
Where is the list of Members on line kept?

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This is a day where I am feeling- not so smart am I . I was looking for the data that used to be shown on who was on line at present, and how many persons were looking but not registered. I can't locate that data, but while looking I found I had missed some new things that have been added to PS, such as the shopping forum. Do you all use it? I like the idea. I think PS is in a little trouble. Their sponsors are less. Our David isn't even listed or Rhino. I also checked out Rare Carat, who is one of the platforms that is their competition . This makes me feel bad for PS. Did you all know this?

I do not think I am as well acquainted with the current Pricescope as with some past iterations of it. I am not sure what your point about the current Pricescope sponsors is. I have not really kept track of who is a sponsor at any given moment. I guess because I no longer follow vendor politics. I just know that there are many vendors who post here with whom I am familiar.

Actually, a woman on the diamond board brought it up yesterday. It grabbed my attention because the diamond board has slowed down to, it seems to me, less than hangout. I, too have not paid attention to other parts of PS, and I couldn't help but think that times may be hard for PS. If complaints about the political threads were made by a vendor, which some have suggested, it would explain their withdrawal from hangout.

My point is to understand what is happening here, if anything. As sponsors are less, so is the income for PS. I want them to be robust and successful. Thus, I see they have tried to expand into shopping. I wanted to know if that was useful to PS ers.

No, Callie, I am afraid of other websites for political talk. I accept PS position. I hope the election goes our way.


Actually, a woman on the diamond board brought it up yesterday. It grabbed my attention because the diamond board has slowed down to, it seems to me, less than hangout. I, too have not paid attention to other parts of PS, and I couldn't help but think that times may be hard for PS. If complaints about the political threads were made by a vendor, which some have suggested, it would explain their withdrawal from hangout.

My point is to understand what is happening here, if anything. As sponsors are less, so is the income for PS. I want them to be robust and successful. Thus, I see they have tried to expand into shopping. I wanted to know if that was useful to PS ers.

No, Callie, I am afraid of other websites for political talk. I accept PS position. I hope the election goes our way.


FWIW, the vendor that I saw that wanted political threads gone is still a sponsor. Which doesn't mean that others didn't leave because of it.

But as a member, I've pretty much left because of it. Not that I was a prolific poster. Or buyer, lol.
Thank you for saving that @smitcompton , I took me two years to post on a Pricescope and it’s the only forum I have joined. I miss you Annette. If not for Covid, I would have loved to go for coffee together.

@Demon, I apologize for not including you. I miss our discussions on the political threads and love reading your posts. I too find myself not on Pricescope as often due to political threads being gone.

@Thanks @AGBF. I had looked for that site Friday night after the news of RBG but the site was down for maintenance. I miss you Deb.

TMT-- yes, it is. I had completely missed this. I see DK168 uses it.(and others). Things certainly can pass by me. Yesterday, when I found it, I wondered where I'd been all those yrs. I never look anywhere except the diamond board and hangout and sometimes pre-loved. I guess when I say new-- it means new to me.

well... I'm just gonna say it, why don't y'all have a reddit?
FWIW, the vendor that I saw that wanted political threads gone is still a sponsor. Which doesn't mean that others didn't leave because of it.

But as a member, I've pretty much left because of it. Not that I was a prolific poster. Or buyer, lol.

I understand why they've banned it, but I'm still super curious who this vendor was?! I don't know how to find out the gossip here, guess I'm out of the loop. Anyways, I was definitely on PS more when there were political threads. After taking like a nearly 8 month break from PS I started back up with the quarantine and being able to discuss politics, honestly the drama is engaging haha. Being on PS more in general made me start looking through the jewelry threads again and started getting ideas of stacking bands and 5 stone rings I wanted lol. I'm sure the more I was on here the more likely I would be to purchase things so maybe it's for the best especially for my wallet :lol:
well... I'm just gonna say it, why don't y'all have a reddit?

Because it's not Pricescope. Speaking for myself only it is like a huge family -- loving, supporting, dysfunctional -- where the good, the bad, and the ugly plays out just as it does in flesh and blood life. Starting over somewhere else for one topic loses the family flavor that can't be recreated as it exists here because politics was just a portion of the whole.
Because it's not Pricescope. Speaking for myself only it is like a huge family -- loving, supporting, dysfunctional -- where the good, the bad, and the ugly plays out just as it does in flesh and blood life. Starting over somewhere else for one topic loses the family flavor that can't be recreated as it exists here because politics was just a portion of the whole.

Thank you for saving that @smitcompton , I took me two years to post on a Pricescope and it’s the only forum I have joined. I miss you Annette. If not for Covid, I would have loved to go for coffee together.

@Demon, I apologize for not including you. I miss our discussions on the political threads and love reading your posts. I too find myself not on Pricescope as often due to political threads being gone.

@Thanks @AGBF. I had looked for that site Friday night after the news of RBG but the site was down for maintenance. I miss you Deb.

No apology needed!
I understand why they've banned it, but I'm still super curious who this vendor was?! I don't know how to find out the gossip here, guess I'm out of the loop. Anyways, I was definitely on PS more when there were political threads. After taking like a nearly 8 month break from PS I started back up with the quarantine and being able to discuss politics, honestly the drama is engaging haha. Being on PS more in general made me start looking through the jewelry threads again and started getting ideas of stacking bands and 5 stone rings I wanted lol. I'm sure the more I was on here the more likely I would be to purchase things so maybe it's for the best especially for my wallet :lol:

There's no loop you're out of, I just remember some of these things because I enjoyed the politics and didn't want it ended, and so I tend to remember who spoke out against it. And just like I haven't mentioned members' names, I don't feel comfortable naming the vendor, you know? It could likely be found when searching through threads asking if we should have politics or not?
love your new avatar Deb! xo

I do not think I am as well acquainted with the current Pricescope as with some past iterations of it. I am not sure what your point about the current Pricescope sponsors is. I have not really kept track of who is a sponsor at any given moment. I guess because I no longer follow vendor politics. I just know that there are many vendors who post here with whom I am familiar.
love your new avatar Deb! xo

Thanks, Bayek. I got sick of staring at the letter "A" which was my last avatar!
Annette, hello. I think the owner explained what is going on in the thread you spoke of.. I also think that people are just tired, tired of diamonds, covid, politics and are withdrawing, I know I AM. It's disheartening and I am not sure if it will change even if there is a change in our country.

I could not find the thread on a vendor who complained about the political threads, but I certainly think that is out of line, just my personal opinion.. either you sell or you participate in threads that have zero to do with jewelry but both? nah.. like I say, I speak for no one, it's just my opinion and to anyone who wants to reply I will not reply back, rules are rules and I don't think I am breaking any with my post here.

This is a day where I am feeling- not so smart am I . I was looking for the data that used to be shown on who was on line at present, and how many persons were looking but not registered. I can't locate that data, but while looking I found I had missed some new things that have been added to PS, such as the shopping forum. Do you all use it? I like the idea. I think PS is in a little trouble. Their sponsors are less. Our David isn't even listed or Rhino. I also checked out Rare Carat, who is one of the platforms that is their competition . This makes me feel bad for PS. Did you all know this?
