
Where to buy/rent a Have-A-Heart trap?


Nov 2, 2006
Last Monday night my two indoor cats got out of the house. One has made it back home and the other is lurking about the neighborhood, but he's so skittish now that he'll walk up to the front porch and then bolt at the slightest noise. He wont come to us when called or approached either. I'm desperate to get him back inside. He's NOT outdoor cat material and has to have special cat food because of a dietary issue. And he's scared of mice so it's not like he can kill and eat his own dinner.

I'm at the point where i'm considering getting a Have-A-Heart trap and trying to corral him that way, but I don't know where to get one. Can I rent one? Any other suggestions for getting him to come home?
Do you have a Harbor Freight nearby? I bought one there. It's not Hav-a-hart brand, but it worked pretty well. I also ordered a real Hav-a-hart on eBay, but you probably need one right away. Hope you catch him! I have one cat that's escaped a few times, and is particularly hard to get back in the house too. Each time we've managed it a different way, so I don't have any tried and true methods.
Oh no, HH! Have you contacted a local animal rescue group? Maybe there's a trap, neuter and release group in your area and you could borrow a trap from them?

Is it possible to lure him with tuna or sardines? You could put it on the porch and sit still next to it and then grab him if he comes up. Hugs to you and your kitty...I hope you can grab him soon!
We got ours from Amazon, I believe we payed $16 for one door. Check under Racoon/Squirrel Avahart. His favorite toy or food might work, flowers worked for ours.
Sending you dust!!!! I can only imagine how you feel.
Update-AWOL kitty is back. Figures, as soon as I start talking about serious wrangling measures. We left our garage door open a crack with the hope that he'd go exploring and then realize he was home. Last night my neighbors saw him and herded him towards our house and into the garage. Of course now it's like he's forgotten his inside kitty life and is pissed off at the world. We heard him growling at the dog and our other cat all night and this morning when I left I heard hissing and growling from under the couch. But he's home, thankfully. I think I might pick up a trap to have on hand just in case this ever happens again.
LOL. Kitty Discovers He's a Jock.

FYI -- just in case the arguing continues -- it might, since he smells different for a bit -- you could try putting a dot of perfume or aftershave on each cat's nose. Then when they sniff, they'll smell the same scent as on themselves. Sometimes works.

Glad everybody is home safely!!!
Nevermind! So glad he's back! I've had indoor-only kitties get lost outside and it really, really sucks. You must have been worried sick! Give him a head-bonk for me :bigsmile: what a silly adventurer!

ETA: They do sometimes get flippy for awhile after being outdoors. Dex just was ridiculously clingy for a few days, Rat was pissy and grumped at the world. Just give 'em time, and snuggles if you can.