
Whats the funniest/cute thing your pet does?

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Dec 30, 2006
I don''t think I have seen a thread like this recently.

My dog Blossom (yellow lab) sits and guards the door when I go in the bath. As soon as she hears the water running she takes up her spot just outside the door and won''t move till I come out again. I
Date: 2/20/2009 7:43:05 PM
I don't think I have seen a thread like this recently.

My dog Blossom (yellow lab) sits and guards the door when I go in the bath. As soon as she hears the water running she takes up her spot just outside the door and won't move till I come out again. I
aww that is cute. My dog Lilly (a Dorkie
) will lay by the door too if I go in the shower. :)

What I love most though is the mornings. She won't get out of bed until I say 'good morning.' Once I say that she scurries out from under the covers and snuggles her face against mine. She's the cutest thing.

Also, when she want me out of the covers she takes her front paws and pulls the covers all the way down to my feet. She always wants my hands available to pet her. Oh dear, I could probably go on all day... haha
Aw very cute Maisie and DM!

My little Lhasapoo (Gary) sits with me at my computer table--sits in the same chair. I always sit on the edge of my seat. He sits up with his back against the chair like a person and lightly rests his paws on my back to tell me to give him a hug.
Date: 2/20/2009 7:59:52 PM
Author: coatimundi
Aw very cute Maisie and DM!

My little Lhasapoo (Gary) sits with me at my computer table--sits in the same chair. I always sit on the edge of my seat. He sits up with his back against the chair like a person and lightly rests his paws on my back to tell me to give him a hug.
oh my goodness that is quite possibly the cutest thing ever!
My yorkie-poo guards me constantly! It is really cute. He will also follow me from room to room to room. I have tested it to see how far he will go and unless he is really, really settled or in DH''s lap and comfy, he will follow!

What else does he do??? Well, he humps his bed daily... That''s probably not cute, huh? I can''t seem to make him stop, so I just cheer him on now.

He LOVES clothes. Seriously. He has a couple outfits and as soon as we put them in them, he prances around the house. It''s a riot!

He''s such a great dog!
Whats a dorkie? I love the name lol! I am thinking Doberman/Yorkie hahah!!!!
Date: 2/20/2009 7:59:52 PM
Author: coatimundi
Aw very cute Maisie and DM!

My little Lhasapoo (Gary) sits with me at my computer table--sits in the same chair. I always sit on the edge of my seat. He sits up with his back against the chair like a person and lightly rests his paws on my back to tell me to give him a hug.

What a cool name! My husband is called Gary lol!!
Date: 2/20/2009 8:05:32 PM
Author: April20
My yorkie-poo guards me constantly! It is really cute. He will also follow me from room to room to room. I have tested it to see how far he will go and unless he is really, really settled or in DH''s lap and comfy, he will follow!

What else does he do??? Well, he humps his bed daily... That''s probably not cute, huh? I can''t seem to make him stop, so I just cheer him on now.

He LOVES clothes. Seriously. He has a couple outfits and as soon as we put them in them, he prances around the house. It''s a riot!

He''s such a great dog!

Awwwww!! I keep telling my husband that Blossom needs at least a winter coat but he is having none of it. I think I need a little doggie so I can get it accessories and clothes!!
My family's adorable black lab Killian goes crazy if I ever sing or dance, she barks, starts running around, and jumps on me.

The funniest thing, though, is that she doesn't react at all when other people sing or dance. Just me.
She's a harsher critic than Simon Cowell.

Our other family pup, Tallulah, does "the happy dance" when I go over to the house after an extended absence. She started to do this when I was in college--I'll walk in the door, and Tallulah runs around the front room of the house in a sort of hopping way, she sings happy little yips, and then she finishes by running up and down the stairs repeatedly and circling around me with her tail wagging like a maniac.
There's nothing like coming home to a happy furbaby. Best. Thing. Ever.
When my girl gets a toy she likes, she throws in the the air and plays catch with herself. It''s truly adorable, she just throws it with such abandon
She is a dauschaund and yorkie mix. haha So, I call her a Dorkie. I don''t know if there is a ''real'' name for it. I posted a picture in the newest furbabies thread. :)
I love the names of your pets-especially Gary! I like when people give their pets cool names!

My cat Britta Rose jumps really high..she runs into the kitchen and can run clear up to the top of the door and spring off. She rules the roost here..we used to have a pitbull, and boy she never let Sadie do anything..if Sadie was in her big dog bed, Britta would go sit and stare at her, 2 inches from her face, until Sadie got up and moved to the teeny cat bed..and then Britta would sprawl out in the big bed.
Callie my 10 year old Bichon is obsessed with bugs. If you say, Callie, Look there is a bug!! She goes wild. She will try to swipe it with her paws. She will bat it around like a cat. She is so darn funny about bugs.

If you ask him to speak he does. It''s usually once he gets in from being outside, he''s all riled up. We say Speak Cas, speak and he gives us an earful. He will also do this once we have been gone for a while. He will sit at the top of the stairs and give us the business. He''s too funny.

The bird? Don''t ask, she rules the house.
Date: 2/20/2009 7:43:05 PM
I don't think I have seen a thread like this recently.

My dog Blossom (yellow lab) sits and guards the door when I go in the bath. As soon as she hears the water running she takes up her spot just outside the door and won't move till I come out again. I
Awww, Maisie that is so darn sweet. I grew up with yellow labs. Your Blossom is a wonderful doggie.
Date: 2/20/2009 7:43:05 PM
I don't think I have seen a thread like this recently.
Here's one I opened last week Cute Pet Stories!

