
What's your morning routine?


Jun 25, 2007
On work days I literally hop out of bed (usually at least a little late), speed shower, hair dry, dress, prep kid/my lunch and race out the door. That is it. No time for anything else - in fact, I often have to cut one of the above or shorten the time. I wake up about 45 minutes before I have to be out the door.

DH, on the other hand, builds time into his morning routine to meditate and eat a leisurely breakfast (that's how I would describe it anyway!). At the moment, he's not working outside the house so he also gets the kids ready (minus lunch). He gets up 2.5 hours before he has to leave to get the kids to school so he has time to meditate and not rush any of the other things (showering, breakfast etc.).

In talking to other people it seems I'm in the minority and most people like to have more leisurely mornings. I value sleep and really don't mind rushing. How about you?


Dec 25, 2012
I can tell you I'm not waking up 2.5 hours early to do anything. Some people love mornings and don't want to miss that quiet walk when the birds are chirping or a coffee on their deck.

My mornings usually involve hitting snooze 4 times until someone shakes me awake to tell me they had a bad dream/need to pee/I bought the wrong kind of juice, and I silently think "Whyyyyyyyyyyyyyy" and wonder how bad I really need this job.


Jun 25, 2007
Elliot, I'm so with you! Sleep until the last possible minute...then maybe a few extra. Then question the meaning of life when you finally get out of bed. :lol:


Feb 22, 2017
I wish I were a morning person, but I'm not. I hit snooze till about 30-35 mins before I'm supposed to be out the door for work. I can shower, get ready, & feed my cats in this time including blow drying my hair which eats up precious minutes.

I've been told as you age you wake up earlier but I'm already 45 and not seeing much earlier wake up times without an alarm going off. Maybe some day I'll wake up @ 5am naturally and be happy to get up but I doubt it!


Jul 27, 2007
I'm definitely a morning person. I'm up at 6am 7 days a week. Before kids I'd wake up and work out, but now I wake up and take a nice long, hot shower. I like the quiet of the morning and hate feeling rushed, so an early start gets my day off on the right foot.

6am-up and straight to long, piping hot shower. Shave. Exfoliate. Deep condition hair.
6:30am- out of shower
7am- done with hair, makeup and getting dressed
7am-kids come running in and eager to play
7:15am- breakfast for everybody.
7:30am - 7:50am - girls play, then get shoes + coats on. I do their hair and clean for about 15 minutes before leaving for the day.
7:50am- leave to drop off 3yo at daycare
8am- drop off 1 kid, chat with babysitter
8:30am- drop off 5yo at school
8:45- sit down at my desk for the day.

Weekends are basically the same, but we don't leave until 8:15am for the daily activities.

So I have about 2 hours between waking up and leaving the house. And I definitely prefer it that way.

My husband wakes up about 20 minutes before leaving. Then literally RUNS to the train. He says that if he has time to walk, he's not being efficient.


Aug 6, 2014
I am not a morning person. I get up every day at 6 (I may hit my snooze button a few times, so I'm often not up until 6:30). Shower, breakfast, dress, and out the door for work at 7:30 (arrive around 7:55 to start at 8; my first client of the day is usually at 8:30). My husband, who is a morning person tends to be up at 5 (sometimes earlier). He makes coffee, breakfast, and lunches for us both. Actually, he usually cooks dinner too as I'm often not home until 7 or 7:30 most nights. I often wish I could get up and exercise before work, but I just don't think that's going to happen.


Feb 2, 2016
No way am I getting up until I have to. My alarm goes off at 6:30, I actually get up at 6:40 from there I do the following:

Take the dogs out
Get dressed
Get the two year old changed and a cup of milk
Throw the ten year olds uniform in the dryer (ironing) make sure he has a snack, nag him endlessly to get dressed and brush his teeth.

We are out the door at 7:05, drive 45 minutes to school and then another 45 back then I make breakfast for me and the little guy. The older one eats breakfast at school. I admire those that get up with the birds but that's not me!

House Cat

Feb 22, 2009
I wake up at 4:15 am every morning, even on weekends. I don't have to leave the house until 7:10 am.

I drink coffee, read, eat a big breakfast, and wait as the gears in my head slowly begin to move...

I'm not a morning person. As a matter of fact, it used to be a joke in my house that it was dangerous to speak to me before coffee. This is why I need so much time to wake up. My most disastrous days are the ones where I have to rush out of the house in the morning.


