
When I stopped taking HBC, I...


Mar 8, 2009
Thought it might be fun to share how our bodies reacted and changed when we stopped taking HBC! Please chime in!

When I stopped taking HBC (after 10 years!) I...

- broke out everywhere :angryfire:
- stopped biting my nails (something I started to do when I started taking HBC -- what's the correlation?! :confused: )
- my hair stopped falling out =)
- my skin became more oily ;(
- slept better
- became more calm :bigsmile:
- wanted more sexy time :devil: :love: :saint:

Anyone else???
Ill add! I just stopped after 7 years and its been a roller coaster.

-Broke out worse than ever in my entire life. My forehead is so nasty right now.
- That same forehead is also very oily
- Took over 42 days to get a period
- My pmdd seems to have gone away. I am no longer 'crazy' aside from one day when I did finally start my period where I stood in the kitchen crying uncontrollably. The sense of calm is amazing.
- The few hours before I finally started my period I have never felt that kind of sick before. I was throwing up and my head just was killing me. :(
- I am less hungry and feel more like I did in high school in terms of wanting to eat. I think I am going to end up dropping some weight.
Got knocked up.... :cheeky:
On a more serious note, I got my sex drive back. I didn't have any issues with my period becoming longer or anything. No big changes to skkin or much else.
How timely. I just stopped a month ago today, and I'm still trying to figure out how it will affect me. I've had on and off breast tenderness and cramping this month. I also had slight cramping and brownish discharge for a couple of days earlier this week. I thought I ovulated two weeks ago based on an OPK, but now I'm wondering if maybe it didn't happen. Still waiting on AF, but pregnancy test yesterday and today was negative.

Thanks for starting this thread.
broke out a lot and also wanted more sexy time.

then time passed, and things went back closer to normal. my skin was still more oily than on hbc, but not too bad and mostly under control unless i didn't wash it or something.

and i noticed the libido-increase was cyclical. funny how that biology works! so certain times of the month it was *noticably* higher, but on average it was not too dissimilar to when on hbc.

oh yeah, and now i have a baby!! that has been a big change ;)
I also broke out like crazy and my sex drive increased. Similar to Cara, though, now I only notice the increase around ovulation. And my skin is still oily, but not breakout out AS much. I've been off HBC for 9 months...

I also seemed to gain five pounds, but lose a cup size in my bra (?)
After 7 years on HBC, I actually didn't notice any changes when I stopped. Much to DH's dismay...
My mood improved in general and in particular in the time before my "period" (in quotes because not a real period on the pill).

Libido increased overall.

Those were the only real changes I noticed but are enough for me not to go on HBC again in my life. I did not take it for 18 months between my pregnancies and that felt great. After this pregnancy I will look into other options, perhaps an IUS.
charbie|1300974199|2878857 said:
Got knocked up.... :cheeky:
On a more serious note, I got my sex drive back. I didn't have any issues with my period becoming longer or anything. No big changes to skkin or much else.

Yeah, preg.
I just went off the pill. I've had two periods since, first one at 26 days and the second was on the dot on the 28th day.

Definitely love having my libido back, but I have been in a horrible mood and mildly depressed. Which kinda amounts to no sexy time anyways. Who needs the pill when your hormones are whacked?

Mood might also be because of the stress, just moved into a house and work has been awfully busy. I need an evening of lazying on the cough (which we just got! hooray to finally having a cushion for my tush!)
I'm on my 3rd cycle post-bc and have also noticed some acne. It's mild, but I notice it because I had almost none before. My cycles immediately reverted to what I remember from before I was on bc. Interestingly, they are shorter and less painful now, though, knock on wood. I've been charting and am slightly amazed that things work just the way TCOYF says they do! Only this cycle did I notice a difference in CF though. My libido may have increased slightly, but not enough to really count (much to DH's dismay). Overall, I feel more human and less moody, even around AF.
Wanted to jump my DH! :) Unfortunately by that time it was "all business" of TTC.
was very sad. I took Yasmin and LOVED it. I had amazingly good skin and as long as I ran packets together I didn't get migraines.

Sadly they took it away because I have migraine with aura. Now I have to put up with the ovulation migraine and the menstrual migraine - yippee. Also maade my skin not so great.

Didn't notice much other difference...
My skin broke out horribly and after several years off it I was so crabby I had to start Nuva ring in hopes it would help.
Became very depressed

My OCD and anxiety returned

Broke out horribly! I've been back on for 2.5 weeks now and my skin is just starting to clear up. Without it my face would become an oil slick within a couple hours :errrr:
. . . had TERRIBLE breakouts--as in, tons of cystic acne. It was enough to have me running back to the doctor for a new prescription!

What have you ladies done about your skin that has worked? I don't know if I can handle it when I go off HBC again.
My experience:
- Got tiny bumps around the edge of my face that were sortof like acne. I went to get a facial and the lady said this was all hormonal.
- Got a little bit of back acne, something I had never had before :?
- Became more moody and more assertive. This caused a lot of fights initially between DH and I, but I think it's better because I stand up for myself more now about little things.
- Stopped having migraines and headaches. They slowed down when I went from Yaz to Nuvaring and now I've only had one in several months (and that was definitely due top lack of sleep and stress).
I had been on HBC for as long as I can remember, until recently. This thread is really enlightening for me because I hadn't even stopped to consider how HBC, or going off of it, might a/effect ( :confused: I never know) me. Now all the break outs make a lot of sense! And to think, I've been blaming my poor Clarisonic.