My dog (a little 7-pounder) does this amazing trill noise. We've trained him to do it when we tell him "Say please!" SO CUTE.

He also bows like nobody's business. It's insane. I think we reacted a little too strongly to it when he was little, because now he does it (seriously) ever few minutes - and just holds it and stares at us, waiting for us to tell him how cute he is. RIDIC!
My kitty loves to sleep on my computer chair so when I walk into the room he looks at me and then quicky darts his head underneath his paw and peeks out hoping he looks so cute I won''t move him - usually I don''t and end up perching on the edge of the chair.
When my alarm goes off in the morning, my cat will jump into bed with me, sit right by my head, and wait until I get out of bed. She''ll follow me into the bathroom and sit there while I shower. After I''m done, she''ll go back to lay in her cat bed. She''s so spoiled!

Another cute thing he does - I totally forgot.

He does this all on his own. It''s out of control.

and very photogenic...she loves when we take photos of her:

Musey! that pic of the puppy on the pillow is adoreable - my dog also uses a pillow, but doesn''t get under the covers like that ;)

I have a 3 year old cavalier king charles spaniel - he''s a love bug. Whenever i am not home for a long period of time, he stays in his kennel - for the most part, i have to tell him to go in. I work at nights sometimes and i always brush my teeth before i go to work - whenever he sees me brush my teeth in the middle of the day, he just goes in his kennel and lays there waiting for me to leave. He does not go in when i brush my teeth in the morning or at night, only in the afternoon because he knows i am leaving. and he''ll lay in there waiting to be locked in for around 15 minutes or so!

He also "watches" television very intently - and he barks his head off at any dog/animal that comes on! I have no idea why, because in real life he loves dogs, but when any kind of non-human comes on the tv he goes nuts - he''ll run up and put his paws up on the screen too. I absolutely WOULD NOT call this the cutest thing he does, but it''s funny anyway.

here''s him as a puppy...

Musey- That picture of your dog is so cute! I also LOVE your comforter. I adore paisley pattern!

Violet3- I think it''s so cute that your dog watches TV. I always wanted my dog to watch tv, but she never does and probably never will no matter how much I try.
Violet-we have a Cavalier too! Her name is Chicken!
Date: 2/20/2009 10:57:59 PM
Author: Definitely, Maybe
Musey- That picture of your dog is so cute! I also LOVE your comforter. I adore paisley pattern!

Violet3- I think it's so cute that your dog watches TV. I always wanted my dog to watch tv, but she never does and probably never will no matter how much I try.
Ohhh, Definitely Maybe....i think you should reconsider that thought!!! my dog is seriously obsessed unless he's sleeping....he just waits and waits and then boom - any kind of animal and bark, bark, bark, bark. i might also tell you this is ANY kind of animal (except fish i think), two legged, three legged, and even cartoons of animals- i have absolutely no idea how he knows what they are (my whole family is baffled).

Oh packrat!!! what color is your cavalier?? i love the name chicken - that's so cute. Mine's name is Rip - i would love another one. Can you post a pic of yours??

This is him, all grown up - i've posted this before - his xmas photo...

Date: 2/20/2009 10:18:20 PM
Author: musey
Another cute thing he does - I totally forgot.

He does this all on his own. It''s out of control.
Mine do that too!! They also run their legs back and forth and growl in their sleep like little cartoon bloodhounds.
Date: 2/20/2009 10:05:39 PM
Author: musey

Date: 2/20/2009 7:43:05 PM
I don''t think I have seen a thread like this recently.
Here''s one I opened last week Cute Pet Stories!

My dog (a little 7-pounder) does this amazing trill noise. We''ve trained him to do it when we tell him ''Say please!'' SO CUTE.

He also bows like nobody''s business. It''s insane. I think we reacted a little too strongly to it when he was little, because now he does it (seriously) ever few minutes - and just holds it and stares at us, waiting for us to tell him how cute he is. RIDIC!
Oh man! I didn''t see that! I am so dim!
Violet-not sure if the picture will work or not..this is the first time I''ve done it on here, so we''ll see! Chicken is Blenheim..I love her to pieces, however we are having major issues with her right now! Rip is a very handsome boy! They really are a pretty breed aren''t they??

Kahn''s (my little Roborovski male dwarf hamster) aquarium (it has a mesh screen on top) is about eye level with our dog Brie. Sometimes she''ll go over and watch him, and when he runs behind something and she can''t see him anymore, she''ll run around the wall into our bedroom, and when he''s not in there, she''ll come back and see him running around. She has this look on her face like, "How did he do that?!"

Here''s Brie:

IMG_3566 freke.jpg
Date: 2/20/2009 10:18:20 PM
Author: musey
Another cute thing he does - I totally forgot.

He does this all on his own. It''s out of control.
Date: 2/20/2009 7:43:05 PM
I don''t think I have seen a thread like this recently.

My dog Blossom (yellow lab) sits and guards the door when I go in the bath. As soon as she hears the water running she takes up her spot just outside the door and won''t move till I come out again. I
Bruddah that is so darling!!
One other thing that Chester (the yorkie-poo) does I forgot to mention.... he's learned that when we kiss each other, one of us is typically leaving. He flips out. He HATES it when we leave. He will literally nip at our heels to try and prevent us from going. It's gotten so bad that now DH terrorizes him by making obnoxious kissing sounds. We don't even have to be by the front door. He did it earlier when Chester was in my lap and he jumped down and ran towards the front of the house barking and whimpering all at once. Poor little dude.

He also guards our house from anything and anyone that goes by. I did a whole photo series on my Facebook account dedicated to the afternnon activities of Deputy Dog. He goes crazy for joggers, moms with strollers and city buses.
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