
Whats the average price for?

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Sep 19, 2008

What is the average price for a .69 or .70 round modern brilliant solitaire. SI in clarity and I in color. I am trying to compare what I paid for my engagement ring. Is this size considered an average diamond? More or less than what most people have? Finally is the SI, I a good quality(not counting the cut of the stone)I herd that SI is in the top 20 percent of diamonds. That means that 80% of people have included diamonds? I also herd that VS is in the top 5%, is this true?


Apr 30, 2005
Date: 10/14/2008 2:22:25 PM

What is the average price for a .69 or .70 round modern brilliant solitaire. SI in clarity and I in color. I am trying to compare what I paid for my engagement ring. Is this size considered an average diamond? More or less than what most people have? Finally is the SI, I a good quality(not counting the cut of the stone)I herd that SI is in the top 20 percent of diamonds. That means that 80% of people have included diamonds? I also herd that VS is in the top 5%, is this true?
You can use the search tool above Pricescope your Diamond to get an idea, but as you purchased a branded cut from a jeweller, the price may be higher as the search tool is for diamonds sold online usually. The size you mention is fine and most respectable. SI is good quality, I don't know about your statistics but an eyeclean SI clarity diamond ( reliably graded) is good quality. Are you still going to change out to VS clarity?


Sep 19, 2008
Yes, I decided to do it. My husband and I can afford it and VS is what I wanted originally. I would concider my stones to be eye clean. I have a VS1-2 engagement ring that was my grandmothers, I can tell the difference between her VS and my SI but not much and mainly under a loup.Even when I look into my loup, I can see some extra specs. What people would call carbon spots. The little black spec I can see in my enhancer diamond is very small and I can only see it in dull lighting outside, and when I tilt my ring. In the mall lights, I cant see it at all. I think its a matter that I really do have good eyes. I have never worn contacts or needed glasses. I might even upgrade to VVS, since my diamonds are graded by IGI. I was talking to the gemologist at Kays and told her what people said about IGI. She was trained by GIA. She told me that IGI does not grade differently. She also said that she was trained by GIA and she wouldn't grade a diamond differently just because she worked for IGI. She explained to me that its going to take 6-8 months because they are going to cut all my diamonds from the same piece of rough rock so they all match, instead of giving me all different polished stones. Does that seem right? My husband is the the military and we get extra money for being apart from each other for so long. We are going to use that.


Sep 19, 2008
Everyone says the Leo''s are marked up so I was trying to figure out how much my diamond would cost if it were not a Leo


Feb 17, 2007
Date: 10/14/2008 2:57:19 PM
Author: SandraPaneczko
Yes, I decided to do it. My husband and I can afford it and VS is what I wanted originally. I would concider my stones to be eye clean. I have a VS1-2 engagement ring that was my grandmothers, I can tell the difference between her VS and my SI but not much and mainly under a loup.Even when I look into my loup, I can see some extra specs. What people would call carbon spots. The little black spec I can see in my enhancer diamond is very small and I can only see it in dull lighting outside, and when I tilt my ring. In the mall lights, I cant see it at all. I think its a matter that I really do have good eyes. I have never worn contacts or needed glasses. I might even upgrade to VVS, since my diamonds are graded by IGI. I was talking to the gemologist at Kays and told her what people said about IGI. She was trained by GIA. She told me that IGI does not grade differently. She also said that she was trained by GIA and she wouldn''t grade a diamond differently just because she worked for IGI. She explained to me that its going to take 6-8 months because they are going to cut all my diamonds from the same piece of rough rock so they all match, instead of giving me all different polished stones. Does that seem right? My husband is the the military and we get extra money for being apart from each other for so long. We are going to use that.

This lady is full of BS if you ask me...


Jul 17, 2008


Mar 31, 2008
I seriously doubt that they are going to take one large piece of rough and cut 5 melee out of it. Small stones are cut from the leavings of rough that cannot produce larger stones. They will "match" because an E is an E, and a H is a H. There is no way anyone is going to the trouble (nor would there even be a valid need) to worry about 10 or 20 pointers coming from the same rough


Sep 19, 2008
Really? Which part does she sound like BS on? 6-8 months deal or IGI?

