
What's the most challenging event you ever experienced and...


Jun 8, 2008
And what's the most wonderful rewarding event you ever experienced?

So two separate questions though I suppose for some it could be the same experience...tough challenges are often quite rewarding.

It can be anything from our past to present you are willing to share. Health, love, death, anything that was one of your toughest experiences.


And just for balance how about sharing your most joyous life experience...birth of your child, marrying your SO, graduating, rewarding job, anything.


Please share your happiest and your hardest memory.


Apr 25, 2014
I have one event that is simultaneously both the happiest and the saddest event in my life - at some point I may do a thread on it but I'm not sure I'm in the right place to do that yet.


Jun 8, 2008
I have one event that is simultaneously both the happiest and the saddest event in my life - at some point I may do a thread on it but I'm not sure I'm in the right place to do that yet.

Yes this can be a very personal thread.. do you remember the 24 hour threads we had in the past? Those were cool in that we could share but then the thread was gone in 24 hours.

Hope the memory of your happiest/saddest event brings you more comfort now than sadness.


Feb 24, 2017
The most challenging was having surgery that the surgeon assured me would get me out of the excruciating persistent pain I was experiencing, only to find the pain was even worse afterwards. It actually left me feeling suicidal, and I don’t say that lightly. The thought of having to live with that for many more years, or face even more devastating surgery was unbearable. If it hadn’t been for DH and DS, I may have been tipped over the edge.

I would like to think that the most rewarding is yet to come. =)2


Jun 8, 2008
The most challenging was having surgery that the surgeon assured me would get me out of the excruciating persistent pain I was experiencing, only to find the pain was even worse afterwards. It actually left me feeling suicidal, and I don’t say that lightly. The thought of having to live with that for many more years, or face even more devastating surgery was unbearable. If it hadn’t been for DH and DS, I may have been tipped over the edge.

I would like to think that the most rewarding is yet to come. =)2

Oh I am so sorry you went through that @Austina and so glad you are done with that and all recovered. So scary when things go wrong out of our control. And yes better things to come and I bet we are thinking similar thoughts for your upcoming happy events and occasions.:halo:


Nov 7, 2004
The worst thing I've gone through (and hopefully nothing else will compare) was my divorce.. Probably 2nd worst was having an abusive boss and losing my job. Both those things I still have PTSD symptoms from.

Happiest moments was being pregnant with my two kids, having them, and just a regular day spending time with them. That and doing art. I'm a pretty simple person.


Mar 30, 2018
I used to think the hardest thing I went through was my childhood. There are fun and lovely memories centering around my grandma’s house and playing with my siblings and cousins. But my biological father had no interest in me and refused to even meet me until I was 9. We then had a very sporadic relationship until all communication stopped in my early 20’s. I also had a stepfather that was awful to me until I moved out for college. He has since apologized in person and in writing. We have a polite relationship, but I’m uninterested in anything more.

That all pales in comparison to trying for our second child. My first pregnancy was easy and problem free. My second pregnancy ended in a long drawn out miscarriage with two rounds of medication trying to resolve it while avoiding a D and C, only to require one anyway. All while planning my sister’s baby shower. A few months later I got pregnant again, this pregnancy ended in a swift miscarriage a few days after Christmas. While I was grateful to avoid weeks of wondering and waiting (and surgery,) it threw me into a very deep depression. Finally I got pregnant with my son, that pregnancy was hard in so many ways, but the birth of my son made it worth it.

The births of both my children have been the most wonderful days of my life. I have been blessed with two children that are both so sweet and hilarious :kiss2: D624B52C-B607-44AB-932F-06320725D513.jpeg


Jul 13, 2007
I have had too many hardest events to pick one. It actually gives me anxiety to think too much on that. Happiest events were getting married and having kids. Not the births, but right now, when they're adults I really like and obviously love. Seeing the full spectrum of growing from babies to adults was incredible.


May 11, 2013
Worst thing by far was the death of my grandmother in 65, this smashed my life into a zillion pieces of which even today I am trying to cope and accept and go on.

My most wonderful experience has been the birth, the life and love of my 2 sons, nothing compares.


May 17, 2014
Hardest event was the passing of my beloved goldie.

I got him as a one year old and in the back of my mind I always suspected one day he would break my heart. Yet there was also this weird hope/belief that he would live for a long time because I loved him so much and I felt like surely the universe would let me have this if I loved him so so so much. I didn't anticipate a complete meltdown on my part though.

