
Cute Pet Stories!

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Sep 30, 2006
What are some of the cute things your pet has done lately? Things that took you by surprise, just from the sheer cuteness of it all?

With visual aids, of course!
Well this is kind of a sweet story. I love my sisters dog Trevor, a gorgeous Golden Retriever. Well my dad loves this dog and sometimes goes to my sisters house and takes him for a walk since they only live a mile away from each other. Well my dad fell while walking Trevor and he couldn't get up for a minute or two so Trevor got down by my dad's side and licked his hand and then a little while later tried nuzzling him to get him up. We all thought Trevor was a sweetie to look out for my dad.
Of course a cute incident inspired this thread... my husband just called a few minutes ago to say he was on his way home from work, and our dog could apparently tell it was im on the phone because he started "talking" and dancing around like a crazy pup! So I put hubby on speaker and they "talked" to each other (little warbly noises and quite "ruff"s). Too cute. Totally made my day!


Date: 2/11/2009 10:32:55 PM
Author: Skippy123
Well this is kind of a sweet story. I love my sisters dog Trevor, a gorgeous Golden Retriever. Well my dad loves this dog and sometimes goes to my sisters house and takes him for a walk since they only live a mile away from each other. Well my dad fell while walking Trevor and he couldn''t get up for a minute or two so Trevor got down by my dad''s side and licked his hand and then a little while later tried nuzzling him to get him up. We all thought Trevor was a sweetie to look out for my dad.
Ohhh skippy. What a nice story. Those golden retrievers really seem to have an understanding of what''s going on around them. We went to see March of the Penguins in the theatre when it came out, and there was a golden retreiver seeing eye dog in the audience. When the penguins lost their egg to the ice, and were "talking" to each other, the dog started making the most forlorn crying sounds. It was like he understood the emotion behind the sounds the penguins were making. So touching and sweet.

Your sister must feel lucky to have such a wonderfully sweet dog!
Date: 2/11/2009 10:38:26 PM
Author: musey

Ohhh skippy. What a nice story. Those golden retrievers really seem to have an understanding of what's going on around them. We went to see March of the Penguins in the theatre when it came out, and there was a golden retreiver seeing eye dog in the audience. When the penguins lost their egg to the ice, and were 'talking' to each other, the dog started making the most forlorn crying sounds. It was like he understood the emotion behind the sounds the penguins were making. So touching and sweet.

Your sister must feel lucky to have such a wonderfully sweet dog!
They are sweet dogs; wow, what an amazing story! Thanks for sharing that!

Musey your dog is a doll; awwwww, what a sweet face! Awww, your dog loves you.
What's your furbaby's name (if you don't mind sharing)?
What a face! That's a great story, musey.

Our little Bailee has taken to sitting in the cat trees. Yes, you read that right, IN the cat trees. She crawls into the little tubes, all 40 pounds of her.

She also likes to cuddle with her bruddas. This is Bai and Manny all snuggled up one morning:

All of our furbabies sleep in the bed with us, too. Three kitties and one doggy, it''s very cozy.

Every morning around 4, Bailee (our pup) crawls under the covers, burrows down to the foot of the bed, and snuggles up at my feet. Then, when I get out of bed at 5, she makes her way back up the bed and sticks her head out of the covers, rests her head on the pillow, and sleeps like a little person, tucked in and all.

When I call her out on stealing my spot, she''s all "Who, MOI???? Never."

Oh, Skippy, what a sweet pup Trevor is!
thanks Haven; awwww, your Bailee with your kitty is so stinkin cute!!! Love the pictures!!!
Date: 2/11/2009 10:35:00 PM
Author: musey
Of course a cute incident inspired this thread... my husband just called a few minutes ago to say he was on his way home from work, and our dog could apparently tell it was im on the phone because he started ''talking'' and dancing around like a crazy pup! So I put hubby on speaker and they ''talked'' to each other (little warbly noises and quite ''ruff''s). Too cute. Totally made my day!


Awww Musey those are the sweetest photos! What kind of dog do you have? He is adorable!
OMG you guys are killing me with these stories and the photos

Skippy - Trevor sounds like such a lovely, sweet dog. I''ve worked with lots of Goldens at the shelter and in training classes, and they can be such sweet dogs - very quiet but very aware of people. We have one in Agility class right now and he''s such an all-star - he''s a therapy dog, and he does a reading program with kids at the local library, plus he''s an amazing Agility dog - I totally have a crush

Musey - that is a super cute story. I don''t think I''ve ever seen pictures of your pup - what a CUTIE PIE - that little face, SO CUTE. I just want to snuggle him

Haven - Bailee is SUPER adorable - I''m such a sucker for the black and white ones, DH teases me all the time. That picture of her and Manny snuggled up totally needs an LOLCats caption - what an incredibly cute picture

I''m going to have to try to get pictures the next time Oliver does something funny - he''s such a funny kitty because he''s so huge and so dumb, but its sometimes hard to capture in pictures/stories...
Oh I could go on for days, but I''ll pick an easy one since the photographic evidence is my newish avatar! My kitty Olivia (who is always in my avatar) is a ninja, and she loves to climb the screen door that goes out to my balcony. She''s super light (only 6 pounds) so it doesn''t really hurt the screen so I let her do it because it''s adorable. (She looks like a little tree frog!)