I like me rings a lot but I am not happy with what I read about Leo diamonds here at pricescope.If I had seen all these post before hand, I might not have bought them. I don''t like this whole independently certified business and I''m not to sure about IGI. Nevertheless, I refuse to trade them in and loose thousands of dollars. When I look down at my rings, I smile.. because they are pretty, I just wish we ended up with a better company or maybe a better price. I am happy with the inspections and warranty, and I am happy with my dipping service that I am provided. When I get my VS or VVs, everything will be complete and I will be happy.


Feb 17, 2007
Date: 10/14/2008 3:30:53 PM
Author: SandraPaneczko
Really? Which part does she sound like BS on? 6-8 months deal or IGI?

I like me rings a lot but I am not happy with what I read about Leo diamonds here at pricescope.If I had seen all these post before hand, I might not have bought them. I don''t like this whole independently certified business and I''m not to sure about IGI. Nevertheless, I refuse to trade them in and loose thousands of dollars. When I look down at my rings, I smile.. because they are pretty, I just wish we ended up with a better company or maybe a better price. I am happy with the inspections and warranty, and I am happy with my dipping service that I am provided. When I get my VS or VVs, everything will be complete and I will be happy.

All of it. Like PP said, they wouldn''t waste a bigger diamond cutting melee to "match" out of it. As long as they are RELIABLY graded the same color, they will match regardless of where the rough comes from.

#2, just because most people are trained by GIA means crapola. IGI is a known loose grading lab, they just aren''t as strict. Their people could be trained by anyone, but it doesn''t mean that they are good at their job OR that as a company IGI adheres to strict standards.


Sep 5, 2008
Date: 10/14/2008 3:30:53 PM
Author: SandraPaneczko

I like me rings a lot but I am not happy with what I read about Leo diamonds here at pricescope.If I had seen all these post before hand, I might not have bought them......

....When I look down at my rings, I smile.. because they are pretty, I just wish we ended up with a better company or maybe a better price. I am happy with the inspections and warranty, and I am happy with my dipping service that I am provided....

I hope you are not trading in the Leos just because of the opinions of people on PS... they have not seen your diamonds... nor are they telling you in particular to get rid of them. Just do what makes you the happiest. Everything on the message boards is here to be helpful but in the end make sure you are making your decision for you, not for anyone else!


Jun 23, 2005
Date: 10/19/2008 5:25:20 PM
Author: amyjokerette

Date: 10/14/2008 3:30:53 PM
Author: SandraPaneczko

I like me rings a lot but I am not happy with what I read about Leo diamonds here at pricescope.If I had seen all these post before hand, I might not have bought them......

....When I look down at my rings, I smile.. because they are pretty, I just wish we ended up with a better company or maybe a better price. I am happy with the inspections and warranty, and I am happy with my dipping service that I am provided....

I hope you are not trading in the Leos just because of the opinions of people on PS... they have not seen your diamonds... nor are they telling you in particular to get rid of them. Just do what makes you the happiest. Everything on the message boards is here to be helpful but in the end make sure you are making your decision for you, not for anyone else!
I agree with Amy. I hope you understand too that buying VS or VVS diamonds won''t necessarily result in something you can see. If the only problem you have is one enchanced stone, wouldn''t it make more sense to trade that stone out? What you can see with a loupe is obviously not what you can see everyday. I would imagine there would be a hefty price increase to go to the VS level in Leo diamonds.

They are pretty stones. They have much more pinfire than ideal cut stones and their arrows are very slender. I think alot of people would be surprised at how nice they really look. I shopped with a friend of mine for quite awhile looking at them - although she ended up going a different route because of a stone she had to trade in. What was really shocking about them though was that a one carat stone was the same price no matter the color or clarity. Apparently you can''t order something in the color you want - just the size. The company sends in whatever you ask for in size - color cannot be requested. It is their marketing approach but certainly very different from buying diamonds based on varying colors and clarity. Interestingly enough, you really can''t tell a big difference in color or clarity. I think the cut produces so much pinfire that distinguishing color is very difficult - at least in the store under the lights.