Anyway his death broke me and I don't say that lightly. I had a tough childhood where I had to continuously watch mine and my sister's back. We regularly feared for our lives so it was no joke! There was so much fear, so much anger but never despair. I could always find something to be happy about.

After he passed I couldn't walk along the paths we used to take without crying and shaking. These days I can but prefer not to.

When he passed I felt like I might not ever be happy again. It was the strangest feeling. There was the me with my husband, kid, Lil Sis and other dog. I love them all very much.

Then there was this other me that was all alone. Missy posted a meme that to be happy you needed:
*someone to love
*something to do
*something to look forward to

The second me felt like I had none of those things. That everything had died along with him.

I know it sounds incredibly insane but that's what it felt like.

What's weird is my husband predicted this. A few years earlier when my darling boy was in his prime, Pink Bandit said to me, "You're going to need a long time to recover when he leaves. I'll take some time off."

I laughed at him and asked him why on earth did he think I was going to have a break down when I've survived my entire childhood happy as a clam for the most part.


Most rewarding is just investing in my family. My husband, kidlet, sister and bestie are the best bunch of people. I love them and they bring me so much joy. They are wonderful, uncomplicated and just plain decent people. There is so much love, support and understanding between all of us. It sounds corny but I am so lucky to have them and I will continue to invest in my relationships with them.

Random rewarding thing

My citrus and banana trees! Stellar crops! Crops to be proud of and I love the feeling of growing my own food and giving some away.

Pink Bandit and I are embarking on a new stage in life. We have bought more pots and citrus plants and aim to rule the world through potted citrus!


My most difficult times - dealing with breast cancer; and the reality that my son was mentally ill, we sent him away to a therapeutical boarding school. Most joyous times were marriage and the birth of my two children. Life is a rollercoaster.

Ally T

Oct 24, 2012
Hardest & darkest thing I have been through was watching my father die. I have written about this before & simply cannot do it again as it’s too upsetting.

Most rewarding & joyous experiences have thankfully been many over the years, but most noticeably my wedding day, which was the most amazing & euphoric occasion, and my daughters. Not their births, which were dangerous & death defying (i’ve also talked about this before) but the pleasure & happiness they bring to me every day. Being a mother was something I never wanted to be, but my goodness, it’s the best job ever.


May 30, 2018
The best and worst are combined in one. Giving birth to my son is unexplainable, the feeling was euphoric.
Then, 3 months later I became extremely ill and undiagnosable. I am still fighting but was misdiagnosed with postpartum anxiety. It turns out my pituitary gland went hypo and I suffered for months before it was caught.
I am still extremely ill and endured 4 unnecessary surgeries to correct something that wasn’t causing my residual issues and now that we think we know what it is I am too afraid of surgery because my son is 10 and I feel like if things go wrong (dying) it will impact him more now than when he was around 3 (when I had all the other surgeries).
It’s a horrible feeling finally having a possible cure at my fingertips but too afraid to go through with it.


Apr 24, 2016
My challenging time was May 2009-April 2011. I was pregnant at first
  • my relationship broke down in May '09(his affair),
  • my son was born in September '09 (while ex was saying he wanted to try again), obviously my son being born was the joyful part.
  • he started divorce proceedings against me December '09
  • I was made redundant Sept '10.
  • I met my new partner Dec '10 - another joyful part.
  • My ex finally moved out (Mar '11)
  • and then he eventually finalised the divorce - something like June '11
Things improved after that though.


Sep 23, 2017
i don't have a discrete event....most challenging was growing up with emotional and low key physical abuse from my mom - took until my mid 20s to realized it was not normal and stop putting up with it. took until mid30s to start healing from it and love myself. still working on trying to be less resentful and more forgiving. most rewarding have been completing a marathon, a mountain climb, and my wedding. =)


Feb 2, 2016
The most challenging was dealing with my father's death because I had to forgive myself. We were estranged, my evil stepmother had sent my brother a letter to tell him our father was dying (who does this?) he didn't check his mail for a week. When he finally did he called me and told me if I wanted to talk to dad that I should call him. I decided to sleep on it overnight and in the morning drove up to the park he used to bring me to as a child and called the number. The nurse told me it was too late, he couldn't speak or comprehend anything anymore. Eventually I learned to forgive myself but it was a process.

Most rewarding was when I learned to stop being an abused person in life. I was abused in my marriage and by friends and family and when I finally woke up and started making changes then I started living my truth. Granted I have kids and they do bring me great joy but by stopping the abuse cycle I was able to become a better person, better mother with more confidence and less fear and that is greatly rewarding.


