
Where do I get clarity enhancement for my ring?


Apr 29, 2016
I've read several posts where readers have had their rings clarity enhanced. I'm not able to find anyone who provided a link to a retailer or an email to someone I can get in touch with for this process. I live in the new jersey area so I can get it in NJ or NYC. Thank you.
I do know that GoodOldGold (in NY) has had some done so, I would reach out to Jonathan and see what he recommends or where to go. They should have some insight.
HI Sunj,
When referring to "Clarity enhancement " it's generally fracture filling. Basically a substance is injected into the diamond turning certain opaque imperfections translucent.
But it's only possible on diamonds that have a certain type of imperfection, and it needs to reach the surface.

The other type of enhancement commonly referred to would be laser drilling- which can lessen the appearance of certainl black carbon spots. Again, case by case basis.
Think Yehuda would be your best choice for fracture-filling; its founder, Zvi Yehuda, pioneered the process & they offer a lifetime guarantee. Here's Yehuda's answer to the question (last one on their FAQ page), Can I have my very own diamond enhanced by Yehuda?
Yes, however please bear in mind that on average only 1 out of every 500 diamonds is suitable for the enhancement process. The way to send your diamond to Yehuda is via a local Yehuda retailer in your area. The charge for enhancement will be $300 dollars per carat plus shipping and insurance. The retailer will be the one to send your diamond to Yehuda and get it back. The usual turnaround time is 2 weeks but may be more on occasion.

The enhancement process involves high pressure and high temperature and the diamond may be damaged during the process. The Yehuda Diamond Company is not responsible for any damage to the diamond. You will have to sign a release form that states the fact that the diamond may be damaged and that we are not responsible for the damages. Please do not raise your hopes about the success of the enhancement as the chances that your diamond is suitable for the enhancement process are very slim.

The words "local Yehuda retailer" appear in bold face on the FAQ page; click there, and a Find Your Nearest Yehuda Retailer page will open up (you'll have to register with them to actually get the list of retailers).
sunj|1461958631|4025208 said:
I've read several posts where readers have had their rings clarity enhanced. I'm not able to find anyone who provided a link to a retailer or an email to someone I can get in touch with for this process. I live in the new jersey area so I can get it in NJ or NYC. Thank you.

If you are the same person who emailed us, we tried to send you a return, but it would not go through. We were actually going to recommend you talk with RockDiamond or Jonathon since they both live in the area where you are and might have contacts who could help you.

We did a project many years ago for a client where we did a combination laser drilling and then clarity enhancement for a diamond that she had inherited from her grandmother. It did make a HUGE difference and the company involved is in the New York area, but only works with retailers and other wholesalers, not with the general public.

Since you live near, I would contact one of these Pricescope vendors. They could probably deliver the diamond directly to the company doing the drilling and you would save lots of postage and insurance. You will have to assume the liability should anything go wrong though, which gives many people pause.

It can be a great experience, or a bust, but the project can be looked at and evaluated before you spend any money, so it is not as scary as it sounds.

I wish you success with your project!

Wink, do you think Yehuda would not be a good choice? Think consumers can only get the lifetime coverage if they go through a Yehuda retailer (who may not charge anything for the delivery to/from Yehuda).

sunj, I believe Good Old Gold -- on Long Island, much respected here on PS & whose owner, Jonathan Weingarten, posts here as Rhino -- is an authorized Yehuda retailer. Here's a GOG page about clarity enhanced diamonds, with embedded videos, you might like to read-watch:

P.S. I didn't bother filling out the Yehuda form to see who the authorized retailers are in the NYC metro area, but given some of his comments in the past about CE diamonds, I'd be surprised if Rockdiamond is, although I hope he will correct me if I'm mistaken (Rockdiamond, sunj, is the name that the owner of Diamonds by Lauren uses here on PS).
HI Molly,
We do not sell, or recommend CE diamonds, that's true.
But we have assisted hundreds of PS members on a huge variety of issues.
If the OP would like to make an appointment to show us the stone, we'd be happy to evaluate it, and refer them to someone who can fill the stone, if it's a candidate.
We are located right on 47th street ( actually above 47th street) which does make certain tasks a simple walk across the street as opposed to a shipping situation.

TO be clear- statistically speaking, it's most likely the diamond the OP has is not a candidate for filling- and as the Yehuda site mentions- there's risk involved, both in terms of the potential results, and to the diamond itself

But if we can help we'd be happy to do so.