Having said all of that - and that was confirmed at several Kay Jewelers we went to - I highly doubt that they are going to cut your stones from anything. They will simply send in some stones - and again, we were told repeatedly that you could not request a certain color or clarity. Her story sounds nice but I think it is far from the truth.

We all have certain criteria for buying stones. If clarity is yours, then by all means go for it. Just know that visually - without a loupe - you might not see any difference between them and your SI stones. Have you considered trading them in for a larger size rather than better clarity? Just some food for thought!


Sep 5, 2008
MissGotRocks is right. Leos are priced based on carat size, regardless of color or clarity. Thats why you don''t really see VS Leos. Its not cost effective for them. Also most Leos I looked at were I or H in color. I managed to find a G and I am really happy with my purchase because I feel like it was a "good one".

Again, as MissGotRocks said, Leos are cut deep. That makes them face up smaller.

But all of that considered I still fell in love with the skinnier flashes of light created by the extra facets. So, if its the skinny facets you like you then its the Leo you want. If that is not what you''re looking for then you will definirely get a better price in a non-Leo.


Feb 17, 2007
Date: 10/19/2008 8:41:00 PM
Author: amyjokerette
MissGotRocks is right. Leos are priced based on carat size, regardless of color or clarity. Thats why you don''t really see VS Leos. Its not cost effective for them. Also most Leos I looked at were I or H in color. I managed to find a G and I am really happy with my purchase because I feel like it was a ''good one''.

Again, as MissGotRocks said, Leos are cut deep. That makes them face up smaller.

But all of that considered I still fell in love with the skinnier flashes of light created by the extra facets. So, if its the skinny facets you like you then its the Leo you want. If that is not what you''re looking for then you will definirely get a better price in a non-Leo.

Just FYI: There are other places that have diamonds with more facets (Good Old Gold comes to mind) and skinnier flashes too. That come with certs AND where you can pick your color and clarity!


Sep 5, 2008
Good point!!


Jan 18, 2008
Date: 10/19/2008 8:41:00 PM
Author: amyjokerette
MissGotRocks is right. Leos are priced based on carat size, regardless of color or clarity. Thats why you don''t really see VS Leos. Its not cost effective for them. Also most Leos I looked at were I or H in color. I managed to find a G and I am really happy with my purchase because I feel like it was a ''good one''.

Again, as MissGotRocks said, Leos are cut deep. That makes them face up smaller.

But all of that considered I still fell in love with the skinnier flashes of light created by the extra facets. So, if its the skinny facets you like you then its the Leo you want. If that is not what you''re looking for then you will definirely get a better price in a non-Leo.
How strange? I wonder what the reasoning is behind this, as I don''t see it helping the consumer at all..


Feb 17, 2007
Date: 10/20/2008 2:58:06 AM
Author: arjunajane
Date: 10/19/2008 8:41:00 PM

Author: amyjokerette

MissGotRocks is right. Leos are priced based on carat size, regardless of color or clarity. Thats why you don''t really see VS Leos. Its not cost effective for them. Also most Leos I looked at were I or H in color. I managed to find a G and I am really happy with my purchase because I feel like it was a ''good one''.

Again, as MissGotRocks said, Leos are cut deep. That makes them face up smaller.

But all of that considered I still fell in love with the skinnier flashes of light created by the extra facets. So, if its the skinny facets you like you then its the Leo you want. If that is not what you''re looking for then you will definirely get a better price in a non-Leo.

How strange? I wonder what the reasoning is behind this, as I don''t see it helping the consumer at all..

EXACTLY. It helps them because they tell consumers that their stones are G-I or something like that, the consumer latches on into thinking it''s a G, and really they sell only I''s. I don''t know if you have a Kay''s in Australia but they aren''t the most consumer friendly store around...


Dec 10, 2004
I took a look at 84 round SI/I diamonds between 0.69 to 0.71 ct. They ranged from $1300 to $1950 depending on cut and other factors.


Dec 10, 2004
The way I see it - if you love your diamond, try to be happy with it. You will never be able to get the best diamond for the most amazing deal. It just doesn't happen that often. All I really aimed for was a fair price for a diamond that looks beautiful to me. There will always be people who have bigger .. nicer .. potentially a better deal. It will be an endless search and upgrade process and it doesn't sound like you are really up for that.
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