Jun 8, 2008
My most traumatic experiences (and I have had more than a few but these 2 are the most sad for me) were the unexpected death of my darling wonderful kind sweet grandmother back in 1992 from an asthma attack and the death of our beloved Billy in 2009 and our amazing Butch in 2002.

A few days before my grandma died she wasn't feeling well and was in resting in bed and I visited her as I always did weekly on my day off but only stopped by for a short while to say hi because it was such a lovely day and I wanted to be outside enjoying the weather. So I just popped in and visited with her just a short time and said grandma I will be back next week and of course she was agreeable. I did not realize that was the last time I would ever see her. I still beat myself up about that. It was selfish of me and of course hindsight is 20/20 (boy is it and wouldn't I love going back in time to 4 weeks ago but that is another story) but still I regret not visiting with her longer. I regret not being able to tell her how much I loved (and still do) her and how much she means to me. My heart still hurts with this memory and I will forever regret that day.

From 1970 or entire family. We have a very small family. My grandma is on the left.

Then the other most traumatic experience was the loss of our beloved babies Billy and Butch. They were brothers found together in 1992 in the middle of a blizzard in Great Neck Long Island. 2 elderly sisters found them and called my sister who was their veterinarian. And somehow she convinced me to adopt them. That brought my kitty count from 1 to 3 and I have to say that was the beginning of the end for me re just being content with one cat lol.

Our dear Billy and Butch were special souls. Rescue kitties with personalities larger than life. Humans trapped in a cat's body. They were something else. They loved people and were not afraid of anything or anyone and just freaking awesome.

Billy developed diabetes and hypertension in his mid years and we gave him insulin twice a day for almost a decade. His poor body gave out after years of his diseases being treated and controlled as best as possible. His kidneys and other organs just gave out. Billy was truly special and one of a kind. And we had some amazing fur babies up to this point but no one could touch our Billy.

His orange haired brother Butch was also very special and died way too soon in 2002 from an aggressive cancer. He was smart as a whip and brazen and bold and just filled with love and mischief and never did we have a kitty as bright as Butch. He taught the other kitties how to play fetch and how to catch flies mid air. He never met a person he didn't love. He never met anyone he didn't charm. I know people say their babies are special and yes to us all our babies are special but objectively Billy and Butch were magical.

RIP Billy and Butch. I like to think you are at Rainbow Bridge frolicking and playing with each other and all our past beloved fur babies and my grandma is with you.

Buster (my first cat and also special) is in the front and butch (orange) is to his right and Billy (gray) is in the back. Old photo and only one I have of the three of them together.

My most joyous experience is marrying the love of my life. My B'shert. My soulmate. My sweet, funny, smart, kind, generous darling husband. I have known only 2 amazing men in my life and I am lucky they are both in my life. My dh and my dad. And if truth be told while my dad is amazing and the best dad one could hope for my dh is way more talented and skilled at almost everything. But where it counts they are both awesome. Loving kind souls with sharp wits and wonderful perspective on life. I love quoting my dad's wise comments to which my dh affectionally refers to as Stanelyisms. :lol:Listen my dad was a wise old soul before he got old. :halo:

My mom and dad on their wedding day over 55 years ago


Greg and I on our wedding day.


I hope there will be many more amazing wonderful joyous life experiences but to date this one is still tops. And while I know there will also be more traumatic and sad experiences I pray they stay at a minimum and far away.

Thank you all for sharing your memories and experiences. Life is a roller coaster filled with happy and tragic both and one never knows what is coming one's way but one thing we do know is wait a bit and surely things will change again.


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Jan 3, 2013
My most challenging time, before what I am going through now, was the loss of my beloved parents six weeks apart. It was all quite surprising and they were young. It happened so fast. I was alone in dealing with this, save my DH, and the aftermath. I was absolutely crushed. Mom was my bff and they lived two miles away, so a huge part of my and my children’s lives. I still grieve.
I’m being challenged now as some may of you may know. An infection has caused me to be hospitalized three times with three surgeries, two at-home picc IV lines and hyperbaric chamber treatments in the last eight months. So, while this is very challenging, losing the folks was much harder.