Feb 21, 2017
I used to be the worst morning person around...until I had my son, who woke me up every 2 hours, every night, until he was 16 months old (yes, really--despite every sleep training attempt). I spent so long in such a "mombie" fog that now that he's sleeping well, my body has totally reset to being a morning person! :lol: Kids, man.

I get up at 5:45 (sometimes snooze until 5:50) and get my makeup on. (I shower at night.) If I washed my hair the night before, I try to straighten it before my son wakes up; if he sleeps in, I get him up by 6:15 or 6:20.

I get my son (2 years old) up, changed for the day, and down in his high chair for breakfast in the kitchen. I load or unload the dishwasher while he eats and get a pot of coffee made.

Husband is up and in the kitchen by 6:30 and takes over handling the kiddo. I make my lunch, eat breakfast, and finish getting ready. We're out the door at 7:00, I drop my son off at daycare, and then get to work by 7:30.

Husband and I trade off weekend mornings so one of us can sleep in until 8:30 while the other gets up with our son when he wakes up (usually 6:15 or so).

Buuuuuut I'm due with baby #2 in about 6 weeks, so I know our schedule is about to get shot to heck. We'll see what it morphs into once there are two little ones in the house!


Jun 8, 2008
I wake up at 4:15 am every morning, even on weekends. I don't have to leave the house until 7:10 am.

I drink coffee, read, eat a big breakfast, and wait as the gears in my head slowly begin to move...

I'm not a morning person. As a matter of fact, it used to be a joke in my house that it was dangerous to speak to me before coffee. This is why I need so much time to wake up. My most disastrous days are the ones where I have to rush out of the house in the morning.

So my routine is similar to House Cat's in that I need to get up much earlier to wake gently into the good day before I need to get ready for work. I am NOT a morning person at all and I find if I wake at the last possible moment my day is not good. I have a routine and must wake slowly and must also have my workout before I leave for work or I don't feel good.

When I used to have to leave for work by 8AM my routine was to wake at 4:45 AM and have coffee check emails/PS etc and then work out at 6AM shower and go to work. Now that my work schedule is much later I still wake fairly early (6AM) and am used to taking 2 plus hours to have coffee eat a small breakfast and leisurely enter the day while I try waking fully. Then I work out at 8AM for 2 hours and then I shower and leave for work.

So my wake up morning routine is very civilized.
Though I am sure many of you think it is the opposite waking so much earlier than I need to but for me this is what I *need* to do to feel best.

And as Lorelai liked to say on Gilmore Girls. Coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee.

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Apr 28, 2014
I can tell you I'm not waking up 2.5 hours early to do anything. Some people love mornings and don't want to miss that quiet walk when the birds are chirping or a coffee on their deck.

My mornings usually involve hitting snooze 4 times until someone shakes me awake to tell me they had a bad dream/need to pee/I bought the wrong kind of juice, and I silently think "Whyyyyyyyyyyyyyy" and wonder how bad I really need this job.

:lol: Elliot, I LOVE this! This is totally me, minus the someone waking me up bc we don't have kids yet.

I definitely snooze at least 3-4 times, get up, wake up my lazy furbabies, walk them, feed them, get dressed (I shower at night) and I'm out in about 35 minutes time. I leave DH and the boys sleeping, which is torture! DH is the type that needs to sit at the kitchen table with a cup of coffee and think to himself "how am I going to do this?" LOL! He needs WAY more time than me to get ready and do stuff...I wonder how this will all change once the kiddos come along!


Apr 22, 2004
I wake up at 5:15 am 5 days a week and leave the house by 6 am with the children in tow.
DH gets up at 5:30 am and doesn't leave until slightly past 7 am.

Whoever said men get ready quicker than women has not met my DH.


Mar 26, 2006
On the days I work:
7:30 snooze
7:40 snooze
7:50 snooze
8:00 Fvck -- I'm late!
8:10 out of shower
8:15 dressed
8:20 hair done
8:25 makeup done
8:30 bed made
8:30 coat on and out the door
9:00 at my desk (after a 1.4 mile walk to get here)

On the days I don't work:
6:00 wide awake a fresh as a daisy ready to greet the day with a smile


May 1, 2007
Dee*jay... :lol:

Count me in the Not-a-Morning-Person-Club. So much so that out of college, I had a job where I had to be AT work for 6am. I threw up every night I had that job, I was so adverse to having to wake up that early. I'm not kidding. Once I changed jobs and had to be in for 9am, I stopped throwing up.

