
"When she says, "ARE YOU SERIOUS," instead of "yes"

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Date: 10/12/2006 8:41:03 PM
Author: CaptainPolyester
most of these are shots I snuck while she was asleep on the beach or wasn''t really looking.
That first post was sooooo sweet I just HAD to read it to my hubby to show him how cute some guys are about these things LOL But when I saw this post I just about doubled over... picturing you sneaking in "hand shots" lest your fiance be the wiser about your ps addiction LOL!!!! too funny!!! Make sure you share the bands you choose or design!!!!!! promise?
Congratulations to you both! What a lovely couple you make!! That ring is FAB!!!!!!!!!!
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you.

I appreciate all your comments and am simply happy to share this set of pictures.

May all of you going through the same process enjoy every step of it.

Seeing it through to completion is a very fulfilling situation.

Good luck to you all.
oh my gosh... that side view of the head of the ring, be still my heart!! it''s surely divine....just when i think i am sold on the ritani swoopy head for a solitaire, you have to go and show me that side view. mmmmm good. i love that royal crown.

and how beautiful are you two? really. lovely couple and amazing ring!! congrats!

"Are you serious" is definately a good thing
I said "are you f-ing with me" which is also a good thing. All thing that have several exclaimation points after them are good!
What a beautiful story! You are a first class man and your lady is a lucky one!
She is absolutely gorgeous and both of you are perfect together. Lovely, lovely ring..

Much happiness to you both and look forward to hearing more adventurous stories you may post!

You both look so stunning together!!!! And that ring...THAT RING IS AMAZING and looks HUGE on her finger....

You had the sweetest proposal EVER! Congrats!!!!
gorgeous ring, gorgeous couple, congrats on your engagement.

ps. i laughed out loud when I read your title b/c my hubby took me by surprise too and my first words were the exact same thing, i think I may have even playfully hit him
those pictures are ... wow! really, i''ve never seen such WONDERFUL photographs! and we see plenty plenty here on ps!! simply breathtaking! the water in the background. yum!

ok- on to the ring- LOVE it! really, it''s so delicate and beautiful!! great choice!

and as for the couple, you too are the cutest!

thanks so much for sharing your wonderful story and pictures with us!

oh, and i forgot to mention, the proposal with everyone watching far away, well i just teared up! sooo sweet!

congratulations to the two of you!
just went back to look at the photos. seriously that first one-- stunning! it''s award-winning good! beautiful, beautiful picture...
Date: 10/13/2006 9:15:37 AM
Author: mrssalvo
gorgeous ring, gorgeous couple, congrats on your engagement.

ps. i laughed out loud when I read your title b/c my hubby took me by surprise too and my first words were the exact same thing, i think I may have even playfully hit him
That''s Hilarious!

She did the same thing to me.

although her''s wasn''t so playful

guess she was really excited.
Sweetest story I've heard in some time! So beautiful and romantic *sigh* and your Bride to be and the ring are stunning!

You made me smile......Big Congratulations to you!!
You are adorable!! And such a beautiful couple. Congrats to you guys on your engagement - and your gorgeous ring!!
what a beautiful ring and proposal! Congratulations to the both of yo
Beautiful story, beautiful ring, beautiful couple! Best to you both and congratulations on everything. The ring turned out so very well - it''s a stunner!!
Well thanks so much for sharing the pics! You are a great photographer. I really loved the proposal, but the pictures are even better. You two make a splendid couple! Congrats on the engagement!
Congrats. What a beautiful ring. You two look so great together. Will she move to the US or are you going to move there?

How did you meet being so far apart?
Congratulations!! Wonderful story and GREAT ring shots!
that was great Captain!!! congratulations and thanx for sharing the pictures!!
Date: 10/13/2006 1:18:42 PM
Author: asscherisme
Congrats. What a beautiful ring. You two look so great together. Will she move to the US or are you going to move there?

How did you meet being so far apart?
It looks like I''m going to move there.

One of has to move, and it makes more sense that it be me, in the end.

I''m excited about it though, Australia is a beautiful country, and the people are wonderful.

Plus, the surfing''s not so hot in Manhattan.

We actually met, almost four years ago, while I was doing a master''s degree in Sydney.
I ran into her while I was shopping for shoes.

Kind of a productive trip.
got a pair of shoes,
a master''s degree,
and a girlfriend (now fiancee).

Those were the first words out of my mouth as well!
But we had been dating for 8 years, so I guess I was a little taken aback by him *finally* asking. He proposed with a box, too ... but when he opened the box there was a sweet note saying we should pick out the ring together. (I was not a jewelry person, and we hadn''t looked at or even discussed ring styles.) A few internet searches later, and welcome to pricescope! (And now I''m a converted diamond/jewelry lover!)

Captain - Absolutely gorgeous ring (that setting it beautiful!)
and you make a gorgeous couple as well! Congrats!!!!
Date: 10/13/2006 2:18:06 PM
Author: turtledazzle
Those were the first words out of my mouth as well!
But we had been dating for 8 years, so I guess I was a little taken aback by him *finally* asking. He proposed with a box, too ... but when he opened the box there was a sweet note saying we should pick out the ring together. (I was not a jewelry person, and we hadn''t looked at or even discussed ring styles.) A few internet searches later, and welcome to pricescope! (And now I''m a converted diamond/jewelry lover!)

Captain - Absolutely gorgeous ring (that setting it beautiful!)
and you make a gorgeous couple as well! Congrats!!!!
yeah, I was a bit nervous about doing the ring all by myself, but I felt I knew her taste pretty well.

Luckily everything turned out great, and she really loves the ring (or is doing a great job of pretending).

Everyone''s different though, I have friends who went and picked out a ring together, others who had a chat about styles and then went from there.

I didn''t have a whole lot of options, since she lives in Australia and I live in New York.
congrats!! what a great story!! you are such a cute couple too... enjoy your time together on the engagement ''high''!
Congratuations on the beautiful proposal, the beautiful ring and the beautiful fiancee!
Congrats! Gorgeous ring, proposal, everything!
My favorite pic is the first one of your FI''s eyes with the ring. She is so, so pretty. You guys are the cutest couple. Well done on the ring. It''s gorgeous. Thanks for sharing pics and CONGRATS
VERY class act, Capt. Congratulations!
Great ring. Great proposal, but what I really love is the shot of her ring near her eye, very very old Hollywood. That is a great photograph.
OH Captain! The ring is gorgeous and she is beautiful. Wonderful story and breathtaking photos.
Congratulations and best wishes for a lifetime together!
Oh, my, gosh - that was such a romantic story! Congratulations!! The ring and your fiance are gorgeous. Many, many years of health and happiness for the two of you.
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