
What's your favorite movie of all time?

I love biographical movies - some of my favourites are Malcolm X, The Temptations Movie and the Michael Jackson Story.

I also love Face Off.
HollyS|1313860979|2995069 said:
1) Casablanca. It is THE classic movie of all time. Multi-layered performances by the minor actors as well as the stars. It doesn't get better than this.

2) North by Northwest. Cary Grant at his most sexy. The scene in the dining car with Eve Marie Saint was quite risque in its day. :naughty: Then the kissing scene in her train compartment. Oh, my! :bigsmile: And the chase scene down the face of Mt. Rushmore! This is probably my favorite of all of Hitchcock's films.

3) And for more Cary Grant, another Hitchcock
film, Notorious. Suspense and romance. And did I mention, Cary Grant? :love:

I love Cary Grant!! :love: I also loved him in Arsenic and Old Lace.
ATM it's either Stranger Than Fiction or The Darjeeling Limited. If I'm going through the listings and see either of these movies I must sit and watch them no matter what I was doing before.
Cue a big, beautiful, green plantation, gorgeous white house, a brunette standing in a white, frilly dress... Daaaaaa naaaaaaaaanana... Danaaaaaaaaaanana... Danaaaaanananananana...

Gone With the Wind
I'm a cinephile. I could never choose just one, let alone even a top 10 list. Some movies I like to watch repeatedly are not even good movies. I think I can answer for my husband though. He has an unusual attraction to "A Beautiful Mind". He will watch it EVERY time it is on. Don't know why.
Casablanca, hands down. Love that move so much.
JewelFreak|1313838730|2994904 said:
Also Picnic at Hanging Rock -- every shot is so beautifully framed, it's like a series of wonderful paintings.

Wow. That used to be a very obscure film. I don't know if you saw it back when my husband and I did in some weird place or if at some time and place it was less obscure! I am pretty sure that we saw that in France in the 1970's and it stayed with, haunting us. One day, decades laters, I saw it had come out on DVD and I bought it for my husband. Isn't it Australian? How did you come to see it, Laurie?

Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf, Elizabeth Taylor's masterpiece. :love:
Wow, there are so many but the one I have watched the most would be christmas vacation, the best movie line ever is kevin in home alone jumping up and down and shouting "when I grow up and get married i'm living alone!!" love it! or anything by John Hughes really. :love:
I don't have a single favorite, but I love Jurassic Park, the Lord of the Rings and Harry Potter series, Star Wars Episodes IV-VI, The Princess Bride, Monty Python and the Holy Grail, and the original Matrix (not the sequels though!). Also, I know it's not world-class cinema, but I watch any of the Austin Powers or Harold and Kumar movies any time they're on TV.
kenny|1313818393|2994852 said:
There are soooooo many good ones it's hard to pick one.

While not the best film of all time I never tire of watching that old classic, The Wizard of Oz.

Flying monkys are the scariest thing ever!!!
So hard to pick, but mine is definitely the three original Star Wars movies (and especially Empire Strikes Back)!
I can not name a single movie but here is a small list:

Someone flew over the cuckoo's nest
Citizen Kane
Good luck and good night
A man and a woman (this is French)
La Strada (Italian)
Dolce Vita
old version of "300 Spartans" (1969) - for the views of Greece
Les parapluies de Cherbourg (French)
Gone with the Wind
The Godfather

Of my favorite Russian movies, one, "The Master and Margarita", exists in English version and one can obtain it via Amazon. It is based on a book which is one of best Russian masterpieces.
Since a child my favourite has been Mary Poppins. Others are The Life of Brian, Napoleon Dynamite, Silence of the lambs and I loved the Hangover part 1.
Wizard of Oz and Annie. ::)
I have a ton of favourites but the ones I watch most often are:

Cinema Paradiso
Love Actually
The Princess Bride
anitabee|1313859864|2995061 said:
my all-time favorite that i can watch over and over...

Oooh, that's a good one! LOVE Fargo!
I probably have 15-20 "all time movie favorites" , but here's a quick short list off the top of my head -

About A Boy
Notting Hill
Billy Elliot
No Country For Old Men
The Shooter
Three Kings
Sixteen Blocks
The Bank Job
The Princess Bride, for sure!

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaas yoooooooooooooooouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiish!
Its a tossup for me I can watch Pretty Women or Overboard everytime it is on :wink2:
I can watch these movies over and over again. Its like Im watching them for the 1st time... everytime.

Star Wars (alll 6)
Better off Dead (John Cusak)
Little Women (Liz Taylor version)
Sense and Sensibility (Emma Thompson and Hugh Grant version)
Pretty Woman
While You Were Sleeping
I can't give just one!

My absolute favourite is The Great Gatsby (the original with Robert Redford) whats not to like - its a fantastic film.

Little Miss Sunshine - hilarious and always makes me cry with laughter.

Growing up I loved Pretty in Pink, it will always be in my top ten because I loved it so much growing up that I just have to hear anything from the soundtrack to feel woozy with nostaligia.

Does anyone remember a film called Breakin? Terrible film (fantastic soundtrack though) but I watched it over and over again when I was about eight and used to attempt headspins in the kitchen.
I have so many favorites but I think I'll choose Rushmore. I could probably watch it daily, I love it so much!
Moon Struck followed by Casablanca and Butch Cassidy and the Sun dance Kid!
The cast,script,direction and quality of acting on Moon struck is incredible and Ive seen it approximately 50 times
The Mission, Robert DiNero and Jeremy Irons.
Absolute all time favorite: All About Eve. Pitch perfect from the casting down to the costumes. Not one false note. Sublime. Perfectly actedby Bette Davis and Gary Merrill and the rest.

I also love The Crucible with Daniel Day Lewis. Riveting. Joan Allen should have won an Oscar.

Favorite Holiday movie: White Christmas. I cry every year.
melave|1313875770|2995216 said:
O Brother, Where Art Thou
Love this movie. Love the music.

This is one of my faves, too!

I have too many "old" favorites, but my faves from the past 10 years include:

O Brother, Where Art Thou
Revolutionary Road
Away We Go
iLander|1313842525|2994916 said:
The Muppet Movie and/or The Muppet Family Christmas. I love the former because of all the silly puns and the latter because we all get to go along to Fozzie's Mom's house and it's so cute. The Jim Henson cameo at the end the Christmas movie makes me sad.

You can watch the whole Xmas movie on youtube if you like;

I have every muppet show ever made on DVD. It was the one thing my 'rents and I agreed on a we watched it together when I was a kid.

I never did actually grow up :bigsmile:

I love the Muppet Family Christmas! I have a very very old version on VHS and I have a VCR in the closet so that I can watch it every Christmas. I have it memorized along with all of the commercials that were playing when my mom taped it back in the mid 80's. Love the old McDonald's adds with Ronald, Grimace, and Hamburgler!

Other enduring favorites include the Goonies, Princess Bride, Gone With the Wind, and The Little Mermaid. I can't pick a favorite out of that bunch. I love them all!

Less classic, but I never get tired of Clueless and Super Troopers.
The Legend of 1900

Fantastic film with incredible music by Ennio Morricone. For some reason it's not as widely known as it should be. Makes me cry buckets everytime.

I also love:
- all the childrens' classics: Sound of Music, Mary Poppins etc
- Harry Potter films
- Second World War films - especially the old British b/w ones.