Nowadays, I wake at 6am on weekdays and hit snooze once. I do a bunch of stuff to get the kids out the door, and once they're gone I get myself ready. The wheels are very slow to start turning, and I need my thoughts and space to myself in the mornings, plus a cuppa. DH wakes up earlier than me on weekends (often has worked out before I'm even awake) and will start talking to me, asking me questions, peppering me with plans THE SECOND I show my face. As in, not even on the last step of the stairs yet. I'm surprised the wave of anger that greets him when he does this hasn't totally flattened him yet. :angryfire::saint:


Jun 25, 2007
Uh-oh, rainydaze. I'm pretty sure I do that to my husband. On his sleep in day, I send the children to wake him. And start getting annoyed around minute 4 if I haven't seen him yet. Then, I start talking to him as soon as he crosses the kitchen threshold!


Sep 25, 2008
I can get ready for work in about 30mins if need be but I prefer to get up at least an hour early so usually 6:30/7am. We don't have kids & I shower/wash hair at night so in the mornings:
  1. Hit snooze button once, evaluate weather - mentally choose outfit.
  2. Get up & stumble straight to coffee machine! Make coffee for us both.
  3. Let dogs in for a cuddle - they race straight into the warm bed I just vacated.
  4. Get dressed & put on sunscreen
  5. Do my makeup, I enjoy this so take about 15mins to do a different look each day.
  6. Eat breakfast & possibly another coffee.
  7. Head out to work, usually involves some sort of commute via public transport.
Weekends are obviously more relaxed but we rarely sleep in past 8:30am...


Jul 13, 2008
Cat wakes me up for "first breakfast" promptly at 5:30 AM. Feed him, take my thyroid medicine, then back to bed until 7:11 AM. Check FB until 7:20, get dressed, feed cat "second breakfast", and out the door at 7:40 for work at 8:00 AM.


Jun 8, 2008
On the days I work:
7:30 snooze
7:40 snooze
7:50 snooze
8:00 Fvck -- I'm late!
8:10 out of shower
8:15 dressed
8:20 hair done
8:25 makeup done
8:30 bed made
8:30 coat on and out the door
9:00 at my desk (after a 1.4 mile walk to get here)

On the days I don't work:
6:00 wide awake a fresh as a daisy ready to greet the day with a smile

:lol::lol::lol: to all of the above.

As for the comments re the days you don't work. I know right? Same here.:knockout: WTH is up with that!:roll:


Aug 12, 2005
I have a nightly routine that makes life as easy as possible for me in the morning because I have always been a night owl and will never EVER change! Seriously as soon as we get in the door between 5 and 6, it's the same routine:
Clean up/put things away
Make tomorrow's lunches
Stage coffeemaker and travel cup complete with sugar and spoon so all I have to do is press a button, pour, stir
Choose outfits and lay out
Anything extra/aside from my laptop and usual "stuff" I need to bring with me is put in the car
Breakfast (cold cereal) portioned out/almond milk on side in fridge so my daughter can just pull it out and eat it
Second round of clean up.

Even with all of that evening prep, some mornings go smoothly and some don't. There is always some inevitable crisis, like a wardrobe meltdown because someone decided they didn't like a certain dress anymore because of a seam touching them or maybe they have managed to lose their favorite, tiniest Shopkin and absolutely cannot WILL NOT leave the house without it requiring a search and rescue operation that lasts 15 minutes or didn't you know that they don't even like that flavor cereal this week?



Feb 2, 2016
I have a nightly routine that makes life as easy as possible for me in the morning because I have always been a night owl and will never EVER change! Seriously as soon as we get in the door between 5 and 6, it's the same routine:
Clean up/put things away
Make tomorrow's lunches
Stage coffeemaker and travel cup complete with sugar and spoon so all I have to do is press a button, pour, stir
Choose outfits and lay out
Anything extra/aside from my laptop and usual "stuff" I need to bring with me is put in the car
Breakfast (cold cereal) portioned out/almond milk on side in fridge so my daughter can just pull it out and eat it
Second round of clean up.

Even with all of that evening prep, some mornings go smoothly and some don't. There is always some inevitable crisis, like a wardrobe meltdown because someone decided they didn't like a certain dress anymore because of a seam touching them or maybe they have managed to lose their favorite, tiniest Shopkin and absolutely cannot WILL NOT leave the house without it requiring a search and rescue operation that lasts 15 minutes or didn't you know that they don't even like that flavor cereal this week?


I admire your nightly routine Monarch, I am spent by 7:00! However I have to give uniforms a shout out because even though they might be expensive I never have to go through the wardrobe struggle.

