
What's your favorite kind of thread?


Nov 16, 2008
I'm thinking threads can be devided into a few different types.
1) Linked articles/informational
2) Current events discussion
3) Silly/just for fun questions
4) Real life situation advice seeking
5) Picture/bling ooogling
6) Common interest group thread (ie: FHH pregnancy thread, TTC thread, etc.)
7) Dust requests
8) Ethical/political debates (that don't break forum policy)

Ok, so im sure there are some other types out there, and some threads may fall into multiple categories (a thread about current events may have a linked article) and some fall into none. Just curious what tickles your fancy and you're more prone to post to.
I like #4 and #8 (or # 8), if you want to get technical). It's actually when the two intersect that I find things get interesting - like, say, oh, somebody writing in to ask if they should propose to their male partner, or debating the importance of e-ring sizes. Jewelry, sociology, and their intersection - that's my bag!
So apparently 8 + ) = 8)

I meant #8....teeheee.

And Circe, im glad you answered this "silly question" even if its not your favorite type :sun:
Hey, you only asked about favorites, not second favorites!
charbie|1306962699|2935642 said:
I'm thinking threads can be devided into a few different types.
1) Linked articles/informational
2) Current events discussion
3) Silly/just for fun questions
4) Real life situation advice seeking
5) Picture/bling ooogling
6) Common interest group thread (ie: FHH pregnancy thread, TTC thread, etc.)
7) Dust requests
8) Ethical/political debates (that don't break forum policy)

Ok, so im sure there are some other types out there, and some threads may fall into multiple categories (a thread about current events may have a linked article) and some fall into none. Just curious what tickles your fancy and you're more prone to post to.

in order

8 & 2
distant second group
It's not that I am not silly at times - I am, or that I dislike people or am unsympathetic, it's just that I am mostly private myself, and don't feel I have much to offer all that often in the advice category. I do occasionally, but not often. Prayers? Must be given by others less heathen than me.
I love reading the relationship advice threads, the decorating threads, and the silly, sometimes mindless threads that are just for fun. Of the ones you mentioned, Charbie, I tend to focus more on #2, 3, 4, and 5. I like reading articles as well, but I don't often have time to read an article and then comment on it. I might read it and then lurk to see others' responses. Oh, and I do like reading the political threads, especially in election years.
kenny|1306970042|2935743 said:

Heheheheheh. Kenny, tell the truth - are you a big Spider Robinson fan? Do you just devour puns?
Circe|1306971267|2935761 said:
kenny|1306970042|2935743 said:

Heheheheheh. Kenny, tell the truth - are you a big Spider Robinson fan? Do you just devour puns?

I like to be silly.
My favorite are the rare ones in which people don't take themselves too seriously.

As I said, rare.
I like the real life situation threads the best!
Obviously I like #8 the best, even if it is against the rules. :halo: #4 is probably a close second because I'm bossy. :cheeky:
I really love 3,4, and 5 because for the most part it allows people to let their hair down which I really enjoy. Plus, I'm able to get to know PSer's better that way.
thing2of2|1306974783|2935804 said:
Obviously I like #8 the best, even if it is against the rules. :halo: #4 is probably a close second because I'm bossy. :cheeky:

You like #8? Seriously?? I'd have never guessed. You think you know someone.... :eek:

Hmmm... My favorites are threads that share happy news, but not just the engagement stories. I love when people share their fur babies. I especially love to see Kenny's all dressed up-they have such expressive faces!

The dust/prayer threads leave me frustrated and I have a hard time shaking the sadness. It is frustrating sometimes because I want to help and can't.

I try to stay away from the political ones or the nasty ones--although sometimes I can't help myself-like the idiot who bagged on all our old lady hands.

I like the advice on stuff threads like what make up or skin care people like.

I get a kick out of some of the ones DF starts or Kenny starts. it is good to get a good giggle.
#8... i love talking to PS liberals ... ;))
charbie|1306962699|2935642 said:
Ok, so im sure there are some other types out there, and some threads may fall into multiple categories (a thread about current events may have a linked article) and some fall into none. Just curious what tickles your fancy and you're more prone to post to.

# 9 ..24 hour threads... :lol:
I am entertained by drama, but detest # 8 because they just make me depressed about the future of the human race.

So I prefer controversial/juicy threads that AREN'T about politics or religion, with liberal doses of zingy replies, hysterical freak-outs, and at least one GBCPS flounce. :lol: They're spectacular because posters who I dislike due to The Great Political Implosion of '08 can post replies I can read without having a ragestroke, so I get to appreciate their sense of humour. :bigsmile:
Depending on mood.. 1, 5, 9 (I'm with DF on this one!!)
I thought this said "Favorite kind of Cereal"

For the record - Cinnamon Toast Crunch.

As far as threads... I like 2,4 6, and 8. And for 8, specifically ones that break policy.
charbie|1306962699|2935642 said:
I'm thinking threads can be devided into a few different types.
1) Linked articles/informational
2) Current events discussion
3) Silly/just for fun questions
4) Real life situation advice seeking
5) Picture/bling ooogling
6) Common interest group thread (ie: FHH pregnancy thread, TTC thread, etc.)
7) Dust requests
8) Ethical/political debates (that don't break forum policy)

Ok, so im sure there are some other types out there, and some threads may fall into multiple categories (a thread about current events may have a linked article) and some fall into none. Just curious what tickles your fancy and you're more prone to post to.

Depends on my mood. In general:

4 & 6 (with the little smidge of 8 that usually works in because that is life!)
5 & 1

# 2 & 8 I generally try to not even lurk. I have rather strong beliefs/opinions on subjects so reading usually leads to massive frustration and the inevitable urge to share my opinion (which usually doesn't go well because I'm not that great at explaining my opinion/belief and I'm often in the minority here anyway) ---- Oh the great debates/discussions we have at home (and even work!) since FI and I both love this sort of stuff!
Bling threads of course!

I also like common interest threads. I haven't been on PS as much as I was over the last couple years, but a good part of the reason I always come back is because of common interest threads like the Single Ladies one I'm a part of, because I like the closer interaction we get from having a group of "regular" posters whose lives I want to keep up with! (I think that was a terrible sentence but I don't feel like fixing grammar :P)

Also, some of the silly/random threads can be really fun too.