on a little budget and set aside some of your spending money each month in an account to "repay" the cost of the ring. I did this and it makes me feel a little better about spending the money. I will never repay the full amount, but it feels good to sort of put a little aside ($50) each month for a sort of back up.

haha, I do that already. I'm very good with money (normally, except this crazy buying :Up_to_something: ) I have excel sheet set up to see how much I make, how much and what I spend on and make sure I put 20% of whatever I make into the saving :bigsmile:


Dec 16, 2007
Meh, then keep it and enjoy it.


Feb 3, 2008
Min, can I just add that in a few years you won't think twice about how much you spent on this ring. You will be glad you have it,
especially when prices rise. I have never purchased a large ticket item that I didn't have a few nights starring at the ceiling thinking
I had spent too much money. That is the nature of a large purchase. It makes us catch our breath for a minute when we think about it.

It is really a good thing. That is what keeps us from buying things we really shouldn't. You love your stone though and it is a once in
a lifetime purchase that symbolizes your love together and the commitment you are willing to make to your man. Let it be a bit
extravagant, like your love for each other. There are plenty of ways to count costs otherwise. It is a worthy purchase and you do
deserve it.

I hope you keep it. Only you can decide whether or not you can really 'afford' it. I think it is worth making a priority of. Your fiance
is getting a treasure in you, so it is perfectly acceptable for him to get you a treasure for you to wear.


Mar 21, 2011
luv2sparkle|1305760117|2925216 said:
Min, can I just add that in a few years you won't think twice about how much you spent on this ring. You will be glad you have it,
especially when prices rise. I have never purchased a large ticket item that I didn't have a few nights starring at the ceiling thinking
I had spent too much money. That is the nature of a large purchase. It makes us catch our breath for a minute when we think about it.

It is really a good thing. That is what keeps us from buying things we really shouldn't. You love your stone though and it is a once in
a lifetime purchase that symbolizes your love together and the commitment you are willing to make to your man. Let it be a bit
extravagant, like your love for each other. There are plenty of ways to count costs otherwise. It is a worthy purchase and you do
deserve it.

I hope you keep it. Only you can decide whether or not you can really 'afford' it. I think it is worth making a priority of. Your fiance
is getting a treasure in you, so it is perfectly acceptable for him to get you a treasure for you to wear.

luv, thank you very much for the input. I'm so easily to change my mind lol. Now need to start a new thread about what I was really looking for. A halo setting! :bigsmile:
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