@missy, you’re beautiful! Your grandmother did what all moms and grandmas do. She thought of you first. She wanted you to be outside enjoying lif, not inside with her while she felt ill. She knew how deeply you loved her, and the fact that you stopped by that day was a blessing. Try to remember, that last day was a gift that you and your grandmother had. Don’t be hard on yourself. She would never want that! ((Hugs))

I’ve had much joy too. Two wonderful, happy, successful children and a wonderful DH. So while I may say, ‘Woe is me,’ I am keenly aware it could always be worse...


Mar 30, 2018
@missy, you’re beautiful! Your grandmother did what all moms and grandmas do. She thought of you first. She wanted you to be outside enjoying lif, not inside with her while she felt ill. She knew how deeply you loved her, and the fact that you stopped by that day was a blessing. Try to remember, that last day was a gift that you and your grandmother had. Don’t be hard on yourself. She would never want that! ((Hugs))

I completely agree ❤️ I’m sure your grandma felt your love in every interaction. Wishing you had more time with her is further evidence of your special relationship. When it comes to time spent together, I think we will always wish we had more with the people we love so much. ❤️

Ally T

Oct 24, 2012
I completely agree ❤️ I’m sure your grandma felt your love in every interaction. Wishing you had more time with her is further evidence of your special relationship. When it comes to time spent together, I think we will always wish we had more with the people we love so much. ❤️

This. We take those closest to us for granted, as if they will always just be there. But the sudden illness & subsequent loss of my father destroyed my soul forever. And then 18 months ago, my brother from another mother, my brother’s best & most treasured childhood friend, the boy my parents raised because his own parents were busy being business like & super important, the first boy I ever, EVER loved, died suddenly at the age of 45. He was found in the shower 8 hours after he should have left for work, water still running. The Coroner ruled Sudden Adult Death Syndrome: his heart simply ceased to beat. A part of my heart ceased that day too, as did a part of my brother’s heart & also my mother’s. Thank goodness my daddy was already gone, as i’m not sure how he would have coped.

I’d like to believe these things make us stronger, but you know, i’m not actually sure? I don’t feel stronger for watching my dad draw his last breath & I don’t feel stronger knowing that my darling Q is no longer here, seeing my brother feel around a bit blindly as that wing man has gone. Family parties have always had holes in them, which are not filled by humour or memories. They’re just holes.......

Treasure those you love. Seriously. Treasure them ❤️


Mar 30, 2018
This. We take those closest to us for granted, as if they will always just be there. But the sudden illness & subsequent loss of my father destroyed my soul forever. And then 18 months ago, my brother from another mother, my brother’s best & most treasured childhood friend, the boy my parents raised because his own parents were busy being business like & super important, the first boy I ever, EVER loved, died suddenly at the age of 45. He was found in the shower 8 hours after he should have left for work, water still running. The Coroner ruled Sudden Adult Death Syndrome: his heart simply ceased to beat. A part of my heart ceased that day too, as did a part of my brother’s heart & also my mother’s. Thank goodness my daddy was already gone, as i’m not sure how he would have coped.

I’d like to believe these things make us stronger, but you know, i’m not actually sure? I don’t feel stronger for watching my dad draw his last breath & I don’t feel stronger knowing that my darling Q is no longer here, seeing my brother feel around a bit blindly as that wing man has gone. Family parties have always had holes in them, which are not filled by humour or memories. They’re just holes.......

Treasure those you love. Seriously. Treasure them ❤️

I’m so sorry for your losses, they’re completely heartbreaking.


Mar 31, 2018
I used to think the hardest thing I went through was my childhood. There are fun and lovely memories centering around my grandma’s house and playing with my siblings and cousins. But my biological father had no interest in me and refused to even meet me until I was 9. We then had a very sporadic relationship until all communication stopped in my early 20’s. I also had a stepfather that was awful to me until I moved out for college. He has since apologized in person and in writing. We have a polite relationship, but I’m uninterested in anything more.

That all pales in comparison to trying for our second child. My first pregnancy was easy and problem free. My second pregnancy ended in a long drawn out miscarriage with two rounds of medication trying to resolve it while avoiding a D and C, only to require one anyway. All while planning my sister’s baby shower. A few months later I got pregnant again, this pregnancy ended in a swift miscarriage a few days after Christmas. While I was grateful to avoid weeks of wondering and waiting (and surgery,) it threw me into a very deep depression. Finally I got pregnant with my son, that pregnancy was hard in so many ways, but the birth of my son made it worth it.