For what it's worth, I have been less "crazy," though I've never made the connection until now.
I had REEEALLY long cycles. 42 days and 50 days.

Was on HBC for 12 years with maybe a 2 yr break in between. Just before I got off was on a generic of Seasonale (4 periods a year).

Other than really long cycles, not much is different.
got clear skin!

Let me explain:

I was on ortho tricyclen for 5 years. It made me bat shiz crazy, but gave me fantastic skin. I went off of it any my skin was HORRIBLE. I jumped back on a new pill immediately because the acne was crushing! I tried out Ocella (Yasmin generic) and it improved my skin, but it never completely cleared. I just went off of Ocella after a few years, and my skin is completely clear. I was so worried I would be stuck on HBC for the rest of my life due to acne! For some reason getting on Ocella and getting back off cleared it up!

Haven't had a period yet, so I'll let you know! :)
Elledizzy, I still had great skin for my first and second cycles off HBC, the breakouts have only shown up in the past couple weeks. I hope you don't suffer the same fate, but be forewarned that it could still show up...
I haven't noticed much of a difference when I swiched from HBC to the IUD (Mirena), except that my periods went away completely. BIG BIG plus, since I was getting 2 periods a month on HBC.

ETA: I've always had issues with acne, but it didn't seem to change on/off HBC.

Oh, and my migraines (which were happening once every 1-2 weeks) all but disappeared.
elledizzy5|1301102803|2880492 said:
got clear skin!

Let me explain:

I was on ortho tricyclen for 5 years. It made me bat shiz crazy, but gave me fantastic skin. I went off of it any my skin was HORRIBLE. I jumped back on a new pill immediately because the acne was crushing! I tried out Ocella (Yasmin generic) and it improved my skin, but it never completely cleared. I just went off of Ocella after a few years, and my skin is completely clear. I was so worried I would be stuck on HBC for the rest of my life due to acne! For some reason getting on Ocella and getting back off cleared it up!

Haven't had a period yet, so I'll let you know! :)

I'm on Ocella now and my skin is pretty decent. My skin wasn't ever great but I've gotten better at taking care of it as I get older (not using such harsh cleansers, etc.) so I'm not sure which thing is more responsible for my improved skin. I guess I will find out when I go off of the Ocella!

I've been off and on HBC for years and wasn't on it when dating my DH until a month before we got married. I noticed a HUGE drop in my libido when I went back on the pill after a 2 year break (we were using condoms instead). I will probably go off of the HBC late this year and I cannot wait to get that sex drive back in full!

Cara and others have mentioned feeling more sex drive around ovulation. I definitely had the same experience. Amazing how our bodies work!

Question for those of you who are off HBC but not actively TTC: I'm assuming that you're using FAM to avoid. Are you temping? Using OPKs? Just a calendar and using condoms or something during your fertile window?
Ctek, I have been temping to get an idea of my cycles. We are using condoms all the time for now...may start using them strategically once I'm feeling comfortable with knowing how things are working. It seemed too risky otherwise.
Ctek, we're using condoms all the time. I would be far too stressed out if we didn't.

That said, I hate condoms. I haven't used them in a while, ugh.
I'm temping, but also using condoms. As much as I want a baby today, we sincerely need to wait to get preggo until at least November, so I'm in a holding pattern at the moment. I don't find temping to help all that much since I seem to fluctuate temps daily -- so irritating!
lost about 5 lbs and my breasts reduced in size.

Libido is still kind of on and off. I think it's a bit higher now, but between getting pregnant a few months off HBC and breastfeeding, I really don't know what the new 'normal' is. :confused:

All in all I'm happy to be off it. :))
It's only been a few weeks for me. The things I've noticed the most have been oilier skin on my face, more breakouts, and an increase in libido.

My husband says that the more he hears me talk about how HBC has affected me (I also got semi depressed on one type), the more inclined he is to find another method of birth control. We both agree that condoms are not for us so I guess that means we'll be temping the next time we're avoiding pregnancy.
This is a very interesting topic to me. I have been on HBC for several years now, with no break. I have switched pills a few times, but I tend to get the same basic side effects. I have a very decreased libido compared to what it was before HBC, and I have gained about 10 lbs over the years - the first 7 lbs were actually within six months of getting on them, but I was also a new college freshman and my eating habits weren't super healthy (never were really, but probably became worse at this point in my life), so I'm not sure what the true cause was. The only positive side effect is that my breasts have grown quite a bit. :)

I just started on a new pill (Ortho Tri-Cyclen Lo) last month, and I'm not sure about it. I have a slightly higher sex drive than before, and I feel a slight bit less moody, but my face is breaking out worse than it has in years.

I would like to try getting off of the pills and get to know the real me again, but I am not at a point in my life where I'm ready to get pregnant, and weirdly enough, I'm scared that I will lose my boobs (I know it sounds crazy, but I literally just went on a shopping spree for new bras).

My doctor thinks that the pill is much more effective than condoms, and he doesn't believe that couples really use spermicides consistently. My fiance wants to try the condoms plus spermicide, just so I can get off the pills and have my sex drive back - but I still think that I'd worry a lot. I used to be very in tune with when I ovulated, because I always got a very specific pelvic pain right around day 14, along with a major spike in sex drive. Still, I'm just the type to freak out over even the tiniest possibility of getting pregnant.
DH had a vasectomy so no worries there. I would be careful with spermicide as my doctor informed me that it can cause issues with the balance of microbes of your vaginal area.