That coffemaker routine though......might have to steal that.


Aug 12, 2005
Stephanie, I try to have everything done by 7:00-7:30 at the latest so we can be finished with bathtime at 8 and in bed by 8:30. Believe me, I am spent by the time we get home from working all day (whether from home or in office) and there are many nights I just want to leave dishes in the sink or worry about everything in the morning. I never thought I'd end up dealing with teenage wardrobe issues with a toddler/young child, but she's been adamant about what she wears since about 24 months. Surely this means the teens will be a breeze?! HAHAHAHAHAH RIGHT.


Jun 25, 2007
Monarch, sounds like my 4 old son. His current obsession is lego minifigures and, of course he must have a specific one - and where's his face mask and armor? Oh, and without fail, at least twice a week as I put his jacket on - "I have to poop!" Sorry for being late boss, my kid had to poop and I don't have a minute to spare.

Deejay, kudos for making the bed during that mad scramble!


Mar 26, 2006
Puppmom, my place is one big open space so if you walk in the front door my bed is in full view. I would be MORTIFIED for anyone to come into my house and see an unmade bed! So believe me, it's not because I'm Super Housekeeper, it's just to stave off the embarrassment of having someone pop over unexpectedly (which happens A LOT -- like it's not unusual to have someone show up at my door at least once a day) and think I'm slovenly. Plus, I think it would be uncomfortable for other people to have to see my unmade bed. At least if it's crisply made it's slightly less... intimate... ? ... is that the right word?


Oct 23, 2011
I am not a morning person! Thankfully I have a wonderful hubby who is! And who has a different schedule. I prep my clothes and lunch the night before. Wake up at 6:40 am, usually after lingering for 5 minutes, shower, and watch the am news as I get dressed, eat the breakfast hubby preps me on the go, and I comb my hair in the car. I'm out the door by 7:15 the latest! My only child is in college now, but all her school years, hubby used to drive her to school and come back in time for our routine, since she had zero period. I am so grateful for him!


May 1, 2007
Lol Puppmom .... you're poor hubby! :) Give that man a kiss!

Tacori E-ring

Aug 15, 2005
It takes me about 30 minutes to get myself ready for work. I shower the night before because I value sleep too much to have to wake up any earlier to shower and blow dry my hair. I also pick out my clothes the night before. Morning routine is pretty simple and I do everything in order. I straighten my hair, get dressed, put on make-up and that's it. Of course most days I also have to get my kid dressed and fed. I eat something at my desk at work. I WISH I liked coffee but never liked the taste. So I am tired. I spend most of my life tired. ;-)


May 1, 2007
Ugh, I wrote 'you're' when it should have been 'your' in my last post. Hate that.

Tacori, and others who can shower the night before... I envy you! My hair just won't cooperate with that routine. There is *no way* to get it looking good the next day. I have to start fresh every day washing it (it's wavy, and I don't like it straight) and I haven't found a technique yet for 'second-day hair' that works for me. Le sigh...

Tacori E-ring

Aug 15, 2005
Rainydaze, what if you braid it? I sleep with damp hair which I don't love but I hate blow drying more. It looks bad until I straighten it. If I am super lazy I just put it in a ponytail.


Sep 1, 2009
Cat wakes me up for "first breakfast" promptly at 5:30 AM. Feed him, take my thyroid medicine, then back to bed until 7:11 AM. Check FB until 7:20, get dressed, feed cat "second breakfast", and out the door at 7:40 for work at 8:00 AM.

This describes our non-work days pretty well. Our older cat gets first breakfast, second breakfast, first dinner, second dinner, and bedtime snack.

Work days:
Wake up time -- up to shower, turn on espresso machine, clean up cat/dog messes in the house, dogs out to run (usually with me out throwing the ball)

Wake up Plus 30 -- wake up DH so he can shower, I dress, brush teeth, brush hair, clean up any cat messes in the bedroom, feed 1st breakfast to older cat

Wake up plus 1 hour -- breakfast, coffee, grab lunch, feed the rest of the animals, 2nd breakfast for older cat.
20 minutes before leaving -- shout down the hall to make sure "A" is up
15 minutes before leaving -- shout again that she needs to get out here now

10 minutes before leaving -- make cup of tea to go, put on shoes, grab bags needed for the day, goodbye pets for all the animals

Time to leave: shout for A to get a move on we have to leave. Repeat a few times until rushing to get to work on time.


Apr 30, 2005
My morning routine is to wear black and walk around depressed and crying for a few months.
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