The births of both my children have been the most wonderful days of my life. I have been blessed with two children that are both so sweet and hilarious :kiss2: D624B52C-B607-44AB-932F-06320725D513.jpeg
This made me cry..I’m so sorry about your miscarriages...My daughter-in-law had one months back and it’s devastating. I’m so happy you since went on to have your second child..:kiss2:

Ally T

Oct 24, 2012
I’m so sorry for your losses, they’re completely heartbreaking.

Thank you for your words. Life can be tough! But it can also be exhilarating & my beautiful children show me exhilaration every day. Much love ❤️


Mar 30, 2018
This made me cry..I’m so sorry about your miscarriages...My daughter-in-law had one months back and it’s devastating. I’m so happy you since went on to have your second child..:kiss2:

I remember your thread about that, I wanted to post something to you, but couldn’t find the words ❤️ I do pray your family heals and you all are blessed with another sweet baby.

It was so hard to go through, but I can’t imagine a world where I don’t have my silly, crazy boy ❤️


Nov 1, 2018
My most challenging moment in my life to date would the day my ex husband assaulted me violently enough to put me in hospital. I had given birth to our first child only 3 months before. We had be married for almost 3 years at that point.
My ex had shown me the odd time during times of stress that he didn't handle it very well and often took that pressure out on me verbally, but this night he literally just did a compete 180 spin on me and became a different person. I stayed with him, we had 2 more children and when people ask why I stayed in a verbally, emotionally and psychological abuse relationship I usually tell them it's because he had brainwashed me over time to believe that was normal. He was and still is a master manipulater, a man with 2 masks, a narcissist, a charmer, and a bold faced liar. I walked away after a 15 year marriage with a bit of furniture, my jewellery and only being able to parent my children 50% of the time. He continued for 4 years post divorce to financially abuse me within the court system, to the point where I found out there was so much debt I'd never known about it was safer for me to walk away with nothing. I was diagnosed with anxiety and complex PTSD.

But.... On the flip side of this, on the positive side of this, I have grown into a very strong and capable woman who has protected her children as best I can. I have empathy for woman who are suffering. I have shown my boys how to rise above extreme circumstances and I have shown them that woman deserve their love and respect, not control and domination.

The most amazing thing is now I am with a man, a real man who doesn't need to control me and hurt me, he just loves me unconditionally. He's the love of my life and these past 3 years of marriage to him have erased so much of the pain and grief of my first marriage and graciously and lovingly given me a wonderful future.


Mar 31, 2018
I’ve had many major challenges..I don’t know why I’m still a happy person..I’ve had two brothers that committed suicide. My youngest brother did it at home where he lived with my mother. I flew home to New York from Texas to help my mom...I had to clean the room where he did it because no one could do it at the time..It was horrific..He shot himself in the head. I was told I would get PTSD..but although traumatizing I got through it because of my son with Autism. He was a year old at the time and not fully diagnosed but the doctors were sure he was. He needed me so I had to be there for him.
As bad as that was I think the most challenging and rewarding experience was to have my son with Autism. He broke my nose..kicked me,...was extremely difficult when he was very young..breaking windows, etc. I worked very hard with him and taught him to read before he spoke words...and spent every waking hour with him...trying to help him control his behavior and learn. He doesn’t have a normal
IQ but he can reason and learn like a very young child. He’s 33 years old now..obviously still Autistic but he earns a small paycheck in a supervised job..goes to dances..loves to travel and stay in hotels..and enjoys his life. I can take him anywhere and I don’t have to worry about a meltdown. I’ve had to develop a thick skin because he's different and people are curious..but it truly doesn’t bother me anymore. He still lives at home with us..He’s innocent and sweet but still a daily challenge because he constantly tests the boundaries...What is amazing is we have a bond where I understand him. I’m able to love him deeply even though he doesn’t have the capacity to love me back equally. He is definitely my most challenging and rewarding experience by far..
Last edited:


Mar 31, 2018
I remember your thread about that, I wanted to post something to you, but couldn’t find the words ❤️ I do pray your family hea and you all are blessed with another sweet baby.