So one day she got a little ambitious and climbed all the way to the top and then JUMPED to the slight open actual door and was just hanging on the door checking stuff out. She stayed there for a while and then jumped down, and luckily I had my iPhone readily available to take pictures!

And here she is about to jump down...she''s fearless!

And I don''t want to leave out my other two kitties, Ophelia and Charles. They act like they hate each other (they fight and chase each other kind of meanly on occasion), but they''re actually secret lovers and sometimes I bust them snuggling! This one is actually from this morning when I woke up!

I love these cute pet posts! It seems like everyone on PS loves animals as much as they do diamonds lol. I have a cute story to add about my parents new puppy. She is the lone dog among 9 cats and has taken to climbing into the cat litter box to pee if they don''t let her outside right away. This is no easy feat as she is a rather big dog already, but apparently she has decided she is just another one of the cats! The cats don''t like her yet, and do not appreciate her using their toilet at all lol.
I can never resist these posts! Well Darth has 1 good cute and 1 bad cute.

When my FI was really sick, Darth was so sad and sensed that something was wrong, so when he was laying on the bed Darth brought him his cookie treat and put it in FI''s hand. Darth thought it would cheer him up!

His more recent cute (but bad!) actions happened just the other day. We give him raw beef ribs for his dinner. He knows the command and is supposed to stay in the kitchen eating it. Min pin''s are very independent and not the best listeners. So I come out of the bathroom and see him running out of my bedroom. I look in the kitchen- no bone in site. After much searching, it turns out he hid it in the bottom shelf of our clothes closet. It was bad because we don''t want a gross bone on our stuff, but so cute because he was saving it for later! (apparently he loves to curl up in there and hide his treats)
Aww these stories are awesome :).

Years ago I was on the phone talking to my sister and sitting on a roller chair and my youngest tiny kitty (whom I found when he was 3wks old) was milling around the chair but because he was so tiny at the time (not much larger then my hand) I didn''t realise he was under the chair when I moved it
and poor thing got his tail stuck in the chair.

He freaked out and ran into my room where I picked him up with tears streaming down my face (I felt like the most evil person in the world) and even though he was in obvious pain he started to lick away my tears purr and comfort me. I quickly rushed him to the vet (he lost 1.5 inches of skin which was about half his tail) and they placed a massive and cute band-aid on his tail and he was right as rain. Now years later his tail is fine but he looked so cute with this big blue band-aid on.

Same kitty 4 yrs later also loves to snuggle up to you when your on the computer stick his nose in your belly button or stomach and give you cat baths - he is my adorable little smoochy cat.
Date: 2/11/2009 10:35:00 PM
Author: musey
Of course a cute incident inspired this thread... my husband just called a few minutes ago to say he was on his way home from work, and our dog could apparently tell it was im on the phone because he started ''talking'' and dancing around like a crazy pup! So I put hubby on speaker and they ''talked'' to each other (little warbly noises and quite ''ruff''s). Too cute. Totally made my day!
my pup does the same thing! anytime one of us are at home, and calls the other on the phone, bowser gets all excited and sits by the door. the poor guy doesn''t realize that every day this happens, i am not home for another 4 hours! Bowser also loves to play football...even though he is the size of one! Its super cute to watch him pick up a football by the laces and try to run with it!

this is bowser picking out HIS Christmas tree

eric 120608.jpg
My fiance is not very functional without his glasses. He keeps them on his nightstand and one morning we couldn''t find them. We woke up without really talking but he was looking for them and I was awake so I started looking as well when I realized he was having trouble. He was getting frustrated and finally said in a really annoyed voice, "Where the HECK are my glasses?". To our surprise, our dog immediately came running from the other room with them in his mouth and placed them in my fiance''s hand. It was SO weird, and he probably was just about to chew them up or something, but it was the cutest thing how he knew what we were asking for.
D.O.G. loves to lay with both back paws straight out behind him. We call it his bear skin rug impression.

DOGs butt.JPG
Date: 2/12/2009 9:01:46 AM
Author: Hudson_Hawk
D.O.G. loves to lay with both back paws straight out behind him. We call it his bear skin rug impression.
bowser loves to do that too! although we call it superman :)
the best is when he runs around and then slides into that position.
And I forgot to say I LOVE everyone''s pet stories! And photos!

But Haven, that pic of your doggy snuggling with your kitty is RIDICULOUS. I might shed a tear if I saw that in person!
Byron is a water rescue dog and often "rescues" random people out in the ocean when we take him to the beach. If we look away for a minute, he will swim to a stranger and circle around him expecting the stranger to grab onto him so he can tow the random stranger to shore. It can be VERY EMBARRASSING. Last summer Daniel was paddling around a lake while we were on vacation and Byron decided that he needed to be towed into shore.