It was so hard to go through, but I can’t imagine a world where I don’t have my silly, crazy boy ❤️
Thank you @jbake..My daughter-in-law took it very hard and needs time before I think they’ll try again.
Your babies were so cute! :love:


Jun 8, 2008
I’ve had many major challenges..I don’t know why I’m still a happy person..I’ve had two brothers that committed suicide. My youngest brother did it at home where he lived with my mother. I flew home to New York from Texas to help my mom...I had to clean the room where he did it because no one could do it at the time..It was horrific..He shot himself in the head. I was told I would get PTSD..but although traumatizing I got through it because of my son with Autism. He was a year old at the time and not fully diagnosed but the doctors were sure he was. He needed me so I had to be there for him.
As bad as that was I think the most challenging and rewarding experience was to have my son with Autism. He broke my nose..kicked me,...was extremely difficult when he was very young..breaking windows, etc. I worked very hard with him and taught him to read before he spoke words...and spent every waking hour with him...trying to help him control his behavior and learn. He doesn’t have a normal
IQ but he can reason and learn like a very young child. He’s 33 years old now..obviously still Autistic but he earns a small paycheck in a supervised job..goes to dances..loves to travel and stay in hotels..and enjoys his life. I can take him anywhere and I don’t have to worry about a meltdown. I’ve had to develop a thick skin because he's different and people are curious..but it truly doesn’t bother me anymore. He still lives at home with us..He’s innocent and sweet but still a daily challenge because he constantly tests the boundaries...What is amazing is we have a bond where I understand him. I’m able to love him deeply even though he doesn’t have the capacity to love me back equally. He is definitely my most challenging and rewarding experience by far..

@Mamabean I am so sorry for your brothers suicides and all you and your family have been through. You are a courageous and amazing woman. Your son (and all your family) are indeed lucky to have you. I used to work with autistic adults and children and I know how simultaneously challenging and rewarding it is. The biggest difference of course is I got to go home after the day at work. Sending you big (((HUGS))).


Jun 8, 2008
My most challenging moment in my life to date would the day my ex husband assaulted me violently enough to put me in hospital. I had given birth to our first child only 3 months before. We had be married for almost 3 years at that point.
My ex had shown me the odd time during times of stress that he didn't handle it very well and often took that pressure out on me verbally, but this night he literally just did a compete 180 spin on me and became a different person. I stayed with him, we had 2 more children and when people ask why I stayed in a verbally, emotionally and psychological abuse relationship I usually tell them it's because he had brainwashed me over time to believe that was normal. He was and still is a master manipulater, a man with 2 masks, a narcissist, a charmer, and a bold faced liar. I walked away after a 15 year marriage with a bit of furniture, my jewellery and only being able to parent my children 50% of the time. He continued for 4 years post divorce to financially abuse me within the court system, to the point where I found out there was so much debt I'd never known about it was safer for me to walk away with nothing. I was diagnosed with anxiety and complex PTSD.

But.... On the flip side of this, on the positive side of this, I have grown into a very strong and capable woman who has protected her children as best I can. I have empathy for woman who are suffering. I have shown my boys how to rise above extreme circumstances and I have shown them that woman deserve their love and respect, not control and domination.

The most amazing thing is now I am with a man, a real man who doesn't need to control me and hurt me, he just loves me unconditionally. He's the love of my life and these past 3 years of marriage to him have erased so much of the pain and grief of my first marriage and graciously and lovingly given me a wonderful future.

@Weeivy73 How horrific and thank goodness you came through that and are stronger and better than ever and you have a wonderful man to share your life with now. You are a shining example of bravery and courage and strength and the best role model for your children. (((Hugs))).


Jun 8, 2008
This. We take those closest to us for granted, as if they will always just be there. But the sudden illness & subsequent loss of my father destroyed my soul forever. And then 18 months ago, my brother from another mother, my brother’s best & most treasured childhood friend, the boy my parents raised because his own parents were busy being business like & super important, the first boy I ever, EVER loved, died suddenly at the age of 45. He was found in the shower 8 hours after he should have left for work, water still running. The Coroner ruled Sudden Adult Death Syndrome: his heart simply ceased to beat. A part of my heart ceased that day too, as did a part of my brother’s heart & also my mother’s. Thank goodness my daddy was already gone, as i’m not sure how he would have coped.

I’d like to believe these things make us stronger, but you know, i’m not actually sure? I don’t feel stronger for watching my dad draw his last breath & I don’t feel stronger knowing that my darling Q is no longer here, seeing my brother feel around a bit blindly as that wing man has gone. Family parties have always had holes in them, which are not filled by humour or memories. They’re just holes.......

Treasure those you love. Seriously. Treasure them ❤️

@Alex T sending you big (((hugs))) and love. We never recover from the loss of our loved ones. We can go on and move forward but we have a piece of our heart taken with each loss. We can remember them with less pain as the years march on but still the ache of missing them is ever present. I am so sorry for your devastating losses.
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