LOVE your stories, folks! Animals are so funny...

My cat Salem likes wet hair. If FI or I are laying on the couch after a shower, he'll groom us. It's cute at first, but kinda gross when you think about what else he licks!
Also, if we're both sleeping and he gets hungry enough, he'll lick our eyes to wake us up... weird, but smart, right? Getting your eyelids sanded is not a great way to wake up though!

Here he is with his "prize". Our landlord was renovating the downstairs a while back, and Salem proudly brought this mouse to my feet, and I promptly freaked out! lol, poor mousie.

ETA I just realized these things don't really qualify as "cute". And a pic of a dead mouse is definitly not cute! sorry, OP!

LOVE this thread!!!
My cat loves my dog. She often tries to nap with him. He doesn''t like her because she outweighs him, and is MOODY. But, when my dog is sleeping, she''ll come up and snuggle with him, and he''ll lay there, dreaming happily, until he realizes that it is the cat nuzzling him, and not my legs... then he gets ready to jump away from her. I captured this phot just as he woke up and was preparing to run away!

nap time.jpg
Date: 2/12/2009 9:16:30 AM
Author: jcarlylew
Date: 2/12/2009 9:01:46 AM

Author: Hudson_Hawk

D.O.G. loves to lay with both back paws straight out behind him. We call it his bear skin rug impression.

bowser loves to do that too! although we call it superman :)

the best is when he runs around and then slides into that position.

Ooh I haven''t seen that yet!
Date: 2/12/2009 9:47:22 AM
Author: NewEnglandLady
Byron is a water rescue dog and often ''rescues'' random people out in the ocean when we take him to the beach. If we look away for a minute, he will swim to a stranger and circle around him expecting the stranger to grab onto him so he can tow the random stranger to shore. It can be VERY EMBARRASSING. Last summer Daniel was paddling around a lake while we were on vacation and Byron decided that he needed to be towed into shore.
Awww what a good boy! I guess this explains why Newfies are so big!!! WOW!
Date: 2/12/2009 10:02:57 AM
Author: Lynnie
LOVE your stories, folks! Animals are so funny...

My cat Salem likes wet hair. If FI or I are laying on the couch after a shower, he''ll groom us. It''s cute at first, but kinda gross when you think about what else he licks!

Also, if we''re both sleeping and he gets hungry enough, he''ll lick our eyes to wake us up... weird, but smart, right? Getting your eyelids sanded is not a great way to wake up though!

Here he is with his ''prize''. Our landlord was renovating the downstairs a while back, and Salem proudly brought this mouse to my feet, and I promptly freaked out! lol, poor mousie.

ETA I just realized these things don''t really qualify as ''cute''. And a pic of a dead mouse is definitly not cute! sorry, OP!

Well the mouse isn''t all that cute, but the kitty is! She''s like "look what I did Mom!"
Skippy and AG, he is a cutie, but I think he KNOWS it! He strikes poses often. His name is Colby

BEG, Colby's a pomeranian/papillon mix. He makes me really want to get a papillon someday, because he acts nothing like the other poms I've known. His mom (who "raised" him) was a papillon so maybe he got a lot of his traits through her nurturing.

Haven you are KILLING me with the cuteness!! I love inter-species snorgling!!!!!!

Thing2 I love your story... ninja kitty... haha! Have you seen that video on youtube/cuteoverload? Really hilarious. All your kitties are absolutely adorable!

Niccia, those poor kitties must get so annoyed!! Too funny, and sooooo cute.

Your first story made me "awwwwww!" out loud, Sba! That is ridiculously amazingly cute. That's so funny about the bone in your closet. What a sneaky little guy!

Deelight, oh my goodness!!!!!! What a sweetie pie! I love kissy kitties... they are remarkably hard to come by in this world!

Jcarly I love the football thing! Colby has this HUGE stuffed horse (seriously, it's at least twice his size) and it's hilarious to watch him try to "shake" it (he does this a lot with his floppy toys). I love that picture of bowser picking out his tree. What a cute tree, too!

Kelli, that is ridiculously adorable. Very 'Lady and the Tramp' (where she noses his slippers over to the bed in the morning). So cute!!

Hudson - I LOVE when dogs do that!! Colby's not a very floppy dog so he didn't used to do it very much, but he got "AWWWW"s every time he happened to do it so now I know he's doing it to get a reaction. CUTE.

NEL, I think that if Byron did that to me, it would totally make my day!! Don't be embarrassed, I bet most people just think it's insanely cute and very cool. What an awesome dog you have.

That is so interesting about the grooming, Lynnie. The one thing I don't miss about kitties is the stuff they "gift" you with
yucky. They're always so proud of that mouse/bird/etc., though.

Oh my goodness, tlh, so cute! Poor kitty, maybe someday the pup will warm to her

Thank you all for sharing your stories and pictures!! I love this stuff!
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